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rev 2127 : 8048021: Remove @version tag in jaxp repo
Reviewed-by: joehw

  52  *   default = string
  53  *   final = (#all | List of (extension | restriction))
  54  *   fixed = string
  55  *   form = (qualified | unqualified)
  56  *   id = ID
  57  *   maxOccurs = (nonNegativeInteger | unbounded)  : 1
  58  *   minOccurs = nonNegativeInteger : 1
  59  *   name = NCName
  60  *   nillable = boolean : false
  61  *   ref = QName
  62  *   substitutionGroup = QName
  63  *   type = QName
  64  *   {any attributes with non-schema namespace . . .}>
  65  *   Content: (annotation?, ((simpleType | complexType)?, (unique | key | keyref)*))
  66  * </element>
  67  *
  68  * @xerces.internal
  69  *
  70  * @author Sandy Gao, IBM
  71  *
  72  * @version $Id: XSDElementTraverser.java,v 1.9 2010-11-01 04:40:02 joehw Exp $
  73  */
  74 class XSDElementTraverser extends XSDAbstractTraverser {
  76     protected final XSElementDecl  fTempElementDecl  = new XSElementDecl();
  78     // this controls what happens when a local element is encountered.
  79     // We may not encounter all local elements when first parsing.
  80     boolean fDeferTraversingLocalElements;
  82     XSDElementTraverser (XSDHandler handler,
  83             XSAttributeChecker gAttrCheck) {
  84         super(handler, gAttrCheck);
  85     }
  87     /**
  88      * Traverse a locally declared element (or an element reference).
  89      *
  90      * To handle the recursive cases efficiently, we delay the traversal
  91      * and return an empty particle node. We'll fill in this particle node
  92      * later after we've done with all the global declarations.

  52  *   default = string
  53  *   final = (#all | List of (extension | restriction))
  54  *   fixed = string
  55  *   form = (qualified | unqualified)
  56  *   id = ID
  57  *   maxOccurs = (nonNegativeInteger | unbounded)  : 1
  58  *   minOccurs = nonNegativeInteger : 1
  59  *   name = NCName
  60  *   nillable = boolean : false
  61  *   ref = QName
  62  *   substitutionGroup = QName
  63  *   type = QName
  64  *   {any attributes with non-schema namespace . . .}>
  65  *   Content: (annotation?, ((simpleType | complexType)?, (unique | key | keyref)*))
  66  * </element>
  67  *
  68  * @xerces.internal
  69  *
  70  * @author Sandy Gao, IBM
  71  *

  72  */
  73 class XSDElementTraverser extends XSDAbstractTraverser {
  75     protected final XSElementDecl  fTempElementDecl  = new XSElementDecl();
  77     // this controls what happens when a local element is encountered.
  78     // We may not encounter all local elements when first parsing.
  79     boolean fDeferTraversingLocalElements;
  81     XSDElementTraverser (XSDHandler handler,
  82             XSAttributeChecker gAttrCheck) {
  83         super(handler, gAttrCheck);
  84     }
  86     /**
  87      * Traverse a locally declared element (or an element reference).
  88      *
  89      * To handle the recursive cases efficiently, we delay the traversal
  90      * and return an empty particle node. We'll fill in this particle node
  91      * later after we've done with all the global declarations.

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