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*** 25,52 **** /* * @test * @bug 8136421 * @requires (os.simpleArch == "x64" | os.simpleArch == "sparcv9") & os.arch != "aarch64" * @library /testlibrary /../../test/lib / ! * @compile ../common/CompilerToVMHelper.java * @build sun.hotspot.WhiteBox * compiler.jvmci.compilerToVM.GetConstantPoolTest * @run main ClassFileInstaller sun.hotspot.WhiteBox * sun.hotspot.WhiteBox$WhiteBoxPermission * jdk.vm.ci.hotspot.CompilerToVMHelper * @run main/othervm -Xbootclasspath/a:. -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions * -XX:+WhiteBoxAPI -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions * -XX:+EnableJVMCI compiler.jvmci.compilerToVM.GetConstantPoolTest */ package compiler.jvmci.compilerToVM; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import jdk.vm.ci.hotspot.CompilerToVMHelper; ! import jdk.vm.ci.hotspot.HotSpotConstantPool; ! import jdk.vm.ci.hotspot.HotSpotResolvedJavaMethodImpl; ! import jdk.vm.ci.hotspot.HotSpotResolvedObjectTypeImpl; ! import jdk.vm.ci.hotspot.MetaspaceWrapperObject; import jdk.test.lib.Utils; import sun.hotspot.WhiteBox; import sun.misc.Unsafe; /** --- 25,53 ---- /* * @test * @bug 8136421 * @requires (os.simpleArch == "x64" | os.simpleArch == "sparcv9") & os.arch != "aarch64" * @library /testlibrary /../../test/lib / ! * @compile ../common/CompilerToVMHelper.java ../common/PublicMetaspaceWrapperObject.java * @build sun.hotspot.WhiteBox * compiler.jvmci.compilerToVM.GetConstantPoolTest * @run main ClassFileInstaller sun.hotspot.WhiteBox * sun.hotspot.WhiteBox$WhiteBoxPermission * jdk.vm.ci.hotspot.CompilerToVMHelper + * jdk.vm.ci.hotspot.PublicMetaspaceWrapperObject * @run main/othervm -Xbootclasspath/a:. -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions * -XX:+WhiteBoxAPI -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions * -XX:+EnableJVMCI compiler.jvmci.compilerToVM.GetConstantPoolTest */ package compiler.jvmci.compilerToVM; import java.lang.reflect.Field; + import jdk.vm.ci.meta.ConstantPool; import jdk.vm.ci.hotspot.CompilerToVMHelper; ! import jdk.vm.ci.hotspot.HotSpotResolvedJavaMethod; ! import jdk.vm.ci.hotspot.HotSpotResolvedObjectType; ! import jdk.vm.ci.hotspot.PublicMetaspaceWrapperObject; import jdk.test.lib.Utils; import sun.hotspot.WhiteBox; import sun.misc.Unsafe; /**
*** 54,95 **** */ public class GetConstantPoolTest { private static enum TestCase { NULL_BASE { @Override ! HotSpotConstantPool getConstantPool() { return CompilerToVMHelper.getConstantPool(null, getPtrToCpAddress()); } }, JAVA_METHOD_BASE { @Override ! HotSpotConstantPool getConstantPool() { ! HotSpotResolvedJavaMethodImpl methodInstance = CompilerToVMHelper.getResolvedJavaMethodAtSlot( TEST_CLASS, 0); Field field; try { ! field = HotSpotResolvedJavaMethodImpl ! .class.getDeclaredField("metaspaceMethod"); field.setAccessible(true); field.set(methodInstance, getPtrToCpAddress()); } catch (ReflectiveOperationException e) { ! throw new Error("TESTBUG : " + e.getMessage(), e); } return CompilerToVMHelper.getConstantPool(methodInstance, 0L); } }, CONSTANT_POOL_BASE { @Override ! HotSpotConstantPool getConstantPool() { ! HotSpotConstantPool cpInst; try { cpInst = CompilerToVMHelper.getConstantPool(null, getPtrToCpAddress()); ! Field field = HotSpotConstantPool.class .getDeclaredField("metaspaceConstantPool"); field.setAccessible(true); field.set(cpInst, getPtrToCpAddress()); } catch (ReflectiveOperationException e) { throw new Error("TESTBUG : " + e.getMessage(), e); --- 55,97 ---- */ public class GetConstantPoolTest { private static enum TestCase { NULL_BASE { @Override ! ConstantPool getConstantPool() { return CompilerToVMHelper.getConstantPool(null, getPtrToCpAddress()); } }, JAVA_METHOD_BASE { @Override ! ConstantPool getConstantPool() { ! HotSpotResolvedJavaMethod methodInstance = CompilerToVMHelper.getResolvedJavaMethodAtSlot( TEST_CLASS, 0); Field field; try { ! // jdk.vm.ci.hotspot.HotSpotResolvedJavaMethodImpl.metaspaceMethod ! field = methodInstance.getClass() ! .getDeclaredField("metaspaceMethod"); field.setAccessible(true); field.set(methodInstance, getPtrToCpAddress()); } catch (ReflectiveOperationException e) { ! throw new Error("TESTBUG : " + e, e); } return CompilerToVMHelper.getConstantPool(methodInstance, 0L); } }, CONSTANT_POOL_BASE { @Override ! ConstantPool getConstantPool() { ! ConstantPool cpInst; try { cpInst = CompilerToVMHelper.getConstantPool(null, getPtrToCpAddress()); ! Field field = CompilerToVMHelper.HotSpotConstantPoolClass() .getDeclaredField("metaspaceConstantPool"); field.setAccessible(true); field.set(cpInst, getPtrToCpAddress()); } catch (ReflectiveOperationException e) { throw new Error("TESTBUG : " + e.getMessage(), e);
*** 97,112 **** return CompilerToVMHelper.getConstantPool(cpInst, 0L); } }, CONSTANT_POOL_BASE_IN_TWO { @Override ! HotSpotConstantPool getConstantPool() { long ptr = getPtrToCpAddress(); ! HotSpotConstantPool cpInst; try { cpInst = CompilerToVMHelper.getConstantPool(null, ptr); ! Field field = HotSpotConstantPool.class .getDeclaredField("metaspaceConstantPool"); field.setAccessible(true); field.set(cpInst, ptr / 2L); } catch (ReflectiveOperationException e) { throw new Error("TESTBUG : " + e.getMessage(), e); --- 99,114 ---- return CompilerToVMHelper.getConstantPool(cpInst, 0L); } }, CONSTANT_POOL_BASE_IN_TWO { @Override ! ConstantPool getConstantPool() { long ptr = getPtrToCpAddress(); ! ConstantPool cpInst; try { cpInst = CompilerToVMHelper.getConstantPool(null, ptr); ! Field field = CompilerToVMHelper.HotSpotConstantPoolClass() .getDeclaredField("metaspaceConstantPool"); field.setAccessible(true); field.set(cpInst, ptr / 2L); } catch (ReflectiveOperationException e) { throw new Error("TESTBUG : " + e.getMessage(), e);
*** 115,130 **** ptr - ptr / 2L); } }, CONSTANT_POOL_BASE_ZERO { @Override ! HotSpotConstantPool getConstantPool() { long ptr = getPtrToCpAddress(); ! HotSpotConstantPool cpInst; try { cpInst = CompilerToVMHelper.getConstantPool(null, ptr); ! Field field = HotSpotConstantPool.class .getDeclaredField("metaspaceConstantPool"); field.setAccessible(true); field.set(cpInst, 0L); } catch (ReflectiveOperationException e) { throw new Error("TESTBUG : " + e.getMessage(), e); --- 117,132 ---- ptr - ptr / 2L); } }, CONSTANT_POOL_BASE_ZERO { @Override ! ConstantPool getConstantPool() { long ptr = getPtrToCpAddress(); ! ConstantPool cpInst; try { cpInst = CompilerToVMHelper.getConstantPool(null, ptr); ! Field field = CompilerToVMHelper.HotSpotConstantPoolClass() .getDeclaredField("metaspaceConstantPool"); field.setAccessible(true); field.set(cpInst, 0L); } catch (ReflectiveOperationException e) { throw new Error("TESTBUG : " + e.getMessage(), e);
*** 132,171 **** return CompilerToVMHelper.getConstantPool(cpInst, ptr); } }, OBJECT_TYPE_BASE { @Override ! HotSpotConstantPool getConstantPool() { ! HotSpotResolvedObjectTypeImpl type ! = HotSpotResolvedObjectTypeImpl.fromObjectClass( OBJECT_TYPE_BASE.getClass()); long ptrToClass = UNSAFE.getKlassPointer(OBJECT_TYPE_BASE); return CompilerToVMHelper.getConstantPool(type, getPtrToCpAddress() - ptrToClass); } }, ; ! abstract HotSpotConstantPool getConstantPool(); } private static final WhiteBox WB = WhiteBox.getWhiteBox(); private static final Unsafe UNSAFE = Utils.getUnsafe(); private static final Class TEST_CLASS = GetConstantPoolTest.class; private static final long CP_ADDRESS = WB.getConstantPool(GetConstantPoolTest.class); public void test(TestCase testCase) { System.out.println(testCase.name()); ! HotSpotConstantPool cp = testCase.getConstantPool(); String cpStringRep = cp.toString(); ! if (!cpStringRep.contains(HotSpotConstantPool.class.getSimpleName()) || !cpStringRep.contains(TEST_CLASS.getName())) { String msg = String.format("%s : " + " Constant pool is not valid." + " String representation should contain \"%s\" and \"%s\"", ! testCase.name(), ! HotSpotConstantPool.class.getSimpleName(), TEST_CLASS.getName()); throw new AssertionError(msg); } } --- 134,175 ---- return CompilerToVMHelper.getConstantPool(cpInst, ptr); } }, OBJECT_TYPE_BASE { @Override ! ConstantPool getConstantPool() { ! HotSpotResolvedObjectType type ! = HotSpotResolvedObjectType.fromObjectClass( OBJECT_TYPE_BASE.getClass()); long ptrToClass = UNSAFE.getKlassPointer(OBJECT_TYPE_BASE); return CompilerToVMHelper.getConstantPool(type, getPtrToCpAddress() - ptrToClass); } }, ; ! abstract ConstantPool getConstantPool(); } private static final WhiteBox WB = WhiteBox.getWhiteBox(); private static final Unsafe UNSAFE = Utils.getUnsafe(); + private static final Class TEST_CLASS = GetConstantPoolTest.class; private static final long CP_ADDRESS = WB.getConstantPool(GetConstantPoolTest.class); public void test(TestCase testCase) { System.out.println(testCase.name()); ! ConstantPool cp = testCase.getConstantPool(); String cpStringRep = cp.toString(); ! String cpClassSimpleName ! = CompilerToVMHelper.HotSpotConstantPoolClass().getSimpleName(); ! if (!cpStringRep.contains(cpClassSimpleName) || !cpStringRep.contains(TEST_CLASS.getName())) { String msg = String.format("%s : " + " Constant pool is not valid." + " String representation should contain \"%s\" and \"%s\"", ! testCase.name(), cpClassSimpleName, TEST_CLASS.getName()); throw new AssertionError(msg); } }
*** 178,199 **** testMetaspaceWrapperBase(); } private static void testObjectBase() { try { ! HotSpotConstantPool cp ! = CompilerToVMHelper.getConstantPool(new Object(), 0L); throw new AssertionError("Test OBJECT_BASE." + " Expected IllegalArgumentException has not been caught"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) { // expected } } private static void testMetaspaceWrapperBase() { try { ! HotSpotConstantPool cp = CompilerToVMHelper.getConstantPool( ! new MetaspaceWrapperObject() { @Override public long getMetaspacePointer() { return getPtrToCpAddress(); } }, 0L); --- 182,202 ---- testMetaspaceWrapperBase(); } private static void testObjectBase() { try { ! Object cp = CompilerToVMHelper.getConstantPool(new Object(), 0L); throw new AssertionError("Test OBJECT_BASE." + " Expected IllegalArgumentException has not been caught"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) { // expected } } private static void testMetaspaceWrapperBase() { try { ! Object cp = CompilerToVMHelper.getConstantPool( ! new PublicMetaspaceWrapperObject() { @Override public long getMetaspacePointer() { return getPtrToCpAddress(); } }, 0L);
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