
Print this page

 121  * is granted to some code, it allows that code to
 122  * accept connections on, connect to, or listen on any port between
 123  * 1024 and 65535 on the local host.
 124  *
 125  * <p>Note: Granting code permission to accept or make connections to remote
 126  * hosts may be dangerous because malevolent code can then more easily
 127  * transfer and share confidential data among parties who may not
 128  * otherwise have access to the data.
 129  *
 130  * @see
 131  * @see SocketPermission
 132  *
 133  *
 134  * @author Marianne Mueller
 135  * @author Roland Schemers
 136  *
 137  * @serial exclude
 138  */
 140 public final class SocketPermission extends Permission
 141 implements
 142 {
 143     private static final long serialVersionUID = -7204263841984476862L;
 145     /**
 146      * Connect to host:port
 147      */
 148     private final static int CONNECT    = 0x1;
 150     /**
 151      * Listen on host:port
 152      */
 153     private final static int LISTEN     = 0x2;
 155     /**
 156      * Accept a connection from host:port
 157      */
 158     private final static int ACCEPT     = 0x4;
 160     /**
 161      * Resolve DNS queries

 216     private transient boolean defaultDeny = false;
 218     // true if this SocketPermission represents a hostname
 219     // that failed our reverse mapping heuristic test
 220     private transient boolean untrusted;
 221     private transient boolean trusted;
 223     // true if the system property is set
 224     private static boolean trustNameService;
 226     private static Debug debug = null;
 227     private static boolean debugInit = false;
 229     static {
 230         Boolean tmp =
 231                 new""));
 232         trustNameService = tmp.booleanValue();
 233     }
 235     private static synchronized Debug getDebug()
 236     {
 237         if (!debugInit) {
 238             debug = Debug.getInstance("access");
 239             debugInit = true;
 240         }
 241         return debug;
 242     }
 244     /**
 245      * Creates a new SocketPermission object with the specified actions.
 246      * The host is expressed as a DNS name, or as a numerical IP address.
 247      * Optionally, a port or a portrange may be supplied (separated
 248      * from the DNS name or IP address by a colon).
 249      * <p>
 250      * To specify the local machine, use "localhost" as the <i>host</i>.
 251      * Also note: An empty <i>host</i> String ("") is equivalent to "localhost".
 252      * <p>
 253      * The <i>actions</i> parameter contains a comma-separated list of the
 254      * actions granted for the specified host (and port(s)). Possible actions are
 255      * "connect", "listen", "accept", "resolve", or
 256      * any combination of those. "resolve" is automatically added

 271      * including a colon followed by a port or port range.
 272      * @param action the action string.
 273      */
 274     public SocketPermission(String host, String action) {
 275         super(getHost(host));
 276         // name initialized to getHost(host); NPE detected in getHost()
 277         init(getName(), getMask(action));
 278     }
 281     SocketPermission(String host, int mask) {
 282         super(getHost(host));
 283         // name initialized to getHost(host); NPE detected in getHost()
 284         init(getName(), mask);
 285     }
 287     private void setDeny() {
 288         defaultDeny = true;
 289     }
 291     private static String getHost(String host)
 292     {
 293         if (host.equals("")) {
 294             return "localhost";
 295         } else {
 296             /* IPv6 literal address used in this context should follow
 297              * the format specified in RFC 2732;
 298              * if not, we try to solve the unambiguous case
 299              */
 300             int ind;
 301             if (host.charAt(0) != '[') {
 302                 if ((ind = host.indexOf(':')) != host.lastIndexOf(':')) {
 303                     /* More than one ":", meaning IPv6 address is not
 304                      * in RFC 2732 format;
 305                      * We will rectify user errors for all unambiguious cases
 306                      */
 307                     StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(host, ":");
 308                     int tokens = st.countTokens();
 309                     if (tokens == 9) {
 310                         // IPv6 address followed by port
 311                         ind = host.lastIndexOf(':');
 312                         host = "[" + host.substring(0, ind) + "]" +

 793      * Then <code>implies</code> checks each of the following, in order,
 794      * and for each returns true if the stated condition is true:<p>
 795      * <ul>
 796      * <li> If this object was initialized with a single IP address and one of <i>p</i>'s
 797      * IP addresses is equal to this object's IP address.<p>
 798      * <li>If this object is a wildcard domain (such as *, and
 799      * <i>p</i>'s canonical name (the name without any preceding *)
 800      * ends with this object's canonical host name. For example, *
 801      * implies *<p>
 802      * <li>If this object was not initialized with a single IP address, and one of this
 803      * object's IP addresses equals one of <i>p</i>'s IP addresses.<p>
 804      * <li>If this canonical name equals <i>p</i>'s canonical name.<p>
 805      * </ul>
 806      *
 807      * If none of the above are true, <code>implies</code> returns false.
 808      * @param p the permission to check against.
 809      *
 810      * @return true if the specified permission is implied by this object,
 811      * false if not.
 812      */
 814     public boolean implies(Permission p) {
 815         int i,j;
 817         if (!(p instanceof SocketPermission))
 818             return false;
 820         if (p == this)
 821             return true;
 823         SocketPermission that = (SocketPermission) p;
 825         return ((this.mask & that.mask) == that.mask) &&
 826                                         impliesIgnoreMask(that);
 827     }
 829     /**
 830      * Checks if the incoming Permission's action are a proper subset of
 831      * the this object's actions.
 832      * <P>
 833      * Check, in the following order:
 834      * <ul>
 835      * <li> Checks that "p" is an instanceof a SocketPermission
 836      * <li> Checks that "p"'s actions are a proper subset of the
 837      * current object's actions.
 838      * <li> Checks that "p"'s port range is included in this port range
 839      * <li> If this object was initialized with an IP address, checks that
 840      *      one of "p"'s IP addresses is equal to this object's IP address.
 841      * <li> If either object is a wildcard domain (i.e., "*"),
 842      *      attempt to match based on the wildcard.
 843      * <li> If this object was not initialized with an IP address, attempt
 844      *      to find a match based on the IP addresses in both objects.
 845      * <li> Attempt to match on the canonical hostnames of both objects.
 846      * </ul>
 847      * @param p the incoming permission request
 848      *
 849      * @return true if "permission" is a proper subset of the current object,
 850      * false if not.
 851      */
 853     boolean impliesIgnoreMask(SocketPermission that) {
 854         int i,j;
 856         if ((that.mask & RESOLVE) != that.mask) {
 857             // check port range
 858             if ((that.portrange[0] < this.portrange[0]) ||
 859                     (that.portrange[1] > this.portrange[1])) {
 860                     return false;
 861             }
 862         }
 864         // allow a "*" wildcard to always match anything
 865         if (this.wildcard && "".equals(this.cname))
 866             return true;
 868         // return if either one of these NetPerm objects are invalid...
 869         if (this.invalid || that.invalid) {
 870             return compareHostnames(that);
 871         }

1212 }
1214 /**
1216 if (init'd with IP, key is IP as string)
1217 if wildcard, its the wild card
1218 else its the cname?
1220  *
1221  * @see
1222  * @see
1223  * @see
1224  *
1225  *
1226  * @author Roland Schemers
1227  *
1228  * @serial include
1229  */
1231 final class SocketPermissionCollection extends PermissionCollection
1232 implements Serializable
1233 {
1234     // Not serialized; see serialization section at end of class
1235     private transient List<SocketPermission> perms;
1237     /**
1238      * Create an empty SocketPermissions object.
1239      *
1240      */
1242     public SocketPermissionCollection() {
1243         perms = new ArrayList<SocketPermission>();
1244     }
1246     /**
1247      * Adds a permission to the SocketPermissions. The key for the hash is
1248      * the name in the case of wildcards, or all the IP addresses.
1249      *
1250      * @param permission the Permission object to add.
1251      *
1252      * @exception IllegalArgumentException - if the permission is not a
1253      *                                       SocketPermission
1254      *
1255      * @exception SecurityException - if this SocketPermissionCollection object
1256      *                                has been marked readonly
1257      */
1259     public void add(Permission permission)
1260     {
1261         if (! (permission instanceof SocketPermission))
1262             throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid permission: "+
1263                                                permission);
1264         if (isReadOnly())
1265             throw new SecurityException(
1266                 "attempt to add a Permission to a readonly PermissionCollection");
1268         // optimization to ensure perms most likely to be tested
1269         // show up early (4301064)
1270         synchronized (this) {
1271             perms.add(0, (SocketPermission)permission);
1272         }
1273     }
1275     /**
1276      * Check and see if this collection of permissions implies the permissions
1277      * expressed in "permission".
1278      *
1279      * @param p the Permission object to compare
1280      *
1281      * @return true if "permission" is a proper subset of a permission in
1282      * the collection, false if not.
1283      */
1285     public boolean implies(Permission permission)
1286     {
1287         if (! (permission instanceof SocketPermission))
1288                 return false;
1290         SocketPermission np = (SocketPermission) permission;
1292         int desired = np.getMask();
1293         int effective = 0;
1294         int needed = desired;
1296         synchronized (this) {
1297             int len = perms.size();
1298             //System.out.println("implies "+np);
1299             for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {

1352      * serialization compatibility with earlier releases.
1353      */
1354     private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream out) throws IOException {
1355         // Don't call out.defaultWriteObject()
1357         // Write out Vector
1358         Vector<SocketPermission> permissions = new Vector<>(perms.size());
1360         synchronized (this) {
1361             permissions.addAll(perms);
1362         }
1364         ObjectOutputStream.PutField pfields = out.putFields();
1365         pfields.put("permissions", permissions);
1366         out.writeFields();
1367     }
1369     /*
1370      * Reads in a Vector of SocketPermissions and saves them in the perms field.
1371      */
1372     private void readObject(ObjectInputStream in) throws IOException,
1373     ClassNotFoundException {

1374         // Don't call in.defaultReadObject()
1376         // Read in serialized fields
1377         ObjectInputStream.GetField gfields = in.readFields();
1379         // Get the one we want
1380         @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
1381         Vector<SocketPermission> permissions = (Vector<SocketPermission>)gfields.get("permissions", null);
1382         perms = new ArrayList<SocketPermission>(permissions.size());
1383         perms.addAll(permissions);
1384     }
1385 }

 121  * is granted to some code, it allows that code to
 122  * accept connections on, connect to, or listen on any port between
 123  * 1024 and 65535 on the local host.
 124  *
 125  * <p>Note: Granting code permission to accept or make connections to remote
 126  * hosts may be dangerous because malevolent code can then more easily
 127  * transfer and share confidential data among parties who may not
 128  * otherwise have access to the data.
 129  *
 130  * @see
 131  * @see SocketPermission
 132  *
 133  *
 134  * @author Marianne Mueller
 135  * @author Roland Schemers
 136  *
 137  * @serial exclude
 138  */
 140 public final class SocketPermission extends Permission
 141     implements
 142 {
 143     private static final long serialVersionUID = -7204263841984476862L;
 145     /**
 146      * Connect to host:port
 147      */
 148     private final static int CONNECT    = 0x1;
 150     /**
 151      * Listen on host:port
 152      */
 153     private final static int LISTEN     = 0x2;
 155     /**
 156      * Accept a connection from host:port
 157      */
 158     private final static int ACCEPT     = 0x4;
 160     /**
 161      * Resolve DNS queries

 216     private transient boolean defaultDeny = false;
 218     // true if this SocketPermission represents a hostname
 219     // that failed our reverse mapping heuristic test
 220     private transient boolean untrusted;
 221     private transient boolean trusted;
 223     // true if the system property is set
 224     private static boolean trustNameService;
 226     private static Debug debug = null;
 227     private static boolean debugInit = false;
 229     static {
 230         Boolean tmp =
 231                 new""));
 232         trustNameService = tmp.booleanValue();
 233     }
 235     private static synchronized Debug getDebug() {

 236         if (!debugInit) {
 237             debug = Debug.getInstance("access");
 238             debugInit = true;
 239         }
 240         return debug;
 241     }
 243     /**
 244      * Creates a new SocketPermission object with the specified actions.
 245      * The host is expressed as a DNS name, or as a numerical IP address.
 246      * Optionally, a port or a portrange may be supplied (separated
 247      * from the DNS name or IP address by a colon).
 248      * <p>
 249      * To specify the local machine, use "localhost" as the <i>host</i>.
 250      * Also note: An empty <i>host</i> String ("") is equivalent to "localhost".
 251      * <p>
 252      * The <i>actions</i> parameter contains a comma-separated list of the
 253      * actions granted for the specified host (and port(s)). Possible actions are
 254      * "connect", "listen", "accept", "resolve", or
 255      * any combination of those. "resolve" is automatically added

 270      * including a colon followed by a port or port range.
 271      * @param action the action string.
 272      */
 273     public SocketPermission(String host, String action) {
 274         super(getHost(host));
 275         // name initialized to getHost(host); NPE detected in getHost()
 276         init(getName(), getMask(action));
 277     }
 280     SocketPermission(String host, int mask) {
 281         super(getHost(host));
 282         // name initialized to getHost(host); NPE detected in getHost()
 283         init(getName(), mask);
 284     }
 286     private void setDeny() {
 287         defaultDeny = true;
 288     }
 290     private static String getHost(String host) {

 291         if (host.equals("")) {
 292             return "localhost";
 293         } else {
 294             /* IPv6 literal address used in this context should follow
 295              * the format specified in RFC 2732;
 296              * if not, we try to solve the unambiguous case
 297              */
 298             int ind;
 299             if (host.charAt(0) != '[') {
 300                 if ((ind = host.indexOf(':')) != host.lastIndexOf(':')) {
 301                     /* More than one ":", meaning IPv6 address is not
 302                      * in RFC 2732 format;
 303                      * We will rectify user errors for all unambiguious cases
 304                      */
 305                     StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(host, ":");
 306                     int tokens = st.countTokens();
 307                     if (tokens == 9) {
 308                         // IPv6 address followed by port
 309                         ind = host.lastIndexOf(':');
 310                         host = "[" + host.substring(0, ind) + "]" +

 791      * Then <code>implies</code> checks each of the following, in order,
 792      * and for each returns true if the stated condition is true:<p>
 793      * <ul>
 794      * <li> If this object was initialized with a single IP address and one of <i>p</i>'s
 795      * IP addresses is equal to this object's IP address.<p>
 796      * <li>If this object is a wildcard domain (such as *, and
 797      * <i>p</i>'s canonical name (the name without any preceding *)
 798      * ends with this object's canonical host name. For example, *
 799      * implies *<p>
 800      * <li>If this object was not initialized with a single IP address, and one of this
 801      * object's IP addresses equals one of <i>p</i>'s IP addresses.<p>
 802      * <li>If this canonical name equals <i>p</i>'s canonical name.<p>
 803      * </ul>
 804      *
 805      * If none of the above are true, <code>implies</code> returns false.
 806      * @param p the permission to check against.
 807      *
 808      * @return true if the specified permission is implied by this object,
 809      * false if not.
 810      */

 811     public boolean implies(Permission p) {
 812         int i,j;
 814         if (!(p instanceof SocketPermission))
 815             return false;
 817         if (p == this)
 818             return true;
 820         SocketPermission that = (SocketPermission) p;
 822         return ((this.mask & that.mask) == that.mask) &&
 823                                         impliesIgnoreMask(that);
 824     }
 826     /**
 827      * Checks if the incoming Permission's action are a proper subset of
 828      * the this object's actions.
 829      * <P>
 830      * Check, in the following order:
 831      * <ul>
 832      * <li> Checks that "p" is an instanceof a SocketPermission
 833      * <li> Checks that "p"'s actions are a proper subset of the
 834      * current object's actions.
 835      * <li> Checks that "p"'s port range is included in this port range
 836      * <li> If this object was initialized with an IP address, checks that
 837      *      one of "p"'s IP addresses is equal to this object's IP address.
 838      * <li> If either object is a wildcard domain (i.e., "*"),
 839      *      attempt to match based on the wildcard.
 840      * <li> If this object was not initialized with an IP address, attempt
 841      *      to find a match based on the IP addresses in both objects.
 842      * <li> Attempt to match on the canonical hostnames of both objects.
 843      * </ul>
 844      * @param that the incoming permission request
 845      *
 846      * @return true if "permission" is a proper subset of the current object,
 847      * false if not.
 848      */

 849     boolean impliesIgnoreMask(SocketPermission that) {
 850         int i,j;
 852         if ((that.mask & RESOLVE) != that.mask) {
 853             // check port range
 854             if ((that.portrange[0] < this.portrange[0]) ||
 855                     (that.portrange[1] > this.portrange[1])) {
 856                     return false;
 857             }
 858         }
 860         // allow a "*" wildcard to always match anything
 861         if (this.wildcard && "".equals(this.cname))
 862             return true;
 864         // return if either one of these NetPerm objects are invalid...
 865         if (this.invalid || that.invalid) {
 866             return compareHostnames(that);
 867         }

1208 }
1210 /**
1212 if (init'd with IP, key is IP as string)
1213 if wildcard, its the wild card
1214 else its the cname?
1216  *
1217  * @see
1218  * @see
1219  * @see
1220  *
1221  *
1222  * @author Roland Schemers
1223  *
1224  * @serial include
1225  */
1227 final class SocketPermissionCollection extends PermissionCollection
1228     implements Serializable
1229 {
1230     // Not serialized; see serialization section at end of class
1231     private transient List<SocketPermission> perms;
1233     /**
1234      * Create an empty SocketPermissions object.
1235      *
1236      */
1238     public SocketPermissionCollection() {
1239         perms = new ArrayList<SocketPermission>();
1240     }
1242     /**
1243      * Adds a permission to the SocketPermissions. The key for the hash is
1244      * the name in the case of wildcards, or all the IP addresses.
1245      *
1246      * @param permission the Permission object to add.
1247      *
1248      * @exception IllegalArgumentException - if the permission is not a
1249      *                                       SocketPermission
1250      *
1251      * @exception SecurityException - if this SocketPermissionCollection object
1252      *                                has been marked readonly
1253      */
1254     public void add(Permission permission) {

1255         if (! (permission instanceof SocketPermission))
1256             throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid permission: "+
1257                                                permission);
1258         if (isReadOnly())
1259             throw new SecurityException(
1260                 "attempt to add a Permission to a readonly PermissionCollection");
1262         // optimization to ensure perms most likely to be tested
1263         // show up early (4301064)
1264         synchronized (this) {
1265             perms.add(0, (SocketPermission)permission);
1266         }
1267     }
1269     /**
1270      * Check and see if this collection of permissions implies the permissions
1271      * expressed in "permission".
1272      *
1273      * @param permission the Permission object to compare
1274      *
1275      * @return true if "permission" is a proper subset of a permission in
1276      * the collection, false if not.
1277      */
1279     public boolean implies(Permission permission)
1280     {
1281         if (! (permission instanceof SocketPermission))
1282                 return false;
1284         SocketPermission np = (SocketPermission) permission;
1286         int desired = np.getMask();
1287         int effective = 0;
1288         int needed = desired;
1290         synchronized (this) {
1291             int len = perms.size();
1292             //System.out.println("implies "+np);
1293             for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {

1346      * serialization compatibility with earlier releases.
1347      */
1348     private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream out) throws IOException {
1349         // Don't call out.defaultWriteObject()
1351         // Write out Vector
1352         Vector<SocketPermission> permissions = new Vector<>(perms.size());
1354         synchronized (this) {
1355             permissions.addAll(perms);
1356         }
1358         ObjectOutputStream.PutField pfields = out.putFields();
1359         pfields.put("permissions", permissions);
1360         out.writeFields();
1361     }
1363     /*
1364      * Reads in a Vector of SocketPermissions and saves them in the perms field.
1365      */
1366     private void readObject(ObjectInputStream in)
1367         throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
1368     {
1369         // Don't call in.defaultReadObject()
1371         // Read in serialized fields
1372         ObjectInputStream.GetField gfields = in.readFields();
1374         // Get the one we want
1375         @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
1376         Vector<SocketPermission> permissions = (Vector<SocketPermission>)gfields.get("permissions", null);
1377         perms = new ArrayList<SocketPermission>(permissions.size());
1378         perms.addAll(permissions);
1379     }
1380 }