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1253      * In addition to any and all formats specified in the
1254      * file, or other file specified by the <code>AWT.DnD.flavorMapFileURL
1255      * </code> Toolkit property, text returned by the system Clipboard's <code>
1256      * getTransferData()</code> method is available in the following flavors:
1257      * <ul>
1258      * <li>DataFlavor.stringFlavor</li>
1259      * <li>DataFlavor.plainTextFlavor (<b>deprecated</b>)</li>
1260      * </ul>
1261      * As with <code>java.awt.datatransfer.StringSelection</code>, if the
1262      * requested flavor is <code>DataFlavor.plainTextFlavor</code>, or an
1263      * equivalent flavor, a Reader is returned. <b>Note:</b> The behavior of
1264      * the system Clipboard's <code>getTransferData()</code> method for <code>
1265      * DataFlavor.plainTextFlavor</code>, and equivalent DataFlavors, is
1266      * inconsistent with the definition of <code>DataFlavor.plainTextFlavor
1267      * </code>. Because of this, support for <code>
1268      * DataFlavor.plainTextFlavor</code>, and equivalent flavors, is
1269      * <b>deprecated</b>.
1270      * <p>
1271      * Each actual implementation of this method should first check if there
1272      * is a security manager installed. If there is, the method should call
1273      * the security manager's <code>checkSystemClipboardAccess</code> method
1274      * to ensure it's ok to to access the system clipboard. If the default
1275      * implementation of <code>checkSystemClipboardAccess</code> is used (that
1276      * is, that method is not overriden), then this results in a call to the
1277      * security manager's <code>checkPermission</code> method with an <code>
1278      * AWTPermission("accessClipboard")</code> permission.
1279      *
1280      * @return    the system Clipboard
1281      * @exception HeadlessException if GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless()
1282      * returns true
1283      * @see       java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment#isHeadless
1284      * @see       java.awt.datatransfer.Clipboard
1285      * @see       java.awt.datatransfer.StringSelection
1286      * @see       java.awt.datatransfer.DataFlavor#stringFlavor
1287      * @see       java.awt.datatransfer.DataFlavor#plainTextFlavor
1288      * @see
1289      * @see       java.awt.AWTPermission
1290      * @since     JDK1.1
1291      */
1292     public abstract Clipboard getSystemClipboard()
1293         throws HeadlessException;
1295     /**
1296      * Gets the singleton instance of the system selection as a
1297      * <code>Clipboard</code> object. This allows an application to read and
1298      * modify the current, system-wide selection.

1301      * the user selects text, using either the mouse or the keyboard.
1302      * Typically, this is implemented by installing a
1303      * <code>FocusListener</code> on all <code>Component</code>s which support
1304      * text selection, and, between <code>FOCUS_GAINED</code> and
1305      * <code>FOCUS_LOST</code> events delivered to that <code>Component</code>,
1306      * updating the system selection <code>Clipboard</code> when the selection
1307      * changes inside the <code>Component</code>. Properly updating the system
1308      * selection ensures that a Java application will interact correctly with
1309      * native applications and other Java applications running simultaneously
1310      * on the system. Note that <code>java.awt.TextComponent</code> and
1311      * <code>javax.swing.text.JTextComponent</code> already adhere to this
1312      * policy. When using these classes, and their subclasses, developers need
1313      * not write any additional code.
1314      * <p>
1315      * Some platforms do not support a system selection <code>Clipboard</code>.
1316      * On those platforms, this method will return <code>null</code>. In such a
1317      * case, an application is absolved from its responsibility to update the
1318      * system selection <code>Clipboard</code> as described above.
1319      * <p>
1320      * Each actual implementation of this method should first check if there
1321      * is a <code>SecurityManager</code> installed. If there is, the method
1322      * should call the <code>SecurityManager</code>'s
1323      * <code>checkSystemClipboardAccess</code> method to ensure that client
1324      * code has access the system selection. If the default implementation of
1325      * <code>checkSystemClipboardAccess</code> is used (that is, if the method
1326      * is not overridden), then this results in a call to the
1327      * <code>SecurityManager</code>'s <code>checkPermission</code> method with
1328      * an <code>AWTPermission("accessClipboard")</code> permission.
1329      *
1330      * @return the system selection as a <code>Clipboard</code>, or
1331      *         <code>null</code> if the native platform does not support a
1332      *         system selection <code>Clipboard</code>
1333      * @exception HeadlessException if GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless()
1334      *            returns true
1335      *
1336      * @see java.awt.datatransfer.Clipboard
1337      * @see java.awt.event.FocusListener
1338      * @see java.awt.event.FocusEvent#FOCUS_GAINED
1339      * @see java.awt.event.FocusEvent#FOCUS_LOST
1340      * @see TextComponent
1341      * @see javax.swing.text.JTextComponent
1342      * @see AWTPermission
1343      * @see GraphicsEnvironment#isHeadless
1344      * @since 1.4
1345      */
1346     public Clipboard getSystemSelection() throws HeadlessException {
1347         GraphicsEnvironment.checkHeadless();

1682      * This method returns defaultValue if the property is not found.
1683      */
1684     public static String getProperty(String key, String defaultValue) {
1685         if (resources != null) {
1686             try {
1687                 return resources.getString(key);
1688             }
1689             catch (MissingResourceException e) {}
1690         }
1692         return defaultValue;
1693     }
1695     /**
1696      * Get the application's or applet's EventQueue instance.
1697      * Depending on the Toolkit implementation, different EventQueues
1698      * may be returned for different applets.  Applets should
1699      * therefore not assume that the EventQueue instance returned
1700      * by this method will be shared by other applets or the system.
1701      *
1702      * <p>First, if there is a security manager, its
1703      * <code>checkAwtEventQueueAccess</code>
1704      * method is called.
1705      * If  the default implementation of <code>checkAwtEventQueueAccess</code>
1706      * is used (that is, that method is not overriden), then this results in
1707      * a call to the security manager's <code>checkPermission</code> method
1708      * with an <code>AWTPermission("accessEventQueue")</code> permission.
1709      *
1710      * @return    the <code>EventQueue</code> object
1711      * @throws  SecurityException
1712      *          if a security manager exists and its <code>{@link
1713      *          java.lang.SecurityManager#checkAwtEventQueueAccess}</code>
1714      *          method denies access to the <code>EventQueue</code>
1715      * @see     java.awt.AWTPermission
1716     */
1717     public final EventQueue getSystemEventQueue() {
1718         SecurityManager security = System.getSecurityManager();
1719         if (security != null) {
1720           security.checkAwtEventQueueAccess();
1721         }
1722         return getSystemEventQueueImpl();
1723     }
1725     /**
1726      * Gets the application's or applet's <code>EventQueue</code>
1727      * instance, without checking access.  For security reasons,
1728      * this can only be called from a <code>Toolkit</code> subclass.
1729      * @return the <code>EventQueue</code> object
1730      */
1731     protected abstract EventQueue getSystemEventQueueImpl();
1733     /* Accessor method for use by AWT package routines. */
1734     static EventQueue getEventQueue() {
1735         return getDefaultToolkit().getSystemEventQueueImpl();
1736     }
1738     /**
1739      * Creates the peer for a DragSourceContext.
1740      * Always throws InvalidDndOperationException if

1253      * In addition to any and all formats specified in the
1254      * file, or other file specified by the <code>AWT.DnD.flavorMapFileURL
1255      * </code> Toolkit property, text returned by the system Clipboard's <code>
1256      * getTransferData()</code> method is available in the following flavors:
1257      * <ul>
1258      * <li>DataFlavor.stringFlavor</li>
1259      * <li>DataFlavor.plainTextFlavor (<b>deprecated</b>)</li>
1260      * </ul>
1261      * As with <code>java.awt.datatransfer.StringSelection</code>, if the
1262      * requested flavor is <code>DataFlavor.plainTextFlavor</code>, or an
1263      * equivalent flavor, a Reader is returned. <b>Note:</b> The behavior of
1264      * the system Clipboard's <code>getTransferData()</code> method for <code>
1265      * DataFlavor.plainTextFlavor</code>, and equivalent DataFlavors, is
1266      * inconsistent with the definition of <code>DataFlavor.plainTextFlavor
1267      * </code>. Because of this, support for <code>
1268      * DataFlavor.plainTextFlavor</code>, and equivalent flavors, is
1269      * <b>deprecated</b>.
1270      * <p>
1271      * Each actual implementation of this method should first check if there
1272      * is a security manager installed. If there is, the method should call
1273      * the security manager's {@link SecurityManager#checkPermission
1274      * checkPermission} method to check {@code AWTPermission("accessClipboard")}.

1275      *
1276      * @return    the system Clipboard
1277      * @exception HeadlessException if GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless()
1278      * returns true
1279      * @see       java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment#isHeadless
1280      * @see       java.awt.datatransfer.Clipboard
1281      * @see       java.awt.datatransfer.StringSelection
1282      * @see       java.awt.datatransfer.DataFlavor#stringFlavor
1283      * @see       java.awt.datatransfer.DataFlavor#plainTextFlavor
1284      * @see
1285      * @see       java.awt.AWTPermission
1286      * @since     JDK1.1
1287      */
1288     public abstract Clipboard getSystemClipboard()
1289         throws HeadlessException;
1291     /**
1292      * Gets the singleton instance of the system selection as a
1293      * <code>Clipboard</code> object. This allows an application to read and
1294      * modify the current, system-wide selection.

1297      * the user selects text, using either the mouse or the keyboard.
1298      * Typically, this is implemented by installing a
1299      * <code>FocusListener</code> on all <code>Component</code>s which support
1300      * text selection, and, between <code>FOCUS_GAINED</code> and
1301      * <code>FOCUS_LOST</code> events delivered to that <code>Component</code>,
1302      * updating the system selection <code>Clipboard</code> when the selection
1303      * changes inside the <code>Component</code>. Properly updating the system
1304      * selection ensures that a Java application will interact correctly with
1305      * native applications and other Java applications running simultaneously
1306      * on the system. Note that <code>java.awt.TextComponent</code> and
1307      * <code>javax.swing.text.JTextComponent</code> already adhere to this
1308      * policy. When using these classes, and their subclasses, developers need
1309      * not write any additional code.
1310      * <p>
1311      * Some platforms do not support a system selection <code>Clipboard</code>.
1312      * On those platforms, this method will return <code>null</code>. In such a
1313      * case, an application is absolved from its responsibility to update the
1314      * system selection <code>Clipboard</code> as described above.
1315      * <p>
1316      * Each actual implementation of this method should first check if there
1317      * is a security manager installed. If there is, the method should call
1318      * the security manager's {@link SecurityManager#checkPermission
1319      * checkPermission} method to check {@code AWTPermission("accessClipboard")}.

1320      *
1321      * @return the system selection as a <code>Clipboard</code>, or
1322      *         <code>null</code> if the native platform does not support a
1323      *         system selection <code>Clipboard</code>
1324      * @exception HeadlessException if GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless()
1325      *            returns true
1326      *
1327      * @see java.awt.datatransfer.Clipboard
1328      * @see java.awt.event.FocusListener
1329      * @see java.awt.event.FocusEvent#FOCUS_GAINED
1330      * @see java.awt.event.FocusEvent#FOCUS_LOST
1331      * @see TextComponent
1332      * @see javax.swing.text.JTextComponent
1333      * @see AWTPermission
1334      * @see GraphicsEnvironment#isHeadless
1335      * @since 1.4
1336      */
1337     public Clipboard getSystemSelection() throws HeadlessException {
1338         GraphicsEnvironment.checkHeadless();

1673      * This method returns defaultValue if the property is not found.
1674      */
1675     public static String getProperty(String key, String defaultValue) {
1676         if (resources != null) {
1677             try {
1678                 return resources.getString(key);
1679             }
1680             catch (MissingResourceException e) {}
1681         }
1683         return defaultValue;
1684     }
1686     /**
1687      * Get the application's or applet's EventQueue instance.
1688      * Depending on the Toolkit implementation, different EventQueues
1689      * may be returned for different applets.  Applets should
1690      * therefore not assume that the EventQueue instance returned
1691      * by this method will be shared by other applets or the system.
1692      *
1693      * <p> If there is a security manager then its 
1694      * {@link SecurityManager#checkPermission checkPermission} method
1695      * is called to check {@code AWTPermission("accessEventQueue")}.

1696      *
1697      * @return    the <code>EventQueue</code> object
1698      * @throws  SecurityException
1699      *          if a security manager is set and it denies access to
1700      *          the {@code EventQueue}

1701      * @see     java.awt.AWTPermission
1702     */
1703     public final EventQueue getSystemEventQueue() {
1704         SecurityManager security = System.getSecurityManager();
1705         if (security != null) {
1706             security.checkPermission(SecurityConstants.AWT.CHECK_AWT_EVENTQUEUE_PERMISSION);
1707         }
1708         return getSystemEventQueueImpl();
1709     }
1711     /**
1712      * Gets the application's or applet's <code>EventQueue</code>
1713      * instance, without checking access.  For security reasons,
1714      * this can only be called from a <code>Toolkit</code> subclass.
1715      * @return the <code>EventQueue</code> object
1716      */
1717     protected abstract EventQueue getSystemEventQueueImpl();
1719     /* Accessor method for use by AWT package routines. */
1720     static EventQueue getEventQueue() {
1721         return getDefaultToolkit().getSystemEventQueueImpl();
1722     }
1724     /**
1725      * Creates the peer for a DragSourceContext.
1726      * Always throws InvalidDndOperationException if