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 408      * @param  name     The <a href="ClassLoader.html#name">binary name</a>
 409      *                  of the class
 410      * @return {@code Class} object of the given name defined in the given module;
 411      *         {@code null} if not found.
 412      *
 413      * @throws NullPointerException if the given module or name is {@code null}
 414      *
 415      * @throws LinkageError if the linkage fails
 416      *
 417      * @throws SecurityException
 418      *         <ul>
 419      *         <li> if the caller is not the specified module and
 420      *         {@code RuntimePermission("getClassLoader")} permission is denied; or</li>
 421      *         <li> access to the module content is denied. For example,
 422      *         permission check will be performed when a class loader calls
 423      *         {@link ModuleReader#open(String)} to read the bytes of a class file
 424      *         in a module.</li>
 425      *         </ul>
 426      *
 427      * @since 9

 428      */
 429     @CallerSensitive
 430     public static Class<?> forName(Module module, String name) {
 431         Objects.requireNonNull(module);
 432         Objects.requireNonNull(name);
 434         Class<?> caller = Reflection.getCallerClass();
 435         if (caller != null && caller.getModule() != module) {
 436             // if caller is null, Class.forName is the last java frame on the stack.
 437             // java.base has all permissions
 438             SecurityManager sm = System.getSecurityManager();
 439             if (sm != null) {
 440                 sm.checkPermission(SecurityConstants.GET_CLASSLOADER_PERMISSION);
 441             }
 442         }
 444         PrivilegedAction<ClassLoader> pa = module::getClassLoader;
 445         ClassLoader cl = AccessController.doPrivileged(pa);
 446         if (cl != null) {
 447             return cl.loadClass(module, name);

 802     }
 804     // Package-private to allow ClassLoader access
 805     ClassLoader getClassLoader0() { return classLoader; }
 807     /**
 808      * Returns the module that this class or interface is a member of.
 809      *
 810      * If this class represents an array type then this method returns the
 811      * {@code Module} for the element type. If this class represents a
 812      * primitive type or void, then the {@code Module} object for the
 813      * {@code java.base} module is returned.
 814      *
 815      * If this class is in an unnamed module then the {@link
 816      * ClassLoader#getUnnamedModule() unnamed} {@code Module} of the class
 817      * loader for this class is returned.
 818      *
 819      * @return the module that this class or interface is a member of
 820      *
 821      * @since 9

 822      */
 823     public Module getModule() {
 824         return module;
 825     }
 827     // set by VM
 828     private transient Module module;
 830     // Initialized in JVM not by private constructor
 831     // This field is filtered from reflection access, i.e. getDeclaredField
 832     // will throw NoSuchFieldException
 833     private final ClassLoader classLoader;
 835     /**
 836      * Returns an array of {@code TypeVariable} objects that represent the
 837      * type variables declared by the generic declaration represented by this
 838      * {@code GenericDeclaration} object, in declaration order.  Returns an
 839      * array of length 0 if the underlying generic declaration declares no type
 840      * variables.
 841      *

 907             return getSuperclass();
 908         }
 910         // Historical irregularity:
 911         // Generic signature marks interfaces with superclass = Object
 912         // but this API returns null for interfaces
 913         if (isInterface()) {
 914             return null;
 915         }
 917         return info.getSuperclass();
 918     }
 920     /**
 921      * Gets the package of this class.
 922      *
 923      * <p>If this class represents an array type, a primitive type or void,
 924      * this method returns {@code null}.
 925      *
 926      * @return the package of this class.

 927      */
 928     public Package getPackage() {
 929         if (isPrimitive() || isArray()) {
 930             return null;
 931         }
 932         ClassLoader cl = getClassLoader0();
 933         return cl != null ? cl.definePackage(this)
 934                           : BootLoader.definePackage(this);
 935     }
 937     /**
 938      * Returns the fully qualified package name.
 939      *
 940      * <p> If this class is a top level class, then this method returns the fully
 941      * qualified name of the package that the class is a member of, or the
 942      * empty string if the class is in an unnamed package.
 943      *
 944      * <p> If this class is a member class, then this method is equivalent to
 945      * invoking {@code getPackageName()} on the {@link #getEnclosingClass
 946      * enclosing class}.
 947      *
 948      * <p> If this class is a {@link #isLocalClass local class} or an {@link
 949      * #isAnonymousClass() anonymous class}, then this method is equivalent to
 950      * invoking {@code getPackageName()} on the {@link #getDeclaringClass
 951      * declaring class} of the {@link #getEnclosingMethod enclosing method} or
 952      * {@link #getEnclosingConstructor enclosing constructor}.
 953      *
 954      * <p> This method returns {@code null} if this class represents an array type,
 955      * a primitive type or void.

 956      *
 957      * @return the fully qualified package name
 958      *
 959      * @since 9

 960      * @jls 6.7  Fully Qualified Names
 961      */
 962     public String getPackageName() {
 963         String pn = this.packageName;
 964         if (pn == null && !isArray() && !isPrimitive()) {
 965             String cn = getName();

 966             int dot = cn.lastIndexOf('.');
 967             pn = (dot != -1) ? cn.substring(0, dot).intern() : "";

 968             this.packageName = pn;
 969         }
 970         return pn;
 971     }
 973     // cached package name
 974     private transient String packageName;
 976     /**
 977      * Returns the interfaces directly implemented by the class or interface
 978      * represented by this object.
 979      *
 980      * <p>If this object represents a class, the return value is an array
 981      * containing objects representing all interfaces directly implemented by
 982      * the class.  The order of the interface objects in the array corresponds
 983      * to the order of the interface names in the {@code implements} clause of
 984      * the declaration of the class represented by this object.  For example,
 985      * given the declaration:
 986      * <blockquote>
 987      * {@code class Shimmer implements FloorWax, DessertTopping { ... }}

2474      *
2475      * @since 1.1
2476      */
2477     @CallerSensitive
2478     public Constructor<T> getDeclaredConstructor(Class<?>... parameterTypes)
2479         throws NoSuchMethodException, SecurityException
2480     {
2481         SecurityManager sm = System.getSecurityManager();
2482         if (sm != null) {
2483             checkMemberAccess(sm, Member.DECLARED, Reflection.getCallerClass(), true);
2484         }
2486         return getReflectionFactory().copyConstructor(
2487             getConstructor0(parameterTypes, Member.DECLARED));
2488     }
2490     /**
2491      * Finds a resource with a given name.
2492      *
2493      * <p> If this class is in a named {@link Module Module} then this method
2494      * will attempt to find the resource in the module by means of the absolute
2495      * resource name, subject to the rules for encapsulation specified in the
2496      * {@code Module} {@link Module#getResourceAsStream getResourceAsStream}
2497      * method.

2498      *
2499      * <p> Otherwise, if this class is not in a named module then the rules for
2500      * searching resources associated with a given class are implemented by the
2501      * defining {@linkplain ClassLoader class loader} of the class.  This method
2502      * delegates to this object's class loader.  If this object was loaded by
2503      * the bootstrap class loader, the method delegates to {@link
2504      * ClassLoader#getSystemResourceAsStream}.
2505      *
2506      * <p> Before finding a resource in the caller's module or delegation to a
2507      * class loader, an absolute resource name is constructed from the given
2508      * resource name using this algorithm:
2509      *
2510      * <ul>
2511      *
2512      * <li> If the {@code name} begins with a {@code '/'}
2513      * (<code>'\u002f'</code>), then the absolute name of the resource is the
2514      * portion of the {@code name} following the {@code '/'}.
2515      *
2516      * <li> Otherwise, the absolute name is of the following form:
2517      *
2518      * <blockquote>
2519      *   {@code modified_package_name/name}
2520      * </blockquote>
2521      *
2522      * <p> Where the {@code modified_package_name} is the package name of this
2523      * object with {@code '/'} substituted for {@code '.'}
2524      * (<code>'\u002e'</code>).
2525      *
2526      * </ul>
2527      *
2528      * @param  name name of the desired resource
2529      * @return  A {@link java.io.InputStream} object; {@code null} if no
2530      *          resource with this name is found, the resource is in a package
2531      *          that is not {@link Module#isOpen(String, Module) open} to at
2532      *          least the caller module, or access to the resource is denied
2533      *          by the security manager.
2534      * @throws  NullPointerException If {@code name} is {@code null}

2535      * @since  1.1

2536      */
2537     @CallerSensitive
2538     public InputStream getResourceAsStream(String name) {
2539         name = resolveName(name);
2541         Module module = getModule();
2542         if (module.isNamed()) {
2543             if (!ResourceHelper.isSimpleResource(name)) {
2544                 Module caller = Reflection.getCallerClass().getModule();
2545                 if (caller != module) {
2546                     Set<String> packages = module.getDescriptor().packages();
2547                     String pn = ResourceHelper.getPackageName(name);
2548                     if (packages.contains(pn) && !module.isOpen(pn, caller)) {
2549                         // resource is in package not open to caller
2550                         return null;
2551                     }
2552                 }
2553             }
2555             String mn = module.getName();

2568                 }
2570             } catch (IOException | SecurityException e) {
2571                 return null;
2572             }
2573         }
2575         // unnamed module
2576         ClassLoader cl = getClassLoader0();
2577         if (cl == null) {
2578             return ClassLoader.getSystemResourceAsStream(name);
2579         } else {
2580             return cl.getResourceAsStream(name);
2581         }
2582     }
2584     /**
2585      * Finds a resource with a given name.
2586      *
2587      * <p> If this class is in a named {@link Module Module} then this method
2588      * will attempt to find the resource in the module by means of the absolute
2589      * resource name, subject to the rules for encapsulation specified in the
2590      * {@code Module} {@link Module#getResourceAsStream getResourceAsStream}
2591      * method.

2592      *
2593      * <p> Otherwise, if this class is not in a named module then the rules for
2594      * searching resources associated with a given class are implemented by the
2595      * defining {@linkplain ClassLoader class loader} of the class.  This method
2596      * delegates to this object's class loader. If this object was loaded by
2597      * the bootstrap class loader, the method delegates to {@link
2598      * ClassLoader#getSystemResource}.
2599      *
2600      * <p> Before delegation, an absolute resource name is constructed from the
2601      * given resource name using this algorithm:
2602      *
2603      * <ul>
2604      *
2605      * <li> If the {@code name} begins with a {@code '/'}
2606      * (<code>'\u002f'</code>), then the absolute name of the resource is the
2607      * portion of the {@code name} following the {@code '/'}.
2608      *
2609      * <li> Otherwise, the absolute name is of the following form:
2610      *
2611      * <blockquote>
2612      *   {@code modified_package_name/name}
2613      * </blockquote>
2614      *
2615      * <p> Where the {@code modified_package_name} is the package name of this
2616      * object with {@code '/'} substituted for {@code '.'}
2617      * (<code>'\u002e'</code>).
2618      *
2619      * </ul>
2620      *
2621      * @param  name name of the desired resource
2622      * @return A {@link java.net.URL} object; {@code null} if no resource with
2623      *         this name is found, the resource cannot be located by a URL, the
2624      *         resource is in a package that is not
2625      *         {@link Module#isOpen(String, Module) open} to at least the caller
2626      *         module, or access to the resource is denied by the security
2627      *         manager.
2628      * @throws NullPointerException If {@code name} is {@code null}
2629      * @since  1.1

2630      */
2631     @CallerSensitive
2632     public URL getResource(String name) {
2633         name = resolveName(name);
2635         Module module = getModule();
2636         if (module.isNamed()) {
2637             if (!ResourceHelper.isSimpleResource(name)) {
2638                 Module caller = Reflection.getCallerClass().getModule();
2639                 if (caller != module) {
2640                     Set<String> packages = module.getDescriptor().packages();
2641                     String pn = ResourceHelper.getPackageName(name);
2642                     if (packages.contains(pn) && !module.isOpen(pn, caller)) {
2643                         // resource is in package not open to caller
2644                         return null;
2645                     }
2646                 }
2647             }
2648             String mn = getModule().getName();
2649             ClassLoader cl = getClassLoader0();

 408      * @param  name     The <a href="ClassLoader.html#name">binary name</a>
 409      *                  of the class
 410      * @return {@code Class} object of the given name defined in the given module;
 411      *         {@code null} if not found.
 412      *
 413      * @throws NullPointerException if the given module or name is {@code null}
 414      *
 415      * @throws LinkageError if the linkage fails
 416      *
 417      * @throws SecurityException
 418      *         <ul>
 419      *         <li> if the caller is not the specified module and
 420      *         {@code RuntimePermission("getClassLoader")} permission is denied; or</li>
 421      *         <li> access to the module content is denied. For example,
 422      *         permission check will be performed when a class loader calls
 423      *         {@link ModuleReader#open(String)} to read the bytes of a class file
 424      *         in a module.</li>
 425      *         </ul>
 426      *
 427      * @since 9
 428      * @spec JPMS
 429      */
 430     @CallerSensitive
 431     public static Class<?> forName(Module module, String name) {
 432         Objects.requireNonNull(module);
 433         Objects.requireNonNull(name);
 435         Class<?> caller = Reflection.getCallerClass();
 436         if (caller != null && caller.getModule() != module) {
 437             // if caller is null, Class.forName is the last java frame on the stack.
 438             // java.base has all permissions
 439             SecurityManager sm = System.getSecurityManager();
 440             if (sm != null) {
 441                 sm.checkPermission(SecurityConstants.GET_CLASSLOADER_PERMISSION);
 442             }
 443         }
 445         PrivilegedAction<ClassLoader> pa = module::getClassLoader;
 446         ClassLoader cl = AccessController.doPrivileged(pa);
 447         if (cl != null) {
 448             return cl.loadClass(module, name);

 803     }
 805     // Package-private to allow ClassLoader access
 806     ClassLoader getClassLoader0() { return classLoader; }
 808     /**
 809      * Returns the module that this class or interface is a member of.
 810      *
 811      * If this class represents an array type then this method returns the
 812      * {@code Module} for the element type. If this class represents a
 813      * primitive type or void, then the {@code Module} object for the
 814      * {@code java.base} module is returned.
 815      *
 816      * If this class is in an unnamed module then the {@link
 817      * ClassLoader#getUnnamedModule() unnamed} {@code Module} of the class
 818      * loader for this class is returned.
 819      *
 820      * @return the module that this class or interface is a member of
 821      *
 822      * @since 9
 823      * @spec JPMS
 824      */
 825     public Module getModule() {
 826         return module;
 827     }
 829     // set by VM
 830     private transient Module module;
 832     // Initialized in JVM not by private constructor
 833     // This field is filtered from reflection access, i.e. getDeclaredField
 834     // will throw NoSuchFieldException
 835     private final ClassLoader classLoader;
 837     /**
 838      * Returns an array of {@code TypeVariable} objects that represent the
 839      * type variables declared by the generic declaration represented by this
 840      * {@code GenericDeclaration} object, in declaration order.  Returns an
 841      * array of length 0 if the underlying generic declaration declares no type
 842      * variables.
 843      *

 909             return getSuperclass();
 910         }
 912         // Historical irregularity:
 913         // Generic signature marks interfaces with superclass = Object
 914         // but this API returns null for interfaces
 915         if (isInterface()) {
 916             return null;
 917         }
 919         return info.getSuperclass();
 920     }
 922     /**
 923      * Gets the package of this class.
 924      *
 925      * <p>If this class represents an array type, a primitive type or void,
 926      * this method returns {@code null}.
 927      *
 928      * @return the package of this class.
 929      * @revised 9
 930      * @spec JPMS
 931      */
 932     public Package getPackage() {
 933         if (isPrimitive() || isArray()) {
 934             return null;
 935         }
 936         ClassLoader cl = getClassLoader0();
 937         return cl != null ? cl.definePackage(this)
 938                           : BootLoader.definePackage(this);
 939     }
 941     /**
 942      * Returns the fully qualified package name.
 943      *
 944      * <p> If this class is a top level class, then this method returns the fully
 945      * qualified name of the package that the class is a member of, or the
 946      * empty string if the class is in an unnamed package.
 947      *
 948      * <p> If this class is a member class, then this method is equivalent to
 949      * invoking {@code getPackageName()} on the {@link #getEnclosingClass
 950      * enclosing class}.
 951      *
 952      * <p> If this class is a {@link #isLocalClass local class} or an {@link
 953      * #isAnonymousClass() anonymous class}, then this method is equivalent to
 954      * invoking {@code getPackageName()} on the {@link #getDeclaringClass
 955      * declaring class} of the {@link #getEnclosingMethod enclosing method} or
 956      * {@link #getEnclosingConstructor enclosing constructor}.
 957      *
 958      * <p> If this class represents an array type then this method returns the
 959      * package name of the element type. If this class represents a primitive
 960      * type or void then the package name "{@code java.lang}" is returned.
 961      *
 962      * @return the fully qualified package name
 963      *
 964      * @since 9
 965      * @spec JPMS
 966      * @jls 6.7  Fully Qualified Names
 967      */
 968     public String getPackageName() {
 969         String pn = this.packageName;
 970         if (pn == null) {
 971             Class<?> c = this;
 972             while (c.isArray()) {
 973                 c = c.getComponentType();
 974             }
 975             if (c.isPrimitive()) {
 976                 pn = "java.lang";
 977             } else {
 978                 String cn = c.getName();
 979                 int dot = cn.lastIndexOf('.');
 980                 pn = (dot != -1) ? cn.substring(0, dot).intern() : "";
 981             }
 982             this.packageName = pn;
 983         }
 984         return pn;
 985     }
 987     // cached package name
 988     private transient String packageName;
 990     /**
 991      * Returns the interfaces directly implemented by the class or interface
 992      * represented by this object.
 993      *
 994      * <p>If this object represents a class, the return value is an array
 995      * containing objects representing all interfaces directly implemented by
 996      * the class.  The order of the interface objects in the array corresponds
 997      * to the order of the interface names in the {@code implements} clause of
 998      * the declaration of the class represented by this object.  For example,
 999      * given the declaration:
1000      * <blockquote>
1001      * {@code class Shimmer implements FloorWax, DessertTopping { ... }}

2488      *
2489      * @since 1.1
2490      */
2491     @CallerSensitive
2492     public Constructor<T> getDeclaredConstructor(Class<?>... parameterTypes)
2493         throws NoSuchMethodException, SecurityException
2494     {
2495         SecurityManager sm = System.getSecurityManager();
2496         if (sm != null) {
2497             checkMemberAccess(sm, Member.DECLARED, Reflection.getCallerClass(), true);
2498         }
2500         return getReflectionFactory().copyConstructor(
2501             getConstructor0(parameterTypes, Member.DECLARED));
2502     }
2504     /**
2505      * Finds a resource with a given name.
2506      *
2507      * <p> If this class is in a named {@link Module Module} then this method
2508      * will attempt to find the resource in the module. This is done by
2509      * delegating to the module's class loader {@link
2510      * ClassLoader#findResource(String,String) findResource(String,String)}
2511      * method, invoking it with the module name and the absolute name of the
2512      * resource. Resources in named modules are subject to the rules for
2513      * encapsulation specified in the {@code Module} {@link
2514      * Module#getResourceAsStream getResourceAsStream} method and so this
2515      * method returns {@code null} when the resource is a
2516      * non-"{@code .class}" resource in a package that is not open to the
2517      * caller's module.
2518      *
2519      * <p> Otherwise, if this class is not in a named module then the rules for
2520      * searching resources associated with a given class are implemented by the
2521      * defining {@linkplain ClassLoader class loader} of the class.  This method
2522      * delegates to this object's class loader.  If this object was loaded by
2523      * the bootstrap class loader, the method delegates to {@link
2524      * ClassLoader#getSystemResourceAsStream}.
2525      *
2526      * <p> Before delegation, an absolute resource name is constructed from the
2527      * given resource name using this algorithm:

2528      *
2529      * <ul>
2530      *
2531      * <li> If the {@code name} begins with a {@code '/'}
2532      * (<code>'\u002f'</code>), then the absolute name of the resource is the
2533      * portion of the {@code name} following the {@code '/'}.
2534      *
2535      * <li> Otherwise, the absolute name is of the following form:
2536      *
2537      * <blockquote>
2538      *   {@code modified_package_name/name}
2539      * </blockquote>
2540      *
2541      * <p> Where the {@code modified_package_name} is the package name of this
2542      * object with {@code '/'} substituted for {@code '.'}
2543      * (<code>'\u002e'</code>).
2544      *
2545      * </ul>
2546      *
2547      * @param  name name of the desired resource
2548      * @return  A {@link java.io.InputStream} object; {@code null} if no
2549      *          resource with this name is found, the resource is in a package
2550      *          that is not {@link Module#isOpen(String, Module) open} to at
2551      *          least the caller module, or access to the resource is denied
2552      *          by the security manager.
2553      * @throws  NullPointerException If {@code name} is {@code null}
2554      *
2555      * @see Module#getResourceAsStream(String)
2556      * @since  1.1
2557      * @revised 9
2558      * @spec JPMS
2559      */
2560     @CallerSensitive
2561     public InputStream getResourceAsStream(String name) {
2562         name = resolveName(name);
2564         Module module = getModule();
2565         if (module.isNamed()) {
2566             if (!ResourceHelper.isSimpleResource(name)) {
2567                 Module caller = Reflection.getCallerClass().getModule();
2568                 if (caller != module) {
2569                     Set<String> packages = module.getDescriptor().packages();
2570                     String pn = ResourceHelper.getPackageName(name);
2571                     if (packages.contains(pn) && !module.isOpen(pn, caller)) {
2572                         // resource is in package not open to caller
2573                         return null;
2574                     }
2575                 }
2576             }
2578             String mn = module.getName();

2591                 }
2593             } catch (IOException | SecurityException e) {
2594                 return null;
2595             }
2596         }
2598         // unnamed module
2599         ClassLoader cl = getClassLoader0();
2600         if (cl == null) {
2601             return ClassLoader.getSystemResourceAsStream(name);
2602         } else {
2603             return cl.getResourceAsStream(name);
2604         }
2605     }
2607     /**
2608      * Finds a resource with a given name.
2609      *
2610      * <p> If this class is in a named {@link Module Module} then this method
2611      * will attempt to find the resource in the module. This is done by
2612      * delegating to the module's class loader {@link
2613      * ClassLoader#findResource(String,String) findResource(String,String)}
2614      * method, invoking it with the module name and the absolute name of the
2615      * resource. Resources in named modules are subject to the rules for
2616      * encapsulation specified in the {@code Module} {@link
2617      * Module#getResourceAsStream getResourceAsStream} method and so this
2618      * method returns {@code null} when the resource is a
2619      * non-"{@code .class}" resource in a package that is not open to the
2620      * caller's module.
2621      *
2622      * <p> Otherwise, if this class is not in a named module then the rules for
2623      * searching resources associated with a given class are implemented by the
2624      * defining {@linkplain ClassLoader class loader} of the class.  This method
2625      * delegates to this object's class loader. If this object was loaded by
2626      * the bootstrap class loader, the method delegates to {@link
2627      * ClassLoader#getSystemResource}.
2628      *
2629      * <p> Before delegation, an absolute resource name is constructed from the
2630      * given resource name using this algorithm:
2631      *
2632      * <ul>
2633      *
2634      * <li> If the {@code name} begins with a {@code '/'}
2635      * (<code>'\u002f'</code>), then the absolute name of the resource is the
2636      * portion of the {@code name} following the {@code '/'}.
2637      *
2638      * <li> Otherwise, the absolute name is of the following form:
2639      *
2640      * <blockquote>
2641      *   {@code modified_package_name/name}
2642      * </blockquote>
2643      *
2644      * <p> Where the {@code modified_package_name} is the package name of this
2645      * object with {@code '/'} substituted for {@code '.'}
2646      * (<code>'\u002e'</code>).
2647      *
2648      * </ul>
2649      *
2650      * @param  name name of the desired resource
2651      * @return A {@link java.net.URL} object; {@code null} if no resource with
2652      *         this name is found, the resource cannot be located by a URL, the
2653      *         resource is in a package that is not
2654      *         {@link Module#isOpen(String, Module) open} to at least the caller
2655      *         module, or access to the resource is denied by the security
2656      *         manager.
2657      * @throws NullPointerException If {@code name} is {@code null}
2658      * @since  1.1
2659      * @revised 9
2660      * @spec JPMS
2661      */
2662     @CallerSensitive
2663     public URL getResource(String name) {
2664         name = resolveName(name);
2666         Module module = getModule();
2667         if (module.isNamed()) {
2668             if (!ResourceHelper.isSimpleResource(name)) {
2669                 Module caller = Reflection.getCallerClass().getModule();
2670                 if (caller != module) {
2671                     Set<String> packages = module.getDescriptor().packages();
2672                     String pn = ResourceHelper.getPackageName(name);
2673                     if (packages.contains(pn) && !module.isOpen(pn, caller)) {
2674                         // resource is in package not open to caller
2675                         return null;
2676                     }
2677                 }
2678             }
2679             String mn = getModule().getName();
2680             ClassLoader cl = getClassLoader0();

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