1 /*
   2  * Copyright (c) 2005, 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   4  *
   5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
   8  * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
   9  * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
  10  *
  11  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  12  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  13  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  14  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  15  * accompanied this code).
  16  *
  17  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  18  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  19  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  20  *
  21  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  22  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  23  * questions.
  24  */
  26 package javax.lang.model.util;
  28 import java.util.Collections;
  29 import java.util.List;
  30 import java.util.Set;
  31 import java.util.EnumSet;
  32 import java.util.ArrayList;
  33 import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
  35 import javax.lang.model.element.*;
  36 import javax.lang.model.element.ModuleElement.Directive;
  37 import javax.lang.model.element.ModuleElement.DirectiveKind;
  38 import javax.lang.model.element.ModuleElement.ExportsDirective;
  39 import javax.lang.model.element.ModuleElement.OpensDirective;
  40 import javax.lang.model.element.ModuleElement.ProvidesDirective;
  41 import javax.lang.model.element.ModuleElement.RequiresDirective;
  42 import javax.lang.model.element.ModuleElement.UsesDirective;
  45 /**
  46  * Filters for selecting just the elements of interest from a
  47  * collection of elements.  The returned sets and lists are new
  48  * collections and do use the argument as a backing store.  The
  49  * methods in this class do not make any attempts to guard against
  50  * concurrent modifications of the arguments.  The returned sets and
  51  * lists are mutable but unsafe for concurrent access.  A returned set
  52  * has the same iteration order as the argument set to a method.
  53  *
  54  * <p>If iterables and sets containing {@code null} are passed as
  55  * arguments to methods in this class, a {@code NullPointerException}
  56  * will be thrown.
  57  *
  58  * <p>Note that a <i>static import</i> statement can make the text of
  59  * calls to the methods in this class more concise; for example:
  60  *
  61  * <blockquote><pre>
  62  *     import static javax.lang.model.util.ElementFilter.*;
  63  *     ...
  64  *         {@code List<VariableElement>} fs = fieldsIn(someClass.getEnclosedElements());
  65  * </pre></blockquote>
  66  *
  67  * @author Joseph D. Darcy
  68  * @author Scott Seligman
  69  * @author Peter von der Ah&eacute;
  70  * @author Martin Buchholz
  71  * @since 1.6
  72  */
  73 public class ElementFilter {
  74     private ElementFilter() {} // Do not instantiate.
  76     private static final Set<ElementKind> CONSTRUCTOR_KIND =
  77         Collections.unmodifiableSet(EnumSet.of(ElementKind.CONSTRUCTOR));
  79     private static final Set<ElementKind> FIELD_KINDS =
  80         Collections.unmodifiableSet(EnumSet.of(ElementKind.FIELD,
  81                                                ElementKind.ENUM_CONSTANT));
  82     private static final Set<ElementKind> METHOD_KIND =
  83         Collections.unmodifiableSet(EnumSet.of(ElementKind.METHOD));
  85     private static final Set<ElementKind> PACKAGE_KIND =
  86         Collections.unmodifiableSet(EnumSet.of(ElementKind.PACKAGE));
  88     private static final Set<ElementKind> MODULE_KIND =
  89         Collections.unmodifiableSet(EnumSet.of(ElementKind.MODULE));
  91     private static final Set<ElementKind> TYPE_KINDS =
  92         Collections.unmodifiableSet(EnumSet.of(ElementKind.CLASS,
  93                                                ElementKind.ENUM,
  94                                                ElementKind.INTERFACE,
  95                                                ElementKind.ANNOTATION_TYPE));
  96     /**
  97      * Returns a list of fields in {@code elements}.
  98      * @return a list of fields in {@code elements}
  99      * @param elements the elements to filter
 100      */
 101     public static List<VariableElement>
 102             fieldsIn(Iterable<? extends Element> elements) {
 103         return listFilter(elements, FIELD_KINDS, VariableElement.class);
 104     }
 106     /**
 107      * Returns a set of fields in {@code elements}.
 108      * @return a set of fields in {@code elements}
 109      * @param elements the elements to filter
 110      */
 111     public static Set<VariableElement>
 112             fieldsIn(Set<? extends Element> elements) {
 113         return setFilter(elements, FIELD_KINDS, VariableElement.class);
 114     }
 116     /**
 117      * Returns a list of constructors in {@code elements}.
 118      * @return a list of constructors in {@code elements}
 119      * @param elements the elements to filter
 120      */
 121     public static List<ExecutableElement>
 122             constructorsIn(Iterable<? extends Element> elements) {
 123         return listFilter(elements, CONSTRUCTOR_KIND, ExecutableElement.class);
 124     }
 126     /**
 127      * Returns a set of constructors in {@code elements}.
 128      * @return a set of constructors in {@code elements}
 129      * @param elements the elements to filter
 130      */
 131     public static Set<ExecutableElement>
 132             constructorsIn(Set<? extends Element> elements) {
 133         return setFilter(elements, CONSTRUCTOR_KIND, ExecutableElement.class);
 134     }
 136     /**
 137      * Returns a list of methods in {@code elements}.
 138      * @return a list of methods in {@code elements}
 139      * @param elements the elements to filter
 140      */
 141     public static List<ExecutableElement>
 142             methodsIn(Iterable<? extends Element> elements) {
 143         return listFilter(elements, METHOD_KIND, ExecutableElement.class);
 144     }
 146     /**
 147      * Returns a set of methods in {@code elements}.
 148      * @return a set of methods in {@code elements}
 149      * @param elements the elements to filter
 150      */
 151     public static Set<ExecutableElement>
 152             methodsIn(Set<? extends Element> elements) {
 153         return setFilter(elements, METHOD_KIND, ExecutableElement.class);
 154     }
 156     /**
 157      * Returns a list of types in {@code elements}.
 158      * @return a list of types in {@code elements}
 159      * @param elements the elements to filter
 160      */
 161     public static List<TypeElement>
 162             typesIn(Iterable<? extends Element> elements) {
 163         return listFilter(elements, TYPE_KINDS, TypeElement.class);
 164     }
 166     /**
 167      * Returns a set of types in {@code elements}.
 168      * @return a set of types in {@code elements}
 169      * @param elements the elements to filter
 170      */
 171     public static Set<TypeElement>
 172             typesIn(Set<? extends Element> elements) {
 173         return setFilter(elements, TYPE_KINDS, TypeElement.class);
 174     }
 176     /**
 177      * Returns a list of packages in {@code elements}.
 178      * @return a list of packages in {@code elements}
 179      * @param elements the elements to filter
 180      */
 181     public static List<PackageElement>
 182             packagesIn(Iterable<? extends Element> elements) {
 183         return listFilter(elements, PACKAGE_KIND, PackageElement.class);
 184     }
 186     /**
 187      * Returns a set of packages in {@code elements}.
 188      * @return a set of packages in {@code elements}
 189      * @param elements the elements to filter
 190      */
 191     public static Set<PackageElement>
 192             packagesIn(Set<? extends Element> elements) {
 193         return setFilter(elements, PACKAGE_KIND, PackageElement.class);
 194     }
 196     /**
 197      * Returns a list of modules in {@code elements}.
 198      * @return a list of modules in {@code elements}
 199      * @param elements the elements to filter
 200      * @since 9
 201      * @spec JPMS
 202      */
 203     public static List<ModuleElement>
 204             modulesIn(Iterable<? extends Element> elements) {
 205         return listFilter(elements, MODULE_KIND, ModuleElement.class);
 206     }
 208     /**
 209      * Returns a set of modules in {@code elements}.
 210      * @return a set of modules in {@code elements}
 211      * @param elements the elements to filter
 212      * @since 9
 213      * @spec JPMS
 214      */
 215     public static Set<ModuleElement>
 216             modulesIn(Set<? extends Element> elements) {
 217         return setFilter(elements, MODULE_KIND, ModuleElement.class);
 218     }
 220     // Assumes targetKinds and E are sensible.
 221     private static <E extends Element> List<E> listFilter(Iterable<? extends Element> elements,
 222                                                           Set<ElementKind> targetKinds,
 223                                                           Class<E> clazz) {
 224         List<E> list = new ArrayList<>();
 225         for (Element e : elements) {
 226             if (targetKinds.contains(e.getKind()))
 227                 list.add(clazz.cast(e));
 228         }
 229         return list;
 230     }
 232     // Assumes targetKinds and E are sensible.
 233     private static <E extends Element> Set<E> setFilter(Set<? extends Element> elements,
 234                                                         Set<ElementKind> targetKinds,
 235                                                         Class<E> clazz) {
 236         // Return set preserving iteration order of input set.
 237         Set<E> set = new LinkedHashSet<>();
 238         for (Element e : elements) {
 239             if (targetKinds.contains(e.getKind()))
 240                 set.add(clazz.cast(e));
 241         }
 242         return set;
 243     }
 245     /**
 246      * Returns a list of {@code exports} directives in {@code directives}.
 247      * @return a list of {@code exports} directives in {@code directives}
 248      * @param directives the directives to filter
 249      * @since 9
 250      * @spec JPMS
 251      */
 252     public static List<ExportsDirective>
 253             exportsIn(Iterable<? extends Directive> directives) {
 254         return listFilter(directives, DirectiveKind.EXPORTS, ExportsDirective.class);
 255     }
 257     /**
 258      * Returns a list of {@code opens} directives in {@code directives}.
 259      * @return a list of {@code opens} directives in {@code directives}
 260      * @param directives the directives to filter
 261      * @since 9
 262      */
 263     public static List<OpensDirective>
 264             opensIn(Iterable<? extends Directive> directives) {
 265         return listFilter(directives, DirectiveKind.OPENS, OpensDirective.class);
 266     }
 268     /**
 269      * Returns a list of {@code provides} directives in {@code directives}.
 270      * @return a list of {@code provides} directives in {@code directives}
 271      * @param directives the directives to filter
 272      * @since 9
 273      * @spec JPMS
 274      */
 275     public static List<ProvidesDirective>
 276             providesIn(Iterable<? extends Directive> directives) {
 277         return listFilter(directives, DirectiveKind.PROVIDES, ProvidesDirective.class);
 278     }
 280     /**
 281      * Returns a list of {@code requires} directives in {@code directives}.
 282      * @return a list of {@code requires} directives in {@code directives}
 283      * @param directives the directives to filter
 284      * @since 9
 285      * @spec JPMS
 286      */
 287     public static List<RequiresDirective>
 288             requiresIn(Iterable<? extends Directive> directives) {
 289         return listFilter(directives, DirectiveKind.REQUIRES, RequiresDirective.class);
 290     }
 292     /**
 293      * Returns a list of {@code uses} directives in {@code directives}.
 294      * @return a list of {@code uses} directives in {@code directives}
 295      * @param directives the directives to filter
 296      * @since 9
 297      * @spec JPMS
 298      */
 299     public static List<UsesDirective>
 300             usesIn(Iterable<? extends Directive> directives) {
 301         return listFilter(directives, DirectiveKind.USES, UsesDirective.class);
 302     }
 304     // Assumes directiveKind and D are sensible.
 305     private static <D extends Directive> List<D> listFilter(Iterable<? extends Directive> directives,
 306                                                           DirectiveKind directiveKind,
 307                                                           Class<D> clazz) {
 308         List<D> list = new ArrayList<>();
 309         for (Directive d : directives) {
 310             if (d.getKind() == directiveKind)
 311                 list.add(clazz.cast(d));
 312         }
 313         return list;
 314     }
 315 }