1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
   3 <!--
   4     Document   : entity.xml
   5     Created on : August 6, 2003, 5:39 PM
   6     Author     : Prasad Subramanian
   7     Description:
   8         To create a base XML document to test the entiity expansion limit
   9 -->
  10 <!DOCTYPE status[
  11 <!ENTITY firstEntity "fe">
  12 <!ENTITY secondEntity "&firstEntity;&firstEntity;" >
  13 <!ENTITY thirdEntity "&secondEntity;&secondEntity;" >
  14 <!ENTITY fourthEntity "&thirdEntity;&thirdEntity;" >
  15 <!ENTITY fifthEntity "&fourthEntity;&fourthEntity;" >
  16 <!-- <!ENTITY sixthEntity "&fifthEntity;&fifthEntity;">
  17 <!ENTITY seventhEntity "&sixthEntity;&sixthEntity;" >
  18 <!ENTITY eighthEntity "&seventhEntity;&seventhEntity;" >
  19 <!ENTITY ninthEntity "&eighthEntity;&eighthEntity;" >
  20 <!ENTITY tenthEntity "&ninthEntity;&ninthEntity;" >
  21 <!ENTITY eleventhEntity "&tenthEntity;&tenthEntity;"> -->
  22 ]>
  23 <report>
  24     <tests>
  25         <test>  
  26             <id>Test Id</id>
  27             <name>Test Name</name>
  28             <description>My Desc</description>
  29             <status>&fifthEntity;</status>
  30         </test>
  31      </tests>
  32 </report>