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 628             // if unaligned memory accesses are not allowed.
 629             create_pack = false;
 630           }
 631         }
 632       }
 633     } else {
 634       if (same_velt_type(mem_ref, best_align_to_mem_ref)) {
 635         // Can't allow vectorization of unaligned memory accesses with the
 636         // same type since it could be overlapped accesses to the same array.
 637         create_pack = false;
 638       } else {
 639         // Allow independent (different type) unaligned memory operations
 640         // if HW supports them.
 641         if (!Matcher::misaligned_vectors_ok()) {
 642           create_pack = false;
 643         } else {
 644           // Check if packs of the same memory type but
 645           // with a different alignment were created before.
 646           for (uint i = 0; i < align_to_refs.size(); i++) {
 647             MemNode* mr = align_to_refs.at(i)->as_Mem();

 648             if (same_velt_type(mr, mem_ref) &&
 649                 memory_alignment(mr, iv_adjustment) != 0)
 650               create_pack = false;
 651           }
 652         }
 653       }
 654     }
 655     if (create_pack) {
 656       for (uint i = 0; i < memops.size(); i++) {
 657         Node* s1 = memops.at(i);
 658         int align = alignment(s1);
 659         if (align == top_align) continue;
 660         for (uint j = 0; j < memops.size(); j++) {
 661           Node* s2 = memops.at(j);
 662           if (alignment(s2) == top_align) continue;
 663           if (s1 != s2 && are_adjacent_refs(s1, s2)) {
 664             if (stmts_can_pack(s1, s2, align)) {
 665               Node_List* pair = new Node_List();
 666               pair->push(s1);
 667               pair->push(s2);

 829     tty->print_cr("\nVector memops after find_align_to_ref");
 830     for (uint i = 0; i < memops.size(); i++) {
 831       MemNode* s = memops.at(i)->as_Mem();
 832       s->dump();
 833     }
 834   }
 835 #endif
 837   if (max_ct > 0) {
 838 #ifdef ASSERT
 839     if (TraceSuperWord) {
 840       tty->print("\nVector align to node: ");
 841       memops.at(max_idx)->as_Mem()->dump();
 842     }
 843 #endif
 844     return memops.at(max_idx)->as_Mem();
 845   }
 846   return NULL;
 847 }

 849 //------------------------------ref_is_alignable---------------------------
 850 // Can the preloop align the reference to position zero in the vector?
 851 bool SuperWord::ref_is_alignable(SWPointer& p) {
 852   if (!p.has_iv()) {
 853     return true;   // no induction variable
 854   }
 855   CountedLoopEndNode* pre_end = get_pre_loop_end(lp()->as_CountedLoop());
 856   assert(pre_end != NULL, "we must have a correct pre-loop");
 857   assert(pre_end->stride_is_con(), "pre loop stride is constant");
 858   int preloop_stride = pre_end->stride_con();
 860   int span = preloop_stride * p.scale_in_bytes();
 861   int mem_size = p.memory_size();
 862   int offset   = p.offset_in_bytes();
 863   // Stride one accesses are alignable if offset is aligned to memory operation size.
 864   // Offset can be unaligned when UseUnalignedAccesses is used.
 865   if (ABS(span) == mem_size && (ABS(offset) % mem_size) == 0) {
 866     return true;
 867   }
 868   // If the initial offset from start of the object is computable,
 869   // check if the pre-loop can align the final offset accordingly.
 870   //
 871   // In other words: Can we find an i such that the offset
 872   // after i pre-loop iterations is aligned to vw?
 873   //   (init_offset + pre_loop) % vw == 0              (1)
 874   // where
 875   //   pre_loop = i * span
 876   // is the number of bytes added to the offset by i pre-loop iterations.
 877   //
 878   // For this to hold we need pre_loop to increase init_offset by
 879   //   pre_loop = vw - (init_offset % vw)
 880   //
 881   // This is only possible if pre_loop is divisible by span because each
 882   // pre-loop iteration increases the initial offset by 'span' bytes:
 883   //   (vw - (init_offset % vw)) % span == 0
 884   //
 885   int vw = vector_width_in_bytes(p.mem());

 898       } else {
 899         assert(span < 0, "nonzero stride * scale");
 900         return (init_offset % vw) % -span == 0;
 901       }
 902     } else if (span % vw == 0) {
 903       // If span is a multiple of vw, we can simplify formula (1) to:
 904       //   (init_offset + i * span) % vw == 0
 905       //     =>
 906       //   (init_offset % vw) + ((i * span) % vw) == 0
 907       //     =>
 908       //   init_offset % vw == 0
 909       //
 910       // Because we add a multiple of vw to the initial offset, the final
 911       // offset is a multiple of vw if and only if init_offset is a multiple.
 912       //
 913       return (init_offset % vw) == 0;
 914     }
 915   }
 916   return false;
 917 }

 919 //---------------------------get_iv_adjustment---------------------------
 920 // Calculate loop's iv adjustment for this memory ops.
 921 int SuperWord::get_iv_adjustment(MemNode* mem_ref) {
 922   SWPointer align_to_ref_p(mem_ref, this, NULL, false);
 923   int offset = align_to_ref_p.offset_in_bytes();
 924   int scale  = align_to_ref_p.scale_in_bytes();
 925   int elt_size = align_to_ref_p.memory_size();
 926   int vw       = vector_width_in_bytes(mem_ref);
 927   assert(vw > 1, "sanity");
 928   int iv_adjustment;
 929   if (scale != 0) {
 930     int stride_sign = (scale * iv_stride()) > 0 ? 1 : -1;
 931     // At least one iteration is executed in pre-loop by default. As result
 932     // several iterations are needed to align memory operations in main-loop even
 933     // if offset is 0.
 934     int iv_adjustment_in_bytes = (stride_sign * vw - (offset % vw));
 935     assert(((ABS(iv_adjustment_in_bytes) % elt_size) == 0),
 936            "(%d) should be divisible by (%d)", iv_adjustment_in_bytes, elt_size);
 937     iv_adjustment = iv_adjustment_in_bytes/elt_size;
 938   } else {
 939     // This memory op is not dependent on iv (scale == 0)
 940     iv_adjustment = 0;
 941   }
 943 #ifndef PRODUCT
 944   if (TraceSuperWord) {
 945     tty->print("SuperWord::get_iv_adjustment: n = %d, noffset = %d iv_adjust = %d elt_size = %d scale = %d iv_stride = %d vect_size %d: ",
 946       mem_ref->_idx, offset, iv_adjustment, elt_size, scale, iv_stride(), vw);

2286         const TypePtr* atyp = n->adr_type();
2287         vn = LoadVectorNode::make(opc, ctl, mem, adr, atyp, vlen, velt_basic_type(n), control_dependency(p));
2288         vlen_in_bytes = vn->as_LoadVector()->memory_size();
2289       } else if (n->is_Store()) {
2290         // Promote value to be stored to vector
2291         Node* val = vector_opd(p, MemNode::ValueIn);
2292         if (val == NULL) {
2293           if (do_reserve_copy()) {
2294             NOT_PRODUCT(if(is_trace_loop_reverse() || TraceLoopOpts) {tty->print_cr("SWPointer::output: val should not be NULL, exiting SuperWord");})
2295             return; //and reverse to backup IG
2296           }
2297           ShouldNotReachHere();
2298         }
2300         Node* ctl = n->in(MemNode::Control);
2301         Node* mem = first->in(MemNode::Memory);
2302         Node* adr = low_adr->in(MemNode::Address);
2303         const TypePtr* atyp = n->adr_type();
2304         vn = StoreVectorNode::make(opc, ctl, mem, adr, atyp, val, vlen);
2305         vlen_in_bytes = vn->as_StoreVector()->memory_size();

2306       } else if (n->req() == 3 && !is_cmov_pack(p)) {
2307         // Promote operands to vector
2308         Node* in1 = NULL;
2309         bool node_isa_reduction = n->is_reduction();
2310         if (node_isa_reduction) {
2311           // the input to the first reduction operation is retained
2312           in1 = low_adr->in(1);
2313         } else {
2314           in1 = vector_opd(p, 1);
2315           if (in1 == NULL) {
2316             if (do_reserve_copy()) {
2317               NOT_PRODUCT(if(is_trace_loop_reverse() || TraceLoopOpts) {tty->print_cr("SWPointer::output: in1 should not be NULL, exiting SuperWord");})
2318               return; //and reverse to backup IG
2319             }
2320             ShouldNotReachHere();
2321           }
2322         }
2323         Node* in2 = vector_opd(p, 2);
2324         if (in2 == NULL) {
2325           if (do_reserve_copy()) {

2598     }
2599 #endif
2600     return vn;
2601   }
2603   // Insert pack operation
2604   BasicType bt = velt_basic_type(p0);
2605   PackNode* pk = PackNode::make(opd, vlen, bt);
2606   DEBUG_ONLY( const BasicType opd_bt = opd->bottom_type()->basic_type(); )
2608   for (uint i = 1; i < vlen; i++) {
2609     Node* pi = p->at(i);
2610     Node* in = pi->in(opd_idx);
2611     assert(my_pack(in) == NULL, "Should already have been unpacked");
2612     if (my_pack(in) != NULL) {
2613       NOT_PRODUCT(if(is_trace_loop_reverse() || TraceLoopOpts) {tty->print_cr("Should already have been unpacked");})
2614       return NULL;
2615     }
2616     assert(opd_bt == in->bottom_type()->basic_type(), "all same type");
2617     pk->add_opd(in);

2618   }
2619   _igvn.register_new_node_with_optimizer(pk);
2620   _phase->set_ctrl(pk, _phase->get_ctrl(opd));
2621 #ifdef ASSERT
2622   if (TraceNewVectors) {
2623     tty->print("new Vector node: ");
2624     pk->dump();
2625   }
2626 #endif
2627   return pk;
2628 }
2630 //------------------------------insert_extracts---------------------------
2631 // If a use of pack p is not a vector use, then replace the
2632 // use with an extract operation.
2633 void SuperWord::insert_extracts(Node_List* p) {
2634   if (p->at(0)->is_Store()) return;
2635   assert(_n_idx_list.is_empty(), "empty (node,index) list");
2637   // Inspect each use of each pack member.  For each use that is

2675     set_velt_type(ex, velt_type(def));
2676   }
2677 }
2679 //------------------------------is_vector_use---------------------------
2680 // Is use->in(u_idx) a vector use?
2681 bool SuperWord::is_vector_use(Node* use, int u_idx) {
2682   Node_List* u_pk = my_pack(use);
2683   if (u_pk == NULL) return false;
2684   if (use->is_reduction()) return true;
2685   Node* def = use->in(u_idx);
2686   Node_List* d_pk = my_pack(def);
2687   if (d_pk == NULL) {
2688     // check for scalar promotion
2689     Node* n = u_pk->at(0)->in(u_idx);
2690     for (uint i = 1; i < u_pk->size(); i++) {
2691       if (u_pk->at(i)->in(u_idx) != n) return false;
2692     }
2693     return true;
2694   }

2695   if (u_pk->size() != d_pk->size())
2696     return false;
2697   for (uint i = 0; i < u_pk->size(); i++) {
2698     Node* ui = u_pk->at(i);
2699     Node* di = d_pk->at(i);
2700     if (ui->in(u_idx) != di || alignment(ui) != alignment(di))
2701       return false;
2702   }
2703   return true;
2704 }
2706 //------------------------------construct_bb---------------------------
2707 // Construct reverse postorder list of block members
2708 bool SuperWord::construct_bb() {
2709   Node* entry = bb();
2711   assert(_stk.length() == 0,            "stk is empty");
2712   assert(_block.length() == 0,          "block is empty");
2713   assert(_data_entry.length() == 0,     "data_entry is empty");
2714   assert(_mem_slice_head.length() == 0, "mem_slice_head is empty");

3000       n->dump();
3001     }
3002   }
3003 #endif
3004 }
3006 //------------------------------memory_alignment---------------------------
3007 // Alignment within a vector memory reference
3008 int SuperWord::memory_alignment(MemNode* s, int iv_adjust) {
3009   #ifndef PRODUCT
3010     if(TraceSuperWord && Verbose) {
3011       tty->print("SuperWord::memory_alignment within a vector memory reference for %d:  ", s->_idx); s->dump();
3012     }
3013   #endif
3014   NOT_PRODUCT(SWPointer::Tracer::Depth ddd(0);)
3015   SWPointer p(s, this, NULL, false);
3016   if (!p.valid()) {
3017     NOT_PRODUCT(if(is_trace_alignment()) tty->print("SWPointer::memory_alignment: SWPointer p invalid, return bottom_align");)
3018     return bottom_align;
3019   }
3020   int vw = vector_width_in_bytes(s);
3021   if (vw < 2) {
3022     NOT_PRODUCT(if(is_trace_alignment()) tty->print_cr("SWPointer::memory_alignment: vector_width_in_bytes < 2, return bottom_align");)
3023     return bottom_align; // No vectors for this type
3024   }
3025   int offset  = p.offset_in_bytes();
3026   offset     += iv_adjust*p.memory_size();
3027   int off_rem = offset % vw;
3028   int off_mod = off_rem >= 0 ? off_rem : off_rem + vw;
3029   if (TraceSuperWord && Verbose) {
3030     tty->print_cr("SWPointer::memory_alignment: off_rem = %d, off_mod = %d", off_rem, off_mod);
3031   }
3032   return off_mod;
3033 }
3035 //---------------------------container_type---------------------------
3036 // Smallest type containing range of values
3037 const Type* SuperWord::container_type(Node* n) {
3038   if (n->is_Mem()) {
3039     BasicType bt = n->as_Mem()->memory_type();
3040     if (n->is_Store() && (bt == T_CHAR)) {

 628             // if unaligned memory accesses are not allowed.
 629             create_pack = false;
 630           }
 631         }
 632       }
 633     } else {
 634       if (same_velt_type(mem_ref, best_align_to_mem_ref)) {
 635         // Can't allow vectorization of unaligned memory accesses with the
 636         // same type since it could be overlapped accesses to the same array.
 637         create_pack = false;
 638       } else {
 639         // Allow independent (different type) unaligned memory operations
 640         // if HW supports them.
 641         if (!Matcher::misaligned_vectors_ok()) {
 642           create_pack = false;
 643         } else {
 644           // Check if packs of the same memory type but
 645           // with a different alignment were created before.
 646           for (uint i = 0; i < align_to_refs.size(); i++) {
 647             MemNode* mr = align_to_refs.at(i)->as_Mem();
 648             if (mr == mem_ref) {
 649               // Skip when we are looking at same memory operation.
 650               continue;
 651             }
 652             if (same_velt_type(mr, mem_ref) &&
 653                 memory_alignment(mr, iv_adjustment) != 0)
 654               create_pack = false;
 655           }
 656         }
 657       }
 658     }
 659     if (create_pack) {
 660       for (uint i = 0; i < memops.size(); i++) {
 661         Node* s1 = memops.at(i);
 662         int align = alignment(s1);
 663         if (align == top_align) continue;
 664         for (uint j = 0; j < memops.size(); j++) {
 665           Node* s2 = memops.at(j);
 666           if (alignment(s2) == top_align) continue;
 667           if (s1 != s2 && are_adjacent_refs(s1, s2)) {
 668             if (stmts_can_pack(s1, s2, align)) {
 669               Node_List* pair = new Node_List();
 670               pair->push(s1);
 671               pair->push(s2);

 833     tty->print_cr("\nVector memops after find_align_to_ref");
 834     for (uint i = 0; i < memops.size(); i++) {
 835       MemNode* s = memops.at(i)->as_Mem();
 836       s->dump();
 837     }
 838   }
 839 #endif
 841   if (max_ct > 0) {
 842 #ifdef ASSERT
 843     if (TraceSuperWord) {
 844       tty->print("\nVector align to node: ");
 845       memops.at(max_idx)->as_Mem()->dump();
 846     }
 847 #endif
 848     return memops.at(max_idx)->as_Mem();
 849   }
 850   return NULL;
 851 }
 853 //------------------span_works_for_memory_size-----------------------------
 854 static bool span_works_for_memory_size(MemNode* mem, int span, int mem_size, int offset) {
 855   bool span_matches_memory = false;
 856   if ((mem_size == type2aelembytes(T_BYTE) || mem_size == type2aelembytes(T_SHORT))
 857     && ABS(span) == type2aelembytes(T_INT)) {
 858     // There is a mismatch on span size compared to memory.
 859     for (DUIterator_Fast jmax, j = mem->fast_outs(jmax); j < jmax; j++) {
 860       Node* use = mem->fast_out(j);
 861       if (!VectorNode::is_type_transition_to_int(use)) {
 862         return false;
 863       }
 864     }
 865     // If all uses transition to integer, it means that we can successfully align even on mismatch.
 866     return true;
 867   }
 868   else {
 869     span_matches_memory = ABS(span) == mem_size;
 870   }
 871   return span_matches_memory && (ABS(offset) % mem_size) == 0;
 872 }
 874 //------------------------------ref_is_alignable---------------------------
 875 // Can the preloop align the reference to position zero in the vector?
 876 bool SuperWord::ref_is_alignable(SWPointer& p) {
 877   if (!p.has_iv()) {
 878     return true;   // no induction variable
 879   }
 880   CountedLoopEndNode* pre_end = get_pre_loop_end(lp()->as_CountedLoop());
 881   assert(pre_end != NULL, "we must have a correct pre-loop");
 882   assert(pre_end->stride_is_con(), "pre loop stride is constant");
 883   int preloop_stride = pre_end->stride_con();
 885   int span = preloop_stride * p.scale_in_bytes();
 886   int mem_size = p.memory_size();
 887   int offset   = p.offset_in_bytes();
 888   // Stride one accesses are alignable if offset is aligned to memory operation size.
 889   // Offset can be unaligned when UseUnalignedAccesses is used.
 890   if (span_works_for_memory_size(p.mem(), span, mem_size, offset)) {
 891     return true;
 892   }
 893   // If the initial offset from start of the object is computable,
 894   // check if the pre-loop can align the final offset accordingly.
 895   //
 896   // In other words: Can we find an i such that the offset
 897   // after i pre-loop iterations is aligned to vw?
 898   //   (init_offset + pre_loop) % vw == 0              (1)
 899   // where
 900   //   pre_loop = i * span
 901   // is the number of bytes added to the offset by i pre-loop iterations.
 902   //
 903   // For this to hold we need pre_loop to increase init_offset by
 904   //   pre_loop = vw - (init_offset % vw)
 905   //
 906   // This is only possible if pre_loop is divisible by span because each
 907   // pre-loop iteration increases the initial offset by 'span' bytes:
 908   //   (vw - (init_offset % vw)) % span == 0
 909   //
 910   int vw = vector_width_in_bytes(p.mem());

 923       } else {
 924         assert(span < 0, "nonzero stride * scale");
 925         return (init_offset % vw) % -span == 0;
 926       }
 927     } else if (span % vw == 0) {
 928       // If span is a multiple of vw, we can simplify formula (1) to:
 929       //   (init_offset + i * span) % vw == 0
 930       //     =>
 931       //   (init_offset % vw) + ((i * span) % vw) == 0
 932       //     =>
 933       //   init_offset % vw == 0
 934       //
 935       // Because we add a multiple of vw to the initial offset, the final
 936       // offset is a multiple of vw if and only if init_offset is a multiple.
 937       //
 938       return (init_offset % vw) == 0;
 939     }
 940   }
 941   return false;
 942 }
 943 //---------------------------get_vw_bytes_special------------------------
 944 int SuperWord::get_vw_bytes_special(MemNode* s) {
 945   // Get the vector width in bytes.
 946   int vw = vector_width_in_bytes(s);
 948   // Check for special case where there is an MulAddS2I usage where short vectors are going to need combined.
 949   BasicType btype = velt_basic_type(s);
 950   if (type2aelembytes(btype) == 2) {
 951     bool should_combine_adjacent = true;
 952     for (DUIterator_Fast imax, i = s->fast_outs(imax); i < imax; i++) {
 953       Node* user = s->fast_out(i);
 954       if (!VectorNode::is_muladds2i(user)) {
 955         should_combine_adjacent = false;
 956       }
 957     }
 958     if (should_combine_adjacent) {
 959       vw = MIN2(Matcher::max_vector_size(btype)*type2aelembytes(btype), vw * 2);
 960     }
 961   }
 963   return vw;
 964 }
 966 //---------------------------get_iv_adjustment---------------------------
 967 // Calculate loop's iv adjustment for this memory ops.
 968 int SuperWord::get_iv_adjustment(MemNode* mem_ref) {
 969   SWPointer align_to_ref_p(mem_ref, this, NULL, false);
 970   int offset = align_to_ref_p.offset_in_bytes();
 971   int scale  = align_to_ref_p.scale_in_bytes();
 972   int elt_size = align_to_ref_p.memory_size();
 973   int vw       = get_vw_bytes_special(mem_ref);
 974   assert(vw > 1, "sanity");
 975   int iv_adjustment;
 976   if (scale != 0) {
 977     int stride_sign = (scale * iv_stride()) > 0 ? 1 : -1;
 978     // At least one iteration is executed in pre-loop by default. As result
 979     // several iterations are needed to align memory operations in main-loop even
 980     // if offset is 0.
 981     int iv_adjustment_in_bytes = (stride_sign * vw - (offset % vw));
 982     assert(((ABS(iv_adjustment_in_bytes) % elt_size) == 0),
 983            "(%d) should be divisible by (%d)", iv_adjustment_in_bytes, elt_size);
 984     iv_adjustment = iv_adjustment_in_bytes/elt_size;
 985   } else {
 986     // This memory op is not dependent on iv (scale == 0)
 987     iv_adjustment = 0;
 988   }
 990 #ifndef PRODUCT
 991   if (TraceSuperWord) {
 992     tty->print("SuperWord::get_iv_adjustment: n = %d, noffset = %d iv_adjust = %d elt_size = %d scale = %d iv_stride = %d vect_size %d: ",
 993       mem_ref->_idx, offset, iv_adjustment, elt_size, scale, iv_stride(), vw);

2333         const TypePtr* atyp = n->adr_type();
2334         vn = LoadVectorNode::make(opc, ctl, mem, adr, atyp, vlen, velt_basic_type(n), control_dependency(p));
2335         vlen_in_bytes = vn->as_LoadVector()->memory_size();
2336       } else if (n->is_Store()) {
2337         // Promote value to be stored to vector
2338         Node* val = vector_opd(p, MemNode::ValueIn);
2339         if (val == NULL) {
2340           if (do_reserve_copy()) {
2341             NOT_PRODUCT(if(is_trace_loop_reverse() || TraceLoopOpts) {tty->print_cr("SWPointer::output: val should not be NULL, exiting SuperWord");})
2342             return; //and reverse to backup IG
2343           }
2344           ShouldNotReachHere();
2345         }
2347         Node* ctl = n->in(MemNode::Control);
2348         Node* mem = first->in(MemNode::Memory);
2349         Node* adr = low_adr->in(MemNode::Address);
2350         const TypePtr* atyp = n->adr_type();
2351         vn = StoreVectorNode::make(opc, ctl, mem, adr, atyp, val, vlen);
2352         vlen_in_bytes = vn->as_StoreVector()->memory_size();
2353       } else if (VectorNode::is_muladds2i(n)) {
2354         assert(n->req() == 5u, "MulAddS2I should have 4 operands.");
2355         Node* in1 = vector_opd(p, 1);
2356         Node* in2 = vector_opd(p, 2);
2357         vn = VectorNode::make(opc, in1, in2, vlen, velt_basic_type(n));
2358         vlen_in_bytes = vn->as_Vector()->length_in_bytes();
2359       } else if (n->req() == 3 && !is_cmov_pack(p)) {
2360         // Promote operands to vector
2361         Node* in1 = NULL;
2362         bool node_isa_reduction = n->is_reduction();
2363         if (node_isa_reduction) {
2364           // the input to the first reduction operation is retained
2365           in1 = low_adr->in(1);
2366         } else {
2367           in1 = vector_opd(p, 1);
2368           if (in1 == NULL) {
2369             if (do_reserve_copy()) {
2370               NOT_PRODUCT(if(is_trace_loop_reverse() || TraceLoopOpts) {tty->print_cr("SWPointer::output: in1 should not be NULL, exiting SuperWord");})
2371               return; //and reverse to backup IG
2372             }
2373             ShouldNotReachHere();
2374           }
2375         }
2376         Node* in2 = vector_opd(p, 2);
2377         if (in2 == NULL) {
2378           if (do_reserve_copy()) {

2651     }
2652 #endif
2653     return vn;
2654   }
2656   // Insert pack operation
2657   BasicType bt = velt_basic_type(p0);
2658   PackNode* pk = PackNode::make(opd, vlen, bt);
2659   DEBUG_ONLY( const BasicType opd_bt = opd->bottom_type()->basic_type(); )
2661   for (uint i = 1; i < vlen; i++) {
2662     Node* pi = p->at(i);
2663     Node* in = pi->in(opd_idx);
2664     assert(my_pack(in) == NULL, "Should already have been unpacked");
2665     if (my_pack(in) != NULL) {
2666       NOT_PRODUCT(if(is_trace_loop_reverse() || TraceLoopOpts) {tty->print_cr("Should already have been unpacked");})
2667       return NULL;
2668     }
2669     assert(opd_bt == in->bottom_type()->basic_type(), "all same type");
2670     pk->add_opd(in);
2671     if (VectorNode::is_muladds2i(pi)) {
2672       Node* in2 = pi->in(opd_idx + 2);
2673       assert(my_pack(in2) == NULL, "Should already have been unpacked");
2674       if (my_pack(in2) != NULL) {
2675         NOT_PRODUCT(if (is_trace_loop_reverse() || TraceLoopOpts) { tty->print_cr("Should already have been unpacked"); })
2676           return NULL;
2677       }
2678       assert(opd_bt == in2->bottom_type()->basic_type(), "all same type");
2679       pk->add_opd(in2);
2680     }
2681   }
2682   _igvn.register_new_node_with_optimizer(pk);
2683   _phase->set_ctrl(pk, _phase->get_ctrl(opd));
2684 #ifdef ASSERT
2685   if (TraceNewVectors) {
2686     tty->print("new Vector node: ");
2687     pk->dump();
2688   }
2689 #endif
2690   return pk;
2691 }
2693 //------------------------------insert_extracts---------------------------
2694 // If a use of pack p is not a vector use, then replace the
2695 // use with an extract operation.
2696 void SuperWord::insert_extracts(Node_List* p) {
2697   if (p->at(0)->is_Store()) return;
2698   assert(_n_idx_list.is_empty(), "empty (node,index) list");
2700   // Inspect each use of each pack member.  For each use that is

2738     set_velt_type(ex, velt_type(def));
2739   }
2740 }
2742 //------------------------------is_vector_use---------------------------
2743 // Is use->in(u_idx) a vector use?
2744 bool SuperWord::is_vector_use(Node* use, int u_idx) {
2745   Node_List* u_pk = my_pack(use);
2746   if (u_pk == NULL) return false;
2747   if (use->is_reduction()) return true;
2748   Node* def = use->in(u_idx);
2749   Node_List* d_pk = my_pack(def);
2750   if (d_pk == NULL) {
2751     // check for scalar promotion
2752     Node* n = u_pk->at(0)->in(u_idx);
2753     for (uint i = 1; i < u_pk->size(); i++) {
2754       if (u_pk->at(i)->in(u_idx) != n) return false;
2755     }
2756     return true;
2757   }
2758   if (VectorNode::is_muladds2i(use)) {
2759     // MulAddS2I takes shorts and produces ints - hence the special checks
2760     // on alignment and size.
2761     if (u_pk->size() * 2 != d_pk->size()) {
2762       return false;
2763     }
2764     for (uint i = 0; i < MIN2(d_pk->size(), u_pk->size()); i++) {
2765       Node* ui = u_pk->at(i);
2766       Node* di = d_pk->at(i);
2767       if (alignment(ui) != alignment(di) * 2) {
2768         return false;
2769       }
2770     }
2771     return true;
2772   }
2773   if (u_pk->size() != d_pk->size())
2774     return false;
2775   for (uint i = 0; i < u_pk->size(); i++) {
2776     Node* ui = u_pk->at(i);
2777     Node* di = d_pk->at(i);
2778     if (ui->in(u_idx) != di || alignment(ui) != alignment(di))
2779       return false;
2780   }
2781   return true;
2782 }
2784 //------------------------------construct_bb---------------------------
2785 // Construct reverse postorder list of block members
2786 bool SuperWord::construct_bb() {
2787   Node* entry = bb();
2789   assert(_stk.length() == 0,            "stk is empty");
2790   assert(_block.length() == 0,          "block is empty");
2791   assert(_data_entry.length() == 0,     "data_entry is empty");
2792   assert(_mem_slice_head.length() == 0, "mem_slice_head is empty");

3078       n->dump();
3079     }
3080   }
3081 #endif
3082 }
3084 //------------------------------memory_alignment---------------------------
3085 // Alignment within a vector memory reference
3086 int SuperWord::memory_alignment(MemNode* s, int iv_adjust) {
3087   #ifndef PRODUCT
3088     if(TraceSuperWord && Verbose) {
3089       tty->print("SuperWord::memory_alignment within a vector memory reference for %d:  ", s->_idx); s->dump();
3090     }
3091   #endif
3092   NOT_PRODUCT(SWPointer::Tracer::Depth ddd(0);)
3093   SWPointer p(s, this, NULL, false);
3094   if (!p.valid()) {
3095     NOT_PRODUCT(if(is_trace_alignment()) tty->print("SWPointer::memory_alignment: SWPointer p invalid, return bottom_align");)
3096     return bottom_align;
3097   }
3098   int vw = get_vw_bytes_special(s);
3099   if (vw < 2) {
3100     NOT_PRODUCT(if(is_trace_alignment()) tty->print_cr("SWPointer::memory_alignment: vector_width_in_bytes < 2, return bottom_align");)
3101     return bottom_align; // No vectors for this type
3102   }
3103   int offset  = p.offset_in_bytes();
3104   offset     += iv_adjust*p.memory_size();
3105   int off_rem = offset % vw;
3106   int off_mod = off_rem >= 0 ? off_rem : off_rem + vw;
3107   if (TraceSuperWord && Verbose) {
3108     tty->print_cr("SWPointer::memory_alignment: off_rem = %d, off_mod = %d", off_rem, off_mod);
3109   }
3110   return off_mod;
3111 }
3113 //---------------------------container_type---------------------------
3114 // Smallest type containing range of values
3115 const Type* SuperWord::container_type(Node* n) {
3116   if (n->is_Mem()) {
3117     BasicType bt = n->as_Mem()->memory_type();
3118     if (n->is_Store() && (bt == T_CHAR)) {

< prev index next >