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  29 import javafx.scene.control.Button;
  30 import javafx.scene.control.CheckBox;
  31 import javafx.scene.control.Label;
  32 import static javafx.scene.control.test.Mnemonics.MnemonicsTestBase.scene;
  33 import org.jemmy.control.Wrap;
  34 import org.jemmy.env.Timeout;
  35 import org.jemmy.fx.ByID;
  36 import org.jemmy.fx.control.CheckBoxWrap;
  37 import org.jemmy.interfaces.Keyboard.KeyboardButton;
  38 import org.jemmy.interfaces.Keyboard.KeyboardButtons;
  39 import org.jemmy.interfaces.Selectable;
  40 import org.jemmy.interfaces.Selector;
  41 import org.junit.BeforeClass;
  42 import org.junit.Test;
  43 import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
  44 import test.javaclient.shared.FilteredTestRunner;
  45 import test.javaclient.shared.Utils;
  47 /**
  48  * Class provides tests for mnemonics behavior.
  49  * According to the <a href=>Mnemonics spec</a>
  50  * mnemonics are platform specific. Therefore tests design is aimed to
  51  * consider the difference between platforms and to avoid boilerplate.
  52  *
  53  * If tests are run on Ubuntu with Unity the ALT key may invoke the HUD.
  54  * In that case you should change system keyboard mapping to avoid such behavior.
  55  *
  56  */
  57 @RunWith(FilteredTestRunner.class)
  58 public class LabelsMnemonicsTest extends MnemonicsTestBase {
  60     @BeforeClass
  61     public static void setUpClass() throws Exception {
  62         LabelsMnemonicsApp.main(null);
  63         MnemonicsTestBase.setUpClass();
  64     }
  67     @Smoke
  68     @Test(timeout = 300000)
  69     public void staticTest() throws Throwable {

  29 import javafx.scene.control.Button;
  30 import javafx.scene.control.CheckBox;
  31 import javafx.scene.control.Label;
  32 import static javafx.scene.control.test.Mnemonics.MnemonicsTestBase.scene;
  33 import org.jemmy.control.Wrap;
  34 import org.jemmy.env.Timeout;
  35 import org.jemmy.fx.ByID;
  36 import org.jemmy.fx.control.CheckBoxWrap;
  37 import org.jemmy.interfaces.Keyboard.KeyboardButton;
  38 import org.jemmy.interfaces.Keyboard.KeyboardButtons;
  39 import org.jemmy.interfaces.Selectable;
  40 import org.jemmy.interfaces.Selector;
  41 import org.junit.BeforeClass;
  42 import org.junit.Test;
  43 import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
  44 import test.javaclient.shared.FilteredTestRunner;
  45 import test.javaclient.shared.Utils;
  47 /**
  48  * Class provides tests for mnemonics behavior.
  49  * According to the mnemonics spec,
  50  * mnemonics are platform specific. Therefore tests design is aimed to
  51  * consider the difference between platforms and to avoid boilerplate.
  52  *
  53  * If tests are run on Ubuntu with Unity the ALT key may invoke the HUD.
  54  * In that case you should change system keyboard mapping to avoid such behavior.
  55  *
  56  */
  57 @RunWith(FilteredTestRunner.class)
  58 public class LabelsMnemonicsTest extends MnemonicsTestBase {
  60     @BeforeClass
  61     public static void setUpClass() throws Exception {
  62         LabelsMnemonicsApp.main(null);
  63         MnemonicsTestBase.setUpClass();
  64     }
  67     @Smoke
  68     @Test(timeout = 300000)
  69     public void staticTest() throws Throwable {