1 /*
   2  * Copyright (c) 2011, 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   4  *
   5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
   8  * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
   9  * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
  10  *
  11  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  12  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  13  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  14  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  15  * accompanied this code).
  16  *
  17  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  18  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  19  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  20  *
  21  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  22  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  23  * questions.
  24  */
  26 package javafx.scene.chart;
  29 import java.util.*;
  31 import javafx.animation.*;
  32 import javafx.application.Platform;
  33 import javafx.beans.NamedArg;
  34 import javafx.beans.property.DoubleProperty;
  35 import javafx.beans.property.SimpleDoubleProperty;
  36 import javafx.collections.FXCollections;
  37 import javafx.collections.ListChangeListener;
  38 import javafx.collections.ObservableList;
  39 import javafx.scene.AccessibleRole;
  40 import javafx.scene.Group;
  41 import javafx.scene.Node;
  42 import javafx.scene.layout.StackPane;
  43 import javafx.scene.shape.*;
  44 import javafx.util.Duration;
  46 import com.sun.javafx.charts.Legend;
  47 import com.sun.javafx.charts.Legend.LegendItem;
  48 import com.sun.javafx.css.converters.BooleanConverter;
  50 import javafx.beans.property.BooleanProperty;
  51 import javafx.beans.value.WritableValue;
  52 import javafx.css.CssMetaData;
  53 import javafx.css.Styleable;
  54 import javafx.css.StyleableBooleanProperty;
  55 import javafx.css.StyleableProperty;
  57 /**
  58  * StackedAreaChart is a variation of {@link AreaChart} that displays trends of the 
  59  * contribution of each value. (over time e.g.) The areas are stacked so that each 
  60  * series adjoins but does not overlap the preceding series. This contrasts with 
  61  * the Area chart where each series overlays the preceding series. 
  62  * 
  63  * The cumulative nature of the StackedAreaChart gives an idea of the total Y data 
  64  * value at any given point along the X axis.
  65  * 
  66  * Since data points across multiple series may not be common, StackedAreaChart
  67  * interpolates values along the line joining the data points whenever necessary.
  68  * 
  69  * @since JavaFX 2.1
  70  */
  71 public class StackedAreaChart<X,Y> extends XYChart<X,Y> {
  73     // -------------- PRIVATE FIELDS ------------------------------------------
  75     /** A multiplier for teh Y values that we store for each series, it is used to animate in a new series */
  76     private Map<Series<X,Y>, DoubleProperty> seriesYMultiplierMap = new HashMap<>();
  77     private Legend legend = new Legend();
  79     // -------------- PUBLIC PROPERTIES ----------------------------------------
  80     /**
  81      * When true, CSS styleable symbols are created for any data items that
  82      * don't have a symbol node specified.
  83      * @since JavaFX 8.0
  84      */
  85     private BooleanProperty createSymbols = new StyleableBooleanProperty(true) {
  86         @Override
  87         protected void invalidated() {
  88             for (int seriesIndex = 0; seriesIndex < getData().size(); seriesIndex++) {
  89                 Series<X, Y> series = getData().get(seriesIndex);
  90                 for (int itemIndex = 0; itemIndex < series.getData().size(); itemIndex++) {
  91                     Data<X, Y> item = series.getData().get(itemIndex);
  92                     Node symbol = item.getNode();
  93                     if (get() && symbol == null) { // create any symbols
  94                         symbol = createSymbol(series, getData().indexOf(series), item, itemIndex);
  95                         if (null != symbol) {
  96                             getPlotChildren().add(symbol);
  97                         }
  98                     } else if (!get() && symbol != null) { // remove symbols
  99                         getPlotChildren().remove(symbol);
 100                         symbol = null;
 101                         item.setNode(null);
 102                     }
 103                 }
 104             }
 105             requestChartLayout();
 106         }
 108         public Object getBean() {
 109             return this;
 110         }
 112         public String getName() {
 113             return "createSymbols";
 114         }
 116         public CssMetaData<StackedAreaChart<?, ?>,Boolean> getCssMetaData() {
 117             return StyleableProperties.CREATE_SYMBOLS;
 118         }
 119     };
 121     /**
 122      * Indicates whether symbols for data points will be created or not.
 123      *
 124      * @return true if symbols for data points will be created and false otherwise.
 125      * @since JavaFX 8.0
 126      */
 127     public final boolean getCreateSymbols() { return createSymbols.getValue(); }
 128     public final void setCreateSymbols(boolean value) { createSymbols.setValue(value); }
 129     public final BooleanProperty createSymbolsProperty() { return createSymbols; }
 131     // -------------- CONSTRUCTORS ----------------------------------------------
 133     /**
 134      * Construct a new Area Chart with the given axis
 135      *
 136      * @param xAxis The x axis to use
 137      * @param yAxis The y axis to use
 138      */
 139     public StackedAreaChart(@NamedArg("xAxis") Axis<X> xAxis, @NamedArg("yAxis") Axis<Y> yAxis) {
 140         this(xAxis,yAxis, FXCollections.<Series<X,Y>>observableArrayList());
 141     }
 143     /**
 144      * Construct a new Area Chart with the given axis and data.
 145      * <p>
 146      * Note: yAxis must be a ValueAxis, otherwise {@code IllegalArgumentException} is thrown.
 147      *
 148      * @param xAxis The x axis to use
 149      * @param yAxis The y axis to use
 150      * @param data The data to use, this is the actual list used so any changes to it will be reflected in the chart
 151      *
 152      * @throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException if yAxis is not a ValueAxis
 153      */
 154     public StackedAreaChart(@NamedArg("xAxis") Axis<X> xAxis, @NamedArg("yAxis") Axis<Y> yAxis, @NamedArg("data") ObservableList<Series<X,Y>> data) {
 155         super(xAxis,yAxis);
 156         if (!(yAxis instanceof ValueAxis)) {
 157             throw new IllegalArgumentException("Axis type incorrect, yAxis must be of ValueAxis type.");
 158         }
 159         setLegend(legend);
 160         setData(data);
 161     }
 163     // -------------- METHODS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 165     private static double doubleValue(Number number) { return doubleValue(number, 0); }
 166     private static double doubleValue(Number number, double nullDefault) {
 167         return (number == null) ? nullDefault : number.doubleValue();
 168     }
 170     @Override protected void dataItemAdded(Series<X,Y> series, int itemIndex, Data<X,Y> item) {
 171         final Node symbol = createSymbol(series, getData().indexOf(series), item, itemIndex);
 172         if (shouldAnimate()) {
 173             boolean animate = false;
 174             if (itemIndex > 0 && itemIndex < (series.getData().size()-1)) {
 175                 animate = true;
 176                 Data<X,Y> p1 = series.getData().get(itemIndex - 1);
 177                 Data<X,Y> p2 = series.getData().get(itemIndex + 1);
 178                 double x1 = getXAxis().toNumericValue(p1.getXValue());
 179                 double y1 = getYAxis().toNumericValue(p1.getYValue());
 180                 double x3 = getXAxis().toNumericValue(p2.getXValue());
 181                 double y3 = getYAxis().toNumericValue(p2.getYValue());
 183                 double x2 = getXAxis().toNumericValue(item.getXValue());
 184                 double y2 = getYAxis().toNumericValue(item.getYValue());
 186 //                //1. y intercept of the line : y = ((y3-y1)/(x3-x1)) * x2 + (x3y1 - y3x1)/(x3 -x1)
 187                 double y = ((y3-y1)/(x3-x1)) * x2 + (x3*y1 - y3*x1)/(x3-x1);
 188                 item.setCurrentY(getYAxis().toRealValue(y));
 189                 item.setCurrentX(getXAxis().toRealValue(x2));
 190                 //2. we can simply use the midpoint on the line as well..
 191 //                double x = (x3 + x1)/2;
 192 //                double y = (y3 + y1)/2;
 193 //                item.setCurrentX(x);
 194 //                item.setCurrentY(y);
 195             } else if (itemIndex == 0 && series.getData().size() > 1) {
 196                 animate = true;
 197                 item.setCurrentX(series.getData().get(1).getXValue());
 198                 item.setCurrentY(series.getData().get(1).getYValue());
 199             } else if (itemIndex == (series.getData().size() - 1) && series.getData().size() > 1) {
 200                 animate = true;
 201                 int last = series.getData().size() - 2;
 202                 item.setCurrentX(series.getData().get(last).getXValue());
 203                 item.setCurrentY(series.getData().get(last).getYValue());
 204             } else if (symbol != null) {
 205                 // fade in new symbol
 206                 symbol.setOpacity(0);
 207                 getPlotChildren().add(symbol);
 208                 FadeTransition ft = new FadeTransition(Duration.millis(500),symbol);
 209                 ft.setToValue(1);
 210                 ft.play();
 211             }
 212             if (animate) {
 213                 animate(
 214                     new KeyFrame(Duration.ZERO,
 215                             (e) -> {
 216                                 if (symbol != null && !getPlotChildren().contains(symbol)) {
 217                                     getPlotChildren().add(symbol);
 218                                 } },
 219                             new KeyValue(item.currentYProperty(),
 220                                     item.getCurrentY()),
 221                             new KeyValue(item.currentXProperty(),
 222                                     item.getCurrentX())
 223                     ),
 224                     new KeyFrame(Duration.millis(800), new KeyValue(item.currentYProperty(),
 225                                         item.getYValue(), Interpolator.EASE_BOTH),
 226                                         new KeyValue(item.currentXProperty(),
 227                                         item.getXValue(), Interpolator.EASE_BOTH))
 228                 );
 229             }
 231         } else if (symbol != null) {
 232             getPlotChildren().add(symbol);
 233         }
 234     }
 236     @Override protected  void dataItemRemoved(final Data<X,Y> item, final Series<X,Y> series) {
 237         final Node symbol = item.getNode();
 239         if (symbol != null) {
 240             symbol.focusTraversableProperty().unbind();
 241         }
 243         // remove item from sorted list
 244         int itemIndex = series.getItemIndex(item);
 245         if (shouldAnimate()) {
 246             boolean animate = false;
 247             if (itemIndex > 0 && itemIndex < series.getDataSize()) {
 248                 animate = true;
 249                 int index=0;
 251                 Data<X,Y> p1 = series.getItem(itemIndex - 1);
 252                 Data<X,Y> p2 = series.getItem(itemIndex + 1);
 254                 if (p2 == null) {
 255                     return;
 256                 }
 258                 double x1 = getXAxis().toNumericValue(p1.getXValue());
 259                 double y1 = getYAxis().toNumericValue(p1.getYValue());
 260                 double x3 = getXAxis().toNumericValue(p2.getXValue());
 261                 double y3 = getYAxis().toNumericValue(p2.getYValue());
 263                 double x2 = getXAxis().toNumericValue(item.getXValue());
 264                 double y2 = getYAxis().toNumericValue(item.getYValue());
 266 //                //1.  y intercept of the line : y = ((y3-y1)/(x3-x1)) * x2 + (x3y1 - y3x1)/(x3 -x1)
 267                 double y = ((y3-y1)/(x3-x1)) * x2 + (x3*y1 - y3*x1)/(x3-x1);
 268                 item.setCurrentX(getXAxis().toRealValue(x2));
 269                 item.setCurrentY(getYAxis().toRealValue(y2));
 270                 item.setXValue(getXAxis().toRealValue(x2));
 271                 item.setYValue(getYAxis().toRealValue(y));
 272                 //2.  we can simply use the midpoint on the line as well..
 273 //                double x = (x3 + x1)/2;
 274 //                double y = (y3 + y1)/2;
 275 //                item.setCurrentX(x);
 276 //                item.setCurrentY(y);
 277             } else if (itemIndex == 0 && series.getDataSize() > 1) {
 278                 animate = true;
 279                 item.setXValue(series.getData().get(0).getXValue());
 280                 item.setYValue(series.getData().get(0).getYValue());
 281             } else if (itemIndex == (series.getDataSize() - 1) && series.getDataSize() > 1) {
 282                 animate = true;
 283                 int last = series.getData().size() - 1;
 284                 item.setXValue(series.getData().get(last).getXValue());
 285                 item.setYValue(series.getData().get(last).getYValue());
 286             } else {
 287                 // fade out symbol
 288                 symbol.setOpacity(0);
 289                 FadeTransition ft = new FadeTransition(Duration.millis(500),symbol);
 290                 ft.setToValue(0);
 291                 ft.setOnFinished(actionEvent -> {
 292                     getPlotChildren().remove(symbol);
 293                     removeDataItemFromDisplay(series, item);
 294                     symbol.setOpacity(1.0);
 295                 });
 296                 ft.play();
 297             }
 298             if (animate) {
 299                 animate( new KeyFrame(Duration.ZERO, new KeyValue(item.currentYProperty(),
 300                             item.getCurrentY()), new KeyValue(item.currentXProperty(),
 301                             item.getCurrentX())),
 302                             new KeyFrame(Duration.millis(800), actionEvent -> {
 303                                 getPlotChildren().remove(symbol);
 304                                 removeDataItemFromDisplay(series, item);
 305                             },
 306                             new KeyValue(item.currentYProperty(),
 307                             item.getYValue(), Interpolator.EASE_BOTH),
 308                             new KeyValue(item.currentXProperty(),
 309                             item.getXValue(), Interpolator.EASE_BOTH))
 310                 );
 311             }
 312         } else {
 313             getPlotChildren().remove(symbol);
 314             removeDataItemFromDisplay(series, item);
 315         }
 316         //Note: better animation here, point should move from old position to new position at center point between prev and next symbols
 317     }
 319     /** @inheritDoc */
 320     @Override protected void dataItemChanged(Data<X, Y> item) {
 321     }
 323     @Override protected void seriesChanged(ListChangeListener.Change<? extends Series> c) {
 324         // Update style classes for all series lines and symbols
 325         for (int i = 0; i < getDataSize(); i++) {
 326             final Series<X,Y> s = getData().get(i);
 327             Path seriesLine = (Path)((Group)s.getNode()).getChildren().get(1);
 328             Path fillPath = (Path)((Group)s.getNode()).getChildren().get(0);
 329             seriesLine.getStyleClass().setAll("chart-series-area-line", "series" + i, s.defaultColorStyleClass);
 330             fillPath.getStyleClass().setAll("chart-series-area-fill", "series" + i, s.defaultColorStyleClass);
 331             for (int j=0; j < s.getData().size(); j++) {
 332                 final Data<X,Y> item = s.getData().get(j);
 333                 final Node node = item.getNode();
 334                 if(node!=null) node.getStyleClass().setAll("chart-area-symbol", "series" + i, "data" + j, s.defaultColorStyleClass);
 335             }
 336         }
 337     }
 339     @Override protected  void seriesAdded(Series<X,Y> series, int seriesIndex) {
 340         // create new paths for series
 341         Path seriesLine = new Path();
 342         Path fillPath = new Path();
 343         seriesLine.setStrokeLineJoin(StrokeLineJoin.BEVEL);
 344         fillPath.setStrokeLineJoin(StrokeLineJoin.BEVEL);
 345         Group areaGroup = new Group(fillPath,seriesLine);
 346         series.setNode(areaGroup);
 347         // create series Y multiplier
 348         DoubleProperty seriesYAnimMultiplier = new SimpleDoubleProperty(this, "seriesYMultiplier");
 349         seriesYMultiplierMap.put(series, seriesYAnimMultiplier);
 350         // handle any data already in series
 351         if (shouldAnimate()) {
 352             seriesYAnimMultiplier.setValue(0d);
 353         } else {
 354             seriesYAnimMultiplier.setValue(1d);
 355         }
 356         getPlotChildren().add(areaGroup);
 357         List<KeyFrame> keyFrames = new ArrayList<KeyFrame>();
 358         if (shouldAnimate()) {
 359             // animate in new series
 360             keyFrames.add(new KeyFrame(Duration.ZERO,
 361                 new KeyValue(areaGroup.opacityProperty(), 0),
 362                 new KeyValue(seriesYAnimMultiplier, 0)
 363             ));
 364             keyFrames.add(new KeyFrame(Duration.millis(200),
 365                 new KeyValue(areaGroup.opacityProperty(), 1)
 366             ));
 367             keyFrames.add(new KeyFrame(Duration.millis(500),
 368                 new KeyValue(seriesYAnimMultiplier, 1)
 369             ));
 370         }
 371         for (int j=0; j<series.getData().size(); j++) {
 372             Data<X,Y> item = series.getData().get(j);
 373             final Node symbol = createSymbol(series, seriesIndex, item, j);
 374             if (symbol != null) {
 375                 if (shouldAnimate()) symbol.setOpacity(0);
 376                 getPlotChildren().add(symbol);
 377                 if (shouldAnimate()) {
 378                     // fade in new symbol
 379                     keyFrames.add(new KeyFrame(Duration.ZERO, new KeyValue(symbol.opacityProperty(), 0)));
 380                     keyFrames.add(new KeyFrame(Duration.millis(200), new KeyValue(symbol.opacityProperty(), 1)));
 381                 }
 382             }
 383         }
 384         if (shouldAnimate()) animate(keyFrames.toArray(new KeyFrame[keyFrames.size()]));
 385     }
 387     @Override protected  void seriesRemoved(final Series<X,Y> series) {
 388         // remove series Y multiplier
 389         seriesYMultiplierMap.remove(series);
 390         // remove all symbol nodes
 391         if (shouldAnimate()) {
 392             Timeline tl = new Timeline(createSeriesRemoveTimeLine(series, 400));
 393             tl.play();
 394         } else {
 395             getPlotChildren().remove(series.getNode());
 396             for (Data<X,Y> d:series.getData()) getPlotChildren().remove(d.getNode());
 397             removeSeriesFromDisplay(series);
 398         }
 399     }
 401     /** @inheritDoc */
 402     @Override protected void updateAxisRange() {
 403         // This override is necessary to update axis range based on cumulative Y value for the
 404         // Y axis instead of the normal way where max value in the data range is used.
 405         final Axis<X> xa = getXAxis();
 406         final Axis<Y> ya = getYAxis();
 407         if (xa.isAutoRanging()) {
 408             List xData = new ArrayList<Number>();
 409             for(Series<X,Y> series : getData()) {
 410                 for(Data<X,Y> data: series.getData()) {
 411                     xData.add(data.getXValue());
 412                 }
 413             }
 414             xa.invalidateRange(xData);
 415         }
 416         if (ya.isAutoRanging()) {
 417             double totalMinY = Double.MAX_VALUE;
 418             Iterator<Series<X, Y>> seriesIterator = getDisplayedSeriesIterator();
 419             boolean first = true;
 420             NavigableMap<Double, Double> accum = new TreeMap<>();
 421             NavigableMap<Double, Double> prevAccum = new TreeMap<>();
 422             NavigableMap<Double, Double> currentValues = new TreeMap<>();
 423             while (seriesIterator.hasNext()) {
 424                 currentValues.clear();
 425                 Series<X, Y> series = seriesIterator.next();
 426                 for(Data<X,Y> item : series.getData()) {
 427                     if(item != null) {
 428                         final double xv = xa.toNumericValue(item.getXValue());
 429                         final double yv = ya.toNumericValue(item.getYValue());
 430                         currentValues.put(xv, yv);
 431                         if (first) {
 432                             // On the first pass, just fill the map
 433                             accum.put(xv, yv);
 434                             // minimum is applicable only in the first series
 435                             totalMinY = Math.min(totalMinY, yv);
 436                         } else {
 437                             if (prevAccum.containsKey(xv)) {
 438                                 accum.put(xv, prevAccum.get(xv) + yv);
 439                             } else {
 440                                 // If the point wasn't yet in the previous (accumulated) series
 441                                 Map.Entry<Double, Double> he = prevAccum.higherEntry(xv);
 442                                 Map.Entry<Double, Double> le = prevAccum.lowerEntry(xv);
 443                                 if (he != null && le != null) {
 444                                     // If there's both point above and below this point, interpolate
 445                                     accum.put(xv, ((xv - le.getKey()) / (he.getKey() - le.getKey())) *
 446                                             (le.getValue() + he.getValue()) + yv);
 447                                 } else if (he != null) {
 448                                     // The point is before the first point in the previously accumulated series
 449                                     accum.put(xv, he.getValue() + yv);
 450                                 } else if (le != null) {
 451                                     // The point is after the last point in the previously accumulated series
 452                                     accum.put(xv, le.getValue() + yv);
 453                                 } else {
 454                                     // The previously accumulated series is empty
 455                                     accum.put(xv, yv);
 456                                 }
 457                             }
 458                         }
 459                     }
 460                 }
 461                 // Now update all the keys that were in the previous series, but not in the new one
 462                 for (Map.Entry<Double, Double> e : prevAccum.entrySet()) {
 463                     if (accum.keySet().contains(e.getKey())) {
 464                         continue;
 465                     }
 466                     Double k = e.getKey();
 467                     final Double v = e.getValue();
 468                     // Look at the values of the current series
 469                     Map.Entry<Double, Double> he = currentValues.higherEntry(k);
 470                     Map.Entry<Double, Double> le = currentValues.lowerEntry(k);
 471                     if (he != null && le != null) {
 472                         // Interpolate the for the point from current series and add the accumulated value
 473                         accum.put(k, ((k - le.getKey()) / (he.getKey() - le.getKey())) *
 474                                 (le.getValue() + he.getValue()) + v);
 475                     } else if (he != null) {
 476                         // There accumulated value is before the first value in the current series
 477                         accum.put(k, he.getValue() + v);
 478                     } else if (le != null) {
 479                         // There accumulated value is after the last value in the current series
 480                         accum.put(k, le.getValue() + v);
 481                     } else {
 482                         // The current series are empty
 483                         accum.put(k, v);
 484                     }
 486                 }
 488                 prevAccum.clear();
 489                 prevAccum.putAll(accum);
 490                 accum.clear();
 491                 first = (totalMinY == Double.MAX_VALUE); // If there was already some value in the series, we can consider as
 492                                                          // being past the first series
 494             }
 495             if(totalMinY != Double.MAX_VALUE) ya.invalidateRange(Arrays.asList(ya.toRealValue(totalMinY),
 496                     ya.toRealValue(Collections.max(prevAccum.values()))));
 498         }
 499     }
 502     /** @inheritDoc */
 503     @Override protected void layoutPlotChildren() {
 504         ArrayList<DataPointInfo<X, Y>> currentSeriesData = new ArrayList<>();
 505         // AggregateData hold the data points of both the current and the previous series.
 506             // The goal is to collect all the data, sort it and iterate.
 507         ArrayList<DataPointInfo<X, Y>> aggregateData = new ArrayList<>();
 508         for (int seriesIndex=0; seriesIndex < getDataSize(); seriesIndex++) { // for every series
 509             Series<X, Y> series = getData().get(seriesIndex);
 510             aggregateData.clear();
 511             // copy currentSeriesData accumulated in the previous iteration to aggregate.
 512             for(DataPointInfo<X, Y> data : currentSeriesData) {
 513                 data.partOf = PartOf.PREVIOUS;
 514                 aggregateData.add(data);
 515             }
 516             currentSeriesData.clear();
 517             // now copy actual data of the current series.
 518             for (Iterator<Data<X, Y>> it = getDisplayedDataIterator(series); it.hasNext(); ) {
 519                 Data<X, Y> item = it.next();
 520                 DataPointInfo<X, Y> itemInfo = new DataPointInfo<>(item, item.getXValue(),
 521                         item.getYValue(), PartOf.CURRENT);
 522                 aggregateData.add(itemInfo);
 523             }
 524             DoubleProperty seriesYAnimMultiplier = seriesYMultiplierMap.get(series);
 525             Path seriesLine = (Path)((Group)series.getNode()).getChildren().get(1);
 526             Path fillPath = (Path)((Group)series.getNode()).getChildren().get(0);
 527             seriesLine.getElements().clear();
 528             fillPath.getElements().clear();
 529             int dataIndex = 0;
 530             // Sort data points from prev and current series
 531             sortAggregateList(aggregateData);
 533             Axis<Y> yAxis = getYAxis();
 534             Axis<X> xAxis = getXAxis();
 535             boolean firstCurrent = false;
 536             boolean lastCurrent = false;
 537             int firstCurrentIndex = findNextCurrent(aggregateData, -1);
 538             int lastCurrentIndex = findPreviousCurrent(aggregateData, aggregateData.size());
 539             double basePosition = yAxis.getZeroPosition();
 540             if (Double.isNaN(basePosition)) {
 541                 ValueAxis<Number> valueYAxis = (ValueAxis<Number>) yAxis;
 542                 if (valueYAxis.getLowerBound() > 0) {
 543                     basePosition = valueYAxis.getDisplayPosition(valueYAxis.getLowerBound());
 544                 } else {
 545                     basePosition = valueYAxis.getDisplayPosition(valueYAxis.getUpperBound());
 546                 }
 547             }
 548             // Iterate over the aggregate data : this process accumulates data points
 549             // cumulatively from the bottom to top of stack
 551             for (DataPointInfo<X, Y> dataInfo : aggregateData) {
 552                 if (dataIndex == lastCurrentIndex) lastCurrent = true;
 553                 if (dataIndex == firstCurrentIndex) firstCurrent = true;
 554                 final Data<X,Y> item = dataInfo.dataItem;
 555                 if (dataInfo.partOf.equals(PartOf.CURRENT)) { // handle data from current series
 556                     int pIndex = findPreviousPrevious(aggregateData, dataIndex); 
 557                     int nIndex = findNextPrevious(aggregateData, dataIndex);
 558                     DataPointInfo<X, Y> prevPoint;
 559                     DataPointInfo<X, Y> nextPoint;
 560                     if (pIndex == -1 || (nIndex == -1 && !(aggregateData.get(pIndex).x.equals(dataInfo.x)))) {
 561                         if (firstCurrent) {
 562                             // Need to add the drop down point.
 563                             Data<X, Y> ddItem = new Data(dataInfo.x, 0);
 564                             addDropDown(currentSeriesData, ddItem, ddItem.getXValue(), ddItem.getYValue(),
 565                                     xAxis.getDisplayPosition(ddItem.getCurrentX()), basePosition);
 566                         }
 567                         double x = xAxis.getDisplayPosition(item.getCurrentX());
 568                         double y = yAxis.getDisplayPosition(
 569                                 yAxis.toRealValue(yAxis.toNumericValue(item.getCurrentY()) * seriesYAnimMultiplier.getValue()));
 570                         addPoint(currentSeriesData, item, item.getXValue(), item.getYValue(), x, y,
 571                                 PartOf.CURRENT, false, (firstCurrent) ? false : true);
 572                         if (dataIndex == lastCurrentIndex) {
 573                             // need to add drop down point
 574                             Data<X, Y> ddItem = new Data(dataInfo.x, 0);
 575                             addDropDown(currentSeriesData, ddItem, ddItem.getXValue(), ddItem.getYValue(),
 576                                     xAxis.getDisplayPosition(ddItem.getCurrentX()), basePosition);
 577                         }
 578                     } else {
 579                         prevPoint = aggregateData.get(pIndex);
 580                         if (prevPoint.x.equals(dataInfo.x)) { // Need to add Y values
 581                             // Check if prevPoint is a dropdown - as the stable sort preserves the order.
 582                             // If so, find the non dropdown previous point on previous series.
 583                             if (prevPoint.dropDown) {
 584                                 pIndex = findPreviousPrevious(aggregateData, pIndex);
 585                                 prevPoint = aggregateData.get(pIndex);
 586                                 // If lastCurrent - add this drop down
 587                             } 
 588                             if (prevPoint.x.equals(dataInfo.x)) { // simply add
 589                                 double x = xAxis.getDisplayPosition(item.getCurrentX());
 590                                 final double yv = yAxis.toNumericValue(item.getCurrentY()) + yAxis.toNumericValue(prevPoint.y);
 591                                 double y = yAxis.getDisplayPosition(
 592                                         yAxis.toRealValue(yv * seriesYAnimMultiplier.getValue()));
 593                                 addPoint(currentSeriesData, item, dataInfo.x, yAxis.toRealValue(yv), x, y, PartOf.CURRENT, false,
 594                                         (firstCurrent) ? false : true);
 595                             }
 596                             if (lastCurrent) {
 597                                 addDropDown(currentSeriesData, item, prevPoint.x, prevPoint.y, prevPoint.displayX, prevPoint.displayY);
 598                             }
 599                         } else {
 600                             // interpolate 
 601                             nextPoint = (nIndex == -1) ? null : aggregateData.get(nIndex);
 602                             prevPoint = (pIndex == -1) ? null : aggregateData.get(pIndex);
 603                             final double yValue = yAxis.toNumericValue(item.getCurrentY());
 604                             if (prevPoint != null && nextPoint != null) {
 605                                 double x = xAxis.getDisplayPosition(item.getCurrentX());
 606                                 double displayY = interpolate(prevPoint.displayX,
 607                                         prevPoint.displayY, nextPoint.displayX, nextPoint.displayY, x);
 608                                 double dataY = interpolate(xAxis.toNumericValue(prevPoint.x),
 609                                         yAxis.toNumericValue(prevPoint.y),
 610                                         xAxis.toNumericValue(nextPoint.x),
 611                                         yAxis.toNumericValue(nextPoint.y),
 612                                         xAxis.toNumericValue(dataInfo.x));
 613                                 if (firstCurrent) {
 614                                     // now create the drop down point
 615                                     Data<X, Y> ddItem = new Data(dataInfo.x, dataY);
 616                                     addDropDown(currentSeriesData, ddItem, dataInfo.x, yAxis.toRealValue(dataY), x, displayY);
 617                                 }
 618                                 double y = yAxis.getDisplayPosition(yAxis.toRealValue((yValue + dataY) * seriesYAnimMultiplier.getValue()));
 619                                 // Add the current point
 620                                 addPoint(currentSeriesData, item, dataInfo.x, yAxis.toRealValue(yValue + dataY), x, y, PartOf.CURRENT, false,
 621                                         (firstCurrent) ? false : true);
 622                                 if (dataIndex == lastCurrentIndex) {
 623                                     // add drop down point
 624                                     Data<X, Y> ddItem = new Data(dataInfo.x, dataY);
 625                                     addDropDown(currentSeriesData, ddItem, dataInfo.x, yAxis.toRealValue(dataY), x, displayY);
 626                                 }
 627                                 // Note: add drop down if last current
 628                             }
 629                             else {
 630                                 // we do not need to take care of this as it is
 631                                 // already handled above with check of if(pIndex == -1 or nIndex == -1)
 632                             }
 633                         }
 634                     }
 636                 } else { // handle data from Previous series.
 637                     int pIndex = findPreviousCurrent(aggregateData, dataIndex); 
 638                     int nIndex = findNextCurrent(aggregateData, dataIndex);
 639                     DataPointInfo<X, Y> prevPoint;
 640                     DataPointInfo<X, Y> nextPoint;
 641                     if (dataInfo.dropDown) {
 642                         if (xAxis.toNumericValue(dataInfo.x) <=
 643                                 xAxis.toNumericValue(aggregateData.get(firstCurrentIndex).x) ||
 644                                 xAxis.toNumericValue(dataInfo.x) > xAxis.toNumericValue(aggregateData.get(lastCurrentIndex).x)) {
 645                             addDropDown(currentSeriesData, item, dataInfo.x, dataInfo.y, dataInfo.displayX, dataInfo.displayY);
 646                         }
 647                     } else {
 648                         if (pIndex == -1 || nIndex == -1) {
 649                             addPoint(currentSeriesData, item, dataInfo.x, dataInfo.y, dataInfo.displayX, dataInfo.displayY,
 650                                     PartOf.CURRENT, true, false);
 651                         } else {
 652                             nextPoint = aggregateData.get(nIndex);
 653                             if (nextPoint.x.equals(dataInfo.x)) {
 654                                 // do nothing as the current point is already there.
 655                             } else {
 656                                 // interpolate on the current series.
 657                                 prevPoint = aggregateData.get(pIndex);
 658                                 double x = xAxis.getDisplayPosition(item.getCurrentX());
 659                                   double dataY = interpolate(xAxis.toNumericValue(prevPoint.x),
 660                                           yAxis.toNumericValue(prevPoint.y),
 661                                           xAxis.toNumericValue(nextPoint.x),
 662                                           yAxis.toNumericValue(nextPoint.y),
 663                                           xAxis.toNumericValue(dataInfo.x));
 664                                 final double yv = yAxis.toNumericValue(dataInfo.y) + dataY;
 665                                 double y = yAxis.getDisplayPosition(
 666                                         yAxis.toRealValue(yv * seriesYAnimMultiplier.getValue()));
 667                                 addPoint(currentSeriesData, new Data(dataInfo.x, dataY), dataInfo.x, yAxis.toRealValue(yv), x, y, PartOf.CURRENT, true, true);
 668                             }
 669                         }
 670                     }
 671                 }
 672                 dataIndex++;
 673                 if (firstCurrent) firstCurrent = false;
 674                 if (lastCurrent) lastCurrent = false;
 675             } // end of inner for loop 
 677             // Draw the SeriesLine and Series fill
 678             if (!currentSeriesData.isEmpty()) {
 679                 seriesLine.getElements().add(new MoveTo(currentSeriesData.get(0).displayX, currentSeriesData.get(0).displayY));
 680                 fillPath.getElements().add(new MoveTo(currentSeriesData.get(0).displayX, currentSeriesData.get(0).displayY));
 681             }
 682             for (DataPointInfo<X, Y> point : currentSeriesData) {
 683                 if (point.lineTo) {
 684                     seriesLine.getElements().add(new LineTo(point.displayX, point.displayY));
 685                 } else {
 686                     seriesLine.getElements().add(new MoveTo(point.displayX, point.displayY));
 687                 }
 688                 fillPath.getElements().add(new  LineTo(point.displayX, point.displayY));
 689                 // draw symbols only for actual data points and skip for interpolated points.
 690                 if (!point.skipSymbol) { 
 691                     Node symbol = point.dataItem.getNode();
 692                     if (symbol != null) {
 693                         final double w = symbol.prefWidth(-1);
 694                         final double h = symbol.prefHeight(-1);
 695                         symbol.resizeRelocate(point.displayX-(w/2), point.displayY-(h/2),w,h);
 696                     }
 697                 }
 698             }
 699             for(int i = aggregateData.size()-1; i > 0; i--) {
 700                 DataPointInfo<X, Y> point = aggregateData.get(i);
 701                 if (PartOf.PREVIOUS.equals(point.partOf)) {
 702                     fillPath.getElements().add(new  LineTo(point.displayX, point.displayY));
 703                 }
 704             }
 705             if (!fillPath.getElements().isEmpty()) {
 706                 fillPath.getElements().add(new ClosePath());
 707             }
 709         }  // end of out for loop
 710      }
 712     private void addDropDown(ArrayList<DataPointInfo<X, Y>> currentSeriesData, Data<X, Y> item, X xValue, Y yValue, double x, double y) {
 713         DataPointInfo<X, Y> dropDownDataPoint = new DataPointInfo<>(true);
 714         dropDownDataPoint.setValues(item, xValue, yValue, x, y, PartOf.CURRENT, true, false);
 715         currentSeriesData.add(dropDownDataPoint);
 716     }
 718     private void addPoint(ArrayList<DataPointInfo<X, Y>> currentSeriesData, Data<X, Y> item, X xValue, Y yValue, double x, double y, PartOf partof,
 719                           boolean symbol, boolean lineTo) {
 720         DataPointInfo<X, Y> currentDataPoint = new DataPointInfo<>();
 721         currentDataPoint.setValues(item, xValue, yValue, x, y, partof, symbol, lineTo);
 722         currentSeriesData.add(currentDataPoint);
 723     }
 725     //-------------------- helper methods to retrieve data points from the previous
 726      // or current data series.
 727      private int findNextCurrent(ArrayList<DataPointInfo<X, Y>> points, int index) {
 728         for(int i = index+1; i < points.size(); i++) {
 729             if (points.get(i).partOf.equals(PartOf.CURRENT)) {
 730                 return i;
 731             }
 732         }
 733         return -1;
 734      }
 736      private int findPreviousCurrent(ArrayList<DataPointInfo<X, Y>> points, int index) {
 737         for(int i = index-1; i >= 0; i--) {
 738             if (points.get(i).partOf.equals(PartOf.CURRENT)) {
 739                 return i;
 740             }
 741         }
 742         return -1;
 743      }
 746     private int findPreviousPrevious(ArrayList<DataPointInfo<X, Y>> points, int index) {
 747        for(int i = index-1; i >= 0; i--) {
 748             if (points.get(i).partOf.equals(PartOf.PREVIOUS)) {
 749                 return i;
 750             }
 751         }
 752         return -1;
 753     }
 754     private int findNextPrevious(ArrayList<DataPointInfo<X, Y>> points, int index) {
 755         for(int i = index+1; i < points.size(); i++) {
 756             if (points.get(i).partOf.equals(PartOf.PREVIOUS)) {
 757                 return i;
 758             }
 759         }
 760         return -1;
 761     }
 764      private void sortAggregateList(ArrayList<DataPointInfo<X, Y>> aggregateList) {
 765         Collections.sort(aggregateList, (o1, o2) -> {
 766             Data<X,Y> d1 = o1.dataItem;
 767             Data<X,Y> d2 = o2.dataItem;
 768             double val1 = getXAxis().toNumericValue(d1.getXValue());
 769             double val2 = getXAxis().toNumericValue(d2.getXValue());
 770             return (val1 < val2 ? -1 : ( val1 == val2) ? 0 : 1);
 771         });
 772      }
 774     private double interpolate(double lowX, double lowY, double highX, double highY, double x) {
 775          // using y = mx+c find the y for the given x. 
 776          return (((highY - lowY)/(highX - lowX))*(x - lowX))+lowY;
 777     }
 779     private Node createSymbol(Series<X,Y> series, int seriesIndex, final Data<X,Y> item, int itemIndex) {
 780         Node symbol = item.getNode();
 781         // check if symbol has already been created
 782         if (symbol == null && getCreateSymbols()) {
 783             symbol = new StackPane();
 784             symbol.setAccessibleRole(AccessibleRole.TEXT);
 785             symbol.setAccessibleRoleDescription("Point");
 786             symbol.focusTraversableProperty().bind(Platform.accessibilityActiveProperty());
 787             item.setNode(symbol);
 788         }
 789         // set symbol styles
 790         // Note not sure if we want to add or check, ie be more careful and efficient here
 791         if (symbol != null) symbol.getStyleClass().setAll("chart-area-symbol", "series" + seriesIndex, "data" + itemIndex,
 792                 series.defaultColorStyleClass);
 793         return symbol;
 794     }
 796     /**
 797      * This is called whenever a series is added or removed and the legend needs to be updated
 798      */
 799     @Override protected void updateLegend() {
 800         legend.getItems().clear();
 801         if (getData() != null) {
 802             for (int seriesIndex=0; seriesIndex < getData().size(); seriesIndex++) {
 803                 Series<X,Y> series = getData().get(seriesIndex);
 804                 LegendItem legenditem = new LegendItem(series.getName());
 805                 legenditem.getSymbol().getStyleClass().addAll("chart-area-symbol","series"+seriesIndex,
 806                         "area-legend-symbol", series.defaultColorStyleClass);
 807                 legend.getItems().add(legenditem);
 808             }
 809         }
 810         if (legend.getItems().size() > 0) {
 811             if (getLegend() == null) {
 812                 setLegend(legend);
 813             }
 814         } else {
 815             setLegend(null);
 816         }
 817     }
 819     // -------------- INNER CLASSES --------------------------------------------
 820     /* 
 821      * Helper class to hold data and display and other information for each 
 822      * data point
 823      */
 824     final static class DataPointInfo<X, Y> {
 825         X x;
 826         Y y;
 827         double displayX;
 828         double displayY;
 829         Data<X,Y> dataItem;
 830         PartOf partOf;
 831         boolean skipSymbol = false; // interpolated point - skip drawing symbol
 832         boolean lineTo = false; // should there be a lineTo to this point on SeriesLine.
 833         boolean dropDown = false; // Is this a drop down point ( non data point).
 835         //----- Constructors --------------------
 836         DataPointInfo() {}
 838         DataPointInfo(Data<X,Y> item, X x, Y y, PartOf partOf) {
 839             this.dataItem = item;
 840             this.x = x;
 841             this.y = y;
 842             this.partOf = partOf;
 843         }
 845         DataPointInfo(boolean dropDown) {
 846             this.dropDown = dropDown;
 847         }
 849         void setValues(Data<X,Y> item, X x, Y y, double dx, double dy,
 850                         PartOf partOf, boolean skipSymbol, boolean lineTo) {
 851             this.dataItem = item;
 852             this.x = x;
 853             this.y = y;
 854             this.displayX = dx;
 855             this.displayY = dy;
 856             this.partOf = partOf;
 857             this.skipSymbol = skipSymbol;
 858             this.lineTo = lineTo;
 859         }
 861         public final X getX() {
 862             return x;
 863         }
 865         public final Y getY() {
 866             return y;
 867         }
 868     }
 870     // To indicate if the data point belongs to the current or the previous series.
 871     private static enum PartOf { 
 872         CURRENT,
 873         PREVIOUS
 874     }
 876     // -------------- STYLESHEET HANDLING --------------------------------------
 878     private static class StyleableProperties {
 880         private static final CssMetaData<StackedAreaChart<?, ?>, Boolean> CREATE_SYMBOLS =
 881                 new CssMetaData<StackedAreaChart<?, ?>, Boolean>("-fx-create-symbols",
 882                 BooleanConverter.getInstance(), Boolean.TRUE) {
 883             @Override
 884             public boolean isSettable(StackedAreaChart<?,?> node) {
 885                 return node.createSymbols == null || !node.createSymbols.isBound();
 886             }
 888             @Override
 889             public StyleableProperty<Boolean> getStyleableProperty(StackedAreaChart<?,?> node) {
 890                 return (StyleableProperty<Boolean>)(WritableValue<Boolean>)node.createSymbolsProperty();
 891             }
 892         };
 894         private static final List<CssMetaData<? extends Styleable, ?>> STYLEABLES;
 896         static {
 897             final List<CssMetaData<? extends Styleable, ?>> styleables =
 898                 new ArrayList<CssMetaData<? extends Styleable, ?>>(XYChart.getClassCssMetaData());
 899             styleables.add(CREATE_SYMBOLS);
 900             STYLEABLES = Collections.unmodifiableList(styleables);
 902         }
 903     }
 905     /**
 906      * @return The CssMetaData associated with this class, which may include the
 907      * CssMetaData of its super classes.
 908      * @since JavaFX 8.0
 909      */
 910      public static List<CssMetaData<? extends Styleable, ?>> getClassCssMetaData() {
 911          return StyleableProperties.STYLEABLES;
 912      }
 914     /**
 915      * {@inheritDoc}
 916      * @since JavaFX 8.0
 917      */
 918     @Override
 919     public List<CssMetaData<? extends Styleable, ?>> getCssMetaData() {
 920         return getClassCssMetaData();
 921     }
 923 }