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1077 #
1078 #com.sun.CORBA.ORBIorTypeCheckRegistryFilter=binary_class_name;binary_class_name
1080 #
1081 # JCEKS Encrypted Key Serial Filter
1082 #
1083 # This filter, if configured, is used by the JCEKS KeyStore during the
1084 # deserialization of the encrypted Key object stored inside a key entry.
1085 # If not configured or the filter result is UNDECIDED (i.e. none of the patterns
1086 # matches), the filter configured by jdk.serialFilter will be consulted.
1087 #
1088 # If the system property jceks.key.serialFilter is also specified, it supersedes
1089 # the security property value defined here.
1090 #
1091 # The filter pattern uses the same format as jdk.serialFilter. The default
1092 # pattern allows java.lang.Enum, java.security.KeyRep, java.security.KeyRep$Type,
1093 # and javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec and rejects all the others.
1094 jceks.key.serialFilter = java.lang.Enum;java.security.KeyRep;\
1095   java.security.KeyRep$Type;javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec;!*

1097 # The iteration count used for password-based encryption (PBE) in JCEKS
1098 # keystores. Values in the range 10000 to 5000000 are considered valid.
1099 # If the value is out of this range, or is not a number, or is unspecified;
1100 # a default of 200000 is used.
1101 #
1102 # If the system property jdk.jceks.iterationCount is also specified, it
1103 # supersedes the security property value defined here.
1104 #
1105 #jdk.jceks.iterationCount = 200000
1107 #
1108 # Disabled mechanisms for the Simple Authentication and Security Layer (SASL)
1109 #
1110 # Disabled mechanisms will not be negotiated by both SASL clients and servers.
1111 # These mechanisms will be ignored if they are specified in the "mechanisms"
1112 # argument of "Sasl.createSaslClient" or the "mechanism" argument of
1113 # "Sasl.createSaslServer".
1114 #
1115 # The value of this property is a comma-separated list of SASL mechanisms.
1116 # The mechanisms are case-sensitive. Whitespaces around the commas are ignored.

1077 #
1078 #com.sun.CORBA.ORBIorTypeCheckRegistryFilter=binary_class_name;binary_class_name
1080 #
1081 # JCEKS Encrypted Key Serial Filter
1082 #
1083 # This filter, if configured, is used by the JCEKS KeyStore during the
1084 # deserialization of the encrypted Key object stored inside a key entry.
1085 # If not configured or the filter result is UNDECIDED (i.e. none of the patterns
1086 # matches), the filter configured by jdk.serialFilter will be consulted.
1087 #
1088 # If the system property jceks.key.serialFilter is also specified, it supersedes
1089 # the security property value defined here.
1090 #
1091 # The filter pattern uses the same format as jdk.serialFilter. The default
1092 # pattern allows java.lang.Enum, java.security.KeyRep, java.security.KeyRep$Type,
1093 # and javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec and rejects all the others.
1094 jceks.key.serialFilter = java.lang.Enum;java.security.KeyRep;\
1095   java.security.KeyRep$Type;javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec;!*
1097 #
1098 # PKCS12 KeyStore properties
1099 #
1100 # The following properties, if configured, are used by the PKCS12 KeyStore
1101 # implementation during the creation of a new keystore. Several of the
1102 # properties may also be used when modifying an existing keystore. The
1103 # properties can be overridden by a KeyStore API that specifies its own
1104 # algorithms and parameters.
1105 #
1106 # If an existing PKCS12 keystore is loaded and then stored, the algorithm and
1107 # parameter used to generate the existing Mac will be reused. If the existing
1108 # keystore does not have a Mac, no Mac will be created while storing. If there
1109 # is at least one certificate in the existing keystore, the algorithm and
1110 # parameters used to encrypt the last certificate in the existing keystore will
1111 # be reused to encrypt all certificates while storing. If the last certificate
1112 # in the existing keystore is not encrypted, all certificates will be stored
1113 # unencrypted. If there is no certificate in the existing keystore, any newly
1114 # added certificate will be encrypted (or stored unencrypted if algorithm
1115 # value is "NONE") using the "keystore.pkcs12.certProtectionAlgorithm" and
1116 # "keystore.pkcs12.certPbeIterationCount" values defined here. Existing private
1117 # and secret key(s) are not changed. Newly set private and secret key(s) will
1118 # be encrypted using the "keystore.pkcs12.keyProtectionAlgorithm" and
1119 # "keystore.pkcs12.keyPbeIterationCount" values defined here.
1120 #
1121 # In order to apply new algorithms and parameters to all entries in an
1122 # existing keystore, one can create a new keystore and add entries in the
1123 # existing keystore into the new keystore. This can be achieved by calling the
1124 # "keytool -importkeystore" command.
1125 #
1126 # If a system property of the same name is also specified, it supersedes the
1127 # security property value defined here.
1128 #
1129 # If the property is set to an illegal value,
1130 # an iteration count that is not a positive integer, or an unknown algorithm
1131 # name, an exception will be thrown when the property is used.
1132 # If the property is not set or empty, a default value will be used.
1133 #
1134 # Note: These properties are currently used by the JDK Reference implementation.
1135 # They are not guaranteed to be examined and used by other implementations.
1137 # The algorithm used to encrypt a certificate. This can be any non-Hmac PBE
1138 # algorithm defined in the Cipher section of the Java Security Standard
1139 # Algorithm Names Specification. When set to "NONE", the certificate
1140 # is not encrypted. The default value is "PBEWithSHA1AndRC2_40".
1141 #keystore.pkcs12.certProtectionAlgorithm = PBEWithSHA1AndRC2_40
1143 # The iteration count used by the PBE algorithm when encrypting a certificate.
1144 # This value must be a positive integer. The default value is 50000.
1145 #keystore.pkcs12.certPbeIterationCount = 50000
1147 # The algorithm used to encrypt a private key or secret key. This can be
1148 # any non-Hmac PBE algorithm defined in the Cipher section of the Java
1149 # Security Standard Algorithm Names Specification. The value must not be "NONE".
1150 # The default value is "PBEWithSHA1AndDESede".
1151 #keystore.pkcs12.keyProtectionAlgorithm = PBEWithSHA1AndDESede
1153 # The iteration count used by the PBE algorithm when encrypting a private key
1154 # or a secret key. This value must be a positive integer. The default value
1155 # is 50000.
1156 #keystore.pkcs12.keyPbeIterationCount = 50000
1158 # The algorithm used to calculate the optional MacData at the end of a PKCS12
1159 # file. This can be any HmacPBE algorithm defined in the Mac section of the
1160 # Java Security Standard Algorithm Names Specification. When set to "NONE",
1161 # no Mac is generated. The default value is "HmacPBESHA1".
1162 #keystore.pkcs12.macAlgorithm = HmacPBESHA1
1164 # The iteration count used by the MacData algorithm. This value must be a
1165 # positive integer. The default value is 100000.
1166 #keystore.pkcs12.macIterationCount = 100000
1168 # The iteration count used for password-based encryption (PBE) in JCEKS
1169 # keystores. Values in the range 10000 to 5000000 are considered valid.
1170 # If the value is out of this range, or is not a number, or is unspecified;
1171 # a default of 200000 is used.
1172 #
1173 # If the system property jdk.jceks.iterationCount is also specified, it
1174 # supersedes the security property value defined here.
1175 #
1176 #jdk.jceks.iterationCount = 200000
1178 #
1179 # Disabled mechanisms for the Simple Authentication and Security Layer (SASL)
1180 #
1181 # Disabled mechanisms will not be negotiated by both SASL clients and servers.
1182 # These mechanisms will be ignored if they are specified in the "mechanisms"
1183 # argument of "Sasl.createSaslClient" or the "mechanism" argument of
1184 # "Sasl.createSaslServer".
1185 #
1186 # The value of this property is a comma-separated list of SASL mechanisms.
1187 # The mechanisms are case-sensitive. Whitespaces around the commas are ignored.

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