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@@ -73,10 +73,11 @@
 import java.io.Reader;
 import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
 import java.util.Iterator;
 import java.util.logging.Level;
 import java.util.logging.Logger;
+import javax.xml.soap.MimeHeader;
  * SOAPPartImpl is the first attachment. This contains the XML/SOAP document.
  * @author Anil Vijendran (anil@sun.com)

@@ -134,10 +135,11 @@
     public boolean isFastInfoset() {
         return (message != null) ? message.isFastInfoset() : false;
+    @Override
     public SOAPEnvelope getEnvelope() throws SOAPException {
         // If there is no SOAP envelope already created, then create
         // one from a source if one exists. If there is a newer source
         // then use that source.

@@ -183,42 +185,51 @@
                     "Unable to create envelope from given source because the root element is not named \"Envelope\"");
+    @Override
     public void removeAllMimeHeaders() {
+    @Override
     public void removeMimeHeader(String header) {
+    @Override
     public String[] getMimeHeader(String name) {
         return headers.getHeader(name);
+    @Override
     public void setMimeHeader(String name, String value) {
         headers.setHeader(name, value);
+    @Override
     public void addMimeHeader(String name, String value) {
         headers.addHeader(name, value);
-    public Iterator getAllMimeHeaders() {
+    @Override
+    public Iterator<MimeHeader> getAllMimeHeaders() {
         return headers.getAllHeaders();
-    public Iterator getMatchingMimeHeaders(String[] names) {
+    @Override
+    public Iterator<MimeHeader> getMatchingMimeHeaders(String[] names) {
         return headers.getMatchingHeaders(names);
-    public Iterator getNonMatchingMimeHeaders(String[] names) {
+    @Override
+    public Iterator<MimeHeader> getNonMatchingMimeHeaders(String[] names) {
         return headers.getNonMatchingHeaders(names);
+    @Override
     public Source getContent() throws SOAPException {
         if (source != null) {
             InputStream bis = null;
             if (source instanceof JAXMStreamSource) {
                 StreamSource streamSource = (StreamSource)source;

@@ -246,10 +257,11 @@
         return ((Envelope) getEnvelope()).getContent();
+    @Override
     public void setContent(Source source) throws SOAPException {
         try {
             if (source instanceof StreamSource) {
                 InputStream is = ((StreamSource) source).getInputStream();
                 Reader rdr = ((StreamSource) source).getReader();

@@ -374,50 +386,59 @@
         return headers;
     DataHandler getDataHandler() {
         DataSource ds = new DataSource() {
+            @Override
             public OutputStream getOutputStream() throws IOException {
                 throw new IOException("Illegal Operation");
+            @Override
             public String getContentType() {
                 return getContentTypeString();
+            @Override
             public String getName() {
                 return getContentId();
+            @Override
             public InputStream getInputStream() throws IOException {
                 return getContentAsStream();
         return new DataHandler(ds);
+    @Override
     public SOAPDocumentImpl getDocument() {
         return document;
+    @Override
     public SOAPPartImpl getSOAPPart() {
         return this;
+    @Override
     public DocumentType getDoctype() {
         return document.getDoctype();
     // Forward all of these calls to the document to ensure that they work the
     // same way whether they are called from here or directly from the document.
     // If the document needs any help from this SOAPPart then
     // Make it use a call-back as in doGetDocumentElement() below
+    @Override
     public DOMImplementation getImplementation() {
         return document.getImplementation();
+    @Override
     public Element getDocumentElement() {
         // If there is no SOAP envelope already created, then create
         // one from a source if one exists. If there is a newer source
         // then use that source.
         try {

@@ -433,86 +454,102 @@
         } catch (SOAPException e) {
+    @Override
     public Element createElement(String tagName) throws DOMException {
         return document.createElement(tagName);
+    @Override
     public DocumentFragment createDocumentFragment() {
         return document.createDocumentFragment();
+    @Override
     public org.w3c.dom.Text createTextNode(String data) {
         return document.createTextNode(data);
+    @Override
     public Comment createComment(String data) {
         return document.createComment(data);
+    @Override
     public CDATASection createCDATASection(String data) throws DOMException {
         return document.createCDATASection(data);
+    @Override
     public ProcessingInstruction createProcessingInstruction(
     String target,
     String data)
     throws DOMException {
         return document.createProcessingInstruction(target, data);
+    @Override
     public Attr createAttribute(String name) throws DOMException {
         return document.createAttribute(name);
+    @Override
     public EntityReference createEntityReference(String name)
     throws DOMException {
         return document.createEntityReference(name);
+    @Override
     public NodeList getElementsByTagName(String tagname) {
         return document.getElementsByTagName(tagname);
+    @Override
     public org.w3c.dom.Node importNode(
         org.w3c.dom.Node importedNode,
         boolean deep)
         throws DOMException {
         return document.importNode(importedNode, deep);
+    @Override
     public Element createElementNS(String namespaceURI, String qualifiedName)
     throws DOMException {
         return document.createElementNS(namespaceURI, qualifiedName);
+    @Override
     public Attr createAttributeNS(String namespaceURI, String qualifiedName)
     throws DOMException {
         return document.createAttributeNS(namespaceURI, qualifiedName);
+    @Override
     public NodeList getElementsByTagNameNS(
         String namespaceURI,
         String localName) {
         return document.getElementsByTagNameNS(namespaceURI, localName);
+    @Override
     public Element getElementById(String elementId) {
         return document.getElementById(elementId);
+    @Override
     public org.w3c.dom.Node appendChild(org.w3c.dom.Node newChild)
         throws DOMException {
         return document.appendChild(newChild);
+    @Override
     public org.w3c.dom.Node cloneNode(boolean deep) {
         return document.cloneNode(deep);

@@ -523,114 +560,137 @@
         newSoapPart.headers = MimeHeadersUtil.copy(this.headers);
         newSoapPart.source = this.source;
         return newSoapPart;
+    @Override
     public NamedNodeMap getAttributes() {
         return document.getDomDocument().getAttributes();
+    @Override
     public NodeList getChildNodes() {
         return document.getChildNodes();
+    @Override
     public org.w3c.dom.Node getFirstChild() {
         return document.getFirstChild();
+    @Override
     public org.w3c.dom.Node getLastChild() {
         return document.getLastChild();
+    @Override
     public String getLocalName() {
         return document.getDomDocument().getLocalName();
+    @Override
     public String getNamespaceURI() {
         return document.getDomDocument().getNamespaceURI();
+    @Override
     public org.w3c.dom.Node getNextSibling() {
         return document.getNextSibling();
+    @Override
     public String getNodeName() {
         return document.getDomDocument().getNodeName();
+    @Override
     public short getNodeType() {
         return document.getDomDocument().getNodeType();
+    @Override
     public String getNodeValue() throws DOMException {
         return document.getNodeValue();
+    @Override
     public Document getOwnerDocument() {
         return document.getDomDocument().getOwnerDocument();
+    @Override
     public org.w3c.dom.Node getParentNode() {
         return document.getDomDocument().getParentNode();
+    @Override
     public String getPrefix() {
         return document.getDomDocument().getPrefix();
+    @Override
     public org.w3c.dom.Node getPreviousSibling() {
         return document.getDomDocument().getPreviousSibling();
+    @Override
     public boolean hasAttributes() {
         return document.getDomDocument().hasAttributes();
+    @Override
     public boolean hasChildNodes() {
         return document.hasChildNodes();
+    @Override
     public org.w3c.dom.Node insertBefore(
         org.w3c.dom.Node arg0,
         org.w3c.dom.Node arg1)
         throws DOMException {
         return document.insertBefore(arg0, arg1);
+    @Override
     public boolean isSupported(String arg0, String arg1) {
         return document.getDomDocument().isSupported(arg0, arg1);
+    @Override
     public void normalize() {
+    @Override
     public org.w3c.dom.Node removeChild(org.w3c.dom.Node arg0)
         throws DOMException {
         return document.removeChild(arg0);
+    @Override
     public org.w3c.dom.Node replaceChild(
         org.w3c.dom.Node arg0,
         org.w3c.dom.Node arg1)
         throws DOMException {
         return document.replaceChild(arg0, arg1);
+    @Override
     public void setNodeValue(String arg0) throws DOMException {
+    @Override
     public void setPrefix(String arg0) throws DOMException {
     private void handleNewSource() {

@@ -701,145 +761,177 @@
     public void setSourceCharsetEncoding(String charset) {
         this.sourceCharsetEncoding = charset;
+    @Override
     public org.w3c.dom.Node renameNode(org.w3c.dom.Node n, String namespaceURI, String qualifiedName)
         throws DOMException {
         return document.renameNode(n, namespaceURI, qualifiedName);
+    @Override
     public void normalizeDocument() {
+    @Override
     public DOMConfiguration getDomConfig() {
         return document.getDomDocument().getDomConfig();
+    @Override
     public org.w3c.dom.Node adoptNode(org.w3c.dom.Node source) throws DOMException {
         return document.adoptNode(source);
+    @Override
     public void setDocumentURI(String documentURI) {
+    @Override
     public String getDocumentURI() {
         return document.getDomDocument().getDocumentURI();
+    @Override
     public void  setStrictErrorChecking(boolean strictErrorChecking) {
+    @Override
     public String getInputEncoding() {
         return document.getDomDocument().getInputEncoding();
+    @Override
     public String getXmlEncoding() {
         return document.getDomDocument().getXmlEncoding();
+    @Override
     public boolean getXmlStandalone() {
         return document.getDomDocument().getXmlStandalone();
+    @Override
     public void setXmlStandalone(boolean xmlStandalone) throws DOMException {
+    @Override
     public String getXmlVersion() {
         return document.getDomDocument().getXmlVersion();
+    @Override
     public void setXmlVersion(String xmlVersion) throws DOMException {
+    @Override
     public boolean  getStrictErrorChecking() {
         return document.getDomDocument().getStrictErrorChecking();
     // DOM L3 methods from org.w3c.dom.Node
+    @Override
     public String getBaseURI() {
         return document.getDomDocument().getBaseURI();
+    @Override
     public short compareDocumentPosition(org.w3c.dom.Node other)
                               throws DOMException {
         return document.compareDocumentPosition(other);
+    @Override
     public String getTextContent()
                       throws DOMException {
         return document.getTextContent();
+    @Override
     public void setTextContent(String textContent) throws DOMException {
+    @Override
     public boolean isSameNode(org.w3c.dom.Node other) {
         return document.isSameNode(other);
+    @Override
     public String lookupPrefix(String namespaceURI) {
         return document.getDomDocument().lookupPrefix(namespaceURI);
+    @Override
     public boolean isDefaultNamespace(String namespaceURI) {
         return document.isDefaultNamespace(namespaceURI);
+    @Override
     public String lookupNamespaceURI(String prefix) {
         return document.lookupNamespaceURI(prefix);
+    @Override
     public boolean isEqualNode(org.w3c.dom.Node arg) {
         return document.getDomDocument().isEqualNode(arg);
+    @Override
     public Object getFeature(String feature,
                   String version) {
         return  document.getFeature(feature,version);
+    @Override
     public Object setUserData(String key,
                    Object data,
                   UserDataHandler handler) {
         return document.setUserData(key, data, handler);
+    @Override
     public Object getUserData(String key) {
         return document.getDomDocument().getUserData(key);
+    @Override
     public void recycleNode() {
         // Nothing seems to be required to be done here
+    @Override
     public String getValue() {
         return null;
+    @Override
     public void setValue(String value) {
         throw new IllegalStateException("Setting value of a soap part is not defined");
+    @Override
     public void setParentElement(SOAPElement parent) throws SOAPException {
         throw new SOAPExceptionImpl("The parent element of a soap part is not defined");
+    @Override
     public SOAPElement getParentElement() {
         return null;
+    @Override
     public void detachNode() {
         // Nothing seems to be required to be done here
     public String getSourceCharsetEncoding() {
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