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rev 7386 : 8068945: Use RBP register as proper frame pointer in JIT compiled code on x86
Summary: Introduce the PreserveFramePointer flag to control if RBP is used as the frame pointer or as a general purpose register.
Reviewed-by: kvn, roland, dlong, enevill, shade

  57 // Stack slots are 2X larger in LP64 than in the 32 bit VM.
  58 define_pd_global(intx, ThreadStackSize,       1024);
  59 define_pd_global(intx, VMThreadStackSize,     1024);
  60 define_pd_global(intx, StackShadowPages, 10 DEBUG_ONLY(+1));
  61 #else
  62 define_pd_global(intx, ThreadStackSize,       512);
  63 define_pd_global(intx, VMThreadStackSize,     512);
  64 define_pd_global(intx, StackShadowPages, 3 DEBUG_ONLY(+1));
  65 #endif
  67 define_pd_global(intx, StackYellowPages, 2);
  68 define_pd_global(intx, StackRedPages, 1);
  70 define_pd_global(intx, PreInflateSpin,       40);  // Determined by running design center
  72 define_pd_global(bool, RewriteBytecodes,     true);
  73 define_pd_global(bool, RewriteFrequentPairs, true);
  75 define_pd_global(bool, UseMembar,            false);

  77 // GC Ergo Flags
  78 define_pd_global(uintx, CMSYoungGenPerWorker, 16*M);  // default max size of CMS young gen, per GC worker thread
  80 define_pd_global(uintx, TypeProfileLevel, 0);
  82 #define ARCH_FLAGS(develop, product, diagnostic, experimental, notproduct) \
  83                                                                             \
  84   product(intx, UseVIS, 99,                                                 \
  85           "Highest supported VIS instructions set on Sparc")                \
  86                                                                             \
  87   product(bool, UseCBCond, false,                                           \
  88           "Use compare and branch instruction on SPARC")                    \
  89                                                                             \
  90   product(bool, UseBlockZeroing, false,                                     \
  91           "Use special cpu instructions for block zeroing")                 \
  92                                                                             \
  93   product(intx, BlockZeroingLowLimit, 2048,                                 \
  94           "Minimum size in bytes when block zeroing will be used")          \
  95                                                                             \
  96   product(bool, UseBlockCopy, false,                                        \

  57 // Stack slots are 2X larger in LP64 than in the 32 bit VM.
  58 define_pd_global(intx, ThreadStackSize,       1024);
  59 define_pd_global(intx, VMThreadStackSize,     1024);
  60 define_pd_global(intx, StackShadowPages, 10 DEBUG_ONLY(+1));
  61 #else
  62 define_pd_global(intx, ThreadStackSize,       512);
  63 define_pd_global(intx, VMThreadStackSize,     512);
  64 define_pd_global(intx, StackShadowPages, 3 DEBUG_ONLY(+1));
  65 #endif
  67 define_pd_global(intx, StackYellowPages, 2);
  68 define_pd_global(intx, StackRedPages, 1);
  70 define_pd_global(intx, PreInflateSpin,       40);  // Determined by running design center
  72 define_pd_global(bool, RewriteBytecodes,     true);
  73 define_pd_global(bool, RewriteFrequentPairs, true);
  75 define_pd_global(bool, UseMembar,            false);
  77 define_pd_global(bool, PreserveFramePointer, false);
  79 // GC Ergo Flags
  80 define_pd_global(uintx, CMSYoungGenPerWorker, 16*M);  // default max size of CMS young gen, per GC worker thread
  82 define_pd_global(uintx, TypeProfileLevel, 0);
  84 #define ARCH_FLAGS(develop, product, diagnostic, experimental, notproduct) \
  85                                                                             \
  86   product(intx, UseVIS, 99,                                                 \
  87           "Highest supported VIS instructions set on Sparc")                \
  88                                                                             \
  89   product(bool, UseCBCond, false,                                           \
  90           "Use compare and branch instruction on SPARC")                    \
  91                                                                             \
  92   product(bool, UseBlockZeroing, false,                                     \
  93           "Use special cpu instructions for block zeroing")                 \
  94                                                                             \
  95   product(intx, BlockZeroingLowLimit, 2048,                                 \
  96           "Minimum size in bytes when block zeroing will be used")          \
  97                                                                             \
  98   product(bool, UseBlockCopy, false,                                        \

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