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rev 10700 : 8058845: Update JCE environment for build improvements
Reviewed-by: mullan, alanb, erikj, mchung, katleman

  59     // value is failure cause Exception in error case
  60     private final static Map<Provider, Object> verificationResults =
  61             new IdentityHashMap<>();
  63     // Map<Provider,?> of the providers currently being verified
  64     private final static Map<Provider, Object> verifyingProviders =
  65             new IdentityHashMap<>();
  67     // Set the default value. May be changed in the static initializer.
  68     private static boolean isRestricted = true;
  70     /*
  71      * Don't let anyone instantiate this.
  72      */
  73     private JceSecurity() {
  74     }
  76     static {
  77         try {
  78             AccessController.doPrivileged(
  79                 new PrivilegedExceptionAction<Object>() {
  80                     public Object run() throws Exception {
  81                         setupJurisdictionPolicies();
  82                         return null;
  83                     }
  84                 });
  86             isRestricted = defaultPolicy.implies(
  87                 CryptoAllPermission.INSTANCE) ? false : true;
  88         } catch (Exception e) {
  89             throw new SecurityException(
  90                     "Can not initialize cryptographic mechanism", e);
  91         }
  92     }
  94     static Instance getInstance(String type, Class<?> clazz, String algorithm,
  95             String provider) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException,
  96             NoSuchProviderException {
  97         Service s = GetInstance.getService(type, algorithm, provider);
  98         Exception ve = getVerificationResult(s.getProvider());
  99         if (ve != null) {
 100             String msg = "JCE cannot authenticate the provider " + provider;
 101             throw (NoSuchProviderException)
 102                                 new NoSuchProviderException(msg).initCause(ve);
 103         }

 126                 continue;
 127             }
 128             try {
 129                 Instance instance = GetInstance.getInstance(s, clazz);
 130                 return instance;
 131             } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
 132                 failure = e;
 133             }
 134         }
 135         throw new NoSuchAlgorithmException("Algorithm " + algorithm
 136                 + " not available", failure);
 137     }
 139     /**
 140      * Verify if the JAR at URL codeBase is a signed exempt application
 141      * JAR file and returns the permissions bundled with the JAR.
 142      *
 143      * @throws Exception on error
 144      */
 145     static CryptoPermissions verifyExemptJar(URL codeBase) throws Exception {
 146         JarVerifier jv = new JarVerifier(codeBase, true);
 147         jv.verify();
 148         return jv.getPermissions();
 149     }
 151     /**
 152      * Verify if the JAR at URL codeBase is a signed provider JAR file.
 153      *
 154      * @throws Exception on error
 155      */
 156     static void verifyProviderJar(URL codeBase) throws Exception {
 157         // Verify the provider JAR file and all
 158         // supporting JAR files if there are any.
 159         JarVerifier jv = new JarVerifier(codeBase, false);
 160         jv.verify();
 161     }
 163     private final static Object PROVIDER_VERIFIED = Boolean.TRUE;
 165     /*
 166      * Verify that the provider JAR files are signed properly, which
 167      * means the signer's certificate can be traced back to a
 168      * JCE trusted CA.
 169      * Return null if ok, failure Exception if verification failed.
 170      */
 171     static synchronized Exception getVerificationResult(Provider p) {
 172         Object o = verificationResults.get(p);
 173         if (o == PROVIDER_VERIFIED) {
 174             return null;
 175         } else if (o != null) {
 176             return (Exception)o;
 177         }
 178         if (verifyingProviders.get(p) != null) {
 179             // this method is static synchronized, must be recursion
 180             // return failure now but do not save the result
 181             return new NoSuchProviderException("Recursion during verification");
 182         }
 183         try {
 184             verifyingProviders.put(p, Boolean.FALSE);
 185             URL providerURL = getCodeBase(p.getClass());
 186             verifyProviderJar(providerURL);
 187             // Verified ok, cache result
 188             verificationResults.put(p, PROVIDER_VERIFIED);
 189             return null;
 190         } catch (Exception e) {
 191             verificationResults.put(p, e);
 192             return e;
 193         } finally {
 194             verifyingProviders.remove(p);
 195         }
 196     }
 198     // return whether this provider is properly signed and can be used by JCE
 199     static boolean canUseProvider(Provider p) {
 200         return getVerificationResult(p) == null;
 201     }
 203     // dummy object to represent null
 204     private static final URL NULL_URL;
 206     static {
 207         try {
 208             NULL_URL = new URL("");
 209         } catch (Exception e) {
 210             throw new RuntimeException(e);
 211         }
 212     }
 214     // reference to a Map we use as a cache for codebases
 215     private static final Map<Class<?>, URL> codeBaseCacheRef =
 216             new WeakHashMap<>();
 218     /*
 219      * Returns the CodeBase for the given class.
 220      */
 221     static URL getCodeBase(final Class<?> clazz) {
 222         synchronized (codeBaseCacheRef) {
 223             URL url = codeBaseCacheRef.get(clazz);
 224             if (url == null) {
 225                 url = AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction<URL>() {
 226                     public URL run() {
 227                         ProtectionDomain pd = clazz.getProtectionDomain();
 228                         if (pd != null) {
 229                             CodeSource cs = pd.getCodeSource();
 230                             if (cs != null) {
 231                                 return cs.getLocation();
 232                             }
 233                         }
 234                         return NULL_URL;
 235                     }
 236                 });
 237                 codeBaseCacheRef.put(clazz, url);
 238             }
 239             return (url == NULL_URL) ? null : url;
 240         }
 241     }
 243     private static void setupJurisdictionPolicies() throws Exception {
 244         String javaHomeDir = System.getProperty("java.home");
 245         String sep = File.separator;
 246         String pathToPolicyJar = javaHomeDir + sep + "lib" + sep +
 247             "security" + sep;
 249         File exportJar = new File(pathToPolicyJar, "US_export_policy.jar");
 250         File importJar = new File(pathToPolicyJar, "local_policy.jar");
 251         URL jceCipherURL = ClassLoader.getSystemResource
 252                 ("javax/crypto/Cipher.class");
 254         if ((jceCipherURL == null) ||
 255                 !exportJar.exists() || !importJar.exists()) {

 298             InputStream is = null;
 299             try {
 300                 if (je.getName().startsWith("default_")) {
 301                     is = jf.getInputStream(je);
 302                     defaultPolicy.load(is);
 303                 } else if (je.getName().startsWith("exempt_")) {
 304                     is = jf.getInputStream(je);
 305                     exemptPolicy.load(is);
 306                 } else {
 307                     continue;
 308                 }
 309             } finally {
 310                 if (is != null) {
 311                     is.close();
 312                 }
 313             }
 315             // Enforce the signer restraint, i.e. signer of JCE framework
 316             // jar should also be the signer of the two jurisdiction policy
 317             // jar files.
 318             JarVerifier.verifyPolicySigned(je.getCertificates());
 319         }
 320         // Close and nullify the JarFile reference to help GC.
 321         jf.close();
 322         jf = null;
 323     }
 325     static CryptoPermissions getDefaultPolicy() {
 326         return defaultPolicy;
 327     }
 329     static CryptoPermissions getExemptPolicy() {
 330         return exemptPolicy;
 331     }
 333     static boolean isRestricted() {
 334         return isRestricted;
 335     }
 336 }

  59     // value is failure cause Exception in error case
  60     private final static Map<Provider, Object> verificationResults =
  61             new IdentityHashMap<>();
  63     // Map<Provider,?> of the providers currently being verified
  64     private final static Map<Provider, Object> verifyingProviders =
  65             new IdentityHashMap<>();
  67     // Set the default value. May be changed in the static initializer.
  68     private static boolean isRestricted = true;
  70     /*
  71      * Don't let anyone instantiate this.
  72      */
  73     private JceSecurity() {
  74     }
  76     static {
  77         try {
  78             AccessController.doPrivileged(
  79                     (PrivilegedExceptionAction<Object>) () -> {

  80                 setupJurisdictionPolicies();
  81                 return null;

  82             });
  84             isRestricted = defaultPolicy.implies(
  85                 CryptoAllPermission.INSTANCE) ? false : true;
  86         } catch (Exception e) {
  87             throw new SecurityException(
  88                     "Can not initialize cryptographic mechanism", e);
  89         }
  90     }
  92     static Instance getInstance(String type, Class<?> clazz, String algorithm,
  93             String provider) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException,
  94             NoSuchProviderException {
  95         Service s = GetInstance.getService(type, algorithm, provider);
  96         Exception ve = getVerificationResult(s.getProvider());
  97         if (ve != null) {
  98             String msg = "JCE cannot authenticate the provider " + provider;
  99             throw (NoSuchProviderException)
 100                                 new NoSuchProviderException(msg).initCause(ve);
 101         }

 124                 continue;
 125             }
 126             try {
 127                 Instance instance = GetInstance.getInstance(s, clazz);
 128                 return instance;
 129             } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
 130                 failure = e;
 131             }
 132         }
 133         throw new NoSuchAlgorithmException("Algorithm " + algorithm
 134                 + " not available", failure);
 135     }
 137     /**
 138      * Verify if the JAR at URL codeBase is a signed exempt application
 139      * JAR file and returns the permissions bundled with the JAR.
 140      *
 141      * @throws Exception on error
 142      */
 143     static CryptoPermissions verifyExemptJar(URL codeBase) throws Exception {
 144         URLVerifier jv = new URLVerifier(codeBase, true);
 145         jv.verify();
 146         return jv.getPermissions();
 147     }
 149     /**
 150      * Verify if the JAR at URL codeBase is a signed provider JAR file.
 151      *
 152      * @throws Exception on error
 153      */
 154     static void verifyProviderJar(URL codeBase, Provider p) throws Exception {
 155         // Verify the provider JAR file and all
 156         // supporting JAR files if there are any.
 157         URLVerifier uv = new URLVerifier(codeBase, p, false);
 158         uv.verify();
 159     }
 161     private final static Object PROVIDER_VERIFIED = Boolean.TRUE;
 163     /*
 164      * Verify that the provider JAR files are signed properly, which
 165      * means the signer's certificate can be traced back to a
 166      * JCE trusted CA.
 167      * Return null if ok, failure Exception if verification failed.
 168      */
 169     static synchronized Exception getVerificationResult(Provider p) {
 170         Object o = verificationResults.get(p);
 171         if (o == PROVIDER_VERIFIED) {
 172             return null;
 173         } else if (o != null) {
 174             return (Exception)o;
 175         }
 176         if (verifyingProviders.get(p) != null) {
 177             // this method is static synchronized, must be recursion
 178             // return failure now but do not save the result
 179             return new NoSuchProviderException("Recursion during verification");
 180         }
 181         try {
 182             verifyingProviders.put(p, Boolean.FALSE);
 183             URL providerURL = getCodeBase(p.getClass());
 184             verifyProviderJar(providerURL, p);
 185             // Verified ok, cache result
 186             verificationResults.put(p, PROVIDER_VERIFIED);
 187             return null;
 188         } catch (Exception e) {
 189             verificationResults.put(p, e);
 190             return e;
 191         } finally {
 192             verifyingProviders.remove(p);
 193         }
 194     }
 196     // return whether this provider is properly signed and can be used by JCE
 197     static boolean canUseProvider(Provider p) {
 198         return getVerificationResult(p) == null;
 199     }
 201     // dummy object to represent null
 202     private static final URL NULL_URL;
 204     static {
 205         try {
 206             NULL_URL = new URL("");
 207         } catch (Exception e) {
 208             throw new RuntimeException(e);
 209         }
 210     }
 212     // reference to a Map we use as a cache for codebases
 213     private static final Map<Class<?>, URL> codeBaseCacheRef =
 214             new WeakHashMap<>();
 216     /*
 217      * Returns the CodeBase for the given class.
 218      */
 219     static URL getCodeBase(final Class<?> clazz) {
 220         synchronized (codeBaseCacheRef) {
 221             URL url = codeBaseCacheRef.get(clazz);
 222             if (url == null) {
 223                 url = AccessController.doPrivileged(
 224                         (PrivilegedAction<URL>) () -> {
 225                     ProtectionDomain pd = clazz.getProtectionDomain();
 226                     if (pd != null) {
 227                         CodeSource cs = pd.getCodeSource();
 228                         if (cs != null) {
 229                             return cs.getLocation();
 230                         }
 231                     }
 232                     return NULL_URL;

 233                 });
 234                 codeBaseCacheRef.put(clazz, url);
 235             }
 236             return (url == NULL_URL) ? null : url;
 237         }
 238     }
 240     private static void setupJurisdictionPolicies() throws Exception {
 241         String javaHomeDir = System.getProperty("java.home");
 242         String sep = File.separator;
 243         String pathToPolicyJar = javaHomeDir + sep + "lib" + sep +
 244             "security" + sep;
 246         File exportJar = new File(pathToPolicyJar, "US_export_policy.jar");
 247         File importJar = new File(pathToPolicyJar, "local_policy.jar");
 248         URL jceCipherURL = ClassLoader.getSystemResource
 249                 ("javax/crypto/Cipher.class");
 251         if ((jceCipherURL == null) ||
 252                 !exportJar.exists() || !importJar.exists()) {

 295             InputStream is = null;
 296             try {
 297                 if (je.getName().startsWith("default_")) {
 298                     is = jf.getInputStream(je);
 299                     defaultPolicy.load(is);
 300                 } else if (je.getName().startsWith("exempt_")) {
 301                     is = jf.getInputStream(je);
 302                     exemptPolicy.load(is);
 303                 } else {
 304                     continue;
 305                 }
 306             } finally {
 307                 if (is != null) {
 308                     is.close();
 309                 }
 310             }
 312             // Enforce the signer restraint, i.e. signer of JCE framework
 313             // jar should also be the signer of the two jurisdiction policy
 314             // jar files.
 315             URLVerifier.verifyPolicySigned(je.getCertificates());
 316         }
 317         // Close and nullify the JarFile reference to help GC.
 318         jf.close();
 319         jf = null;
 320     }
 322     static CryptoPermissions getDefaultPolicy() {
 323         return defaultPolicy;
 324     }
 326     static CryptoPermissions getExemptPolicy() {
 327         return exemptPolicy;
 328     }
 330     static boolean isRestricted() {
 331         return isRestricted;
 332     }
 333 }