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8180643 Illegal handshake message

  62  * here (HandshakeMessage) provides a common framework and records the
  63  * SSL record type of the particular handshake message.
  64  *
  65  * This file contains subclasses for all the basic handshake messages.
  66  * All handshake messages know how to encode and decode themselves on
  67  * SSL streams; this facilitates using the same code on SSL client and
  68  * server sides, although they don't send and receive the same messages.
  69  *
  70  * Messages also know how to print themselves, which is quite handy
  71  * for debugging.  They always identify their type, and can optionally
  72  * dump all of their content.
  73  *
  74  * @author David Brownell
  75  */
  76 public abstract class HandshakeMessage {
  78     /* Class and subclass dynamic debugging support */
  79     public static final Debug debug = Debug.getInstance("ssl");
  81     // enum HandshakeType:

  82     static final byte   ht_hello_request          = 0;      // RFC 5246
  83     static final byte   ht_client_hello           = 1;      // RFC 5246
  84     static final byte   ht_server_hello           = 2;      // RFC 5246
  85     static final byte   ht_hello_verify_request   = 3;      // RFC 6347
  86     static final byte   ht_new_session_ticket     = 4;      // RFC 4507
  88     static final byte   ht_certificate            = 11;     // RFC 5246
  89     static final byte   ht_server_key_exchange    = 12;     // RFC 5246
  90     static final byte   ht_certificate_request    = 13;     // RFC 5246
  91     static final byte   ht_server_hello_done      = 14;     // RFC 5246
  92     static final byte   ht_certificate_verify     = 15;     // RFC 5246
  93     static final byte   ht_client_key_exchange    = 16;     // RFC 5246
  95     static final byte   ht_finished               = 20;     // RFC 5246
  96     static final byte   ht_certificate_url        = 21;     // RFC 6066
  97     static final byte   ht_certificate_status     = 22;     // RFC 6066
  98     static final byte   ht_supplemental_data      = 23;     // RFC 4680
 100     static final byte   ht_not_applicable         = -1;     // N/A

 113     HandshakeMessage() {
 114     }
 116     /**
 117      * Utility method to convert a BigInteger to a byte array in unsigned
 118      * format as needed in the handshake messages. BigInteger uses
 119      * 2's complement format, i.e. it prepends an extra zero if the MSB
 120      * is set. We remove that.
 121      */
 122     static byte[] toByteArray(BigInteger bi) {
 123         byte[] b = bi.toByteArray();
 124         if ((b.length > 1) && (b[0] == 0)) {
 125             int n = b.length - 1;
 126             byte[] newarray = new byte[n];
 127             System.arraycopy(b, 1, newarray, 0, n);
 128             b = newarray;
 129         }
 130         return b;
 131     }

 133     private static byte[] genPad(int b, int count) {
 134         byte[] padding = new byte[count];
 135         Arrays.fill(padding, (byte)b);
 136         return padding;
 137     }
 139     /*
 140      * Write a handshake message on the (handshake) output stream.
 141      * This is just a four byte header followed by the data.
 142      *
 143      * NOTE that huge messages -- notably, ones with huge cert
 144      * chains -- are handled correctly.
 145      */
 146     final void write(HandshakeOutStream s) throws IOException {
 147         int len = messageLength();
 148         if (len >= Record.OVERFLOW_OF_INT24) {
 149             throw new SSLException("Handshake message too big"
 150                 + ", type = " + messageType() + ", len = " + len);
 151         }
 152         s.write(messageType());

  62  * here (HandshakeMessage) provides a common framework and records the
  63  * SSL record type of the particular handshake message.
  64  *
  65  * This file contains subclasses for all the basic handshake messages.
  66  * All handshake messages know how to encode and decode themselves on
  67  * SSL streams; this facilitates using the same code on SSL client and
  68  * server sides, although they don't send and receive the same messages.
  69  *
  70  * Messages also know how to print themselves, which is quite handy
  71  * for debugging.  They always identify their type, and can optionally
  72  * dump all of their content.
  73  *
  74  * @author David Brownell
  75  */
  76 public abstract class HandshakeMessage {
  78     /* Class and subclass dynamic debugging support */
  79     public static final Debug debug = Debug.getInstance("ssl");
  81     // enum HandshakeType:
  82     //
  83     // Please update the isUnsupported() method accordingly if the handshake
  84     // types get updated in the future.
  85     static final byte   ht_hello_request          = 0;      // RFC 5246
  86     static final byte   ht_client_hello           = 1;      // RFC 5246
  87     static final byte   ht_server_hello           = 2;      // RFC 5246
  88     static final byte   ht_hello_verify_request   = 3;      // RFC 6347
  89     static final byte   ht_new_session_ticket     = 4;      // RFC 4507
  91     static final byte   ht_certificate            = 11;     // RFC 5246
  92     static final byte   ht_server_key_exchange    = 12;     // RFC 5246
  93     static final byte   ht_certificate_request    = 13;     // RFC 5246
  94     static final byte   ht_server_hello_done      = 14;     // RFC 5246
  95     static final byte   ht_certificate_verify     = 15;     // RFC 5246
  96     static final byte   ht_client_key_exchange    = 16;     // RFC 5246
  98     static final byte   ht_finished               = 20;     // RFC 5246
  99     static final byte   ht_certificate_url        = 21;     // RFC 6066
 100     static final byte   ht_certificate_status     = 22;     // RFC 6066
 101     static final byte   ht_supplemental_data      = 23;     // RFC 4680
 103     static final byte   ht_not_applicable         = -1;     // N/A

 116     HandshakeMessage() {
 117     }
 119     /**
 120      * Utility method to convert a BigInteger to a byte array in unsigned
 121      * format as needed in the handshake messages. BigInteger uses
 122      * 2's complement format, i.e. it prepends an extra zero if the MSB
 123      * is set. We remove that.
 124      */
 125     static byte[] toByteArray(BigInteger bi) {
 126         byte[] b = bi.toByteArray();
 127         if ((b.length > 1) && (b[0] == 0)) {
 128             int n = b.length - 1;
 129             byte[] newarray = new byte[n];
 130             System.arraycopy(b, 1, newarray, 0, n);
 131             b = newarray;
 132         }
 133         return b;
 134     }
 136     static boolean isUnsupported(byte handshakeType) {
 137         return (handshakeType != ht_hello_request) &&
 138                (handshakeType != ht_client_hello) &&
 139                (handshakeType != ht_server_hello) &&
 140                (handshakeType != ht_hello_verify_request) &&
 141                (handshakeType != ht_new_session_ticket) &&
 142                (handshakeType != ht_certificate) &&
 143                (handshakeType != ht_server_key_exchange) &&
 144                (handshakeType != ht_certificate_request) &&
 145                (handshakeType != ht_server_hello_done) &&
 146                (handshakeType != ht_certificate_verify) &&
 147                (handshakeType != ht_client_key_exchange) &&
 148                (handshakeType != ht_finished) &&
 149                (handshakeType != ht_certificate_url) &&
 150                (handshakeType != ht_certificate_status) &&
 151                (handshakeType != ht_supplemental_data);
 152     }
 154     private static byte[] genPad(int b, int count) {
 155         byte[] padding = new byte[count];
 156         Arrays.fill(padding, (byte)b);
 157         return padding;
 158     }
 160     /*
 161      * Write a handshake message on the (handshake) output stream.
 162      * This is just a four byte header followed by the data.
 163      *
 164      * NOTE that huge messages -- notably, ones with huge cert
 165      * chains -- are handled correctly.
 166      */
 167     final void write(HandshakeOutStream s) throws IOException {
 168         int len = messageLength();
 169         if (len >= Record.OVERFLOW_OF_INT24) {
 170             throw new SSLException("Handshake message too big"
 171                 + ", type = " + messageType() + ", len = " + len);
 172         }
 173         s.write(messageType());