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  71 message.multiple-launchers=Multiple launchers found in predefined app-image.  {0} will be used as primary launcher.
  72 message.potential.windows.defender.issue=Warning: Windows Defender may prevent jpackage from functioning. If there is an issue, it can be addressed by either disabling realtime monitoring, or adding an exclusion for the directory "{0}".
  73 message.tool-wrong-version=Detected [{0}] version {1} but version {2} is required.
  74 message.outputting-to-location=Generating EXE for installer to\: {0}
  75 message.output-location=Installer (.exe) saved to\: {0}
  76 message.tool-version=\  Detected [{0}] version [{1}]
  77 message.one-shortcut-required=At least one type of shortcut is required. Enabling menu shortcut.
  78 message.running-wsh-script=Running WSH script on application image [{0}]
  79 message.iscc-file-string=\  InnoSetup compiler set to {0}
  80 message.creating-association-with-null-extension=Creating association with null extension.
  81 message.wrong-tool-version=Detected [{0}] version {1} but version {2} is required.
  82 message.version-string-too-many-components=Version sting may have up to 3 components - major.minor.build .
  83 message.truncating.id=Truncating Application ID to 126 chars for Inno Setup.
  84 message.use-wix36-features=WiX 3.6 detected. Enabling advanced cleanup action.
  85 message.generated-product-guid=Generated product GUID\: {0}
  86 message.preparing-msi-config=Preparing MSI config\: {0}
  87 message.generating-msi=Generating MSI\: {0}
  88 message.light-file-string=WiX light tool set to {0}
  89 message.candle-file-string=WiX candle tool set to {0}
  90 message.install.dir.exist=The folder [APPLICATIONFOLDER] already exist. Whould you like to install to that folder anyway?


  71 message.multiple-launchers=Multiple launchers found in predefined app-image.  {0} will be used as primary launcher.
  72 message.potential.windows.defender.issue=Warning: Windows Defender may prevent jpackage from functioning. If there is an issue, it can be addressed by either disabling realtime monitoring, or adding an exclusion for the directory "{0}".
  73 message.tool-wrong-version=Detected [{0}] version {1} but version {2} is required.
  74 message.outputting-to-location=Generating EXE for installer to\: {0}
  75 message.output-location=Installer (.exe) saved to\: {0}
  76 message.tool-version=\  Detected [{0}] version [{1}]
  77 message.one-shortcut-required=At least one type of shortcut is required. Enabling menu shortcut.
  78 message.running-wsh-script=Running WSH script on application image [{0}]
  79 message.iscc-file-string=\  InnoSetup compiler set to {0}
  80 message.creating-association-with-null-extension=Creating association with null extension.
  81 message.wrong-tool-version=Detected [{0}] version {1} but version {2} is required.
  82 message.version-string-too-many-components=Version sting may have up to 3 components - major.minor.build .
  83 message.truncating.id=Truncating Application ID to 126 chars for Inno Setup.
  84 message.use-wix36-features=WiX 3.6 detected. Enabling advanced cleanup action.
  85 message.generated-product-guid=Generated product GUID\: {0}
  86 message.preparing-msi-config=Preparing MSI config\: {0}
  87 message.generating-msi=Generating MSI\: {0}
  88 message.light-file-string=WiX light tool set to {0}
  89 message.candle-file-string=WiX candle tool set to {0}
  90 message.install.dir.exist=The folder [APPLICATIONFOLDER] already exist. Whould you like to install to that folder anyway?
  91 message.invalid.install.dir=Warning: Invalid install dir {0}. Install dir should be a relative sub-path under default installation location such as "Program Files". Defaulting to application name "{1}".
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