1 <?xml version="1.0"?>
   2 <xs:schema xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
   3                xmlns:hy="http://www.temp.com/Service/"
   4                targetNamespace="http://www.temp.com/Service/">
   6     <!-- Test <xs:complexType> -> <xs:simpleContent> -> <xs:restriction> with
   7           whitespaces in 'base' attribute -->
   8     <xs:simpleType name="   size   ">
   9         <xs:restriction base="   xs:string">
  10             <xs:enumeration value="small" />
  11             <xs:enumeration value="medium" />
  12             <xs:enumeration value="large" />
  13         </xs:restriction>
  14     </xs:simpleType>
  15     <xs:complexType name="jeans">
  16         <xs:simpleContent>
  17             <xs:restriction base="    hy:size">
  18                 <xs:attribute name="sex">
  19                     <xs:simpleType>
  20                         <xs:restriction base="   xs:string    ">
  21                             <xs:enumeration value="male" />
  22                             <xs:enumeration value="female" />
  23                         </xs:restriction>
  24                     </xs:simpleType>
  25                 </xs:attribute>
  26             </xs:restriction>
  27         </xs:simpleContent>
  28     </xs:complexType>
  30     <!-- Test <xs:complexType> -> <xs:complexContent> -> <xs:restriction> with
  31           whitespaces in 'base' attribute -->
  32     <xs:complexType name="customer   ">
  33         <xs:sequence>
  34             <xs:element name=" firstname" type="xs:string"/>
  35             <xs:element name="  lastname  " type="xs:string"/>
  36             <xs:element name="   country   " type="xs:string"/>
  37         </xs:sequence>
  38     </xs:complexType>
  39     <xs:complexType name="Norwegian_customer">
  40         <xs:complexContent>
  41             <xs:restriction base="   hy:customer   ">
  42                 <xs:sequence>
  43                     <xs:element name="   firstname" type="  xs:string  "/>
  44                     <xs:element name="lastname  " type="xs:string   "/>
  45                     <xs:element name="country" type="xs:string   " fixed="Norway"/>
  46                 </xs:sequence>
  47             </xs:restriction>
  48         </xs:complexContent>
  49     </xs:complexType>
  51 </xs:schema>