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  42  *         milliseconds. If the LDAP provider cannot establish a
  43  *         connection within that period, it aborts the connection attempt.
  44  *         The integer should be greater than zero. An integer less than
  45  *         or equal to zero means to use the network protocol's (i.e., TCP's)
  46  *         timeout value.
  47  *         <br> If this property is not specified, the default is to wait
  48  *         for the connection to be established or until the underlying
  49  *         network times out.
  50  *     </li>
  51  *     <li>{@code com.sun.jndi.ldap.read.timeout}:
  52  *         <br>The value of this property is the string representation
  53  *         of an integer representing the read timeout in milliseconds
  54  *         for LDAP operations. If the LDAP provider cannot get a LDAP
  55  *         response within that period, it aborts the read attempt. The
  56  *         integer should be greater than zero. An integer less than or
  57  *         equal to zero means no read timeout is specified which is equivalent
  58  *         to waiting for the response infinitely until it is received.
  59  *         <br>If this property is not specified, the default is to wait
  60  *         for the response until it is received.
  61  *     </li>

  62  * </ul>
  63  *
  64  * @provides javax.naming.ldap.spi.LdapDnsProvider
  65  *
  66  * @uses javax.naming.ldap.spi.LdapDnsProvider
  67  *
  68  * @moduleGraph
  69  * @since 9
  70  */
  71 module java.naming {
  72     requires java.security.sasl;
  74     exports javax.naming;
  75     exports javax.naming.directory;
  76     exports javax.naming.event;
  77     exports javax.naming.ldap;
  78     exports javax.naming.spi;
  79     exports javax.naming.ldap.spi;
  81     exports com.sun.jndi.toolkit.ctx to

  42  *         milliseconds. If the LDAP provider cannot establish a
  43  *         connection within that period, it aborts the connection attempt.
  44  *         The integer should be greater than zero. An integer less than
  45  *         or equal to zero means to use the network protocol's (i.e., TCP's)
  46  *         timeout value.
  47  *         <br> If this property is not specified, the default is to wait
  48  *         for the connection to be established or until the underlying
  49  *         network times out.
  50  *     </li>
  51  *     <li>{@code com.sun.jndi.ldap.read.timeout}:
  52  *         <br>The value of this property is the string representation
  53  *         of an integer representing the read timeout in milliseconds
  54  *         for LDAP operations. If the LDAP provider cannot get a LDAP
  55  *         response within that period, it aborts the read attempt. The
  56  *         integer should be greater than zero. An integer less than or
  57  *         equal to zero means no read timeout is specified which is equivalent
  58  *         to waiting for the response infinitely until it is received.
  59  *         <br>If this property is not specified, the default is to wait
  60  *         for the response until it is received.
  61  *     </li>
  62  *     <li>{@code com.sun.jndi.ldap.tls.cbtype}:
  63  *         <br>The value of this property is the string representing the TLS
  64  *         Channel Binding type required for an LDAP connection over SSL/TLS.
  65  *         Possible values are :
  66  *         <ul>
  67  *             <li>"tls-unique" - Channel Binding data is created on the basis
  68  *                 of TLS Finished Message. Not supported right now.
  69  *             </li>
  70  *             <li>"tls-server-end-point" - Channel Binding data is created on
  71  *                 the basis of the TLS server certificate.
  72  *             </li>
  73  *         </ul>
  74  *         <br>If this property is not specified, the client does not send
  75  *         channel binding information to the server.
  76  *     </li>
  77  * </ul>
  78  *
  79  * @provides javax.naming.ldap.spi.LdapDnsProvider
  80  *
  81  * @uses javax.naming.ldap.spi.LdapDnsProvider
  82  *
  83  * @moduleGraph
  84  * @since 9
  85  */
  86 module java.naming {
  87     requires java.security.sasl;
  89     exports javax.naming;
  90     exports javax.naming.directory;
  91     exports javax.naming.event;
  92     exports javax.naming.ldap;
  93     exports javax.naming.spi;
  94     exports javax.naming.ldap.spi;
  96     exports com.sun.jndi.toolkit.ctx to
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