1 /*
   2  * Copyright (c) 2000, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   4  *
   5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
   8  * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
   9  * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
  10  *
  11  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  12  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  13  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  14  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  15  * accompanied this code).
  16  *
  17  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  18  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  19  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  20  *
  21  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  22  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  23  * questions.
  24  */
  26 /*
  27  *
  28  *  (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1999 All Rights Reserved.
  29  *  Copyright 1997 The Open Group Research Institute.  All rights reserved.
  30  */
  32 package sun.security.krb5.internal.ktab;
  34 import sun.security.krb5.*;
  35 import sun.security.krb5.internal.*;
  36 import sun.security.krb5.internal.crypto.*;
  37 import java.util.ArrayList;
  38 import java.util.Arrays;
  39 import java.io.IOException;
  40 import java.io.FileInputStream;
  41 import java.io.FileOutputStream;
  42 import java.io.File;
  43 import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
  44 import java.util.Comparator;
  45 import java.util.HashMap;
  46 import java.util.Map;
  47 import java.util.StringTokenizer;
  48 import java.util.Vector;
  49 import sun.security.jgss.krb5.ServiceCreds;
  51 /**
  52  * This class represents key table. The key table functions deal with storing
  53  * and retrieving service keys for use in authentication exchanges.
  54  *
  55  * A KeyTab object is always constructed, if the file specified does not
  56  * exist, it's still valid but empty. If there is an I/O error or file format
  57  * error, it's invalid.
  58  *
  59  * The class is immutable on the read side (the write side is only used by
  60  * the ktab tool).
  61  *
  62  * @author Yanni Zhang
  63  */
  64 public class KeyTab implements KeyTabConstants {
  66     private static final boolean DEBUG = Krb5.DEBUG;
  67     private static String defaultTabName = null;
  69     // Attention: Currently there is no way to remove a keytab from this map,
  70     // this might lead to a memory leak.
  71     private static Map<String,KeyTab> map = new HashMap<>();
  73     // KeyTab file does not exist. Note: a missing keytab is still valid
  74     private boolean isMissing = false;
  76     // KeyTab file is invalid, possibly an I/O error or a file format error.
  77     private boolean isValid = true;
  79     private final String tabName;
  80     private long lastModified;
  81     private int kt_vno = KRB5_KT_VNO;
  83     private Vector<KeyTabEntry> entries = new Vector<>();
  85     /**
  86      * Constructs a KeyTab object.
  87      *
  88      * If there is any I/O error or format errot during the loading, the
  89      * isValid flag is set to false, and all half-read entries are dismissed.
  90      * @param filename path name for the keytab file, must not be null
  91      */
  92     private KeyTab(String filename) {
  93         tabName = filename;
  94         try {
  95             lastModified = new File(tabName).lastModified();
  96             try (KeyTabInputStream kis =
  97                     new KeyTabInputStream(new FileInputStream(filename))) {
  98                 load(kis);
  99             }
 100         } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
 101             entries.clear();
 102             isMissing = true;
 103         } catch (Exception ioe) {
 104             entries.clear();
 105             isValid = false;
 106         }
 107     }
 109     /**
 110      * Read a keytab file. Returns a new object and save it into cache when
 111      * new content (modified since last read) is available. If keytab file is
 112      * invalid, the old object will be returned. This is a safeguard for
 113      * partial-written keytab files or non-stable network. Please note that
 114      * a missing keytab is valid, which is equivalent to an empty keytab.
 115      *
 116      * @param s file name of keytab, must not be null
 117      * @return the keytab object, can be invalid, but never null.
 118      */
 119     private synchronized static KeyTab getInstance0(String s) {
 120         long lm = new File(s).lastModified();
 121         KeyTab old = map.get(s);
 122         if (old != null && old.isValid() && old.lastModified == lm) {
 123             return old;
 124         }
 125         KeyTab ktab = new KeyTab(s);
 126         if (ktab.isValid()) {               // A valid new keytab
 127             map.put(s, ktab);
 128             return ktab;
 129         } else if (old != null) {           // An existing old one
 130             return old;
 131         } else {
 132             return ktab;                    // first read is invalid
 133         }
 134     }
 136     /**
 137      * Gets a KeyTab object.
 138      * @param s the key tab file name.
 139      * @return the KeyTab object, never null.
 140      */
 141     public static KeyTab getInstance(String s) {
 142         if (s == null) {
 143             return getInstance();
 144         } else {
 145             return getInstance0(normalize(s));
 146         }
 147     }
 149     /**
 150      * Gets a KeyTab object.
 151      * @param file the key tab file.
 152      * @return the KeyTab object, never null.
 153      */
 154     public static KeyTab getInstance(File file) {
 155         if (file == null) {
 156             return getInstance();
 157         } else {
 158             return getInstance0(file.getPath());
 159         }
 160     }
 162     /**
 163      * Gets the default KeyTab object.
 164      * @return the KeyTab object, never null.
 165      */
 166     public static KeyTab getInstance() {
 167         return getInstance(getDefaultTabName());
 168     }
 170     public boolean isMissing() {
 171         return isMissing;
 172     }
 174     public boolean isValid() {
 175         return isValid;
 176     }
 178     /**
 179      * The location of keytab file will be read from the configuration file
 180      * If it is not specified, consider user.home as the keytab file's
 181      * default location.
 182      * @return never null
 183      */
 184     private static String getDefaultTabName() {
 185         if (defaultTabName != null) {
 186             return defaultTabName;
 187         } else {
 188             String kname = null;
 189             try {
 190                 String keytab_names = Config.getInstance().get
 191                         ("libdefaults", "default_keytab_name");
 192                 if (keytab_names != null) {
 193                     StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(keytab_names, " ");
 194                     while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
 195                         kname = normalize(st.nextToken());
 196                         if (new File(kname).exists()) {
 197                             break;
 198                         }
 199                     }
 200                 }
 201             } catch (KrbException e) {
 202                 kname = null;
 203             }
 205             if (kname == null) {
 206                 String user_home =
 207                         java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(
 208                         new sun.security.action.GetPropertyAction("user.home"));
 210                 if (user_home == null) {
 211                     user_home =
 212                         java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(
 213                         new sun.security.action.GetPropertyAction("user.dir"));
 214                 }
 216                 kname = user_home + File.separator  + "krb5.keytab";
 217             }
 218             defaultTabName = kname;
 219             return kname;
 220         }
 221     }
 223     /**
 224      * Normalizes some common keytab name formats into the bare file name.
 225      * For example, FILE:/etc/krb5.keytab to /etc/krb5.keytab
 226      * @param name never null
 227      * @return never null
 228      */
 229     // This method is used in this class and Krb5LoginModule
 230     public static String normalize(String name) {
 231         String kname;
 232         if ((name.length() >= 5) &&
 233             (name.substring(0, 5).equalsIgnoreCase("FILE:"))) {
 234             kname = name.substring(5);
 235         } else if ((name.length() >= 9) &&
 236                 (name.substring(0, 9).equalsIgnoreCase("ANY:FILE:"))) {
 237             // this format found in MIT's krb5.ini.
 238             kname = name.substring(9);
 239         } else if ((name.length() >= 7) &&
 240                 (name.substring(0, 7).equalsIgnoreCase("SRVTAB:"))) {
 241             // this format found in MIT's krb5.ini.
 242             kname = name.substring(7);
 243         } else
 244             kname = name;
 245         return kname;
 246     }
 248     private void load(KeyTabInputStream kis)
 249         throws IOException, RealmException {
 251         entries.clear();
 252         kt_vno = kis.readVersion();
 253         if (kt_vno == KRB5_KT_VNO_1) {
 254             kis.setNativeByteOrder();
 255         }
 256         int entryLength = 0;
 257         KeyTabEntry entry;
 258         while (kis.available() > 0) {
 259             entryLength = kis.readEntryLength();
 260             entry = kis.readEntry(entryLength, kt_vno);
 261             if (DEBUG) {
 262                 System.out.println(">>> KeyTab: load() entry length: " +
 263                         entryLength + "; type: " +
 264                         (entry != null? entry.keyType : 0));
 265             }
 266             if (entry != null)
 267                 entries.addElement(entry);
 268         }
 269     }
 271     /**
 272      * Returns a principal name in this keytab. Used by
 273      * {@link ServiceCreds#getKKeys()}.
 274      */
 275     public PrincipalName getOneName() {
 276         int size = entries.size();
 277         return size > 0 ? entries.elementAt(size-1).service : null;
 278     }
 280     /**
 281      * Reads all keys for a service from the keytab file that have
 282      * etypes that have been configured for use.
 283      * @param service the PrincipalName of the requested service
 284      * @return an array containing all the service keys, never null
 285      */
 286     public EncryptionKey[] readServiceKeys(PrincipalName service) {
 287         KeyTabEntry entry;
 288         EncryptionKey key;
 289         int size = entries.size();
 290         ArrayList<EncryptionKey> keys = new ArrayList<>(size);
 291         if (DEBUG) {
 292             System.out.println("Looking for keys for: " + service);
 293         }
 294         for (int i = size-1; i >= 0; i--) {
 295             entry = entries.elementAt(i);
 296             if (entry.service.match(service)) {
 297                 if (EType.isSupported(entry.keyType)) {
 298                     key = new EncryptionKey(entry.keyblock,
 299                                         entry.keyType,
 300                                         new Integer(entry.keyVersion));
 301                     keys.add(key);
 302                     if (DEBUG) {
 303                         System.out.println("Added key: " + entry.keyType +
 304                             "version: " + entry.keyVersion);
 305                     }
 306                 } else if (DEBUG) {
 307                     System.out.println("Found unsupported keytype (" +
 308                         entry.keyType + ") for " + service);
 309                 }
 310             }
 311         }
 312         size = keys.size();
 313         EncryptionKey[] retVal = keys.toArray(new EncryptionKey[size]);
 315         // Sort the keys by kvno. Sometimes we must choose a single key (say,
 316         // generate encrypted timestamp in AS-REQ). A key with a higher KVNO
 317         // sounds like a newer one.
 318         Arrays.sort(retVal, new Comparator<EncryptionKey>() {
 319             @Override
 320             public int compare(EncryptionKey o1, EncryptionKey o2) {
 321                 return o2.getKeyVersionNumber().intValue()
 322                         - o1.getKeyVersionNumber().intValue();
 323             }
 324         });
 326         return retVal;
 327     }
 331     /**
 332      * Searches for the service entry in the keytab file.
 333      * The etype of the key must be one that has been configured
 334      * to be used.
 335      * @param service the PrincipalName of the requested service.
 336      * @return true if the entry is found, otherwise, return false.
 337      */
 338     public boolean findServiceEntry(PrincipalName service) {
 339         KeyTabEntry entry;
 340         for (int i = 0; i < entries.size(); i++) {
 341             entry = entries.elementAt(i);
 342             if (entry.service.match(service)) {
 343                 if (EType.isSupported(entry.keyType)) {
 344                     return true;
 345                 } else if (DEBUG) {
 346                     System.out.println("Found unsupported keytype (" +
 347                         entry.keyType + ") for " + service);
 348                 }
 349             }
 350         }
 351         return false;
 352     }
 354     public String tabName() {
 355         return tabName;
 356     }
 358     /////////////////// THE WRITE SIDE ///////////////////////
 359     /////////////// only used by ktab tool //////////////////
 361     /**
 362      * Adds a new entry in the key table.
 363      * @param service the service which will have a new entry in the key table.
 364      * @param psswd the password which generates the key.
 365      * @param kvno the kvno to use, -1 means automatic increasing
 366      * @param append false if entries with old kvno would be removed.
 367      * Note: if kvno is not -1, entries with the same kvno are always removed
 368      */
 369     public void addEntry(PrincipalName service, char[] psswd,
 370             int kvno, boolean append) throws KrbException {
 371         addEntry(service, service.getSalt(), psswd, kvno, append);
 372     }
 374     // Called by KDC test
 375     public void addEntry(PrincipalName service, String salt, char[] psswd,
 376             int kvno, boolean append) throws KrbException {
 378         EncryptionKey[] encKeys = EncryptionKey.acquireSecretKeys(
 379             psswd, salt);
 381         // There should be only one maximum KVNO value for all etypes, so that
 382         // all added keys can have the same KVNO.
 384         int maxKvno = 0;    // only useful when kvno == -1
 385         for (int i = entries.size()-1; i >= 0; i--) {
 386             KeyTabEntry e = entries.get(i);
 387             if (e.service.match(service)) {
 388                 if (e.keyVersion > maxKvno) {
 389                     maxKvno = e.keyVersion;
 390                 }
 391                 if (!append || e.keyVersion == kvno) {
 392                     entries.removeElementAt(i);
 393                 }
 394             }
 395         }
 396         if (kvno == -1) {
 397             kvno = maxKvno + 1;
 398         }
 400         for (int i = 0; encKeys != null && i < encKeys.length; i++) {
 401             int keyType = encKeys[i].getEType();
 402             byte[] keyValue = encKeys[i].getBytes();
 404             KeyTabEntry newEntry = new KeyTabEntry(service,
 405                             service.getRealm(),
 406                             new KerberosTime(System.currentTimeMillis()),
 407                                                kvno, keyType, keyValue);
 408             entries.addElement(newEntry);
 409         }
 410     }
 412     /**
 413      * Gets the list of service entries in key table.
 414      * @return array of <code>KeyTabEntry</code>.
 415      */
 416     public KeyTabEntry[] getEntries() {
 417         KeyTabEntry[] kentries = new KeyTabEntry[entries.size()];
 418         for (int i = 0; i < kentries.length; i++) {
 419             kentries[i] = entries.elementAt(i);
 420         }
 421         return kentries;
 422     }
 424     /**
 425      * Creates a new default key table.
 426      */
 427     public synchronized static KeyTab create()
 428         throws IOException, RealmException {
 429         String dname = getDefaultTabName();
 430         return create(dname);
 431     }
 433     /**
 434      * Creates a new default key table.
 435      */
 436     public synchronized static KeyTab create(String name)
 437         throws IOException, RealmException {
 439         try (KeyTabOutputStream kos =
 440                 new KeyTabOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(name))) {
 441             kos.writeVersion(KRB5_KT_VNO);
 442         }
 443         return new KeyTab(name);
 444     }
 446     /**
 447      * Saves the file at the directory.
 448      */
 449     public synchronized void save() throws IOException {
 450         try (KeyTabOutputStream kos =
 451                 new KeyTabOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(tabName))) {
 452             kos.writeVersion(kt_vno);
 453             for (int i = 0; i < entries.size(); i++) {
 454                 kos.writeEntry(entries.elementAt(i));
 455             }
 456         }
 457     }
 459     /**
 460      * Removes entries from the key table.
 461      * @param service the service <code>PrincipalName</code>.
 462      * @param etype the etype to match, remove all if -1
 463      * @param kvno what kvno to remove, -1 for all, -2 for old
 464      * @return the number of entries deleted
 465      */
 466     public int deleteEntries(PrincipalName service, int etype, int kvno) {
 467         int count = 0;
 469         // Remember the highest KVNO for each etype. Used for kvno == -2
 470         Map<Integer,Integer> highest = new HashMap<>();
 472         for (int i = entries.size()-1; i >= 0; i--) {
 473             KeyTabEntry e = entries.get(i);
 474             if (service.match(e.getService())) {
 475                 if (etype == -1 || e.keyType == etype) {
 476                     if (kvno == -2) {
 477                         // Two rounds for kvno == -2. In the first round (here),
 478                         // only find out highest KVNO for each etype
 479                         if (highest.containsKey(e.keyType)) {
 480                             int n = highest.get(e.keyType);
 481                             if (e.keyVersion > n) {
 482                                 highest.put(e.keyType, e.keyVersion);
 483                             }
 484                         } else {
 485                             highest.put(e.keyType, e.keyVersion);
 486                         }
 487                     } else if (kvno == -1 || e.keyVersion == kvno) {
 488                         entries.removeElementAt(i);
 489                         count++;
 490                     }
 491                 }
 492             }
 493         }
 495         // Second round for kvno == -2, remove old entries
 496         if (kvno == -2) {
 497             for (int i = entries.size()-1; i >= 0; i--) {
 498                 KeyTabEntry e = entries.get(i);
 499                 if (service.match(e.getService())) {
 500                     if (etype == -1 || e.keyType == etype) {
 501                         int n = highest.get(e.keyType);
 502                         if (e.keyVersion != n) {
 503                             entries.removeElementAt(i);
 504                             count++;
 505                         }
 506                     }
 507                 }
 508             }
 509         }
 510         return count;
 511     }
 513     /**
 514      * Creates key table file version.
 515      * @param file the key table file.
 516      * @exception IOException.
 517      */
 518     public synchronized void createVersion(File file) throws IOException {
 519         try (KeyTabOutputStream kos =
 520                 new KeyTabOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file))) {
 521             kos.write16(KRB5_KT_VNO);
 522         }
 523     }
 524 }