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 155 MSG_Help_6=Options for makeAll command include:\n\
 156 \  -appclass <application class>\n\
 157 \          qualified name of the application class to be executed.\n\
 158 \  -preloader <preloader class>\n\
 159 \          qualified name of the preloader class to be executed.\n\
 160 \  -classpath <files>\n\
 161 \          list of dependent jar file names.\n\
 162 \  -name <name>\n\
 163 \          name of the application.\n\
 164 \  -width <width>\n\
 165 \          width of the application.\n\
 166 \  -height <height>\n\
 167 \          height of the application.\n\
 168 \  -v      enable verbose output.\n\
 169 \n
 170 MSG_Help_7=Sample usages:\n\
 171 --------------\n\
 172 javapackager -deploy -native jnlp -outdir outdir -outfile outfile -width 34 -height 43 \n\
 173 \  -name AppName -appclass package.ClassName -v -srcdir compiled\n\
 174 \          Generates outfile.jnlp and corresponding outfile.html files in \n\
 175 \          outdir for aplication AppName that is started by package.ClassName\n\
 176 \          class and has dimensions of 34x43.\n\
 177 javapackager -deploy -native native -outdir outdir -name AppName -m modulename/mainclass\n\
 178 \          Generates a native image and all native installers.
 180 ERR_UnknownArgument=Error: Unknown argument: {0}
 181 ERR_UnknownCommand=Error: Unknown command: {0}
 182 ERR_BSSConversionFailed=Error: Conversion of CSS file to binary form failed for file: {0}, reason: {1}
 183 ERR_UnknownReason=Unknown reason
 184 ERR_MissingArgument=Error: Missing argument: {0}
 185 ERR_IllegalCSSFile=Error: -cssfile argument must be a readable file
 186 ERR_EmbedingLauncher=Error: Missing embedded resource [{0}]
 187 ERR_ContradictorySetting=Error: Ant script manifest argument ''{0}'' contradicts Ant script data type settings.
 188 ERR_CreatingDirFailed=Error: Failed to create directory {0}
 189 ERR_CreatingFileFailed=Error: Failed to create file {0}
 190 ERR_CreatingTempFileFailed=Error: Failed to create temporary file
 191 ERR_CreatingJarFailed=Error: Failed to create jar file {0}
 192 ERR_FileCopyFailed=Error: Failed copy file to directory {0}
 193 ERR_FileReadFailed=Error: Failed reading file {0}
 194 ERR_CantFindRuntime=Error: jfxrt.jar needs to be on classpath for -createbss and for -createJar without -nocss2bin
 195 ERR_CantDeleteFile=Error: File {0} could not be deleted.

 155 MSG_Help_6=Options for makeAll command include:\n\
 156 \  -appclass <application class>\n\
 157 \          qualified name of the application class to be executed.\n\
 158 \  -preloader <preloader class>\n\
 159 \          qualified name of the preloader class to be executed.\n\
 160 \  -classpath <files>\n\
 161 \          list of dependent jar file names.\n\
 162 \  -name <name>\n\
 163 \          name of the application.\n\
 164 \  -width <width>\n\
 165 \          width of the application.\n\
 166 \  -height <height>\n\
 167 \          height of the application.\n\
 168 \  -v      enable verbose output.\n\
 169 \n
 170 MSG_Help_7=Sample usages:\n\
 171 --------------\n\
 172 javapackager -deploy -native jnlp -outdir outdir -outfile outfile -width 34 -height 43 \n\
 173 \  -name AppName -appclass package.ClassName -v -srcdir compiled\n\
 174 \          Generates outfile.jnlp and corresponding outfile.html files in \n\
 175 \          outdir for application AppName that is started by package.ClassName\n\
 176 \          class and has dimensions of 34x43.\n\
 177 javapackager -deploy -native native -outdir outdir -name AppName -m modulename/mainclass\n\
 178 \          Generates a native image and all native installers.
 180 ERR_UnknownArgument=Error: Unknown argument: {0}
 181 ERR_UnknownCommand=Error: Unknown command: {0}
 182 ERR_BSSConversionFailed=Error: Conversion of CSS file to binary form failed for file: {0}, reason: {1}
 183 ERR_UnknownReason=Unknown reason
 184 ERR_MissingArgument=Error: Missing argument: {0}
 185 ERR_IllegalCSSFile=Error: -cssfile argument must be a readable file
 186 ERR_EmbedingLauncher=Error: Missing embedded resource [{0}]
 187 ERR_ContradictorySetting=Error: Ant script manifest argument ''{0}'' contradicts Ant script data type settings.
 188 ERR_CreatingDirFailed=Error: Failed to create directory {0}
 189 ERR_CreatingFileFailed=Error: Failed to create file {0}
 190 ERR_CreatingTempFileFailed=Error: Failed to create temporary file
 191 ERR_CreatingJarFailed=Error: Failed to create jar file {0}
 192 ERR_FileCopyFailed=Error: Failed copy file to directory {0}
 193 ERR_FileReadFailed=Error: Failed reading file {0}
 194 ERR_CantFindRuntime=Error: jfxrt.jar needs to be on classpath for -createbss and for -createJar without -nocss2bin
 195 ERR_CantDeleteFile=Error: File {0} could not be deleted.