
Print this page

 541         PageFormat page = defaultPage();
 543         if (service == null) {
 544             return page;
 545         }
 547         OrientationRequested orient = (OrientationRequested)
 548                                       attSet.get(OrientationRequested.class);
 549         if (orient == null) {
 550             orient = (OrientationRequested)
 551                     service.getDefaultAttributeValue(OrientationRequested.class);
 552         }
 553         if (orient == OrientationRequested.REVERSE_LANDSCAPE) {
 554             page.setOrientation(PageFormat.REVERSE_LANDSCAPE);
 555         } else if (orient == OrientationRequested.LANDSCAPE) {
 556             page.setOrientation(PageFormat.LANDSCAPE);
 557         } else {
 558             page.setOrientation(PageFormat.PORTRAIT);
 559         }

 561         Media media = (Media)attSet.get(Media.class);
 562         if (media == null) {
 563             media =
 564                 (Media)service.getDefaultAttributeValue(Media.class);
 565         }
 566         if (!(media instanceof MediaSizeName)) {
 567             media = MediaSizeName.NA_LETTER;
 568         }
 569         MediaSize size =
 570             MediaSize.getMediaSizeForName((MediaSizeName)media);
 571         if (size == null) {
 572             size = MediaSize.NA.LETTER;
 573         }
 574         Paper paper = new Paper();
 575         float dim[] = size.getSize(1); //units == 1 to avoid FP error
 576         double w = Math.rint((dim[0]*72.0)/Size2DSyntax.INCH);
 577         double h = Math.rint((dim[1]*72.0)/Size2DSyntax.INCH);
 578         paper.setSize(w, h);
 579         MediaPrintableArea area =
 580              (MediaPrintableArea)

 594                            area.getHeight(MediaPrintableArea.INCH) * DPI);
 595         }
 596         else {
 597             if (w >= 72.0 * 6.0) {
 598                 ix = 72.0;
 599                 iw = w - 2 * 72.0;
 600             } else {
 601                 ix = w / 6.0;
 602                 iw = w * 0.75;
 603             }
 604             if (h >= 72.0 * 6.0) {
 605                 iy = 72.0;
 606                 ih = h - 2 * 72.0;
 607             } else {
 608                 iy = h / 6.0;
 609                 ih = h * 0.75;
 610             }
 611         }
 612         paper.setImageableArea(ix, iy, iw, ih);
 613         page.setPaper(paper);
 614         return page;
 615     }
 617     protected void updatePageAttributes(PrintService service,
 618                                         PageFormat page) {
 619         if (this.attributes == null) {
 620             this.attributes = new HashPrintRequestAttributeSet();
 621         }
 623         updateAttributesWithPageFormat(service, page, this.attributes);
 624     }
 626     protected void updateAttributesWithPageFormat(PrintService service,
 627                                         PageFormat page,
 628                                         PrintRequestAttributeSet pageAttributes) {
 629         if (service == null || page == null || pageAttributes == null) {
 630             return;
 631         }
 633         float x = (float)Math.rint(
 634                          (page.getPaper().getWidth()*Size2DSyntax.INCH)/

 541         PageFormat page = defaultPage();
 543         if (service == null) {
 544             return page;
 545         }
 547         OrientationRequested orient = (OrientationRequested)
 548                                       attSet.get(OrientationRequested.class);
 549         if (orient == null) {
 550             orient = (OrientationRequested)
 551                     service.getDefaultAttributeValue(OrientationRequested.class);
 552         }
 553         if (orient == OrientationRequested.REVERSE_LANDSCAPE) {
 554             page.setOrientation(PageFormat.REVERSE_LANDSCAPE);
 555         } else if (orient == OrientationRequested.LANDSCAPE) {
 556             page.setOrientation(PageFormat.LANDSCAPE);
 557         } else {
 558             page.setOrientation(PageFormat.PORTRAIT);
 559         }
 561         setPaperFromAttributes(page, service, attSet);
 562         return page;
 563     }
 565     protected void setPaperFromAttributes(PageFormat page,
 566             PrintService service, PrintRequestAttributeSet attSet) {
 567         Media media = (Media)attSet.get(Media.class);
 568         if (media == null) {
 569             media =
 570                 (Media)service.getDefaultAttributeValue(Media.class);
 571         }
 572         if (!(media instanceof MediaSizeName)) {
 573             media = MediaSizeName.NA_LETTER;
 574         }
 575         MediaSize size =
 576             MediaSize.getMediaSizeForName((MediaSizeName)media);
 577         if (size == null) {
 578             size = MediaSize.NA.LETTER;
 579         }
 580         Paper paper = new Paper();
 581         float dim[] = size.getSize(1); //units == 1 to avoid FP error
 582         double w = Math.rint((dim[0]*72.0)/Size2DSyntax.INCH);
 583         double h = Math.rint((dim[1]*72.0)/Size2DSyntax.INCH);
 584         paper.setSize(w, h);
 585         MediaPrintableArea area =
 586              (MediaPrintableArea)

 600                            area.getHeight(MediaPrintableArea.INCH) * DPI);
 601         }
 602         else {
 603             if (w >= 72.0 * 6.0) {
 604                 ix = 72.0;
 605                 iw = w - 2 * 72.0;
 606             } else {
 607                 ix = w / 6.0;
 608                 iw = w * 0.75;
 609             }
 610             if (h >= 72.0 * 6.0) {
 611                 iy = 72.0;
 612                 ih = h - 2 * 72.0;
 613             } else {
 614                 iy = h / 6.0;
 615                 ih = h * 0.75;
 616             }
 617         }
 618         paper.setImageableArea(ix, iy, iw, ih);
 619         page.setPaper(paper);

 620     }
 622     protected void updatePageAttributes(PrintService service,
 623                                         PageFormat page) {
 624         if (this.attributes == null) {
 625             this.attributes = new HashPrintRequestAttributeSet();
 626         }
 628         updateAttributesWithPageFormat(service, page, this.attributes);
 629     }
 631     protected void updateAttributesWithPageFormat(PrintService service,
 632                                         PageFormat page,
 633                                         PrintRequestAttributeSet pageAttributes) {
 634         if (service == null || page == null || pageAttributes == null) {
 635             return;
 636         }
 638         float x = (float)Math.rint(
 639                          (page.getPaper().getWidth()*Size2DSyntax.INCH)/