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  21  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  22  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  23  * questions.
  24  */
  26 /**
  27  * Defines the Java API for XML-Based Web Services (JAX-WS), and
  28  * the Web Services Metadata API.
  29  *
  30  * @since 9
  31  */
  32 module java.xml.ws {
  33     requires transitive java.activation;
  34     requires transitive java.xml;
  35     requires transitive java.xml.bind;
  36     requires java.xml.ws.annotation;
  37     requires java.desktop;
  38     requires java.logging;
  39     requires java.management;
  40     requires jdk.httpserver;

  42     uses javax.xml.ws.spi.Provider;
  43     uses javax.xml.soap.MessageFactory;
  44     uses javax.xml.soap.SAAJMetaFactory;
  45     uses javax.xml.soap.SOAPConnectionFactory;
  46     uses javax.xml.soap.SOAPFactory;
  48     exports javax.jws;
  49     exports javax.jws.soap;
  50     exports javax.xml.soap;
  51     exports javax.xml.ws;
  52     exports javax.xml.ws.handler;
  53     exports javax.xml.ws.handler.soap;
  54     exports javax.xml.ws.http;
  55     exports javax.xml.ws.soap;
  56     exports javax.xml.ws.spi;
  57     exports javax.xml.ws.spi.http;
  58     exports javax.xml.ws.wsaddressing;
  60     opens javax.xml.ws.wsaddressing to java.xml.bind;

  21  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  22  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  23  * questions.
  24  */
  26 /**
  27  * Defines the Java API for XML-Based Web Services (JAX-WS), and
  28  * the Web Services Metadata API.
  29  *
  30  * @since 9
  31  */
  32 module java.xml.ws {
  33     requires transitive java.activation;
  34     requires transitive java.xml;
  35     requires transitive java.xml.bind;
  36     requires java.xml.ws.annotation;
  37     requires java.desktop;
  38     requires java.logging;
  39     requires java.management;
  40     requires jdk.httpserver;
  41     requires jdk.unsupported;
  43     uses javax.xml.ws.spi.Provider;
  44     uses javax.xml.soap.MessageFactory;
  45     uses javax.xml.soap.SAAJMetaFactory;
  46     uses javax.xml.soap.SOAPConnectionFactory;
  47     uses javax.xml.soap.SOAPFactory;
  49     exports javax.jws;
  50     exports javax.jws.soap;
  51     exports javax.xml.soap;
  52     exports javax.xml.ws;
  53     exports javax.xml.ws.handler;
  54     exports javax.xml.ws.handler.soap;
  55     exports javax.xml.ws.http;
  56     exports javax.xml.ws.soap;
  57     exports javax.xml.ws.spi;
  58     exports javax.xml.ws.spi.http;
  59     exports javax.xml.ws.wsaddressing;
  61     opens javax.xml.ws.wsaddressing to java.xml.bind;

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