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rev 11896 : [mq]: 8074657-Missing-space-on-a-boundary-of-concatenated-strings

 676             + "value " + byteArrayToString(windowsAbsolutePath())+ "\\" +
 677             toWindowsName(key) + " at root 0x" +
 678             Integer.toHexString(rootNativeHandle()) +
 679             ". Windows RegDeleteValue(...) returned error code " +
 680             result + ".");
 681             isBackingStoreAvailable = false;
 682         }
 683         closeKey(nativeHandle);
 684     }
 686     /**
 687      * Implements <tt>AbstractPreferences</tt> <tt>keysSpi()</tt> method.
 688      * Gets value names from the underlying Windows registry node.
 689      * Throws a BackingStoreException and logs a warning, if
 690      * Windows registry is unavailable.
 691      */
 692     protected String[] keysSpi() throws BackingStoreException{
 693         // Find out the number of values
 694         int nativeHandle = openKey(KEY_QUERY_VALUE);
 695         if (nativeHandle == NULL_NATIVE_HANDLE) {
 696             throw new BackingStoreException("Could not open windows"
 697             + "registry node " + byteArrayToString(windowsAbsolutePath()) +
 698             " at root 0x" + Integer.toHexString(rootNativeHandle()) + ".");
 699         }
 700         int[] result =  WindowsRegQueryInfoKey1(nativeHandle);
 701         if (result[ERROR_CODE] != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
 702             String info = "Could not query windows"
 703             + "registry node " + byteArrayToString(windowsAbsolutePath()) +
 704             " at root 0x" + Integer.toHexString(rootNativeHandle()) +
 705             ". Windows RegQueryInfoKeyEx(...) returned error code " +
 706             result[ERROR_CODE] + ".";
 707             logger().warning(info);
 708             throw new BackingStoreException(info);
 709         }
 710         int maxValueNameLength = result[MAX_VALUE_NAME_LENGTH];
 711         int valuesNumber = result[VALUES_NUMBER];
 712         if (valuesNumber == 0) {
 713             closeKey(nativeHandle);
 714             return new String[0];
 715        }
 716        // Get the values
 717        String[] valueNames = new String[valuesNumber];
 718        for (int i = 0; i < valuesNumber; i++) {
 719             byte[] windowsName = WindowsRegEnumValue1(nativeHandle, i,
 720                                                         maxValueNameLength+1);
 721             if (windowsName == null) {
 722                 String info =

 725                 Integer.toHexString(rootNativeHandle()) + ".";
 726                 logger().warning(info);
 727                 throw new BackingStoreException(info);
 728             }
 729             valueNames[i] = toJavaName(windowsName);
 730         }
 731         closeKey(nativeHandle);
 732         return valueNames;
 733     }
 735     /**
 736      * Implements <tt>AbstractPreferences</tt> <tt>childrenNamesSpi()</tt> method.
 737      * Calls Windows registry to retrive children of this node.
 738      * Throws a BackingStoreException and logs a warning message,
 739      * if Windows registry is not available.
 740      */
 741     protected String[] childrenNamesSpi() throws BackingStoreException {
 742         // Open key
 743         int nativeHandle = openKey(KEY_ENUMERATE_SUB_KEYS| KEY_QUERY_VALUE);
 744         if (nativeHandle == NULL_NATIVE_HANDLE) {
 745             throw new BackingStoreException("Could not open windows"
 746             + "registry node " + byteArrayToString(windowsAbsolutePath()) +
 747             " at root 0x" + Integer.toHexString(rootNativeHandle()) + ".");
 748         }
 749         // Get number of children
 750         int[] result =  WindowsRegQueryInfoKey1(nativeHandle);
 751         if (result[ERROR_CODE] != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
 752             String info = "Could not query windows"
 753             + "registry node " + byteArrayToString(windowsAbsolutePath()) +
 754             " at root 0x" + Integer.toHexString(rootNativeHandle()) +
 755             ". Windows RegQueryInfoKeyEx(...) returned error code " +
 756             result[ERROR_CODE] + ".";
 757             logger().warning(info);
 758             throw new BackingStoreException(info);
 759         }
 760         int maxKeyLength = result[MAX_KEY_LENGTH];
 761         int subKeysNumber = result[SUBKEYS_NUMBER];
 762         if (subKeysNumber == 0) {
 763             closeKey(nativeHandle);
 764             return new String[0];
 765         }
 766         String[] subkeys = new String[subKeysNumber];
 767         String[] children = new String[subKeysNumber];
 768         // Get children
 769         for (int i = 0; i < subKeysNumber; i++) {
 770             byte[] windowsName = WindowsRegEnumKeyEx1(nativeHandle, i,
 771                                                                 maxKeyLength+1);
 772             if (windowsName == null) {

 785     }
 787     /**
 788      * Implements <tt>Preferences</tt> <tt>flush()</tt> method.
 789      * Flushes Windows registry changes to disk.
 790      * Throws a BackingStoreException and logs a warning message if Windows
 791      * registry is not available.
 792      */
 793     public void flush() throws BackingStoreException{
 795         if (isRemoved()) {
 796             parent.flush();
 797             return;
 798         }
 799         if (!isBackingStoreAvailable) {
 800             throw new BackingStoreException(
 801                                        "flush(): Backing store not available.");
 802         }
 803         int nativeHandle = openKey(KEY_READ);
 804         if (nativeHandle == NULL_NATIVE_HANDLE) {
 805             throw new BackingStoreException("Could not open windows"
 806             + "registry node " + byteArrayToString(windowsAbsolutePath()) +
 807             " at root 0x" + Integer.toHexString(rootNativeHandle()) + ".");
 808         }
 809         int result = WindowsRegFlushKey1(nativeHandle);
 810         if (result != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
 811             String info = "Could not flush windows "
 812             + "registry node " + byteArrayToString(windowsAbsolutePath())
 813             + " at root 0x" + Integer.toHexString(rootNativeHandle()) +
 814             ". Windows RegFlushKey(...) returned error code " + result + ".";
 815             logger().warning(info);
 816             throw new BackingStoreException(info);
 817         }
 818         closeKey(nativeHandle);
 819     }
 822     /**
 823      * Implements <tt>Preferences</tt> <tt>sync()</tt> method.
 824      * Flushes Windows registry changes to disk. Equivalent to flush().
 825      * @see flush()

 834      * Implements <tt>AbstractPreferences</tt> <tt>childSpi()</tt> method.
 835      * Constructs a child node with a
 836      * given name and creates its underlying Windows registry node,
 837      * if it does not exist.
 838      * Logs a warning message, if Windows Registry is unavailable.
 839      */
 840     protected AbstractPreferences childSpi(String name) {
 841             return new WindowsPreferences(this, name);
 842     }
 844     /**
 845      * Implements <tt>AbstractPreferences</tt> <tt>removeNodeSpi()</tt> method.
 846      * Deletes underlying Windows registry node.
 847      * Throws a BackingStoreException and logs a warning, if Windows registry
 848      * is not available.
 849      */
 850     public void removeNodeSpi() throws BackingStoreException {
 851         int parentNativeHandle =
 852                          ((WindowsPreferences)parent()).openKey(DELETE);
 853         if (parentNativeHandle == NULL_NATIVE_HANDLE) {
 854             throw new BackingStoreException("Could not open parent windows"
 855             + "registry node of " + byteArrayToString(windowsAbsolutePath()) +
 856             " at root 0x" + Integer.toHexString(rootNativeHandle()) + ".");
 857         }
 858         int result =
 859                 WindowsRegDeleteKey(parentNativeHandle, toWindowsName(name()));
 860         if (result != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
 861             String info = "Could not delete windows "
 862             + "registry node " + byteArrayToString(windowsAbsolutePath()) +
 863             " at root 0x" + Integer.toHexString(rootNativeHandle()) +
 864             ". Windows RegDeleteKeyEx(...) returned error code " +
 865             result + ".";
 866             logger().warning(info);
 867             throw new BackingStoreException(info);
 868         }
 869         closeKey(parentNativeHandle);
 870     }
 872     /**
 873      * Converts value's or node's name from its byte array representation to
 874      * java string. Two encodings, simple and altBase64 are used. See

 676             + "value " + byteArrayToString(windowsAbsolutePath())+ "\\" +
 677             toWindowsName(key) + " at root 0x" +
 678             Integer.toHexString(rootNativeHandle()) +
 679             ". Windows RegDeleteValue(...) returned error code " +
 680             result + ".");
 681             isBackingStoreAvailable = false;
 682         }
 683         closeKey(nativeHandle);
 684     }
 686     /**
 687      * Implements <tt>AbstractPreferences</tt> <tt>keysSpi()</tt> method.
 688      * Gets value names from the underlying Windows registry node.
 689      * Throws a BackingStoreException and logs a warning, if
 690      * Windows registry is unavailable.
 691      */
 692     protected String[] keysSpi() throws BackingStoreException{
 693         // Find out the number of values
 694         int nativeHandle = openKey(KEY_QUERY_VALUE);
 695         if (nativeHandle == NULL_NATIVE_HANDLE) {
 696             throw new BackingStoreException("Could not open windows "
 697             + "registry node " + byteArrayToString(windowsAbsolutePath()) +
 698             " at root 0x" + Integer.toHexString(rootNativeHandle()) + ".");
 699         }
 700         int[] result =  WindowsRegQueryInfoKey1(nativeHandle);
 701         if (result[ERROR_CODE] != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
 702             String info = "Could not query windows "
 703             + "registry node " + byteArrayToString(windowsAbsolutePath()) +
 704             " at root 0x" + Integer.toHexString(rootNativeHandle()) +
 705             ". Windows RegQueryInfoKeyEx(...) returned error code " +
 706             result[ERROR_CODE] + ".";
 707             logger().warning(info);
 708             throw new BackingStoreException(info);
 709         }
 710         int maxValueNameLength = result[MAX_VALUE_NAME_LENGTH];
 711         int valuesNumber = result[VALUES_NUMBER];
 712         if (valuesNumber == 0) {
 713             closeKey(nativeHandle);
 714             return new String[0];
 715        }
 716        // Get the values
 717        String[] valueNames = new String[valuesNumber];
 718        for (int i = 0; i < valuesNumber; i++) {
 719             byte[] windowsName = WindowsRegEnumValue1(nativeHandle, i,
 720                                                         maxValueNameLength+1);
 721             if (windowsName == null) {
 722                 String info =

 725                 Integer.toHexString(rootNativeHandle()) + ".";
 726                 logger().warning(info);
 727                 throw new BackingStoreException(info);
 728             }
 729             valueNames[i] = toJavaName(windowsName);
 730         }
 731         closeKey(nativeHandle);
 732         return valueNames;
 733     }
 735     /**
 736      * Implements <tt>AbstractPreferences</tt> <tt>childrenNamesSpi()</tt> method.
 737      * Calls Windows registry to retrive children of this node.
 738      * Throws a BackingStoreException and logs a warning message,
 739      * if Windows registry is not available.
 740      */
 741     protected String[] childrenNamesSpi() throws BackingStoreException {
 742         // Open key
 743         int nativeHandle = openKey(KEY_ENUMERATE_SUB_KEYS| KEY_QUERY_VALUE);
 744         if (nativeHandle == NULL_NATIVE_HANDLE) {
 745             throw new BackingStoreException("Could not open windows "
 746             + "registry node " + byteArrayToString(windowsAbsolutePath()) +
 747             " at root 0x" + Integer.toHexString(rootNativeHandle()) + ".");
 748         }
 749         // Get number of children
 750         int[] result =  WindowsRegQueryInfoKey1(nativeHandle);
 751         if (result[ERROR_CODE] != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
 752             String info = "Could not query windows "
 753             + "registry node " + byteArrayToString(windowsAbsolutePath()) +
 754             " at root 0x" + Integer.toHexString(rootNativeHandle()) +
 755             ". Windows RegQueryInfoKeyEx(...) returned error code " +
 756             result[ERROR_CODE] + ".";
 757             logger().warning(info);
 758             throw new BackingStoreException(info);
 759         }
 760         int maxKeyLength = result[MAX_KEY_LENGTH];
 761         int subKeysNumber = result[SUBKEYS_NUMBER];
 762         if (subKeysNumber == 0) {
 763             closeKey(nativeHandle);
 764             return new String[0];
 765         }
 766         String[] subkeys = new String[subKeysNumber];
 767         String[] children = new String[subKeysNumber];
 768         // Get children
 769         for (int i = 0; i < subKeysNumber; i++) {
 770             byte[] windowsName = WindowsRegEnumKeyEx1(nativeHandle, i,
 771                                                                 maxKeyLength+1);
 772             if (windowsName == null) {

 785     }
 787     /**
 788      * Implements <tt>Preferences</tt> <tt>flush()</tt> method.
 789      * Flushes Windows registry changes to disk.
 790      * Throws a BackingStoreException and logs a warning message if Windows
 791      * registry is not available.
 792      */
 793     public void flush() throws BackingStoreException{
 795         if (isRemoved()) {
 796             parent.flush();
 797             return;
 798         }
 799         if (!isBackingStoreAvailable) {
 800             throw new BackingStoreException(
 801                                        "flush(): Backing store not available.");
 802         }
 803         int nativeHandle = openKey(KEY_READ);
 804         if (nativeHandle == NULL_NATIVE_HANDLE) {
 805             throw new BackingStoreException("Could not open windows "
 806             + "registry node " + byteArrayToString(windowsAbsolutePath()) +
 807             " at root 0x" + Integer.toHexString(rootNativeHandle()) + ".");
 808         }
 809         int result = WindowsRegFlushKey1(nativeHandle);
 810         if (result != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
 811             String info = "Could not flush windows "
 812             + "registry node " + byteArrayToString(windowsAbsolutePath())
 813             + " at root 0x" + Integer.toHexString(rootNativeHandle()) +
 814             ". Windows RegFlushKey(...) returned error code " + result + ".";
 815             logger().warning(info);
 816             throw new BackingStoreException(info);
 817         }
 818         closeKey(nativeHandle);
 819     }
 822     /**
 823      * Implements <tt>Preferences</tt> <tt>sync()</tt> method.
 824      * Flushes Windows registry changes to disk. Equivalent to flush().
 825      * @see flush()

 834      * Implements <tt>AbstractPreferences</tt> <tt>childSpi()</tt> method.
 835      * Constructs a child node with a
 836      * given name and creates its underlying Windows registry node,
 837      * if it does not exist.
 838      * Logs a warning message, if Windows Registry is unavailable.
 839      */
 840     protected AbstractPreferences childSpi(String name) {
 841             return new WindowsPreferences(this, name);
 842     }
 844     /**
 845      * Implements <tt>AbstractPreferences</tt> <tt>removeNodeSpi()</tt> method.
 846      * Deletes underlying Windows registry node.
 847      * Throws a BackingStoreException and logs a warning, if Windows registry
 848      * is not available.
 849      */
 850     public void removeNodeSpi() throws BackingStoreException {
 851         int parentNativeHandle =
 852                          ((WindowsPreferences)parent()).openKey(DELETE);
 853         if (parentNativeHandle == NULL_NATIVE_HANDLE) {
 854             throw new BackingStoreException("Could not open parent windows "
 855             + "registry node of " + byteArrayToString(windowsAbsolutePath()) +
 856             " at root 0x" + Integer.toHexString(rootNativeHandle()) + ".");
 857         }
 858         int result =
 859                 WindowsRegDeleteKey(parentNativeHandle, toWindowsName(name()));
 860         if (result != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
 861             String info = "Could not delete windows "
 862             + "registry node " + byteArrayToString(windowsAbsolutePath()) +
 863             " at root 0x" + Integer.toHexString(rootNativeHandle()) +
 864             ". Windows RegDeleteKeyEx(...) returned error code " +
 865             result + ".";
 866             logger().warning(info);
 867             throw new BackingStoreException(info);
 868         }
 869         closeKey(parentNativeHandle);
 870     }
 872     /**
 873      * Converts value's or node's name from its byte array representation to
 874      * java string. Two encodings, simple and altBase64 are used. See

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