1 <html>
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   3     <title>RMI connector</title>
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  30     <p>The RMI connector is a connector for the JMX Remote API that
  31       uses RMI to transmit client requests to a remote MBean server.
  32       This package defines the classes that the user of an RMI
  33       connector needs to reference directly, for both the client and
  34       server sides.  It also defines certain classes that the user
  35       will not usually reference directly, but that must be defined so
  36       that different implementations of the RMI connector can
  37       interoperate.</p>
  39     <p>The RMI connector supports the JRMP transport for RMI, and
  40       optionally the IIOP transport.</p>
  42     <p>Like most connectors in the JMX Remote API, an RMI connector
  43       usually has an address, which
  44       is a {@link javax.management.remote.JMXServiceURL
  45       JMXServiceURL}.  The protocol part of this address is
  46       <code>rmi</code> for a connector that uses the default RMI
  47       transport (JRMP), or <code>iiop</code> for a connector that
  48       uses RMI/IIOP.</p>
  50     <p>There are two forms for RMI connector addresses:</p>
  52     <ul>
  53       <li>
  54         In the <em>JNDI form</em>, the URL indicates <em>where to find
  55         an RMI stub for the connector</em>.  This RMI stub is a Java
  56         object of type {@link javax.management.remote.rmi.RMIServer
  57         RMIServer} that gives remote access to the connector server.
  58         With this address form, the RMI stub is obtained from an
  59         external directory entry included in the URL.  An external
  60         directory is any directory recognized by {@link javax.naming
  61         JNDI}, typically the RMI registry, LDAP, or COS Naming.
  63       <li>
  64         In the <em>encoded form</em>, the URL directly includes the
  65         information needed to connect to the connector server.  When
  66         using RMI/JRMP, the encoded form is the serialized RMI stub
  67         for the server object, encoded using BASE64 without embedded
  68         newlines.  When using RMI/IIOP, the encoded form is the CORBA
  69         IOR for the server object.
  70     </ul>
  72     <p>Addresses are covered in more detail below.</p>
  75     <h3>Creating an RMI connector server</h3>
  77     <p>The usual way to create an RMI connector server is to supply an
  78       RMI connector address to the method {@link
  79       javax.management.remote.JMXConnectorServerFactory#newJMXConnectorServer
  80       JMXConnectorServerFactory.newJMXConnectorServer}.  The MBean
  81       server to which the connector server is attached can be
  82       specified as a parameter to that method.  Alternatively, the
  83       connector server can be registered as an MBean in that MBean
  84       server.</p>
  86     <p>An RMI connector server can also be created by constructing an
  87       instance of {@link
  88       javax.management.remote.rmi.RMIConnectorServer
  89       RMIConnectorServer}, explicitly or through the MBean server's
  90       <code>createMBean</code> method.</p>
  92     <h4>Choosing the RMI transport</h4>
  94     <p>You can choose the RMI transport (JRMP or IIOP) by specifying
  95       <code>rmi</code> or <code>iiop</code> in the
  96       <code><em>protocol</em></code> part of the
  97       <code>serviceURL</code> when creating the connector server.  You
  98       can also create specialized connector servers by instantiating
  99       an appropriate subclass of {@link
 100       javax.management.remote.rmi.RMIServerImpl RMIServerImpl} and
 101       supplying it to the <code>RMIConnectorServer</code>
 102       constructor.</p>
 105     <h4><a name="servergen">Connector addresses generated by the
 106         server</a></h4>
 108     <p>If the <code>serviceURL</code> you specify has an empty URL
 109       path (after the optional host and port), or if you do not
 110       specify a <code>serviceURL</code>, then the connector server
 111       will fabricate a new <code>JMXServiceURL</code> that clients can
 112       use to connect:</p>
 114     <ul>
 116       <li><p>If the <code>serviceURL</code> looks like:</p>
 118         <pre>
 119         <code>service:jmx:rmi://<em>host</em>:<em>port</em></code>
 120         </pre>
 122         <p>then the connector server will generate an {@link
 123         javax.management.remote.rmi.RMIJRMPServerImpl
 124         RMIJRMPServerImpl} and the returned <code>JMXServiceURL</code>
 125         looks like:</p>
 127         <pre>
 128         <code>service:jmx:rmi://<em>host</em>:<em>port</em>/stub/<em>XXXX</em></code>
 129         </pre>
 131         <p>where <code><em>XXXX</em></code> is the serialized form of the
 132         stub for the generated object, encoded in BASE64 without
 133         newlines.</p>
 135       <li><p>If the <code>serviceURL</code> looks like:</p>
 137         <pre>
 138         <code>service:jmx:iiop://<em>host</em>:<em>port</em></code>
 139         </pre>
 141         <p>then the connector server will generate an {@link
 142         javax.management.remote.rmi.RMIIIOPServerImpl
 143         RMIIIOPServerImpl} and the returned
 144         <code>JMXServiceURL</code> looks like:</p>
 146         <pre>
 147         <code>service:jmx:iiop://<em>host</em>:<em>port</em>/ior/IOR:<em>XXXX</em></code>
 148         </pre>
 150         <p>where <code>IOR:<em>XXXX</em></code> is the standard CORBA
 151         encoding of the Interoperable Object Reference for the
 152         generated object.</p>
 154       <li><p>If there is no <code>serviceURL</code>, there must be a
 155         user-provided <code>RMIServerImpl</code>.  If the {@link
 156         javax.management.remote.rmi.RMIServerImpl#toStub toStub}
 157         method on this object returns an instance of {@link
 158         javax.rmi.CORBA.Stub}, then the connector server will generate
 159         a <code>JMXServiceURL</code> using the <code>iiop</code>
 160         form above.  Otherwise, it will generate a
 161         <code>JMXServiceURL</code> using the <code>rmi</code>
 162         form.</p>
 164     </ul>
 166     <p>The <code><em>host</em></code> in a user-provided
 167       <code>serviceURL</code> is optional.  If present, it is copied
 168       into the generated <code>JMXServiceURL</code> but otherwise
 169       ignored.  If absent, the generated <code>JXMServiceURL</code>
 170       will have the local host name.</p>
 172     <p>The <code><em>port</em></code> in a user-provided
 173       <code>serviceURL</code> is also optional.  If present, it is
 174       also copied into the generated <code>JMXServiceURL</code>;
 175       otherwise, the generated <code>JMXServiceURL</code> has no port.
 176       For an <code>serviceURL</code> using the <code>rmi</code>
 177       protocol, the <code><em>port</em></code>, if present, indicates
 178       what port the generated remote object should be exported on.  It
 179       has no other effect.</p>
 181     <p>If the user provides an <code>RMIServerImpl</code> rather than a
 182       <code>JMXServiceURL</code>, then the generated
 183       <code>JMXServiceURL</code> will have the local host name in its
 184       <code><em>host</em></code> part and no
 185       <code><em>port</em></code>.</p>
 188     <h4><a name="directory">Connector addresses based on directory
 189         entries</a></h4>
 191     <p>As an alternative to the generated addresses just described,
 192       the <code>serviceURL</code> address supplied when creating a
 193       connector server can specify a <em>directory address</em> in
 194       which to store the provided or generated <code>RMIServer</code>
 195       stub.  This directory address is then used by both client and
 196       server.</p>
 198     <p>In this case, the <code>serviceURL</code> has one of these two
 199       forms:</p>
 201     <pre>
 202     <code>service:jmx:rmi://<em>host</em>:<em>port</em>/jndi/<em>jndi-name</em></code>
 203     <code>service:jmx:iiop://<em>host</em>:<em>port</em>/jndi/<em>jndi-name</em></code>
 204     </pre>
 206     <p>Here, <code><em>jndi-name</em></code> is a string that can be
 207       supplied to {@link javax.naming.InitialContext#bind
 208       javax.naming.InitialContext.bind}.</p>
 210     <p>As usual, the <code><em>host</em></code> and
 211       <code>:<em>port</em></code> can be omitted.</p>
 213     <p>The connector server will generate an
 214       <code>RMIServerImpl</code> based on the protocol
 215       (<code>rmi</code> or <code>iiop</code>) and, for
 216       <code>rmi</code>, the <code><em>port</em></code> if any.  When
 217       the connector server is started, it will derive a stub from this
 218       object using its {@link
 219       javax.management.remote.rmi.RMIServerImpl#toStub toStub} method
 220       and store the object using the given
 221       <code><em>jndi-name</em></code>.  The properties defined by the
 222       JNDI API are consulted as usual.</p>
 224     <p>For example, if the <code>JMXServiceURL</code> is:
 226       <pre>
 227       <code>service:jmx:rmi://ignoredhost/jndi/rmi://myhost/myname</code>
 228       </pre>
 230       then the connector server will generate an
 231       <code>RMIJRMPServerImpl</code> and store its stub using the JNDI
 232       name
 234       <pre>
 235       <code>rmi://myhost/myname</code>
 236       </pre>
 238       which means entry <code>myname</code> in the RMI registry
 239       running on the default port of host <code>myhost</code>.  Note
 240       that the RMI registry only allows registration from the local
 241       host.  So, in this case, <code>myhost</code> must be the name
 242       (or a name) of the host that the connector server is running
 243       on.
 245     <p>In this <code>JMXServiceURL</code>, the first <code>rmi:</code>
 246       specifies the RMI
 247       connector, while the second <code>rmi:</code> specifies the RMI
 248       registry.
 250     <p>As another example, if the <code>JMXServiceURL</code> is:
 252       <pre>
 253       <code>service:jmx:iiop://ignoredhost/jndi/ldap://dirhost:9999/cn=this,ou=that</code>
 254       </pre>
 256       then the connector server will generate an
 257       <code>RMIIIOPServerImpl</code> and store its stub using the JNDI
 258       name
 260       <pre>
 261       <code>ldap://dirhost:9999/cn=this,ou=that</code>
 262       </pre>
 264       which means entry <code>cn=this,ou=that</code> in the LDAP
 265       directory running on port 9999 of host <code>dirhost</code>.
 267     <p>If the <code>JMXServiceURL</code> is:
 269       <pre>
 270       <code>service:jmx:iiop://ignoredhost/jndi/cn=this,ou=that</code>
 271       </pre>
 273       then the connector server will generate an
 274       <code>RMIIIOPServerImpl</code> and store its stub using the JNDI
 275       name
 277       <pre>
 278       <code>cn=this,ou=that</code>
 279       </pre>
 281       For this case to work, the JNDI API must have been configured
 282       appropriately to supply the information about what directory to
 283       use.
 285     <p>In these examples, the host name <code>ignoredhost</code> is
 286       not used by the connector server or its clients.  It can be
 287       omitted, for example:</p>
 289       <pre>
 290       <code>service:jmx:iiop:///jndi/cn=this,ou=that</code>
 291       </pre>
 293     <p>However, it is good practice to use the name of the host
 294       where the connector server is running.  This is often different
 295       from the name of the directory host.</p>
 298     <h4>Connector server attributes</h4>
 300     <p>When using the default JRMP transport, RMI socket factories can
 301       be specified using the attributes
 302       <code>jmx.remote.rmi.client.socket.factory</code> and
 303       <code>jmx.remote.rmi.server.socket.factory</code> in the
 304       <code>environment</code> given to the
 305       <code>RMIConnectorServer</code> constructor.  The values of these
 306       attributes must be of type {@link
 307       java.rmi.server.RMIClientSocketFactory} and {@link
 308       java.rmi.server.RMIServerSocketFactory}, respectively.  These
 309       factories are used when creating the RMI objects associated with
 310       the connector.</p>
 312     <h3>Creating an RMI connector client</h3>
 314     <p>An RMI connector client is usually constructed using {@link
 315       javax.management.remote.JMXConnectorFactory}, with a
 316       <code>JMXServiceURL</code> that has <code>rmi</code> or
 317       <code>iiop</code> as its protocol.</p>
 319     <p>If the <code>JMXServiceURL</code> was generated by the server,
 320       as described above under <a href="#servergen">"connector
 321       addresses generated by the server"</a>, then the client will
 322       need to obtain it directly or indirectly from the server.
 323       Typically, the server makes the <code>JMXServiceURL</code>
 324       available by storing it in a file or a lookup service.</p>
 326     <p>If the <code>JMXServiceURL</code> uses the directory syntax, as
 327       described above under <a href="#directory">"connector addresses
 328       based on directory entries"</a>, then the client may obtain it
 329       as just explained, or client and server may both know the
 330       appropriate directory entry to use.  For example, if the
 331       connector server for the Whatsit agent uses the entry
 332       <code>whatsit-agent-connector</code> in the RMI registry on host
 333       <code>myhost</code>, then client and server can both know
 334       that the appropriate <code>JMXServiceURL</code> is:</p>
 336     <pre>
 337     <code>service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://myhost/whatsit-agent-connector</code>
 338     </pre>
 340     <p>If you have an RMI stub of type {@link
 341       javax.management.remote.rmi.RMIServer RMIServer}, you can
 342       construct an RMI connection directly by using the appropriate
 343       constructor of {@link javax.management.remote.rmi.RMIConnector
 344       RMIConnector}.</p>
 347     <h3>Specifying an ORB for the RMI/IIOP connector</h3>
 349     <p>When using the IIOP transport, the client and server can
 350       specify what ORB to use
 351       with the attribute <code>java.naming.corba.orb</code>.
 352       Connection to the ORB happens at {@link 
 353       javax.management.remote.rmi.RMIConnectorServer#start() start} time 
 354       for the connector server, and at {@link 
 355       javax.management.remote.rmi.RMIConnector#connect(java.util.Map) 
 356       connect} time for the connector client.
 357       If the <code>java.naming.corba.orb</code> attribute is contained
 358       in the environment Map, then its value (an {@link 
 359       org.omg.CORBA.ORB ORB}), is used to connect the IIOP Stubs. 
 360       Otherwise, a new org.omg.CORBA.ORB is created by calling {@link 
 361       org.omg.CORBA.ORB
 362       org.omg.CORBA.ORB.init((String[])null,(Properties)null)}.  A
 363       later RMI connector client or server in the same JVM can reuse
 364       this ORB, or it can create another one in the same way.</p>
 366      <p>If the <code>java.naming.corba.orb</code> attribute is 
 367       specified and does not point to an {@link org.omg.CORBA.ORB ORB},
 368       then an <code>{@link java.lang.IllegalArgumentException}</code> 
 369       will be thrown.</p>
 371      <p>The mechanism described here does not apply when the IIOP
 372       Remote objects (Stubs or Servers) are created and connected to
 373       an ORB manually before being passed to the RMIConnector and
 374       RMIConnectorServer.</p>
 377     <h3>Dynamic code downloading</h3>
 379     <p>If an RMI connector client or server receives from its peer an
 380       instance of a class that it does not know, and if dynamic code
 381       downloading is active for the RMI connection, then the class can
 382       be downloaded from a codebase specified by the peer.  The
 383       article <a
 384     href="{@docRoot}/../technotes/guides/rmi/codebase.html"><em>Dynamic
 385     code downloading using Java RMI</em></a> explains this in more
 386     detail.</p>
 389     @see <a href="{@docRoot}/../technotes/guides/rmi/index.html">
 390         Java<sup><font size="-1">TM</font></sup> Remote Method
 391         Invocation (RMI)</a>
 393     @see <a href="{@docRoot}/../technotes/guides/jndi/index.html">
 394         Java Naming and Directory Interface<sup><font
 395         size="-1">TM</font></sup> (JNDI)</a>
 397     @see <a href="http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2045.txt">RFC 2045,
 398     section 6.8, "Base64 Content-Transfer-Encoding"</a>
 401     @since 1.5
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