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  22 # or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  23 # questions.
  24 #
  26 #
  27 # @test
  28 # @bug 4954921 8009259
  29 # @summary Ensure that if a cleaner throws an exception then the VM exits
  30 #
  31 # @build ExitOnThrow
  32 # @run shell exitOnThrow.sh
  34 # Command-line usage: sh exitOnThrow.sh /path/to/build
  36 if [ -z "$TESTJAVA" ]; then
  37   if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then exit 1; fi
  38   TESTJAVA=$1; shift
  39   TESTCLASSES=`pwd`
  40 fi
  42 if $TESTJAVA/bin/java ${TESTVMOPTS} -cp $TESTCLASSES ExitOnThrow; then
  43   echo Failed: VM exited normally
  44   exit 1
  45 else
  46   echo Passed: VM exited with code $?
  47   exit 0
  48 fi

  22 # or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  23 # questions.
  24 #
  26 #
  27 # @test
  28 # @bug 4954921 8009259
  29 # @summary Ensure that if a cleaner throws an exception then the VM exits
  30 #
  31 # @build ExitOnThrow
  32 # @run shell exitOnThrow.sh
  34 # Command-line usage: sh exitOnThrow.sh /path/to/build
  36 if [ -z "$TESTJAVA" ]; then
  37   if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then exit 1; fi
  38   TESTJAVA=$1; shift
  39   TESTCLASSES=`pwd`
  40 fi
  42 if $TESTJAVA/bin/java ${TESTVMOPTS} ${TESTJAVAOPTS} -cp $TESTCLASSES ExitOnThrow; then
  43   echo Failed: VM exited normally
  44   exit 1
  45 else
  46   echo Passed: VM exited with code $?
  47   exit 0
  48 fi