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   8  * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
   9  * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
  10  *
  11  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  12  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  13  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
  14  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  15  * accompanied this code).
  16  *
  17  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  18  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  19  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  20  *
  21  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  22  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  23  * questions.
  24  */
  25 package javafx.scene.control.test.textinput;
  27 import client.test.ScreenshotCheck;
  28 import com.sun.javafx.scene.control.skin.TextInputControlSkin;
  29 import java.lang.reflect.Field;
  30 import java.util.HashMap;
  31 import java.util.HashSet;
  32 import java.util.List;
  33 import java.util.Map;
  34 import java.util.logging.Level;
  35 import java.util.logging.Logger;
  36 import javafx.beans.property.BooleanProperty;
  37 import javafx.scene.Node;
  38 import javafx.scene.Scene;
  39 import javafx.scene.control.Button;
  40 import javafx.scene.control.Control;
  41 import javafx.scene.control.MenuItem;
  42 import javafx.scene.control.PasswordField;
  43 import javafx.scene.control.TextInputControl;
  44 import javafx.scene.control.test.Change;
  45 import javafx.scene.control.test.mix.PopupMenuTest;
  46 import javafx.scene.control.test.textinput.TextInputBaseApp.Pages;
  47 import javafx.scene.control.test.textinput.TextInputChanger.TextInputControlWrapInterface;
  48 import javafx.scene.control.test.textinput.TextInputChanger.TextInputPages;

  65 import org.junit.Assert;
  66 import static org.junit.Assert.*;
  67 import org.junit.Test;
  68 import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
  69 import test.javaclient.shared.FilteredTestRunner;
  70 import test.javaclient.shared.TestBase;
  71 import test.javaclient.shared.Utils;
  72 import test.javaclient.shared.screenshots.ScreenshotUtils;
  74 /**
  75  * @author Oleg Barbashov
  76  */
  77 @RunWith(FilteredTestRunner.class)
  78 public class TextInputBase extends TestBase {
  80     {
  81         ScreenshotUtils.setComparatorDistance(0.003f);
  82     }
  83     private Wrap<? extends TextInputControl> taTesting = null;
  85     static final KeyboardModifiers CTRL = Utils.isMacOS() ? KeyboardModifiers.META_DOWN_MASK : KeyboardModifiers.CTRL_DOWN_MASK;
  86 //    /**
  87 //     * Test for TextInput setMaximumLength API
  88 //     */
  89 //    @ScreenshotCheck
  90 //    @Test(timeout=300000)
  91 //    public void maximumLengthTest() throws InterruptedException, Throwable {
  92 //        openPage(Pages.MaximumLength.name());
  93 //
  94 //        verifyFailures();
  95 //
  96 //        Parent<Node> parent = scene.as(Parent.class, Node.class);
  97 //        Lookup lookup = parent.lookup(TextInput.class);
  98 //        for (int i = 0; i < lookup.size(); i++) {
  99 //            final Wrap<? extends TextInput> wrap = lookup.wrap(i);
 100 //            final Integer maximumLength = new GetAction<Integer>() {
 101 //                @Override
 102 //                public void run(Object... parameters) {
 103 //                    setResult(wrap.getControl().getMaximumLength());
 104 //                }
 105 //            }.dispatch(Root.ROOT.getEnvironment());

 506     @Test(timeout = 300000)
 507     public void contextMenuTest() throws InterruptedException {
 508         openPage(Pages.InputTest.name());
 510         final Wrap<? extends TextInputControl> wrap = getScene().as(Parent.class, Node.class).lookup(TextInputControl.class).wrap();
 511         final Text text = wrap.as(Text.class);
 513         initContext();
 514         boolean password = PasswordField.class.isAssignableFrom(wrap.getControl().getClass());
 515         if (!password) {
 516             getMenuItem("Select All").mouse().move();
 517             getMenuItem("Copy").mouse().click();
 518             checkClipboard(SAMPLE_STRING);
 520             getMenuItem("Cut").mouse().click();
 521             checkClipboard(SAMPLE_STRING);
 522             checkText(text, "");
 523         } else {
 524             checkState("Copy", true);
 525             checkState("Cut", true);

 526         }
 528         initContext();
 529         getMenuItem("Delete").mouse().click();
 530         checkText(text, "");
 532         initContext();
 533         getMenuItem("Select All").mouse().click();
 534         getScene().waitState(new State() {
 535             public Object reached() {
 536                 return wrap.getControl().getSelection().getLength() == SAMPLE_STRING.length() ? true : null;
 537             }
 538         });
 540         initContext();
 541         final Map<DataFormat, Object> data_map = new HashMap<DataFormat, Object>();
 542         data_map.put(DataFormat.PLAIN_TEXT, SAMPLE_STRING);
 544         new GetAction() {
 545             @Override

 594         click(btn);
 595         ctrlDeleteTest();
 596     }
 598     @ScreenshotCheck
 599     @Test
 600     public void ctrlDeleteRandomSymbolsTest() {
 601         openPage(Pages.CtrlDeleteTest.name());
 602         Wrap<? extends Button> btn = getScene().as(org.jemmy.interfaces.Parent.class, Node.class).lookup(new ByID<Button>(TextAreaApp.RANDOM_TEXT_BTN_ID + Pages.CtrlDeleteTest.name())).wrap();
 603         click(btn);
 604         ctrlDeleteTest();
 605     }
 607     private void ctrlBackspaceTest() {
 608         taTesting = getScene().as(org.jemmy.interfaces.Parent.class, Node.class).lookup(new ByID<TextInputControl>(TextAreaApp.INPUT_AREA_ID + Pages.CtrlBackspaceTest.name())).wrap();
 609         click(taTesting);
 610         end();
 612         String text = getTextFromControl();
 613         final String initialText = text;
 614         while (!"".equals(text)) {
 615             text = deleteLastWord(text);
 616             taTesting.keyboard().pushKey(Keyboard.KeyboardButtons.BACK_SPACE, CTRL);
 617             if (isPasswordField()) {

 618                 Assert.assertEquals(initialText, getTextFromControl());

 619             } else {

 620                 if (!text.equals(getTextFromControl())) {
 621                     out(initialText, text);
 622                 }
 623                 Assert.assertEquals(text, getTextFromControl());
 624             }
 625         }
 626     }
 628     private void ctrlDeleteTest() {
 629         taTesting = getScene().as(org.jemmy.interfaces.Parent.class, Node.class).lookup(new ByID<TextInputControl>(TextAreaApp.INPUT_AREA_ID + Pages.CtrlDeleteTest.name())).wrap();
 631         click(taTesting);
 632         home();
 633         String text = getTextFromControl();
 634         final String initialText = text;
 635         while (!"".equals(text)) {
 636             text = deleteFirstWord(text, true);
 637             taTesting.keyboard().pushKey(Keyboard.KeyboardButtons.DELETE, CTRL);
 638             if (isPasswordField()) {
 639                 Assert.assertEquals(initialText, getTextFromControl());
 640             } else {
 641                 if (!text.equals(getTextFromControl())) {
 642                     out(initialText, text);
 643                 }
 644                 Assert.assertEquals(text, getTextFromControl());
 645             }
 646         }
 647     }
 649     private void out(String initial, String text) {
 650         System.out.println("Initial text : ");
 651         System.out.println(initial);
 652         System.out.println("Control's text : ");
 653         System.out.println(getTextFromControl());
 654         System.out.println("Text : ");
 655         System.out.println(text);
 656         System.out.println("END");
 657     }
 659     private String deleteLastWord(String text) {
 660         String reverce = new StringBuffer(text).reverse().toString();
 661         reverce = deleteFirstWord(reverce, false);
 662         return new StringBuffer(reverce).reverse().toString();
 663     }
 665     /*
 666      * Deletes first word according to specific rules.
 667      * Behavior depend on whether deleting is made
 668      * using Ctrl + Delete in the beginning of the string or
 669      * using Ctrl + Backspace in the end of the string.
 670      * <code>deleteFromBeginning</code> flag separates these cases.
 671      *
 672      * @param text initial string
 673      * @param deleteFromBeginning flag which shows how deletion is performed.
 674      * @return string without first word.
 675      */
 676     private String deleteFirstWord(String text, boolean deleteFromBeginning) {
 677         final String[] punctuation = new String[]{" ", "\n", "\t", "/", ",", ";", "!", "@", "#", "$", "%", "^", "*", "(", ")", "&", "."};

 678         if (!deleteFromBeginning) {
 679             while (startsWithAnyOf(text, punctuation)) {
 680                 text = text.substring(1);
 681             }
 682             text = removeLeadingChars(text, punctuation);
 683         } else {
 684             if (!Utils.isWindows()) {
 685                 if (' ' == text.charAt(0)) {
 686                     int pos = 0;
 687                     while(' ' == text.charAt(pos)) ++pos;
 688                     text = text.substring(pos);
 689                 } else if (startsWithAnyOf(text, punctuation)) {
 690                     text = text.substring(1);
 691                 }
 692             }

 694             text = removeLeadingChars(text, punctuation);
 696             while (startsWithAnyOf(text, punctuation)) {
 697                 if (!Utils.isWindows()) {
 698                     break;

 699                 }

 700                 text = text.substring(1);
 701             }
 702         }
 703         return text;
 704     }
 706     /*
 707     For each charachter from <code>toRemove</code> finds which occurs first and deletes it.
 708     If none is found then returns empty string.
 709     */
 710     String removeLeadingChars(String str, String[] toRemove) {
 711         int idx = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
 712         for (String ch : toRemove) {
 713             if (str.indexOf(ch) >= 0) {
 714                 idx = Math.min(str.indexOf(ch), idx);
 715             }
 716         }
 717         idx = idx == Integer.MAX_VALUE ? -1 : idx;
 718         return (idx < 0) ? "" : str.substring(idx);
 719     }
 721     protected boolean startsWithAnyOf(String str, String[] symbols) {
 722         for (String sym : symbols) {
 723             if (str.startsWith(sym)) {
 724                 return true;
 725             }
 726         }
 727         return false;
 728     }
 730     protected void click(Wrap<? extends Control> control) {
 731         Point p = control.getClickPoint();
 732         control.mouse().move(p);
 733         control.mouse().click();
 734     }
 736     protected void initContext() {
 737         final Wrap<? extends TextInputControl> wrap = getScene().as(Parent.class, Node.class).lookup(TextInputControl.class).wrap();
 738         wrap.as(Text.class).clear();
 739         wrap.as(Text.class).type(SAMPLE_STRING);
 740         wrap.keyboard().pushKey(KeyboardButtons.A, Utils.isMacOS() ? KeyboardModifiers.META_DOWN_MASK : CTRL);
 741         new GetAction() {
 742             @Override
 743             public void run(Object... os) throws Exception {
 744                 Clipboard.getSystemClipboard().clear();
 745             }
 746         }.dispatch(Root.ROOT.getEnvironment());
 747     }
 749     protected void checkState(final String menu, boolean disabled) {
 750         Wrap<? extends Node> wrap = getMenuItem(menu);
 751         MenuItem menu_item = ((MenuItem) wrap.getControl().getProperties().get(MenuItem.class));
 752         assertEquals(menu_item.isDisable(), disabled);
 753     }
 755     protected void checkText(final Text text, final String str) {
 756         getScene().waitState(new State() {
 757             public Object reached() {
 758                 return text.text().contentEquals(str) ? true : null;
 759             }
 760         });

   8  * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
   9  * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
  10  *
  11  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  12  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  13  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
  14  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  15  * accompanied this code).
  16  *
  17  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  18  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  19  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  20  *
  21  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  22  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  23  * questions.
  24  */
  25 package javafx.scene.control.test.textinput;
  27 import client.test.ScreenshotCheck;
  28 import javafx.scene.control.skin.TextInputControlSkin;
  29 import java.lang.reflect.Field;
  30 import java.util.HashMap;
  31 import java.util.HashSet;
  32 import java.util.List;
  33 import java.util.Map;
  34 import java.util.logging.Level;
  35 import java.util.logging.Logger;
  36 import javafx.beans.property.BooleanProperty;
  37 import javafx.scene.Node;
  38 import javafx.scene.Scene;
  39 import javafx.scene.control.Button;
  40 import javafx.scene.control.Control;
  41 import javafx.scene.control.MenuItem;
  42 import javafx.scene.control.PasswordField;
  43 import javafx.scene.control.TextInputControl;
  44 import javafx.scene.control.test.Change;
  45 import javafx.scene.control.test.mix.PopupMenuTest;
  46 import javafx.scene.control.test.textinput.TextInputBaseApp.Pages;
  47 import javafx.scene.control.test.textinput.TextInputChanger.TextInputControlWrapInterface;
  48 import javafx.scene.control.test.textinput.TextInputChanger.TextInputPages;

  65 import org.junit.Assert;
  66 import static org.junit.Assert.*;
  67 import org.junit.Test;
  68 import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
  69 import test.javaclient.shared.FilteredTestRunner;
  70 import test.javaclient.shared.TestBase;
  71 import test.javaclient.shared.Utils;
  72 import test.javaclient.shared.screenshots.ScreenshotUtils;
  74 /**
  75  * @author Oleg Barbashov
  76  */
  77 @RunWith(FilteredTestRunner.class)
  78 public class TextInputBase extends TestBase {
  80     {
  81         ScreenshotUtils.setComparatorDistance(0.003f);
  82     }
  83     private Wrap<? extends TextInputControl> taTesting = null;
  85     static final KeyboardModifiers CTRL = Utils.isMacOS() ? KeyboardModifiers.ALT_DOWN_MASK : KeyboardModifiers.CTRL_DOWN_MASK;
  86 //    /**
  87 //     * Test for TextInput setMaximumLength API
  88 //     */
  89 //    @ScreenshotCheck
  90 //    @Test(timeout=300000)
  91 //    public void maximumLengthTest() throws InterruptedException, Throwable {
  92 //        openPage(Pages.MaximumLength.name());
  93 //
  94 //        verifyFailures();
  95 //
  96 //        Parent<Node> parent = scene.as(Parent.class, Node.class);
  97 //        Lookup lookup = parent.lookup(TextInput.class);
  98 //        for (int i = 0; i < lookup.size(); i++) {
  99 //            final Wrap<? extends TextInput> wrap = lookup.wrap(i);
 100 //            final Integer maximumLength = new GetAction<Integer>() {
 101 //                @Override
 102 //                public void run(Object... parameters) {
 103 //                    setResult(wrap.getControl().getMaximumLength());
 104 //                }
 105 //            }.dispatch(Root.ROOT.getEnvironment());

 506     @Test(timeout = 300000)
 507     public void contextMenuTest() throws InterruptedException {
 508         openPage(Pages.InputTest.name());
 510         final Wrap<? extends TextInputControl> wrap = getScene().as(Parent.class, Node.class).lookup(TextInputControl.class).wrap();
 511         final Text text = wrap.as(Text.class);
 513         initContext();
 514         boolean password = PasswordField.class.isAssignableFrom(wrap.getControl().getClass());
 515         if (!password) {
 516             getMenuItem("Select All").mouse().move();
 517             getMenuItem("Copy").mouse().click();
 518             checkClipboard(SAMPLE_STRING);
 520             getMenuItem("Cut").mouse().click();
 521             checkClipboard(SAMPLE_STRING);
 522             checkText(text, "");
 523         } else {
 524             checkState("Copy", true);
 525             checkState("Cut", true);
 526             getScene().keyboard().pushKey(KeyboardButtons.ESCAPE);
 527         }
 529         initContext();
 530         getMenuItem("Delete").mouse().click();
 531         checkText(text, "");
 533         initContext();
 534         getMenuItem("Select All").mouse().click();
 535         getScene().waitState(new State() {
 536             public Object reached() {
 537                 return wrap.getControl().getSelection().getLength() == SAMPLE_STRING.length() ? true : null;
 538             }
 539         });
 541         initContext();
 542         final Map<DataFormat, Object> data_map = new HashMap<DataFormat, Object>();
 543         data_map.put(DataFormat.PLAIN_TEXT, SAMPLE_STRING);
 545         new GetAction() {
 546             @Override

 595         click(btn);
 596         ctrlDeleteTest();
 597     }
 599     @ScreenshotCheck
 600     @Test
 601     public void ctrlDeleteRandomSymbolsTest() {
 602         openPage(Pages.CtrlDeleteTest.name());
 603         Wrap<? extends Button> btn = getScene().as(org.jemmy.interfaces.Parent.class, Node.class).lookup(new ByID<Button>(TextAreaApp.RANDOM_TEXT_BTN_ID + Pages.CtrlDeleteTest.name())).wrap();
 604         click(btn);
 605         ctrlDeleteTest();
 606     }
 608     private void ctrlBackspaceTest() {
 609         taTesting = getScene().as(org.jemmy.interfaces.Parent.class, Node.class).lookup(new ByID<TextInputControl>(TextAreaApp.INPUT_AREA_ID + Pages.CtrlBackspaceTest.name())).wrap();
 610         click(taTesting);
 611         end();
 613         String text = getTextFromControl();
 614         final String initialText = text;

 615         if (isPasswordField()) {
 616             taTesting.keyboard().pushKey(Keyboard.KeyboardButtons.BACK_SPACE, CTRL);
 617             if (Utils.isMacOS()) {
 618                 Assert.assertEquals("", getTextFromControl());
 619             } else {
 620                 Assert.assertEquals(initialText, getTextFromControl());
 621             }
 622         } else {
 623             while (!text.isEmpty()) {
 624                 text = deleteLastWord(text);
 625                 taTesting.keyboard().pushKey(Keyboard.KeyboardButtons.BACK_SPACE, CTRL);
 626                 if (!text.equals(getTextFromControl())) {
 627                     out(initialText, text);
 628                 }
 629                 Assert.assertEquals(text, getTextFromControl());
 630             }
 631         }
 632     }
 634     private void ctrlDeleteTest() {
 635         taTesting = getScene().as(org.jemmy.interfaces.Parent.class, Node.class).lookup(new ByID<TextInputControl>(TextAreaApp.INPUT_AREA_ID + Pages.CtrlDeleteTest.name())).wrap();
 637         click(taTesting);
 638         home();
 639         String text = getTextFromControl();
 640         final String initialText = text;
 641         while (!"".equals(text)) {
 642             text = deleteFirstWord(text, Utils.isMacOS() ? false : true);
 643             taTesting.keyboard().pushKey(Keyboard.KeyboardButtons.DELETE, CTRL);
 644             if (isPasswordField()) {
 645                 Assert.assertEquals(initialText, getTextFromControl());
 646             } else {
 647                 if (!text.equals(getTextFromControl())) {
 648                     out(initialText, text);
 649                 }
 650                 Assert.assertEquals(text, getTextFromControl());
 651             }
 652         }
 653     }
 655     private void out(String initial, String text) {
 656         System.out.println("Initial text : ");
 657         System.out.println(initial);
 658         System.out.println("Control's text : ");
 659         System.out.println(getTextFromControl());
 660         System.out.println("Text : ");
 661         System.out.println(text);
 662         System.out.println("END");
 663     }
 665     private String deleteLastWord(String text) {
 666         String reverce = new StringBuffer(text).reverse().toString();
 667         reverce = deleteFirstWord(reverce, false);
 668         return new StringBuffer(reverce).reverse().toString();
 669     }
 671     /*
 672      * Deletes first word according to specific rules.
 673      * Behavior depend on whether deleting is made
 674      * using Ctrl + Delete in the beginning of the string or
 675      * using Ctrl + Backspace in the end of the string.
 676      * <code>deleteFromBeginning</code> flag separates these cases.
 677      *
 678      * @param text initial string
 679      * @param deleteFromBeginning flag which shows how deletion is performed.
 680      * @return string without first word.
 681      */
 682     private String deleteFirstWord(String text, boolean deleteFromBeginning) {
 683         final String[] punctuation = new String[] {" ", "\n", "\t", "/", ",", ";", "!", "@", "#", "$", "%", "^", "*", "(", ")", "&", "."};
 685         if (!deleteFromBeginning) {
 686             while (startsWithAnyOf(text, punctuation)) {
 687                 text = text.substring(1);
 688             }
 689             text = removeLeadingChars(text, punctuation);
 690         } else {
 691             if (Utils.isLinux()) {
 692                 if (' ' == text.charAt(0)) {
 693                     int pos = 0;
 694                     while(' ' == text.charAt(pos)) ++pos;
 695                     text = text.substring(pos);
 696                 } else if (startsWithAnyOf(text, punctuation)) {
 697                     text = text.substring(1);
 698                 }
 699             }
 701             if ('\n' == text.charAt(0)) {
 702                 text = text.substring(1);
 703                 return text;
 704             }
 706             text = removeLeadingChars(text, punctuation);
 708             if ('\n' == text.charAt(0)) {
 709                 return text;
 710             }
 711             if (Utils.isLinux()) {
 712                 return text;
 713             }
 714             while (startsWithAnyOf(text, punctuation)) {
 715                 text = text.substring(1);
 716             }
 717         }
 718         return text;
 719     }
 721     /*
 722     For each charachter from <code>toRemove</code> finds which occurs first and deletes it.
 723     If none is found then returns empty string.
 724     */
 725     String removeLeadingChars(String str, String[] toRemove) {
 726         int idx = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
 727         for (String ch : toRemove) {
 728             if (str.indexOf(ch) >= 0) {
 729                 idx = Math.min(str.indexOf(ch), idx);
 730             }
 731         }
 732         idx = idx == Integer.MAX_VALUE ? -1 : idx;
 733         return (idx < 0) ? "" : str.substring(idx);
 734     }
 736     protected boolean startsWithAnyOf(String str, String[] symbols) {
 737         for (String sym : symbols) {
 738             if (str.startsWith(sym)) {
 739                 return true;
 740             }
 741         }
 742         return false;
 743     }
 745     protected void click(Wrap<? extends Control> control) {
 746         Point p = control.getClickPoint();
 747         control.mouse().move(p);
 748         control.mouse().click();
 749     }
 751     protected void initContext() {
 752         final Wrap<? extends TextInputControl> wrap = getScene().as(Parent.class, Node.class).lookup(TextInputControl.class).wrap();
 753         wrap.as(Text.class).clear();
 754         wrap.as(Text.class).type(SAMPLE_STRING);
 755         wrap.keyboard().pushKey(KeyboardButtons.A, Utils.isMacOS() ? KeyboardModifiers.META_DOWN_MASK : KeyboardModifiers.CTRL_DOWN_MASK);
 756         new GetAction() {
 757             @Override
 758             public void run(Object... os) throws Exception {
 759                 Clipboard.getSystemClipboard().clear();
 760             }
 761         }.dispatch(Root.ROOT.getEnvironment());
 762     }
 764     protected void checkState(final String menu, boolean disabled) {
 765         Wrap<? extends Node> wrap = getMenuItem(menu);
 766         MenuItem menu_item = ((MenuItem) wrap.getControl().getProperties().get(MenuItem.class));
 767         assertEquals(menu_item.isDisable(), disabled);
 768     }
 770     protected void checkText(final Text text, final String str) {
 771         getScene().waitState(new State() {
 772             public Object reached() {
 773                 return text.text().contentEquals(str) ? true : null;
 774             }
 775         });

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