1 /*
   2  * Copyright (c) 2013, Red Hat Inc.
   3  * All rights reserved.
   5  *
   6  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   7  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   8  * published by the Free Software Foundation.
   9  *
  10  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  11  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  12  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  13  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  14  * accompanied this code).
  15  *
  16  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  17  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  18  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  19  *
  20  */
  22 #include <stdlib.h>
  23 #include "immediate_aarch64.hpp"
  25 // there are at most 2^13 possible logical immediate encodings
  26 // however, some combinations of immr and imms are invalid
  27 static const unsigned  LI_TABLE_SIZE = (1 << 13);
  29 static int li_table_entry_count;
  31 // for forward lookup we just use a direct array lookup
  32 // and assume that the cient has supplied a valid encoding
  33 // table[encoding] = immediate
  34 static u_int64_t LITable[LI_TABLE_SIZE];
  36 // for reverse lookup we need a sparse map so we store a table of
  37 // immediate and encoding pairs sorted by immediate value
  39 struct li_pair {
  40   u_int64_t immediate;
  41   u_int32_t encoding;
  42 };
  44 static struct li_pair InverseLITable[LI_TABLE_SIZE];
  46 // comparator to sort entries in the inverse table
  47 int compare_immediate_pair(const void *i1, const void *i2)
  48 {
  49   struct li_pair *li1 = (struct li_pair *)i1;
  50   struct li_pair *li2 = (struct li_pair *)i2;
  51   if (li1->immediate < li2->immediate) {
  52     return -1;
  53   }
  54   if (li1->immediate > li2->immediate) {
  55     return 1;
  56   }
  57   return 0;
  58 }
  60 // helper functions used by expandLogicalImmediate
  62 // for i = 1, ... N result<i-1> = 1 other bits are zero
  63 static inline u_int64_t ones(int N)
  64 {
  65   return (N == 64 ? (u_int64_t)-1UL : ((1UL << N) - 1));
  66 }
  68 /*
  69  * bit twiddling helpers for instruction decode
  70  */
  72 // 32 bit mask with bits [hi,...,lo] set
  73 static inline u_int32_t mask32(int hi = 31, int lo = 0)
  74 {
  75   int nbits = (hi + 1) - lo;
  76   return ((1 << nbits) - 1) << lo;
  77 }
  79 static inline u_int64_t mask64(int hi = 63, int lo = 0)
  80 {
  81   int nbits = (hi + 1) - lo;
  82   return ((1L << nbits) - 1) << lo;
  83 }
  85 // pick bits [hi,...,lo] from val
  86 static inline u_int32_t pick32(u_int32_t val, int hi = 31, int lo = 0)
  87 {
  88   return (val & mask32(hi, lo));
  89 }
  91 // pick bits [hi,...,lo] from val
  92 static inline u_int64_t pick64(u_int64_t val, int hi = 31, int lo = 0)
  93 {
  94   return (val & mask64(hi, lo));
  95 }
  97 // mask [hi,lo] and shift down to start at bit 0
  98 static inline u_int32_t pickbits32(u_int32_t val, int hi = 31, int lo = 0)
  99 {
 100   return (pick32(val, hi, lo) >> lo);
 101 }
 103 // mask [hi,lo] and shift down to start at bit 0
 104 static inline u_int64_t pickbits64(u_int64_t val, int hi = 63, int lo = 0)
 105 {
 106   return (pick64(val, hi, lo) >> lo);
 107 }
 109 // result<0> to val<N>
 110 static inline u_int64_t pickbit(u_int64_t val, int N)
 111 {
 112   return pickbits64(val, N, N);
 113 }
 115 static inline u_int32_t uimm(u_int32_t val, int hi, int lo)
 116 {
 117   return pickbits32(val, hi, lo);
 118 }
 120 // SPEC bits(M*N) Replicate(bits(M) x, integer N);
 121 // this is just an educated guess
 123 u_int64_t replicate(u_int64_t bits, int nbits, int count)
 124 {
 125   u_int64_t result = 0;
 126   // nbits may be 64 in which case we want mask to be -1
 127   u_int64_t mask = ones(nbits);
 128   for (int i = 0; i < count ; i++) {
 129     result <<= nbits;
 130     result |= (bits & mask);
 131   }
 132   return result;
 133 }
 135 // this function writes the supplied bimm reference and returns a
 136 // boolean to indicate success (1) or fail (0) because an illegal
 137 // encoding must be treated as an UNALLOC instruction
 139 // construct a 32 bit immediate value for a logical immediate operation
 140 int expandLogicalImmediate(u_int32_t immN, u_int32_t immr,
 141                             u_int32_t imms, u_int64_t &bimm)
 142 {
 143   int len;                  // ought to be <= 6
 144   u_int32_t levels;         // 6 bits
 145   u_int32_t tmask_and;      // 6 bits
 146   u_int32_t wmask_and;      // 6 bits
 147   u_int32_t tmask_or;       // 6 bits
 148   u_int32_t wmask_or;       // 6 bits
 149   u_int64_t imm64;          // 64 bits
 150   u_int64_t tmask, wmask;   // 64 bits
 151   u_int32_t S, R, diff;     // 6 bits?
 153   if (immN == 1) {
 154     len = 6; // looks like 7 given the spec above but this cannot be!
 155   } else {
 156     len = 0;
 157     u_int32_t val = (~imms & 0x3f);
 158     for (int i = 5; i > 0; i--) {
 159       if (val & (1 << i)) {
 160         len = i;
 161         break;
 162       }
 163     }
 164     if (len < 1) {
 165       return 0;
 166     }
 167     // for valid inputs leading 1s in immr must be less than leading
 168     // zeros in imms
 169     int len2 = 0;                   // ought to be < len
 170     u_int32_t val2 = (~immr & 0x3f);
 171     for (int i = 5; i > 0; i--) {
 172       if (!(val2 & (1 << i))) {
 173         len2 = i;
 174         break;
 175       }
 176     }
 177     if (len2 >= len) {
 178       return 0;
 179     }
 180   }
 182   levels = (1 << len) - 1;
 184   if ((imms & levels) == levels) {
 185     return 0;
 186   }
 188   S = imms & levels;
 189   R = immr & levels;
 191  // 6 bit arithmetic!
 192   diff = S - R;
 193   tmask_and = (diff | ~levels) & 0x3f;
 194   tmask_or = (diff & levels) & 0x3f;
 195   tmask = 0xffffffffffffffffULL;
 197   for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
 198     int nbits = 1 << i;
 199     u_int64_t and_bit = pickbit(tmask_and, i);
 200     u_int64_t or_bit = pickbit(tmask_or, i);
 201     u_int64_t and_bits_sub = replicate(and_bit, 1, nbits);
 202     u_int64_t or_bits_sub = replicate(or_bit, 1, nbits);
 203     u_int64_t and_bits_top = (and_bits_sub << nbits) | ones(nbits);
 204     u_int64_t or_bits_top = (0 << nbits) | or_bits_sub;
 206     tmask = ((tmask
 207               & (replicate(and_bits_top, 2 * nbits, 32 / nbits)))
 208              | replicate(or_bits_top, 2 * nbits, 32 / nbits));
 209   }
 211   wmask_and = (immr | ~levels) & 0x3f;
 212   wmask_or = (immr & levels) & 0x3f;
 214   wmask = 0;
 216   for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
 217     int nbits = 1 << i;
 218     u_int64_t and_bit = pickbit(wmask_and, i);
 219     u_int64_t or_bit = pickbit(wmask_or, i);
 220     u_int64_t and_bits_sub = replicate(and_bit, 1, nbits);
 221     u_int64_t or_bits_sub = replicate(or_bit, 1, nbits);
 222     u_int64_t and_bits_top = (ones(nbits) << nbits) | and_bits_sub;
 223     u_int64_t or_bits_top = (or_bits_sub << nbits) | 0;
 225     wmask = ((wmask
 226               & (replicate(and_bits_top, 2 * nbits, 32 / nbits)))
 227              | replicate(or_bits_top, 2 * nbits, 32 / nbits));
 228   }
 230   if (diff & (1U << 6)) {
 231     imm64 = tmask & wmask;
 232   } else {
 233     imm64 = tmask | wmask;
 234   }
 237   bimm = imm64;
 238   return 1;
 239 }
 241 // constructor to initialise the lookup tables
 243 static void initLITables() __attribute__ ((constructor));
 244 static void initLITables()
 245 {
 246   li_table_entry_count = 0;
 247   for (unsigned index = 0; index < LI_TABLE_SIZE; index++) {
 248     u_int32_t N = uimm(index, 12, 12);
 249     u_int32_t immr = uimm(index, 11, 6);
 250     u_int32_t imms = uimm(index, 5, 0);
 251     if (expandLogicalImmediate(N, immr, imms, LITable[index])) {
 252       InverseLITable[li_table_entry_count].immediate = LITable[index];
 253       InverseLITable[li_table_entry_count].encoding = index;
 254       li_table_entry_count++;
 255     }
 256   }
 257   // now sort the inverse table
 258   qsort(InverseLITable, li_table_entry_count,
 259         sizeof(InverseLITable[0]), compare_immediate_pair);
 260 }
 262 // public APIs provided for logical immediate lookup and reverse lookup
 264 u_int64_t logical_immediate_for_encoding(u_int32_t encoding)
 265 {
 266   return LITable[encoding];
 267 }
 269 u_int32_t encoding_for_logical_immediate(u_int64_t immediate)
 270 {
 271   struct li_pair pair;
 272   struct li_pair *result;
 274   pair.immediate = immediate;
 276   result = (struct li_pair *)
 277     bsearch(&pair, InverseLITable, li_table_entry_count,
 278             sizeof(InverseLITable[0]), compare_immediate_pair);
 280   if (result) {
 281     return result->encoding;
 282   }
 284   return 0xffffffff;
 285 }
 287 // floating point immediates are encoded in 8 bits
 288 // fpimm[7] = sign bit
 289 // fpimm[6:4] = signed exponent
 290 // fpimm[3:0] = fraction (assuming leading 1)
 291 // i.e. F = s * 1.f * 2^(e - b)
 293 u_int64_t fp_immediate_for_encoding(u_int32_t imm8, int is_dp)
 294 {
 295   union {
 296     float fpval;
 297     double dpval;
 298     u_int64_t val;
 299   };
 301   u_int32_t s, e, f;
 302   s = (imm8 >> 7 ) & 0x1;
 303   e = (imm8 >> 4) & 0x7;
 304   f = imm8 & 0xf;
 305   // the fp value is s * n/16 * 2r where n is 16+e
 306   fpval = (16.0 + f) / 16.0;
 307   // n.b. exponent is signed
 308   if (e < 4) {
 309     int epos = e;
 310     for (int i = 0; i <= epos; i++) {
 311       fpval *= 2.0;
 312     }
 313   } else {
 314     int eneg = 7 - e;
 315     for (int i = 0; i < eneg; i++) {
 316       fpval /= 2.0;
 317     }
 318   }
 320   if (s) {
 321     fpval = -fpval;
 322   }
 323   if (is_dp) {
 324     dpval = (double)fpval;
 325   }
 326   return val;
 327 }
 329 u_int32_t encoding_for_fp_immediate(float immediate)
 330 {
 331   // given a float which is of the form
 332   //
 333   //     s * n/16 * 2r
 334   //
 335   // where n is 16+f and imm1:s, imm4:f, simm3:r
 336   // return the imm8 result [s:r:f]
 337   //
 339   union {
 340     float fpval;
 341     u_int32_t val;
 342   };
 343   fpval = immediate;
 344   u_int32_t s, r, f, res;
 345   // sign bit is 31
 346   s = (val >> 31) & 0x1;
 347   // exponent is bits 30-23 but we only want the bottom 3 bits
 348   // strictly we ought to check that the bits bits 30-25 are
 349   // either all 1s or all 0s
 350   r = (val >> 23) & 0x7;
 351   // fraction is bits 22-0
 352   f = (val >> 19) & 0xf;
 353   res = (s << 7) | (r << 4) | f;
 354   return res;
 355 }