1 /*
  2  * Copyright (c) 2005, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  4  *
  5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
  6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
  7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.
  8  *
  9  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 10  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 11  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
 12  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
 13  * accompanied this code).
 14  *
 15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
 16  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
 17  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
 18  *
 19  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
 20  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
 21  * questions.
 22  *
 23  */
 28 #include "opto/addnode.hpp"
 29 #include "opto/node.hpp"
 30 #include "utilities/growableArray.hpp"
 32 //
 33 // Adaptation for C2 of the escape analysis algorithm described in:
 34 //
 35 // [Choi99] Jong-Deok Shoi, Manish Gupta, Mauricio Seffano,
 36 //          Vugranam C. Sreedhar, Sam Midkiff,
 37 //          "Escape Analysis for Java", Procedings of ACM SIGPLAN
 38 //          OOPSLA  Conference, November 1, 1999
 39 //
 40 // The flow-insensitive analysis described in the paper has been implemented.
 41 //
 42 // The analysis requires construction of a "connection graph" (CG) for
 43 // the method being analyzed.  The nodes of the connection graph are:
 44 //
 45 //     -  Java objects (JO)
 46 //     -  Local variables (LV)
 47 //     -  Fields of an object (OF),  these also include array elements
 48 //
 49 // The CG contains 3 types of edges:
 50 //
 51 //   -  PointsTo  (-P>)    {LV, OF} to JO
 52 //   -  Deferred  (-D>)    from {LV, OF} to {LV, OF}
 53 //   -  Field     (-F>)    from JO to OF
 54 //
 55 // The following  utility functions is used by the algorithm:
 56 //
 57 //   PointsTo(n) - n is any CG node, it returns the set of JO that n could
 58 //                 point to.
 59 //
 60 // The algorithm describes how to construct the connection graph
 61 // in the following 4 cases:
 62 //
 63 //          Case                  Edges Created
 64 //
 65 // (1)   p   = new T()              LV -P> JO
 66 // (2)   p   = q                    LV -D> LV
 67 // (3)   p.f = q                    JO -F> OF,  OF -D> LV
 68 // (4)   p   = q.f                  JO -F> OF,  LV -D> OF
 69 //
 70 // In all these cases, p and q are local variables.  For static field
 71 // references, we can construct a local variable containing a reference
 72 // to the static memory.
 73 //
 74 // C2 does not have local variables.  However for the purposes of constructing
 75 // the connection graph, the following IR nodes are treated as local variables:
 76 //     Phi    (pointer values)
 77 //     LoadP, LoadN
 78 //     Proj#5 (value returned from callnodes including allocations)
 79 //     CheckCastPP, CastPP
 80 //
 81 // The LoadP, Proj and CheckCastPP behave like variables assigned to only once.
 82 // Only a Phi can have multiple assignments.  Each input to a Phi is treated
 83 // as an assignment to it.
 84 //
 85 // The following node types are JavaObject:
 86 //
 87 //     phantom_object (general globally escaped object)
 88 //     Allocate
 89 //     AllocateArray
 90 //     Parm  (for incoming arguments)
 91 //     CastX2P ("unsafe" operations)
 92 //     CreateEx
 93 //     ConP
 94 //     LoadKlass
 95 //     ThreadLocal
 96 //     CallStaticJava (which returns Object)
 97 //
 98 // AddP nodes are fields.
 99 //
100 // After building the graph, a pass is made over the nodes, deleting deferred
101 // nodes and copying the edges from the target of the deferred edge to the
102 // source.  This results in a graph with no deferred edges, only:
103 //
104 //    LV -P> JO
105 //    OF -P> JO (the object whose oop is stored in the field)
106 //    JO -F> OF
107 //
108 // Then, for each node which is GlobalEscape, anything it could point to
109 // is marked GlobalEscape.  Finally, for any node marked ArgEscape, anything
110 // it could point to is marked ArgEscape.
111 //
113 class  Compile;
114 class  Node;
115 class  CallNode;
116 class  PhiNode;
117 class  PhaseTransform;
118 class  PointsToNode;
119 class  Type;
120 class  TypePtr;
121 class  VectorSet;
123 class JavaObjectNode;
124 class LocalVarNode;
125 class FieldNode;
126 class ArraycopyNode;
128 class ConnectionGraph;
130 // ConnectionGraph nodes
131 class PointsToNode : public ResourceObj {
132   GrowableArray<PointsToNode*> _edges; // List of nodes this node points to
133   GrowableArray<PointsToNode*> _uses;  // List of nodes which point to this node
135   const u1           _type;  // NodeType
136   u1                _flags;  // NodeFlags
137   u1               _escape;  // EscapeState of object
138   u1        _fields_escape;  // EscapeState of object's fields
140   Node* const        _node;  // Ideal node corresponding to this PointsTo node.
141   const int           _idx;  // Cached ideal node's _idx
142   const uint         _pidx;  // Index of this node
144 public:
145   typedef enum {
146     UnknownType = 0,
147     JavaObject  = 1,
148     LocalVar    = 2,
149     Field       = 3,
150     Arraycopy   = 4
151   } NodeType;
153   typedef enum {
154     UnknownEscape = 0,
155     NoEscape      = 1, // An object does not escape method or thread and it is
156                        // not passed to call. It could be replaced with scalar.
157     ArgEscape     = 2, // An object does not escape method or thread but it is
158                        // passed as argument to call or referenced by argument
159                        // and it does not escape during call.
160     GlobalEscape  = 3  // An object escapes the method or thread.
161   } EscapeState;
163   typedef enum {
164     ScalarReplaceable = 1,  // Not escaped object could be replaced with scalar
165     PointsToUnknown   = 2,  // Has edge to phantom_object
166     ArraycopySrc      = 4,  // Has edge from Arraycopy node
167     ArraycopyDst      = 8   // Has edge to Arraycopy node
168   } NodeFlags;
171   inline PointsToNode(ConnectionGraph* CG, Node* n, EscapeState es, NodeType type);
173   uint        pidx()   const { return _pidx; }
175   Node* ideal_node()   const { return _node; }
176   int          idx()   const { return _idx; }
178   bool is_JavaObject() const { return _type == (u1)JavaObject; }
179   bool is_LocalVar()   const { return _type == (u1)LocalVar; }
180   bool is_Field()      const { return _type == (u1)Field; }
181   bool is_Arraycopy()  const { return _type == (u1)Arraycopy; }
183   JavaObjectNode* as_JavaObject() { assert(is_JavaObject(),""); return (JavaObjectNode*)this; }
184   LocalVarNode*   as_LocalVar()   { assert(is_LocalVar(),"");   return (LocalVarNode*)this; }
185   FieldNode*      as_Field()      { assert(is_Field(),"");      return (FieldNode*)this; }
186   ArraycopyNode*  as_Arraycopy()  { assert(is_Arraycopy(),"");  return (ArraycopyNode*)this; }
188   EscapeState escape_state() const { return (EscapeState)_escape; }
189   void    set_escape_state(EscapeState state) { _escape = (u1)state; }
191   EscapeState fields_escape_state() const { return (EscapeState)_fields_escape; }
192   void    set_fields_escape_state(EscapeState state) { _fields_escape = (u1)state; }
194   bool     has_unknown_ptr() const { return (_flags & PointsToUnknown) != 0; }
195   void set_has_unknown_ptr()       { _flags |= PointsToUnknown; }
197   bool     arraycopy_src() const { return (_flags & ArraycopySrc) != 0; }
198   void set_arraycopy_src()       { _flags |= ArraycopySrc; }
199   bool     arraycopy_dst() const { return (_flags & ArraycopyDst) != 0; }
200   void set_arraycopy_dst()       { _flags |= ArraycopyDst; }
202   bool     scalar_replaceable() const { return (_flags & ScalarReplaceable) != 0;}
203   void set_scalar_replaceable(bool v) {
204     if (v)
205       _flags |= ScalarReplaceable;
206     else
207       _flags &= ~ScalarReplaceable;
208   }
210   int edge_count()              const { return _edges.length(); }
211   PointsToNode* edge(int e)     const { return _edges.at(e); }
212   bool add_edge(PointsToNode* edge)    { return _edges.append_if_missing(edge); }
214   int use_count()             const { return _uses.length(); }
215   PointsToNode* use(int e)    const { return _uses.at(e); }
216   bool add_use(PointsToNode* use)    { return _uses.append_if_missing(use); }
218   // Mark base edge use to distinguish from stored value edge.
219   bool add_base_use(FieldNode* use) { return _uses.append_if_missing((PointsToNode*)((intptr_t)use + 1)); }
220   static bool is_base_use(PointsToNode* use) { return (((intptr_t)use) & 1); }
221   static PointsToNode* get_use_node(PointsToNode* use) { return (PointsToNode*)(((intptr_t)use) & ~1); }
223   // Return true if this node points to specified node or nodes it points to.
224   bool points_to(JavaObjectNode* ptn) const;
226   // Return true if this node points only to non-escaping allocations.
227   bool non_escaping_allocation();
229   // Return true if one node points to an other.
230   bool meet(PointsToNode* ptn);
232 #ifndef PRODUCT
233   NodeType node_type() const { return (NodeType)_type;}
234   void dump(bool print_state=true) const;
235 #endif
237 };
239 class LocalVarNode: public PointsToNode {
240 public:
241   LocalVarNode(ConnectionGraph *CG, Node* n, EscapeState es):
242     PointsToNode(CG, n, es, LocalVar) {}
243 };
245 class JavaObjectNode: public PointsToNode {
246 public:
247   JavaObjectNode(ConnectionGraph *CG, Node* n, EscapeState es):
248     PointsToNode(CG, n, es, JavaObject) {
249       if (es > NoEscape)
250         set_scalar_replaceable(false);
251     }
252 };
254 class FieldNode: public PointsToNode {
255   GrowableArray<PointsToNode*> _bases; // List of JavaObject nodes which point to this node
256   const int   _offset; // Field's offset.
257   const bool  _is_oop; // Field points to object
258         bool  _has_unknown_base; // Has phantom_object base
259 public:
260   FieldNode(ConnectionGraph *CG, Node* n, EscapeState es, int offs, bool is_oop):
261     PointsToNode(CG, n, es, Field),
262     _offset(offs), _is_oop(is_oop),
263     _has_unknown_base(false) {}
265   int      offset()              const { return _offset;}
266   bool     is_oop()              const { return _is_oop;}
267   bool     has_unknown_base()    const { return _has_unknown_base; }
268   void set_has_unknown_base()          { _has_unknown_base = true; }
270   int base_count()              const { return _bases.length(); }
271   PointsToNode* base(int e)     const { return _bases.at(e); }
272   bool add_base(PointsToNode* base)    { return _bases.append_if_missing(base); }
273 #ifdef ASSERT
274   // Return true if bases points to this java object.
275   bool has_base(JavaObjectNode* ptn) const;
276 #endif
278 };
280 class ArraycopyNode: public PointsToNode {
281 public:
282   ArraycopyNode(ConnectionGraph *CG, Node* n, EscapeState es):
283     PointsToNode(CG, n, es, Arraycopy) {}
284 };
286 // Iterators for PointsTo node's edges:
287 //   for (EdgeIterator i(n); i.has_next(); i.next()) {
288 //     PointsToNode* u = i.get();
289 class PointsToIterator: public StackObj {
290 protected:
291   const PointsToNode* node;
292   const int cnt;
293   int i;
294 public:
295   inline PointsToIterator(const PointsToNode* n, int cnt) : node(n), cnt(cnt), i(0) { }
296   inline bool has_next() const { return i < cnt; }
297   inline void next() { i++; }
298   PointsToNode* get() const { ShouldNotCallThis(); return NULL; }
299 };
301 class EdgeIterator: public PointsToIterator {
302 public:
303   inline EdgeIterator(const PointsToNode* n) : PointsToIterator(n, n->edge_count()) { }
304   inline PointsToNode* get() const { return node->edge(i); }
305 };
307 class UseIterator: public PointsToIterator {
308 public:
309   inline UseIterator(const PointsToNode* n) : PointsToIterator(n, n->use_count()) { }
310   inline PointsToNode* get() const { return node->use(i); }
311 };
313 class BaseIterator: public PointsToIterator {
314 public:
315   inline BaseIterator(const FieldNode* n) : PointsToIterator(n, n->base_count()) { }
316   inline PointsToNode* get() const { return ((PointsToNode*)node)->as_Field()->base(i); }
317 };
320 class ConnectionGraph: public ResourceObj {
321   friend class PointsToNode;
322 private:
323   GrowableArray<PointsToNode*>  _nodes; // Map from ideal nodes to
324                                         // ConnectionGraph nodes.
326   GrowableArray<PointsToNode*>  _worklist; // Nodes to be processed
327   VectorSet                  _in_worklist;
328   uint                         _next_pidx;
330   bool            _collecting; // Indicates whether escape information
331                                // is still being collected. If false,
332                                // no new nodes will be processed.
334   bool               _verify;  // verify graph
336   bool             _has_locks; // Used by stack allocation
338   JavaObjectNode*    null_obj;
339   Node*             _pcmp_neq; // ConI(#CC_GT)
340   Node*              _pcmp_eq; // ConI(#CC_EQ)
342   Compile*           _compile; // Compile object for current compilation
343   PhaseIterGVN*         _igvn; // Value numbering
345   Unique_Node_List ideal_nodes; // Used by CG construction and types splitting.
347 public:
348   JavaObjectNode* phantom_obj; // Unknown object
350 private:
351   // Address of an element in _nodes.  Used when the element is to be modified
352   PointsToNode* ptnode_adr(int idx) const {
353     // There should be no new ideal nodes during ConnectionGraph build,
354     // growableArray::at() will throw assert otherwise.
355     return _nodes.at(idx);
356   }
357   uint nodes_size() const { return _nodes.length(); }
359   uint next_pidx() { return _next_pidx++; }
361   // Add nodes to ConnectionGraph.
362   void add_local_var(Node* n, PointsToNode::EscapeState es);
363   void add_java_object(Node* n, PointsToNode::EscapeState es);
364   void add_field(Node* n, PointsToNode::EscapeState es, int offset);
365   void add_arraycopy(Node* n, PointsToNode::EscapeState es, PointsToNode* src, PointsToNode* dst);
367   // Compute the escape state for arguments to a call.
368   void process_call_arguments(CallNode *call);
370   // Add PointsToNode node corresponding to a call
371   void add_call_node(CallNode* call);
373   // Create PointsToNode node and add it to Connection Graph.
374   void add_node_to_connection_graph(Node *n, Unique_Node_List *delayed_worklist);
376   // Add final simple edges to graph.
377   void add_final_edges(Node *n);
379   // Finish Graph construction.
380   bool complete_connection_graph(GrowableArray<PointsToNode*>&   ptnodes_worklist,
381                                  GrowableArray<JavaObjectNode*>& non_escaped_worklist,
382                                  GrowableArray<JavaObjectNode*>& java_objects_worklist,
383                                  GrowableArray<FieldNode*>&      oop_fields_worklist);
385 #ifdef ASSERT
386   void verify_connection_graph(GrowableArray<PointsToNode*>&   ptnodes_worklist,
387                                GrowableArray<JavaObjectNode*>& non_escaped_worklist,
388                                GrowableArray<JavaObjectNode*>& java_objects_worklist,
389                                GrowableArray<Node*>& addp_worklist);
390 #endif
392   // Add all references to this JavaObject node.
393   int add_java_object_edges(JavaObjectNode* jobj, bool populate_worklist);
395   // Put node on worklist if it is (or was) not there.
396   inline void add_to_worklist(PointsToNode* pt) {
397     PointsToNode* ptf = pt;
398     uint pidx_bias = 0;
399     if (PointsToNode::is_base_use(pt)) {
400       // Create a separate entry in _in_worklist for a marked base edge
401       // because _worklist may have an entry for a normal edge pointing
402       // to the same node. To separate them use _next_pidx as bias.
403       ptf = PointsToNode::get_use_node(pt)->as_Field();
404       pidx_bias = _next_pidx;
405     }
406     if (!_in_worklist.test_set(ptf->pidx() + pidx_bias)) {
407       _worklist.append(pt);
408     }
409   }
411   // Put on worklist all uses of this node.
412   inline void add_uses_to_worklist(PointsToNode* pt) {
413     for (UseIterator i(pt); i.has_next(); i.next()) {
414       add_to_worklist(i.get());
415     }
416   }
418   // Put on worklist all field's uses and related field nodes.
419   void add_field_uses_to_worklist(FieldNode* field);
421   // Put on worklist all related field nodes.
422   void add_fields_to_worklist(FieldNode* field, PointsToNode* base);
424   // Find fields which have unknown value.
425   int find_field_value(FieldNode* field);
427   // Find fields initializing values for allocations.
428   int find_init_values(JavaObjectNode* ptn, PointsToNode* init_val, PhaseTransform* phase);
430   // Set the escape state of an object and its fields.
431   void set_escape_state(PointsToNode* ptn, PointsToNode::EscapeState esc) {
432     // Don't change non-escaping state of NULL pointer.
433     if (ptn != null_obj) {
434       if (ptn->escape_state() < esc)
435         ptn->set_escape_state(esc);
436       if (ptn->fields_escape_state() < esc)
437         ptn->set_fields_escape_state(esc);
438     }
439   }
440   void set_fields_escape_state(PointsToNode* ptn, PointsToNode::EscapeState esc) {
441     // Don't change non-escaping state of NULL pointer.
442     if (ptn != null_obj) {
443       if (ptn->fields_escape_state() < esc)
444         ptn->set_fields_escape_state(esc);
445     }
446   }
448   // Propagate GlobalEscape and ArgEscape escape states to all nodes
449   // and check that we still have non-escaping java objects.
450   bool find_non_escaped_objects(GrowableArray<PointsToNode*>& ptnodes_worklist,
451                                 GrowableArray<JavaObjectNode*>& non_escaped_worklist);
453   // Adjust scalar_replaceable state after Connection Graph is built.
454   void adjust_scalar_replaceable_state(JavaObjectNode* jobj);
456   // Optimize ideal graph.
457   void optimize_ideal_graph(GrowableArray<Node*>& ptr_cmp_worklist,
458                             GrowableArray<Node*>& storestore_worklist);
459   // Optimize objects compare.
460   Node* optimize_ptr_compare(Node* n);
462   // Returns unique corresponding java object or NULL.
463   JavaObjectNode* unique_java_object(Node *n);
465   // Add an edge of the specified type pointing to the specified target.
466   bool add_edge(PointsToNode* from, PointsToNode* to) {
467     assert(!from->is_Field() || from->as_Field()->is_oop(), "sanity");
469     if (to == phantom_obj) {
470       if (from->has_unknown_ptr()) {
471         return false; // already points to phantom_obj
472       }
473       from->set_has_unknown_ptr();
474     }
476     bool is_new = from->add_edge(to);
477     assert(to != phantom_obj || is_new, "sanity");
478     if (is_new) { // New edge?
479       assert(!_verify, "graph is incomplete");
480       is_new = to->add_use(from);
481       assert(is_new, "use should be also new");
482     }
483     return is_new;
484   }
486   // Add an edge from Field node to its base and back.
487   bool add_base(FieldNode* from, PointsToNode* to) {
488     assert(!to->is_Arraycopy(), "sanity");
489     if (to == phantom_obj) {
490       if (from->has_unknown_base()) {
491         return false; // already has phantom_obj base
492       }
493       from->set_has_unknown_base();
494     }
495     bool is_new = from->add_base(to);
496     assert(to != phantom_obj || is_new, "sanity");
497     if (is_new) {      // New edge?
498       assert(!_verify, "graph is incomplete");
499       if (to == null_obj)
500         return is_new; // Don't add fields to NULL pointer.
501       if (to->is_JavaObject()) {
502         is_new = to->add_edge(from);
503       } else {
504         is_new = to->add_base_use(from);
505       }
506       assert(is_new, "use should be also new");
507     }
508     return is_new;
509   }
511   // Helper functions
512   bool   is_oop_field(Node* n, int offset, bool* unsafe);
513   static Node* find_second_addp(Node* addp, Node* n);
514   // offset of a field reference
515   int address_offset(Node* adr, PhaseTransform *phase);
518   // Propagate unique types created for unescaped allocated objects
519   // through the graph
520   void split_unique_types(GrowableArray<Node *>  &alloc_worklist, GrowableArray<ArrayCopyNode*> &arraycopy_worklist);
522   // Helper methods for unique types split.
523   bool split_AddP(Node *addp, Node *base);
525   PhiNode *create_split_phi(PhiNode *orig_phi, int alias_idx, GrowableArray<PhiNode *>  &orig_phi_worklist, bool &new_created);
526   PhiNode *split_memory_phi(PhiNode *orig_phi, int alias_idx, GrowableArray<PhiNode *>  &orig_phi_worklist);
528   void  move_inst_mem(Node* n, GrowableArray<PhiNode *>  &orig_phis);
529   Node* find_inst_mem(Node* mem, int alias_idx,GrowableArray<PhiNode *>  &orig_phi_worklist);
530   Node* step_through_mergemem(MergeMemNode *mmem, int alias_idx, const TypeOopPtr *toop);
533   GrowableArray<MergeMemNode*>  _mergemem_worklist; // List of all MergeMem nodes
535   Node_Array _node_map; // used for bookeeping during type splitting
536                         // Used for the following purposes:
537                         // Memory Phi    - most recent unique Phi split out
538                         //                 from this Phi
539                         // MemNode       - new memory input for this node
540                         // ChecCastPP    - allocation that this is a cast of
541                         // allocation    - CheckCastPP of the allocation
543   // manage entries in _node_map
545   void  set_map(Node* from, Node* to)  {
546     ideal_nodes.push(from);
547     _node_map.map(from->_idx, to);
548   }
550   Node* get_map(int idx) { return _node_map[idx]; }
552   PhiNode* get_map_phi(int idx) {
553     Node* phi = _node_map[idx];
554     return (phi == NULL) ? NULL : phi->as_Phi();
555   }
557   // Notify optimizer that a node has been modified
558   void record_for_optimizer(Node *n);
560   // Compute the escape information
561   bool compute_escape();
563 public:
564   ConnectionGraph(Compile *C, PhaseIterGVN *igvn);
566   // Check for non-escaping candidates
567   static bool has_candidates(Compile *C);
569   // Perform escape analysis
570   static void do_analysis(Compile *C, PhaseIterGVN *igvn);
572   bool not_global_escape(Node *n);
574   // To be used by, e.g., BarrierSetC2 impls
575   Node* get_addp_base(Node* addp);
577   // Utility function for nodes that load an object
578   void add_objload_to_connection_graph(Node* n, Unique_Node_List* delayed_worklist);
580   // Add LocalVar node and edge if possible
581   void add_local_var_and_edge(Node* n, PointsToNode::EscapeState es, Node* to,
582                               Unique_Node_List *delayed_worklist) {
583     PointsToNode* ptn = ptnode_adr(to->_idx);
584     if (delayed_worklist != NULL) { // First iteration of CG construction
585       add_local_var(n, es);
586       if (ptn == NULL) {
587         delayed_worklist->push(n);
588         return; // Process it later.
589       }
590     } else {
591       assert(ptn != NULL, "node should be registered");
592     }
593     add_edge(ptnode_adr(n->_idx), ptn);
594   }
596   // Map ideal node to existing PointsTo node (usually phantom_object).
597   void map_ideal_node(Node *n, PointsToNode* ptn) {
598     assert(ptn != NULL, "only existing PointsTo node");
599     _nodes.at_put(n->_idx, ptn);
600   }
602   void add_to_congraph_unsafe_access(Node* n, uint opcode, Unique_Node_List* delayed_worklist);
603   bool add_final_edges_unsafe_access(Node* n, uint opcode);
605   // Helpers for stack allocation
607   // If an allocation is dominated by a loop, check to see if the lifetime of two instances
608   // may overlap. If they do this allocate is not eligible for stack allocation
609   bool allocation_lifetime_overlap(AllocateNode *alloc, PhiNode *phi);
610   // Stack allocation has limited support for compressed references at the moment.
611   // This helper checks if an oop may be compressed at some point in the graph.
612   bool oop_may_be_compressed(Node* alloc_result);
613   // Check if the alloc node is eligible for stack allocation
614   bool eligible_for_stack_allocation(PointsToNode* ptn);
615   // Check if the alloc has uses that make it ineligible for stack allocation
616   bool all_uses_eligible_for_stack_allocation(PointsToNode *ptn);
617   // Verify object chains for stack allocated objects. Heap objects cannot point to stack allocated objects.
618   bool verify_stack_allocated_object_chains(GrowableArray<JavaObjectNode*> &non_escaped_worklist, int non_escaped_length);
619 #ifndef PRODUCT
620   void print_stack_allocated_candidates(GrowableArray<JavaObjectNode*> &non_escaped_worklist, int non_escaped_length);
621 #endif
623 #ifndef PRODUCT
624   void dump(GrowableArray<PointsToNode*>& ptnodes_worklist);
626   bool print_escape_analysis() {
627     return PrintEscapeAnalysis || _compile->directive()->PrintEscapeAnalysisOption;
628   }
630   bool print_eliminate_allocations() {
631     return PrintEliminateAllocations || _compile->directive()->PrintEliminateAllocationsOption;
632   }
634   bool print_stack_allocation() {
635     return PrintStackAllocation || _compile->directive()->PrintStackAllocationOption;
636   }
637 #endif
638 };
640 inline PointsToNode::PointsToNode(ConnectionGraph *CG, Node* n, EscapeState es, NodeType type):
641   _edges(CG->_compile->comp_arena(), 2, 0, NULL),
642   _uses (CG->_compile->comp_arena(), 2, 0, NULL),
643   _type((u1)type),
644   _flags(ScalarReplaceable),
645   _escape((u1)es),
646   _fields_escape((u1)es),
647   _node(n),
648   _idx(n->_idx),
649   _pidx(CG->next_pidx()) {
650   assert(n != NULL && es != UnknownEscape, "sanity");
651 }