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*** 26,81 **** * @bug 8195976 * @summary Tests that we can get the attributes of a DNS entry using special * qualifiers. * @modules java.base/sun.security.util * @library ../lib/ - * @build DNSTestUtils DNSServer DNSTracer * @run main GetAny */ import javax.naming.directory.Attributes; - import javax.naming.directory.DirContext; - import javax.naming.directory.InitialDirContext; - import java.net.DatagramSocket; - import java.net.InetAddress; - import java.util.Hashtable; ! public class GetAny { ! private static final String KEY = "host1"; ! private static final String[] MANDATORY = { "A", "MX", "HINFO", "TXT", "29" ! // "LOC" ! }; ! ! private static final String[] OPTIONAL = {}; ! ! public static void main(String argv[]) throws Exception { ! // Create socket on localhost only to avoid possible noise packet ! DatagramSocket socket = new DatagramSocket(0, ! InetAddress.getLoopbackAddress()); ! ! // initialize test ! Hashtable<Object, Object> env; ! ! env = DNSTestUtils.initEnv(socket, GetAny.class.getName(), argv); ! DirContext ctx = null; ! try { ! // connect to server ! ctx = new InitialDirContext(env); // Any type from IN class ! Attributes retAttrs = ctx.getAttributes(KEY, new String[] { "*" }); ! DNSTestUtils.verifySchema(retAttrs, MANDATORY, OPTIONAL); ! retAttrs = ctx.getAttributes(KEY, new String[] { "* *" }); ! DNSTestUtils.verifySchema(retAttrs, MANDATORY, OPTIONAL); ! retAttrs = ctx.getAttributes(KEY, new String[] { "IN *" }); ! DNSTestUtils.verifySchema(retAttrs, MANDATORY, OPTIONAL); ! ! } finally { ! DNSTestUtils.cleanup(ctx); ! } } } --- 26,60 ---- * @bug 8195976 * @summary Tests that we can get the attributes of a DNS entry using special * qualifiers. * @modules java.base/sun.security.util * @library ../lib/ * @run main GetAny */ import javax.naming.directory.Attributes; ! public class GetAny extends GetAttrsBase { ! public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { ! new GetAny().run(args); ! } ! @Override public Attributes getAttributes() { ! return null; ! } ! @Override public void runTest() throws Exception { ! initContext(); // Any type from IN class ! Attributes retAttrs = context() ! .getAttributes(getKey(), new String[] { "*" }); ! verifyAttributes(retAttrs); ! retAttrs = context().getAttributes(getKey(), new String[] { "* *" }); ! verifyAttributes(retAttrs); ! retAttrs = context().getAttributes(getKey(), new String[] { "IN *" }); ! verifyAttributes(retAttrs); } }
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