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*** 305,314 **** --- 305,315 ---- // AWT gets here AFTER +[AWTStarter appKitIsRunning:] is called. if (verbose) AWT_DEBUG_LOG(@"got out of the AppKit startup mutex"); } + if (!headless) { // Don't set the delegate until the NSApplication has been created and // its finishLaunching has initialized it. // ApplicationDelegate is the support code for void (^setDelegateBlock)() = ^(){ OSXAPP_SetApplicationDelegate([ApplicationDelegate sharedDelegate]);
*** 316,325 **** --- 317,327 ---- if (onMainThread) { setDelegateBlock(); } else { [JNFRunLoop performOnMainThreadWaiting:YES withBlock:setDelegateBlock]; } + } } - (void)starter:(NSArray*)args { NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [NSAutoreleasePool new];