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  51 /*
  52  * Find the best possible match in the list of display modes that we can switch to based on
  53  * the provided parameters.
  54  */
  55 static CGDisplayModeRef getBestModeForParameters(CFArrayRef allModes, int w, int h, int bpp, int refrate) {
  56     CGDisplayModeRef bestGuess = NULL;
  57     CFIndex numModes = CFArrayGetCount(allModes), n;
  58     int thisBpp = 0;
  59     for(n = 0; n < numModes; n++ ) {
  60         CGDisplayModeRef cRef = (CGDisplayModeRef) CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(allModes, n);
  61         if(cRef == NULL) {
  62             continue;
  63         }
  64         CFStringRef modeString = CGDisplayModeCopyPixelEncoding(cRef);
  65         thisBpp = getBPPFromModeString(modeString);
  66         CFRelease(modeString);
  67         if (thisBpp != bpp || (int)CGDisplayModeGetHeight(cRef) != h || (int)CGDisplayModeGetWidth(cRef) != w) {
  68             // One of the key parameters does not match
  69             continue;
  70         }

  71         // Refresh rate might be 0 in display mode and we ask for specific display rate
  72         // but if we do not find exact match then 0 refresh rate might be just Ok
  73         if (CGDisplayModeGetRefreshRate(cRef) == refrate) {
  74             // Exact match
  75             return cRef;
  76         }
  77         if (CGDisplayModeGetRefreshRate(cRef) == 0) {
  78             // Not exactly what was asked for, but may fit our needs if we don't find an exact match
  79             bestGuess = cRef;
  80         }
  81     }
  82     return bestGuess;
  83 }
  85 /*
  86  * Create a new java.awt.DisplayMode instance based on provided CGDisplayModeRef
  87  */
  88 static jobject createJavaDisplayMode(CGDisplayModeRef mode, JNIEnv *env, jint displayID) {
  89     jobject ret = NULL;
  90     jint h, w, bpp, refrate;

 148  */
 150 Java_sun_awt_CGraphicsDevice_nativeSetDisplayMode
 151 (JNIEnv *env, jclass class, jint displayID, jint w, jint h, jint bpp, jint refrate)
 152 {
 153     JNF_COCOA_ENTER(env);
 154     CFArrayRef allModes = CGDisplayCopyAllDisplayModes(displayID, NULL);
 155     CGDisplayModeRef closestMatch = getBestModeForParameters(allModes, (int)w, (int)h, (int)bpp, (int)refrate);
 156     if (closestMatch != NULL) {
 157         [JNFRunLoop performOnMainThreadWaiting:YES withBlock:^(){
 158             CGDisplayConfigRef config;
 159             CGError retCode = CGBeginDisplayConfiguration(&config);
 160             if (retCode == kCGErrorSuccess) {
 161                 CGConfigureDisplayWithDisplayMode(config, displayID, closestMatch, NULL);
 162                 CGCompleteDisplayConfiguration(config, kCGConfigureForAppOnly);
 163                 if (config != NULL) {
 164                     CFRelease(config);
 165                 }
 166             }
 167         }];

 168     }

 169     CFRelease(allModes);
 170     JNF_COCOA_EXIT(env);
 171 }
 173 /*
 174  * Class:     sun_awt_CGraphicsDevice
 175  * Method:    nativeGetDisplayMode
 176  * Signature: (I)Ljava/awt/DisplayMode
 177  */
 179 Java_sun_awt_CGraphicsDevice_nativeGetDisplayMode
 180 (JNIEnv *env, jclass class, jint displayID)
 181 {
 182     jobject ret = NULL;
 183     CGDisplayModeRef currentMode = CGDisplayCopyDisplayMode(displayID);
 184     ret = createJavaDisplayMode(currentMode, env, displayID);
 185     CGDisplayModeRelease(currentMode);
 186     return ret;
 187 }

  51 /*
  52  * Find the best possible match in the list of display modes that we can switch to based on
  53  * the provided parameters.
  54  */
  55 static CGDisplayModeRef getBestModeForParameters(CFArrayRef allModes, int w, int h, int bpp, int refrate) {
  56     CGDisplayModeRef bestGuess = NULL;
  57     CFIndex numModes = CFArrayGetCount(allModes), n;
  58     int thisBpp = 0;
  59     for(n = 0; n < numModes; n++ ) {
  60         CGDisplayModeRef cRef = (CGDisplayModeRef) CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(allModes, n);
  61         if(cRef == NULL) {
  62             continue;
  63         }
  64         CFStringRef modeString = CGDisplayModeCopyPixelEncoding(cRef);
  65         thisBpp = getBPPFromModeString(modeString);
  66         CFRelease(modeString);
  67         if (thisBpp != bpp || (int)CGDisplayModeGetHeight(cRef) != h || (int)CGDisplayModeGetWidth(cRef) != w) {
  68             // One of the key parameters does not match
  69             continue;
  70         }
  72         if (refrate == 0) { // REFRESH_RATE_UNKNOWN
  73             return cRef;
  74         }
  76         // Refresh rate might be 0 in display mode and we ask for specific display rate
  77         // but if we do not find exact match then 0 refresh rate might be just Ok
  78         if (CGDisplayModeGetRefreshRate(cRef) == refrate) {
  79             // Exact match
  80             return cRef;
  81         }
  82         if (CGDisplayModeGetRefreshRate(cRef) == 0) {
  83             // Not exactly what was asked for, but may fit our needs if we don't find an exact match
  84             bestGuess = cRef;
  85         }
  86     }
  87     return bestGuess;
  88 }
  90 /*
  91  * Create a new java.awt.DisplayMode instance based on provided CGDisplayModeRef
  92  */
  93 static jobject createJavaDisplayMode(CGDisplayModeRef mode, JNIEnv *env, jint displayID) {
  94     jobject ret = NULL;
  95     jint h, w, bpp, refrate;

 153  */
 155 Java_sun_awt_CGraphicsDevice_nativeSetDisplayMode
 156 (JNIEnv *env, jclass class, jint displayID, jint w, jint h, jint bpp, jint refrate)
 157 {
 158     JNF_COCOA_ENTER(env);
 159     CFArrayRef allModes = CGDisplayCopyAllDisplayModes(displayID, NULL);
 160     CGDisplayModeRef closestMatch = getBestModeForParameters(allModes, (int)w, (int)h, (int)bpp, (int)refrate);
 161     if (closestMatch != NULL) {
 162         [JNFRunLoop performOnMainThreadWaiting:YES withBlock:^(){
 163             CGDisplayConfigRef config;
 164             CGError retCode = CGBeginDisplayConfiguration(&config);
 165             if (retCode == kCGErrorSuccess) {
 166                 CGConfigureDisplayWithDisplayMode(config, displayID, closestMatch, NULL);
 167                 CGCompleteDisplayConfiguration(config, kCGConfigureForAppOnly);
 168                 if (config != NULL) {
 169                     CFRelease(config);
 170                 }
 171             }
 172         }];
 173     } else {
 174         [JNFException raise:env as:kIllegalArgumentException reason:"Invalid display mode"];
 175     }
 177     CFRelease(allModes);
 178     JNF_COCOA_EXIT(env);
 179 }
 181 /*
 182  * Class:     sun_awt_CGraphicsDevice
 183  * Method:    nativeGetDisplayMode
 184  * Signature: (I)Ljava/awt/DisplayMode
 185  */
 187 Java_sun_awt_CGraphicsDevice_nativeGetDisplayMode
 188 (JNIEnv *env, jclass class, jint displayID)
 189 {
 190     jobject ret = NULL;
 191     CGDisplayModeRef currentMode = CGDisplayCopyDisplayMode(displayID);
 192     ret = createJavaDisplayMode(currentMode, env, displayID);
 193     CGDisplayModeRelease(currentMode);
 194     return ret;
 195 }