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*** 21,30 **** --- 21,31 ---- # Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA # or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any # questions. # + # Concatenated with Driver.ErrorMessage, Driver.WarningMessage, Driver.InfoMessage (Driver.InfoMessage + exception message + ConsoleErrorReporter.UnknownLocation) if location of the error is not known. ConsoleErrorReporter.UnknownLocation = localiza\u00e7\u00e3o desconhecida # Concatenated with Driver.ErrorMessage, Driver.WarningMessage, Driver.InfoMessage (Driver.InfoMessage + exception message + ConsoleErrorReporter.LineXOfY). {0} - "?"/number, {1} - file location/"unknown file" e.g.: [xjc] [ERROR] Attempt to create a property having the same name as the reserved word "Class". [xjc] line 6 of example.xsd ConsoleErrorReporter.LineXOfY = \ \ linha {0} de {1}
*** 125,145 **** # Not concatenated with any other string (written on a separate line). Driver.CompilingSchema = compilando um esquema... Driver.FailedToGenerateCode = Falha ao produzir o c\u00f3digo. ! # DO NOT localize the 2.3.0-b170531.0717 string - it is a token for an mvn <properties filter> ! Driver.FilePrologComment = Este arquivo foi gerado pela Arquitetura JavaTM para Implementa\u00e7\u00e3o de Refer\u00eancia (JAXB) de Bind XML, v2.3.0-b170531.0717 \nConsulte <a href="https://jaxb.java.net/">https://jaxb.java.net/</a> \nTodas as modifica\u00e7\u00f5es neste arquivo ser\u00e3o perdidas ap\u00f3s a recompila\u00e7\u00e3o do esquema de origem. \nGerado em: {0} \n ! Driver.Version = xjc 2.3.0-b170531.0717 ! Driver.FullVersion = vers\u00E3o completa de xjc "2.3.0-b170531.0717" ! Driver.BuildID = 2.3.0-b170531.0717 # for JDK integration - include version in source zip ! jaxb.jdk.version=2.3.0-b170531.0717 # see java.text.SimpleDateFormat for format syntax # DO NOT LOCALIZE, Format should not be changed, English locale is used to transform this string into a real date. Driver.DateFormat = yyyy.MM.dd --- 126,146 ---- # Not concatenated with any other string (written on a separate line). Driver.CompilingSchema = compilando um esquema... Driver.FailedToGenerateCode = Falha ao produzir o c\u00f3digo. ! # DO NOT localize the 2.3.1-b171012.0423 string - it is a token for an mvn <properties filter> ! Driver.FilePrologComment = Este arquivo foi gerado pela Arquitetura JavaTM para Implementa\u00e7\u00e3o de Refer\u00eancia (JAXB) de Bind XML, v2.3.1-b171012.0423 \nConsulte <a href="https://javaee.github.io/jaxb-v2/">https://javaee.github.io/jaxb-v2/</a> \nTodas as modifica\u00e7\u00f5es neste arquivo ser\u00e3o perdidas ap\u00f3s a recompila\u00e7\u00e3o do esquema de origem. \nGerado em: {0} \n ! Driver.Version = xjc 2.3.1-b171012.0423 ! Driver.FullVersion = vers\u00E3o completa de xjc "2.3.1-b171012.0423" ! Driver.BuildID = 2.3.1-b171012.0423 # for JDK integration - include version in source zip ! jaxb.jdk.version=2.3.1-b171012.0423 # see java.text.SimpleDateFormat for format syntax # DO NOT LOCALIZE, Format should not be changed, English locale is used to transform this string into a real date. Driver.DateFormat = yyyy.MM.dd
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