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3580             buf.append('-');
3581         }
3582         buf.append(digitGroup[numGroups-1]);
3584         // Append remaining digit groups padded with leading zeros
3585         for (int i=numGroups-2; i >= 0; i--) {
3586             // Prepend (any) leading zeros for this digit group
3587             int numLeadingZeros = digitsPerLong[radix]-digitGroup[i].length();
3588             if (numLeadingZeros != 0) {
3589                 buf.append(zeros[numLeadingZeros]);
3590             }
3591             buf.append(digitGroup[i]);
3592         }
3593         return buf.toString();
3594     }
3596     /**
3597      * Converts the specified BigInteger to a string and appends to
3598      * {@code sb}.  This implements the recursive Schoenhage algorithm
3599      * for base conversions.
3600      * <p/>
3601      * See Knuth, Donald,  _The Art of Computer Programming_, Vol. 2,
3602      * Answers to Exercises (4.4) Question 14.
3603      *
3604      * @param u      The number to convert to a string.
3605      * @param sb     The StringBuilder that will be appended to in place.
3606      * @param radix  The base to convert to.
3607      * @param digits The minimum number of digits to pad to.
3608      */
3609     private static void toString(BigInteger u, StringBuilder sb, int radix,
3610                                  int digits) {
3611         // If we're smaller than a certain threshold, use the smallToString
3612         // method, padding with leading zeroes when necessary.
3613         if (u.mag.length <= SCHOENHAGE_BASE_CONVERSION_THRESHOLD) {
3614             String s = u.smallToString(radix);
3616             // Pad with internal zeros if necessary.
3617             // Don't pad if we're at the beginning of the string.
3618             if ((s.length() < digits) && (sb.length() > 0)) {
3619                 for (int i=s.length(); i < digits; i++) {
3620                     sb.append('0');

3629         b = u.bitLength();
3631         // Calculate a value for n in the equation radix^(2^n) = u
3632         // and subtract 1 from that value.  This is used to find the
3633         // cache index that contains the best value to divide u.
3634         n = (int) Math.round(Math.log(b * LOG_TWO / logCache[radix]) / LOG_TWO - 1.0);
3635         BigInteger v = getRadixConversionCache(radix, n);
3636         BigInteger[] results;
3637         results = u.divideAndRemainder(v);
3639         int expectedDigits = 1 << n;
3641         // Now recursively build the two halves of each number.
3642         toString(results[0], sb, radix, digits-expectedDigits);
3643         toString(results[1], sb, radix, expectedDigits);
3644     }
3646     /**
3647      * Returns the value radix^(2^exponent) from the cache.
3648      * If this value doesn't already exist in the cache, it is added.
3649      * <p/>
3650      * This could be changed to a more complicated caching method using
3651      * {@code Future}.
3652      */
3653     private static BigInteger getRadixConversionCache(int radix, int exponent) {
3654         BigInteger[] cacheLine = powerCache[radix]; // volatile read
3655         if (exponent < cacheLine.length) {
3656             return cacheLine[exponent];
3657         }
3659         int oldLength = cacheLine.length;
3660         cacheLine = Arrays.copyOf(cacheLine, exponent + 1);
3661         for (int i = oldLength; i <= exponent; i++) {
3662             cacheLine[i] = cacheLine[i - 1].pow(2);
3663         }
3665         BigInteger[][] pc = powerCache; // volatile read again
3666         if (exponent >= pc[radix].length) {
3667             pc = pc.clone();
3668             pc[radix] = cacheLine;
3669             powerCache = pc; // volatile write, publish

3580             buf.append('-');
3581         }
3582         buf.append(digitGroup[numGroups-1]);
3584         // Append remaining digit groups padded with leading zeros
3585         for (int i=numGroups-2; i >= 0; i--) {
3586             // Prepend (any) leading zeros for this digit group
3587             int numLeadingZeros = digitsPerLong[radix]-digitGroup[i].length();
3588             if (numLeadingZeros != 0) {
3589                 buf.append(zeros[numLeadingZeros]);
3590             }
3591             buf.append(digitGroup[i]);
3592         }
3593         return buf.toString();
3594     }
3596     /**
3597      * Converts the specified BigInteger to a string and appends to
3598      * {@code sb}.  This implements the recursive Schoenhage algorithm
3599      * for base conversions.
3600      * <p>
3601      * See Knuth, Donald,  _The Art of Computer Programming_, Vol. 2,
3602      * Answers to Exercises (4.4) Question 14.
3603      *
3604      * @param u      The number to convert to a string.
3605      * @param sb     The StringBuilder that will be appended to in place.
3606      * @param radix  The base to convert to.
3607      * @param digits The minimum number of digits to pad to.
3608      */
3609     private static void toString(BigInteger u, StringBuilder sb, int radix,
3610                                  int digits) {
3611         // If we're smaller than a certain threshold, use the smallToString
3612         // method, padding with leading zeroes when necessary.
3613         if (u.mag.length <= SCHOENHAGE_BASE_CONVERSION_THRESHOLD) {
3614             String s = u.smallToString(radix);
3616             // Pad with internal zeros if necessary.
3617             // Don't pad if we're at the beginning of the string.
3618             if ((s.length() < digits) && (sb.length() > 0)) {
3619                 for (int i=s.length(); i < digits; i++) {
3620                     sb.append('0');

3629         b = u.bitLength();
3631         // Calculate a value for n in the equation radix^(2^n) = u
3632         // and subtract 1 from that value.  This is used to find the
3633         // cache index that contains the best value to divide u.
3634         n = (int) Math.round(Math.log(b * LOG_TWO / logCache[radix]) / LOG_TWO - 1.0);
3635         BigInteger v = getRadixConversionCache(radix, n);
3636         BigInteger[] results;
3637         results = u.divideAndRemainder(v);
3639         int expectedDigits = 1 << n;
3641         // Now recursively build the two halves of each number.
3642         toString(results[0], sb, radix, digits-expectedDigits);
3643         toString(results[1], sb, radix, expectedDigits);
3644     }
3646     /**
3647      * Returns the value radix^(2^exponent) from the cache.
3648      * If this value doesn't already exist in the cache, it is added.
3649      * <p>
3650      * This could be changed to a more complicated caching method using
3651      * {@code Future}.
3652      */
3653     private static BigInteger getRadixConversionCache(int radix, int exponent) {
3654         BigInteger[] cacheLine = powerCache[radix]; // volatile read
3655         if (exponent < cacheLine.length) {
3656             return cacheLine[exponent];
3657         }
3659         int oldLength = cacheLine.length;
3660         cacheLine = Arrays.copyOf(cacheLine, exponent + 1);
3661         for (int i = oldLength; i <= exponent; i++) {
3662             cacheLine[i] = cacheLine[i - 1].pow(2);
3663         }
3665         BigInteger[][] pc = powerCache; // volatile read again
3666         if (exponent >= pc[radix].length) {
3667             pc = pc.clone();
3668             pc[radix] = cacheLine;
3669             powerCache = pc; // volatile write, publish