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1357     AwtToolkit::GetInstance().eventNumber++;
1359     static BOOL ignoreNextLBTNUP = FALSE; //Ignore next LBUTTONUP msg?
1361     lastMessage = message;
1363     if (message == WmAwtIsComponent) {
1364     // special message to identify AWT HWND's without using
1365     // resource hogging ::SetProp
1366         return (LRESULT)TRUE;
1367     }
1369     DWORD curPos = 0;
1371     UINT switchMessage = message;
1372     switch (switchMessage) {
1373       case WM_AWT_GETDC:
1374       {
1375             HDC hDC;
1376             // First, release the DCs scheduled for deletion
1377             ReleaseDCList(GetHWnd(), passiveDCList);
1379             GetDCReturnStruct *returnStruct = new GetDCReturnStruct;
1380             returnStruct->gdiLimitReached = FALSE;
1381             if (AwtGDIObject::IncrementIfAvailable()) {
1382                 hDC = ::GetDCEx(GetHWnd(), NULL,
1383                                 DCX_CACHE | DCX_CLIPCHILDREN |
1384                                 DCX_CLIPSIBLINGS);
1385                 if (hDC != NULL) {
1386                     // Add new DC to list of DC's associated with this Component
1387                     activeDCList.AddDC(hDC, GetHWnd());
1388                 } else {
1389                     // Creation failed; decrement counter in AwtGDIObject
1390                     AwtGDIObject::Decrement();
1391                 }
1392             } else {
1393                 hDC = NULL;
1394                 returnStruct->gdiLimitReached = TRUE;
1395             }
1396             returnStruct->hDC = hDC;
1397             retValue = (LRESULT)returnStruct;
1398             mr = mrConsume;
1399             break;
1400       }
1401       case WM_AWT_RELEASEDC:
1402       {
1403             HDC hDC = (HDC)wParam;
1404             MoveDCToPassiveList(hDC, GetHWnd());
1405             ReleaseDCList(GetHWnd(), passiveDCList);
1406             mr = mrConsume;
1407             break;
1408       }
1409       case WM_AWT_RELEASE_ALL_DCS:
1410       {
1411             // Called during Component destruction.  Gets current list of
1412             // DC's associated with Component and releases each DC.
1413             ReleaseDCList(GetHWnd(), activeDCList);
1414             ReleaseDCList(GetHWnd(), passiveDCList);
1415             mr = mrConsume;
1416             break;
1417       }
1418       case WM_AWT_SHOWCURSOR:
1419           ::ShowCursor(TRUE);
1420           break;
1421       case WM_AWT_HIDECURSOR:
1422           ::ShowCursor(FALSE);
1423           break;
1424       case WM_CREATE: mr = WmCreate(); break;
1425       case WM_CLOSE:      mr = WmClose(); break;
1426       case WM_DESTROY:    mr = WmDestroy(); break;
1427       case WM_NCDESTROY:  mr = WmNcDestroy(); break;
1429       case WM_ERASEBKGND:
1430           mr = WmEraseBkgnd((HDC)wParam, *(BOOL*)&retValue); break;
1431       case WM_PAINT:
1432           CheckFontSmoothingSettings(GetHWnd());
1433           /* Set draw state */
1434           SetDrawState(GetDrawState() | JAWT_LOCK_CLIP_CHANGED);

7419     listLock.Enter();
7420     DCItem **prevPtrPtr = &head;
7421     DCItem *listPtr = head;
7422     DCItem *newListPtr = NULL;
7423     BOOL ret = FALSE;
7424     while (listPtr) {
7425         DCItem *nextPtr = listPtr->next;
7426         if (listPtr->hWnd == hWnd) {
7427             *prevPtrPtr = nextPtr;
7428             listPtr->next = newListPtr;
7429             newListPtr = listPtr;
7430         } else {
7431             prevPtrPtr = &listPtr->next;
7432         }
7433         listPtr = nextPtr;
7434     }
7435     listLock.Leave();
7436     return newListPtr;
7437 }

7440 /**
7441  * Realize palettes of all existing HDC objects
7442  */
7443 void DCList::RealizePalettes(int screen)
7444 {
7445     listLock.Enter();
7446     DCItem *listPtr = head;
7447     while (listPtr) {
7448         AwtWin32GraphicsDevice::RealizePalette(listPtr->hDC, screen);
7449         listPtr = listPtr->next;
7450     }
7451     listLock.Leave();
7452 }
7454 void MoveDCToPassiveList(HDC hDC, HWND hWnd) {
7455     DCItem *removedDC;
7456     if ((removedDC = activeDCList.RemoveDC(hDC, hWnd)) != NULL) {
7457         passiveDCList.AddDCItem(removedDC);
7458     }
7459 }
7461 void ReleaseDCList(HWND hwnd, DCList &list) {
7462     DCItem *removedDCs = list.RemoveAllDCs(hwnd);
7463     while (removedDCs) {
7464         DCItem *tmpDCList = removedDCs;
7465         DASSERT(::GetObjectType(tmpDCList->hDC) == OBJ_DC);
7466         int retValue = ::ReleaseDC(tmpDCList->hWnd, tmpDCList->hDC);
7467         VERIFY(retValue != 0);
7468         if (retValue != 0) {
7469             // Valid ReleaseDC call; need to decrement GDI object counter
7470             AwtGDIObject::Decrement();
7471         }
7472         removedDCs = removedDCs->next;
7473         delete tmpDCList;
7474     }

7475 }

1357     AwtToolkit::GetInstance().eventNumber++;
1359     static BOOL ignoreNextLBTNUP = FALSE; //Ignore next LBUTTONUP msg?
1361     lastMessage = message;
1363     if (message == WmAwtIsComponent) {
1364     // special message to identify AWT HWND's without using
1365     // resource hogging ::SetProp
1366         return (LRESULT)TRUE;
1367     }
1369     DWORD curPos = 0;
1371     UINT switchMessage = message;
1372     switch (switchMessage) {
1373       case WM_AWT_GETDC:
1374       {
1375             HDC hDC;
1376             // First, release the DCs scheduled for deletion
1377             ReleaseDCList(passiveDCList);
1379             GetDCReturnStruct *returnStruct = new GetDCReturnStruct;
1380             returnStruct->gdiLimitReached = FALSE;
1381             if (AwtGDIObject::IncrementIfAvailable()) {
1382                 hDC = ::GetDCEx(GetHWnd(), NULL,
1383                                 DCX_CACHE | DCX_CLIPCHILDREN |
1384                                 DCX_CLIPSIBLINGS);
1385                 if (hDC != NULL) {
1386                     // Add new DC to list of DC's associated with this Component
1387                     activeDCList.AddDC(hDC, GetHWnd());
1388                 } else {
1389                     // Creation failed; decrement counter in AwtGDIObject
1390                     AwtGDIObject::Decrement();
1391                 }
1392             } else {
1393                 hDC = NULL;
1394                 returnStruct->gdiLimitReached = TRUE;
1395             }
1396             returnStruct->hDC = hDC;
1397             retValue = (LRESULT)returnStruct;
1398             mr = mrConsume;
1399             break;
1400       }
1401       case WM_AWT_RELEASEDC:
1402       {
1403             HDC hDC = (HDC)wParam;
1404             MoveDCToPassiveList(hDC, GetHWnd());
1405             ReleaseDCList(passiveDCList);
1406             mr = mrConsume;
1407             break;
1408       }
1409       case WM_AWT_RELEASE_ALL_DCS:
1410       {
1411             // Called during Component destruction.  Gets current list of
1412             // DC's associated with Component and releases each DC.
1413             ReleaseDCList(GetHWnd(), activeDCList);
1414             ReleaseDCList(passiveDCList);
1415             mr = mrConsume;
1416             break;
1417       }
1418       case WM_AWT_SHOWCURSOR:
1419           ::ShowCursor(TRUE);
1420           break;
1421       case WM_AWT_HIDECURSOR:
1422           ::ShowCursor(FALSE);
1423           break;
1424       case WM_CREATE: mr = WmCreate(); break;
1425       case WM_CLOSE:      mr = WmClose(); break;
1426       case WM_DESTROY:    mr = WmDestroy(); break;
1427       case WM_NCDESTROY:  mr = WmNcDestroy(); break;
1429       case WM_ERASEBKGND:
1430           mr = WmEraseBkgnd((HDC)wParam, *(BOOL*)&retValue); break;
1431       case WM_PAINT:
1432           CheckFontSmoothingSettings(GetHWnd());
1433           /* Set draw state */
1434           SetDrawState(GetDrawState() | JAWT_LOCK_CLIP_CHANGED);

7419     listLock.Enter();
7420     DCItem **prevPtrPtr = &head;
7421     DCItem *listPtr = head;
7422     DCItem *newListPtr = NULL;
7423     BOOL ret = FALSE;
7424     while (listPtr) {
7425         DCItem *nextPtr = listPtr->next;
7426         if (listPtr->hWnd == hWnd) {
7427             *prevPtrPtr = nextPtr;
7428             listPtr->next = newListPtr;
7429             newListPtr = listPtr;
7430         } else {
7431             prevPtrPtr = &listPtr->next;
7432         }
7433         listPtr = nextPtr;
7434     }
7435     listLock.Leave();
7436     return newListPtr;
7437 }
7439 /**
7440  * Remove all DCs from the DC list.  Return the list of those
7441  * DC's to the caller (which will then probably want to
7442  * call ReleaseDC() for the returned DCs).
7443  */
7444 DCItem *DCList::RemoveAllDCs()
7445 {
7446     listLock.Enter();
7447     DCItem *newListPtr = head;
7448     head = NULL;
7449     listLock.Leave();
7450     return newListPtr;
7451 }
7453 /**
7454  * Realize palettes of all existing HDC objects
7455  */
7456 void DCList::RealizePalettes(int screen)
7457 {
7458     listLock.Enter();
7459     DCItem *listPtr = head;
7460     while (listPtr) {
7461         AwtWin32GraphicsDevice::RealizePalette(listPtr->hDC, screen);
7462         listPtr = listPtr->next;
7463     }
7464     listLock.Leave();
7465 }
7467 void MoveDCToPassiveList(HDC hDC, HWND hWnd) {
7468     DCItem *removedDC;
7469     if ((removedDC = activeDCList.RemoveDC(hDC, hWnd)) != NULL) {
7470         passiveDCList.AddDCItem(removedDC);
7471     }
7472 }
7474 static void ReleaseDCList(DCItem *removedDCs) {

7475     while (removedDCs) {
7476         DCItem *tmpDCList = removedDCs;
7477         DASSERT(::GetObjectType(tmpDCList->hDC) == OBJ_DC);
7478         int retValue = ::ReleaseDC(tmpDCList->hWnd, tmpDCList->hDC);
7479         VERIFY(retValue != 0);
7480         if (retValue != 0) {
7481             // Valid ReleaseDC call; need to decrement GDI object counter
7482             AwtGDIObject::Decrement();
7483         }
7484         removedDCs = removedDCs->next;
7485         delete tmpDCList;
7486     }
7487 }
7489 void ReleaseDCList(HWND hwnd, DCList &list) {
7490     ReleaseDCList(list.RemoveAllDCs(hwnd));
7491 }
7493 void ReleaseDCList(DCList &list) {
7494     ReleaseDCList(list.RemoveAllDCs());
7495 }
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