1 /*
   2  * Copyright (c) 2008, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   4  *
   5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
   8  * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
   9  * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
  10  *
  11  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  12  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  13  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  14  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  15  * accompanied this code).
  16  *
  17  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  18  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  19  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  20  *
  21  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  22  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  23  * questions.
  24  */
  26 package java.lang.invoke;
  28 import static java.lang.invoke.MethodHandleStatics.*;
  29 import static java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles.Lookup.IMPL_LOOKUP;
  30 import java.lang.reflect.Field;
  31 import sun.misc.Cleaner;
  33 /**
  34  * A {@code CallSite} is a holder for a variable {@link MethodHandle},
  35  * which is called its {@code target}.
  36  * An {@code invokedynamic} instruction linked to a {@code CallSite} delegates
  37  * all calls to the site's current target.
  38  * A {@code CallSite} may be associated with several {@code invokedynamic}
  39  * instructions, or it may be "free floating", associated with none.
  40  * In any case, it may be invoked through an associated method handle
  41  * called its {@linkplain #dynamicInvoker dynamic invoker}.
  42  * <p>
  43  * {@code CallSite} is an abstract class which does not allow
  44  * direct subclassing by users.  It has three immediate,
  45  * concrete subclasses that may be either instantiated or subclassed.
  46  * <ul>
  47  * <li>If a mutable target is not required, an {@code invokedynamic} instruction
  48  * may be permanently bound by means of a {@linkplain ConstantCallSite constant call site}.
  49  * <li>If a mutable target is required which has volatile variable semantics,
  50  * because updates to the target must be immediately and reliably witnessed by other threads,
  51  * a {@linkplain VolatileCallSite volatile call site} may be used.
  52  * <li>Otherwise, if a mutable target is required,
  53  * a {@linkplain MutableCallSite mutable call site} may be used.
  54  * </ul>
  55  * <p>
  56  * A non-constant call site may be <em>relinked</em> by changing its target.
  57  * The new target must have the same {@linkplain MethodHandle#type() type}
  58  * as the previous target.
  59  * Thus, though a call site can be relinked to a series of
  60  * successive targets, it cannot change its type.
  61  * <p>
  62  * Here is a sample use of call sites and bootstrap methods which links every
  63  * dynamic call site to print its arguments:
  64 <blockquote><pre>{@code
  65 static void test() throws Throwable {
  67     InvokeDynamic[#bootstrapDynamic].baz("baz arg", 2, 3.14);
  68 }
  69 private static void printArgs(Object... args) {
  70   System.out.println(java.util.Arrays.deepToString(args));
  71 }
  72 private static final MethodHandle printArgs;
  73 static {
  74   MethodHandles.Lookup lookup = MethodHandles.lookup();
  75   Class thisClass = lookup.lookupClass();  // (who am I?)
  76   printArgs = lookup.findStatic(thisClass,
  77       "printArgs", MethodType.methodType(void.class, Object[].class));
  78 }
  79 private static CallSite bootstrapDynamic(MethodHandles.Lookup caller, String name, MethodType type) {
  80   // ignore caller and name, but match the type:
  81   return new ConstantCallSite(printArgs.asType(type));
  82 }
  83 }</pre></blockquote>
  84  * @author John Rose, JSR 292 EG
  85  */
  86 abstract
  87 public class CallSite {
  88     static { MethodHandleImpl.initStatics(); }
  90     // The actual payload of this call site:
  91     /*package-private*/
  92     MethodHandle target;    // Note: This field is known to the JVM.  Do not change.
  94     /**
  95      * Make a blank call site object with the given method type.
  96      * An initial target method is supplied which will throw
  97      * an {@link IllegalStateException} if called.
  98      * <p>
  99      * Before this {@code CallSite} object is returned from a bootstrap method,
 100      * it is usually provided with a more useful target method,
 101      * via a call to {@link CallSite#setTarget(MethodHandle) setTarget}.
 102      * @throws NullPointerException if the proposed type is null
 103      */
 104     /*package-private*/
 105     CallSite(MethodType type) {
 106         target = makeUninitializedCallSite(type);
 107     }
 109     /**
 110      * Make a call site object equipped with an initial target method handle.
 111      * @param target the method handle which will be the initial target of the call site
 112      * @throws NullPointerException if the proposed target is null
 113      */
 114     /*package-private*/
 115     CallSite(MethodHandle target) {
 116         target.type();  // null check
 117         this.target = target;
 118     }
 120     /**
 121      * Make a call site object equipped with an initial target method handle.
 122      * @param targetType the desired type of the call site
 123      * @param createTargetHook a hook which will bind the call site to the target method handle
 124      * @throws WrongMethodTypeException if the hook cannot be invoked on the required arguments,
 125      *         or if the target returned by the hook is not of the given {@code targetType}
 126      * @throws NullPointerException if the hook returns a null value
 127      * @throws ClassCastException if the hook returns something other than a {@code MethodHandle}
 128      * @throws Throwable anything else thrown by the hook function
 129      */
 130     /*package-private*/
 131     CallSite(MethodType targetType, MethodHandle createTargetHook) throws Throwable {
 132         this(targetType);
 133         ConstantCallSite selfCCS = (ConstantCallSite) this;
 134         MethodHandle boundTarget = (MethodHandle) createTargetHook.invokeWithArguments(selfCCS);
 135         checkTargetChange(this.target, boundTarget);
 136         this.target = boundTarget;
 137     }
 139     /**
 140      * {@code CallSite} dependency context.
 141      * VM uses context class to store nmethod dependencies on the call site target.
 142      * Can be in 2 states: (a) null; or (b) {@code Cleaner} instance pointing to some Class instance.
 143      * Lazily initialized when CallSite instance is linked to some indy call site or VM needs
 144      * it to store dependencies. As a corollary, "null" context means there are no dependencies
 145      * registered yet. {@code Cleaner} is used in 2 roles:
 146      *   (a) context class access for VM;
 147      *   (b) stale context class cleanup.
 148      * {@code Cleaner} holds the context class until cleanup action is finished (see {@code PhantomReference}).
 149      * Though it's impossible to get the context class using {@code Reference.get()}, VM extracts it directly
 150      * from {@code Reference.referent} field.
 151      */
 152     private volatile Cleaner context = null;
 154     /**
 155      * Default context.
 156      * VM uses it to initialize non-linked CallSite context.
 157      */
 158     private static class DefaultContext {}
 159     private static final Cleaner DEFAULT_CONTEXT = makeContext(DefaultContext.class, null);
 161     private static Cleaner makeContext(Class<?> referent, final CallSite holder) {
 162         return Cleaner.create(referent,
 163                 new Runnable() {
 164                     @Override public void run() {
 165                         MethodHandleNatives.invalidateDependentNMethods(holder);
 166                     }
 167                 });
 168     }
 170     /** Initialize context class used for nmethod dependency tracking */
 171     /*package-private*/
 172     void initContext(Class<?> newContext) {
 173         // If there are concurrent actions, exactly one succeeds.
 174         if (context == null) {
 175             UNSAFE.compareAndSwapObject(this, CONTEXT_OFFSET, /*expected=*/null, makeContext(newContext, this));
 176             // No need to care about failed CAS attempt.
 177             // Since initContext is called from indy call site linkage in newContext class, there's no risk
 178             // that the context class becomes dead while corresponding context cleaner is alive (causing cleanup
 179             // action in the wrong context).
 180         }
 181     }
 183     /**
 184      * Returns the type of this call site's target.
 185      * Although targets may change, any call site's type is permanent, and can never change to an unequal type.
 186      * The {@code setTarget} method enforces this invariant by refusing any new target that does
 187      * not have the previous target's type.
 188      * @return the type of the current target, which is also the type of any future target
 189      */
 190     public MethodType type() {
 191         // warning:  do not call getTarget here, because CCS.getTarget can throw IllegalStateException
 192         return target.type();
 193     }
 195     /**
 196      * Returns the target method of the call site, according to the
 197      * behavior defined by this call site's specific class.
 198      * The immediate subclasses of {@code CallSite} document the
 199      * class-specific behaviors of this method.
 200      *
 201      * @return the current linkage state of the call site, its target method handle
 202      * @see ConstantCallSite
 203      * @see VolatileCallSite
 204      * @see #setTarget
 205      * @see ConstantCallSite#getTarget
 206      * @see MutableCallSite#getTarget
 207      * @see VolatileCallSite#getTarget
 208      */
 209     public abstract MethodHandle getTarget();
 211     /**
 212      * Updates the target method of this call site, according to the
 213      * behavior defined by this call site's specific class.
 214      * The immediate subclasses of {@code CallSite} document the
 215      * class-specific behaviors of this method.
 216      * <p>
 217      * The type of the new target must be {@linkplain MethodType#equals equal to}
 218      * the type of the old target.
 219      *
 220      * @param newTarget the new target
 221      * @throws NullPointerException if the proposed new target is null
 222      * @throws WrongMethodTypeException if the proposed new target
 223      *         has a method type that differs from the previous target
 224      * @see CallSite#getTarget
 225      * @see ConstantCallSite#setTarget
 226      * @see MutableCallSite#setTarget
 227      * @see VolatileCallSite#setTarget
 228      */
 229     public abstract void setTarget(MethodHandle newTarget);
 231     void checkTargetChange(MethodHandle oldTarget, MethodHandle newTarget) {
 232         MethodType oldType = oldTarget.type();
 233         MethodType newType = newTarget.type();  // null check!
 234         if (!newType.equals(oldType))
 235             throw wrongTargetType(newTarget, oldType);
 236     }
 238     private static WrongMethodTypeException wrongTargetType(MethodHandle target, MethodType type) {
 239         return new WrongMethodTypeException(String.valueOf(target)+" should be of type "+type);
 240     }
 242     /**
 243      * Produces a method handle equivalent to an invokedynamic instruction
 244      * which has been linked to this call site.
 245      * <p>
 246      * This method is equivalent to the following code:
 247      * <blockquote><pre>{@code
 248      * MethodHandle getTarget, invoker, result;
 249      * getTarget = MethodHandles.publicLookup().bind(this, "getTarget", MethodType.methodType(MethodHandle.class));
 250      * invoker = MethodHandles.exactInvoker(this.type());
 251      * result = MethodHandles.foldArguments(invoker, getTarget)
 252      * }</pre></blockquote>
 253      *
 254      * @return a method handle which always invokes this call site's current target
 255      */
 256     public abstract MethodHandle dynamicInvoker();
 258     /*non-public*/ MethodHandle makeDynamicInvoker() {
 259         MethodHandle getTarget = GET_TARGET.bindArgumentL(0, this);
 260         MethodHandle invoker = MethodHandles.exactInvoker(this.type());
 261         return MethodHandles.foldArguments(invoker, getTarget);
 262     }
 264     private static final MethodHandle GET_TARGET;
 265     private static final MethodHandle THROW_UCS;
 266     static {
 267         try {
 268             GET_TARGET = IMPL_LOOKUP.
 269                 findVirtual(CallSite.class, "getTarget", MethodType.methodType(MethodHandle.class));
 270             THROW_UCS = IMPL_LOOKUP.
 271                 findStatic(CallSite.class, "uninitializedCallSite", MethodType.methodType(Object.class, Object[].class));
 272         } catch (ReflectiveOperationException e) {
 273             throw newInternalError(e);
 274         }
 275     }
 277     /** This guy is rolled into the default target if a MethodType is supplied to the constructor. */
 278     private static Object uninitializedCallSite(Object... ignore) {
 279         throw new IllegalStateException("uninitialized call site");
 280     }
 282     private MethodHandle makeUninitializedCallSite(MethodType targetType) {
 283         MethodType basicType = targetType.basicType();
 284         MethodHandle invoker = basicType.form().cachedMethodHandle(MethodTypeForm.MH_UNINIT_CS);
 285         if (invoker == null) {
 286             invoker = THROW_UCS.asType(basicType);
 287             invoker = basicType.form().setCachedMethodHandle(MethodTypeForm.MH_UNINIT_CS, invoker);
 288         }
 289         // unchecked view is OK since no values will be received or returned
 290         return invoker.viewAsType(targetType, false);
 291     }
 293     // unsafe stuff:
 294     private static final long  TARGET_OFFSET;
 295     private static final long CONTEXT_OFFSET;
 296     static {
 297         try {
 298             TARGET_OFFSET  = UNSAFE.objectFieldOffset(CallSite.class.getDeclaredField("target"));
 299             CONTEXT_OFFSET = UNSAFE.objectFieldOffset(CallSite.class.getDeclaredField("context"));
 300         } catch (Exception ex) { throw newInternalError(ex); }
 301     }
 303     /*package-private*/
 304     void setTargetNormal(MethodHandle newTarget) {
 305         MethodHandleNatives.setCallSiteTargetNormal(this, newTarget);
 306     }
 307     /*package-private*/
 308     MethodHandle getTargetVolatile() {
 309         return (MethodHandle) UNSAFE.getObjectVolatile(this, TARGET_OFFSET);
 310     }
 311     /*package-private*/
 312     void setTargetVolatile(MethodHandle newTarget) {
 313         MethodHandleNatives.setCallSiteTargetVolatile(this, newTarget);
 314     }
 316     // this implements the upcall from the JVM, MethodHandleNatives.makeDynamicCallSite:
 317     static CallSite makeSite(MethodHandle bootstrapMethod,
 318                              // Callee information:
 319                              String name, MethodType type,
 320                              // Extra arguments for BSM, if any:
 321                              Object info,
 322                              // Caller information:
 323                              Class<?> callerClass) {
 324         MethodHandles.Lookup caller = IMPL_LOOKUP.in(callerClass);
 325         CallSite site;
 326         try {
 327             Object binding;
 328             info = maybeReBox(info);
 329             if (info == null) {
 330                 binding = bootstrapMethod.invoke(caller, name, type);
 331             } else if (!info.getClass().isArray()) {
 332                 binding = bootstrapMethod.invoke(caller, name, type, info);
 333             } else {
 334                 Object[] argv = (Object[]) info;
 335                 maybeReBoxElements(argv);
 336                 switch (argv.length) {
 337                 case 0:
 338                     binding = bootstrapMethod.invoke(caller, name, type);
 339                     break;
 340                 case 1:
 341                     binding = bootstrapMethod.invoke(caller, name, type,
 342                                                      argv[0]);
 343                     break;
 344                 case 2:
 345                     binding = bootstrapMethod.invoke(caller, name, type,
 346                                                      argv[0], argv[1]);
 347                     break;
 348                 case 3:
 349                     binding = bootstrapMethod.invoke(caller, name, type,
 350                                                      argv[0], argv[1], argv[2]);
 351                     break;
 352                 case 4:
 353                     binding = bootstrapMethod.invoke(caller, name, type,
 354                                                      argv[0], argv[1], argv[2], argv[3]);
 355                     break;
 356                 case 5:
 357                     binding = bootstrapMethod.invoke(caller, name, type,
 358                                                      argv[0], argv[1], argv[2], argv[3], argv[4]);
 359                     break;
 360                 case 6:
 361                     binding = bootstrapMethod.invoke(caller, name, type,
 362                                                      argv[0], argv[1], argv[2], argv[3], argv[4], argv[5]);
 363                     break;
 364                 default:
 365                     final int NON_SPREAD_ARG_COUNT = 3;  // (caller, name, type)
 366                     if (NON_SPREAD_ARG_COUNT + argv.length > MethodType.MAX_MH_ARITY)
 367                         throw new BootstrapMethodError("too many bootstrap method arguments");
 368                     MethodType bsmType = bootstrapMethod.type();
 369                     MethodType invocationType = MethodType.genericMethodType(NON_SPREAD_ARG_COUNT + argv.length);
 370                     MethodHandle typedBSM = bootstrapMethod.asType(invocationType);
 371                     MethodHandle spreader = invocationType.invokers().spreadInvoker(NON_SPREAD_ARG_COUNT);
 372                     binding = spreader.invokeExact(typedBSM, (Object)caller, (Object)name, (Object)type, argv);
 373                 }
 374             }
 375             //System.out.println("BSM for "+name+type+" => "+binding);
 376             if (binding instanceof CallSite) {
 377                 site = (CallSite) binding;
 378             }  else {
 379                 throw new ClassCastException("bootstrap method failed to produce a CallSite");
 380             }
 381             if (!site.getTarget().type().equals(type))
 382                 throw wrongTargetType(site.getTarget(), type);
 383         } catch (Throwable ex) {
 384             BootstrapMethodError bex;
 385             if (ex instanceof BootstrapMethodError)
 386                 bex = (BootstrapMethodError) ex;
 387             else
 388                 bex = new BootstrapMethodError("call site initialization exception", ex);
 389             throw bex;
 390         }
 391         return site;
 392     }
 394     private static Object maybeReBox(Object x) {
 395         if (x instanceof Integer) {
 396             int xi = (int) x;
 397             if (xi == (byte) xi)
 398                 x = xi;  // must rebox; see JLS 5.1.7
 399         }
 400         return x;
 401     }
 402     private static void maybeReBoxElements(Object[] xa) {
 403         for (int i = 0; i < xa.length; i++) {
 404             xa[i] = maybeReBox(xa[i]);
 405         }
 406     }
 407 }