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3810   } else {
3811     // The coast is clear.
3812     return false;
3813   }
3814 }
3816 // Compute when not to trap. Used by matching trap based nodes and
3817 // NullCheck optimization.
3818 void Compile::set_allowed_deopt_reasons() {
3819   _allowed_reasons = 0;
3820   if (is_method_compilation()) {
3821     for (int rs = (int)Deoptimization::Reason_none+1; rs < Compile::trapHistLength; rs++) {
3822       assert(rs < BitsPerInt, "recode bit map");
3823       if (!too_many_traps((Deoptimization::DeoptReason) rs)) {
3824         _allowed_reasons |= nth_bit(rs);
3825       }
3826     }
3827   }
3828 }
3830 bool Compile::is_compiling_clinit_for(ciKlass* k) {

3831   ciMethod* root = method(); // the root method of compilation
3832   return root->is_static_initializer() && root->holder() == k; // access in the context of clinit

3833 }
3835 #ifndef PRODUCT
3836 //------------------------------verify_graph_edges---------------------------
3837 // Walk the Graph and verify that there is a one-to-one correspondence
3838 // between Use-Def edges and Def-Use edges in the graph.
3839 void Compile::verify_graph_edges(bool no_dead_code) {
3840   if (VerifyGraphEdges) {
3841     ResourceArea *area = Thread::current()->resource_area();
3842     Unique_Node_List visited(area);
3843     // Call recursive graph walk to check edges
3844     _root->verify_edges(visited);
3845     if (no_dead_code) {
3846       // Now make sure that no visited node is used by an unvisited node.
3847       bool dead_nodes = false;
3848       Unique_Node_List checked(area);
3849       while (visited.size() > 0) {
3850         Node* n = visited.pop();
3851         checked.push(n);
3852         for (uint i = 0; i < n->outcnt(); i++) {

3810   } else {
3811     // The coast is clear.
3812     return false;
3813   }
3814 }
3816 // Compute when not to trap. Used by matching trap based nodes and
3817 // NullCheck optimization.
3818 void Compile::set_allowed_deopt_reasons() {
3819   _allowed_reasons = 0;
3820   if (is_method_compilation()) {
3821     for (int rs = (int)Deoptimization::Reason_none+1; rs < Compile::trapHistLength; rs++) {
3822       assert(rs < BitsPerInt, "recode bit map");
3823       if (!too_many_traps((Deoptimization::DeoptReason) rs)) {
3824         _allowed_reasons |= nth_bit(rs);
3825       }
3826     }
3827   }
3828 }
3830 bool Compile::needs_clinit_barrier(ciMethod* method, ciMethod* accessing_method) {
3831   return method->is_static() && needs_clinit_barrier(method->holder(), accessing_method);
3832 }
3834 bool Compile::needs_clinit_barrier(ciField* field, ciMethod* accessing_method) {
3835   return field->is_static() && needs_clinit_barrier(field->holder(), accessing_method);
3836 }
3838 bool Compile::needs_clinit_barrier(ciInstanceKlass* holder, ciMethod* accessing_method) {
3839   if (holder->is_initialized()) {
3840     return false;
3841   }
3842   if (holder->is_being_initialized()) {
3843     if (accessing_method->holder() == holder) {
3844       // Access inside a class. The barrier can be elided when access happens in <clinit>,
3845       // <init>, or a static method. In all those cases, there was an initialization
3846       // barrier on the holder klass passed.
3847       if (accessing_method->is_static_initializer() ||
3848           accessing_method->is_object_initializer() ||
3849           accessing_method->is_static()) {
3850         return false;
3851       }
3852     } else if (accessing_method->holder()->is_subclass_of(holder)) {
3853       // Access from a subclass. The barrier can be elided only when access happens in <clinit>.
3854       // In case of <init> or a static method, the barrier is on the subclass is not enough:
3855       // child class can become fully initialized while its parent class is still being initialized.
3856       if (accessing_method->is_static_initializer()) {
3857         return false;
3858       }
3859     }
3860     ciMethod* root = method(); // the root method of compilation
3861     if (root != accessing_method) {
3862       return needs_clinit_barrier(holder, root); // check access in the context of compilation root
3863     }
3864   }
3865   return true;
3866 }
3868 #ifndef PRODUCT
3869 //------------------------------verify_graph_edges---------------------------
3870 // Walk the Graph and verify that there is a one-to-one correspondence
3871 // between Use-Def edges and Def-Use edges in the graph.
3872 void Compile::verify_graph_edges(bool no_dead_code) {
3873   if (VerifyGraphEdges) {
3874     ResourceArea *area = Thread::current()->resource_area();
3875     Unique_Node_List visited(area);
3876     // Call recursive graph walk to check edges
3877     _root->verify_edges(visited);
3878     if (no_dead_code) {
3879       // Now make sure that no visited node is used by an unvisited node.
3880       bool dead_nodes = false;
3881       Unique_Node_List checked(area);
3882       while (visited.size() > 0) {
3883         Node* n = visited.pop();
3884         checked.push(n);
3885         for (uint i = 0; i < n->outcnt(); i++) {

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