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*** 396,405 **** --- 396,437 ---- *p = 0; } } + static int ScaleUpX(float x) { + int deviceIndex = AwtWin32GraphicsDevice::DeviceIndexForWindow( + ::GetDesktopWindow()); + Devices::InstanceAccess devices; + AwtWin32GraphicsDevice *device = devices->GetDevice(deviceIndex); + return device == NULL ? x : device->ScaleUpX(x); + } + + static int ScaleUpY(int y) { + int deviceIndex = AwtWin32GraphicsDevice::DeviceIndexForWindow( + ::GetDesktopWindow()); + Devices::InstanceAccess devices; + AwtWin32GraphicsDevice *device = devices->GetDevice(deviceIndex); + return device == NULL ? y : device->ScaleUpY(y); + } + + static int ScaleDownX(int x) { + int deviceIndex = AwtWin32GraphicsDevice::DeviceIndexForWindow( + ::GetDesktopWindow()); + Devices::InstanceAccess devices; + AwtWin32GraphicsDevice *device = devices->GetDevice(deviceIndex); + return device == NULL ? x : device->ScaleDownX(x); + } + + static int ScaleDownY(int y) { + int deviceIndex = AwtWin32GraphicsDevice::DeviceIndexForWindow( + ::GetDesktopWindow()); + Devices::InstanceAccess devices; + AwtWin32GraphicsDevice *device = devices->GetDevice(deviceIndex); + return device == NULL ? y : device->ScaleDownY(y); + } + static HFONT CreateHFont_sub(LPCWSTR name, int style, int height, int angle=0, float awScale=1.0f) { LOGFONTW logFont;
*** 422,432 **** logFont.lfWeight = (style & java_awt_Font_BOLD) ? FW_BOLD : FW_NORMAL; logFont.lfItalic = (style & java_awt_Font_ITALIC) != 0; logFont.lfUnderline = 0;//(style & java_awt_Font_UNDERLINE) != 0; // Get point size ! logFont.lfHeight = -height; // Set font name WCHAR tmpname[80]; wcscpy(tmpname, name); WCHAR* delimit = wcschr(tmpname, L','); --- 454,464 ---- logFont.lfWeight = (style & java_awt_Font_BOLD) ? FW_BOLD : FW_NORMAL; logFont.lfItalic = (style & java_awt_Font_ITALIC) != 0; logFont.lfUnderline = 0;//(style & java_awt_Font_UNDERLINE) != 0; // Get point size ! logFont.lfHeight = ScaleUpY(-height); // Set font name WCHAR tmpname[80]; wcscpy(tmpname, name); WCHAR* delimit = wcschr(tmpname, L',');
*** 449,459 **** oldFont = (HFONT)::SelectObject(hDC, oldFont); if (oldFont != NULL) { // should be the same as hFont VERIFY(::DeleteObject(oldFont)); } avgWidth = tm.tmAveCharWidth; ! logFont.lfWidth = (LONG)((fabs)(avgWidth*awScale)); hFont = ::CreateFontIndirect(&logFont); DASSERT(hFont != NULL); VERIFY(::ReleaseDC(0, hDC)); } --- 481,491 ---- oldFont = (HFONT)::SelectObject(hDC, oldFont); if (oldFont != NULL) { // should be the same as hFont VERIFY(::DeleteObject(oldFont)); } avgWidth = tm.tmAveCharWidth; ! logFont.lfWidth = (LONG) ScaleUpX((fabs) (avgWidth * awScale)); hFont = ::CreateFontIndirect(&logFont); DASSERT(hFont != NULL); VERIFY(::ReleaseDC(0, hDC)); }
*** 533,555 **** awtFont->m_ascent = metrics.tmAscent; int ascent = metrics.tmAscent; int descent = metrics.tmDescent; int leading = metrics.tmExternalLeading; ! env->SetIntField(fontMetrics, AwtFont::ascentID, ascent); ! env->SetIntField(fontMetrics, AwtFont::descentID, descent); ! env->SetIntField(fontMetrics, AwtFont::leadingID, leading); ! env->SetIntField(fontMetrics, AwtFont::heightID, metrics.tmAscent + ! metrics.tmDescent + leading); ! env->SetIntField(fontMetrics, AwtFont::maxAscentID, ascent); ! env->SetIntField(fontMetrics, AwtFont::maxDescentID, descent); int maxHeight = ascent + descent + leading; ! env->SetIntField(fontMetrics, AwtFont::maxHeightID, maxHeight); int maxAdvance = metrics.tmMaxCharWidth; ! env->SetIntField(fontMetrics, AwtFont::maxAdvanceID, maxAdvance); awtFont->m_overhang = metrics.tmOverhang; jint intWidths[256]; memset(intWidths, 0, 256 * sizeof(int)); --- 565,588 ---- awtFont->m_ascent = metrics.tmAscent; int ascent = metrics.tmAscent; int descent = metrics.tmDescent; int leading = metrics.tmExternalLeading; ! ! env->SetIntField(fontMetrics, AwtFont::ascentID, ScaleDownY(ascent)); ! env->SetIntField(fontMetrics, AwtFont::descentID, ScaleDownY(descent)); ! env->SetIntField(fontMetrics, AwtFont::leadingID, ScaleDownX(leading)); ! env->SetIntField(fontMetrics, AwtFont::heightID, ! ScaleDownY(metrics.tmAscent + metrics.tmDescent + leading)); ! env->SetIntField(fontMetrics, AwtFont::maxAscentID, ScaleDownY(ascent)); ! env->SetIntField(fontMetrics, AwtFont::maxDescentID, ScaleDownY(descent)); int maxHeight = ascent + descent + leading; ! env->SetIntField(fontMetrics, AwtFont::maxHeightID, ScaleDownY(maxHeight)); int maxAdvance = metrics.tmMaxCharWidth; ! env->SetIntField(fontMetrics, AwtFont::maxAdvanceID, ScaleDownX(maxAdvance)); awtFont->m_overhang = metrics.tmOverhang; jint intWidths[256]; memset(intWidths, 0, 256 * sizeof(int));
*** 816,825 **** --- 849,859 ---- HDC hDC = ::GetDC(0); DASSERT(hDC != NULL); jobject font = env->GetObjectField(self, AwtFont::fontID); long ret = AwtFont::getMFStringWidth(hDC, font, str); + ret = ScaleDownX(ret); VERIFY(::ReleaseDC(0, hDC)); return ret; CATCH_BAD_ALLOC_RET(0); }
*** 922,932 **** } throw; } env->ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical(str, pStrBody, 0); ! return result; CATCH_BAD_ALLOC_RET(0); } --- 956,966 ---- } throw; } env->ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical(str, pStrBody, 0); ! return ScaleDownX(result); CATCH_BAD_ALLOC_RET(0); }
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