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@@ -38,45 +38,25 @@
 #import "LWCToolkit.h"
 #import "GeomUtilities.h"
 #import "ThreadUtilities.h"
 #import "OSVersion.h"
 #define MASK(KEY) \
     (sun_lwawt_macosx_CPlatformWindow_ ## KEY)
 #define IS(BITS, KEY) \
     ((BITS & MASK(KEY)) != 0)
 #define SET(BITS, KEY, VALUE) \
 static JNF_CLASS_CACHE(jc_CPlatformWindow, "sun/lwawt/macosx/CPlatformWindow");
-@interface JavaResizeGrowBoxOverlayWindow : NSWindow { }
-@implementation JavaResizeGrowBoxOverlayWindow
-- (BOOL) accessibilityIsIgnored
-    return YES;
-- (NSArray *)accessibilityChildrenAttribute
-    return nil;
 @implementation AWTWindow
 @synthesize javaPlatformWindow;
 @synthesize javaMenuBar;
-@synthesize growBoxWindow;
 @synthesize javaMinSize;
 @synthesize javaMaxSize;
 @synthesize styleBits;
 - (void) updateMinMaxSize:(BOOL)resizable {

@@ -152,28 +132,10 @@
-- (BOOL) shouldShowGrowBox {
-    return isSnowLeopardOrLower() && IS(self.styleBits, RESIZABLE);
-- (NSImage *) createGrowBoxImage {
-    NSImage *image = [[NSImage alloc] initWithSize:NSMakeSize(12, 12)];
-    JRSUIControlRef growBoxWidget = JRSUIControlCreate(FALSE);
-    JRSUIControlSetWidget(growBoxWidget, kJRSUI_Widget_growBoxTextured);
-    JRSUIControlSetWindowType(growBoxWidget, kJRSUI_WindowType_utility);
-    JRSUIRendererRef renderer = JRSUIRendererCreate();
-    [image lockFocus]; // sets current graphics context to that of the image
-    JRSUIControlDraw(renderer, growBoxWidget, [[NSGraphicsContext currentContext] graphicsPort], CGRectMake(0, 1, 11, 11));
-    [image unlockFocus];
-    JRSUIRendererRelease(renderer);
-    JRSUIControlRelease(growBoxWidget);
-    return image;
 - (id) initWithPlatformWindow:(JNFWeakJObjectWrapper *)platformWindow
                   contentView:(NSView *)view

@@ -203,41 +165,18 @@
     [self setContentView:view];
     [self setInitialFirstResponder:view];
     [self setReleasedWhenClosed:NO];
     [self setPreservesContentDuringLiveResize:YES];
-    if ([self shouldShowGrowBox]) {
-        NSImage *growBoxImage = [self createGrowBoxImage];
-        growBoxWindow = [[JavaResizeGrowBoxOverlayWindow alloc] initWithContentRect:NSMakeRect(0, 0, [growBoxImage size].width, [growBoxImage size].height) styleMask:NSBorderlessWindowMask backing:NSBackingStoreBuffered defer:NO];
-        [self.growBoxWindow setIgnoresMouseEvents:YES];
-        [self.growBoxWindow setOpaque:NO];
-        [self.growBoxWindow setBackgroundColor:[NSColor clearColor]];
-        [self.growBoxWindow setHasShadow:NO];
-        [self.growBoxWindow setReleasedWhenClosed:NO];
-        NSImageView *imageView = [[NSImageView alloc] initWithFrame:[self.growBoxWindow frame]];
-        [imageView setEditable:NO];
-        [imageView setAnimates:NO];
-        [imageView setAllowsCutCopyPaste:NO];
-        [self.growBoxWindow setContentView:imageView];
-        [imageView setImage:growBoxImage];
-        [growBoxImage release];
-        [imageView release];
-        [self addChildWindow:self.growBoxWindow ordered:NSWindowAbove];
-        [self adjustGrowBoxWindow];
-    } else growBoxWindow = nil;
     return self;
 - (void) dealloc {
     JNIEnv *env = [ThreadUtilities getJNIEnv];
     [self.javaPlatformWindow setJObject:nil withEnv:env];
-    self.growBoxWindow = nil;
     [super dealloc];

@@ -319,18 +258,10 @@
 // NSWindowDelegate methods
-- (void) adjustGrowBoxWindow {
-    if (self.growBoxWindow != nil) {
-        NSRect parentRect = [self frame];
-        parentRect.origin.x += (parentRect.size.width - [self.growBoxWindow frame].size.width);
-        [self.growBoxWindow setFrameOrigin:parentRect.origin];
-    }
 - (void) _deliverMoveResizeEvent {
     // deliver the event if this is a user-initiated live resize or as a side-effect
     // of a Java initiated resize, because AppKit can override the bounds and force

@@ -340,12 +271,10 @@
     jobject platformWindow = [self.javaPlatformWindow jObjectWithEnv:env];
     if (platformWindow == NULL) {
         // TODO: create generic AWT assert
-    [self adjustGrowBoxWindow];
     NSRect frame = ConvertNSScreenRect(env, [self frame]);
     static JNF_MEMBER_CACHE(jm_deliverMoveResizeEvent, jc_CPlatformWindow, "deliverMoveResizeEvent", "(IIII)V");
     JNFCallVoidMethod(env, platformWindow, jm_deliverMoveResizeEvent,

@@ -546,10 +475,35 @@
                 JNFCallVoidMethod(env, platformWindow, jm_deliverNCMouseDown);
         [super sendEvent:event];
+- (void)constrainSize:(NSSize*)size {
+    float minWidth = 0.f, minHeight = 0.f;
+    if (IS(self.styleBits, DECORATED)) {
+        NSRect frame = [self frame];
+        NSRect contentRect = [NSWindow contentRectForFrameRect:frame styleMask:[self styleMask]];
+        float top = frame.size.height - contentRect.size.height;
+        float left = contentRect.origin.x - frame.origin.x;
+        float bottom = contentRect.origin.y - frame.origin.y;
+        float right = frame.size.width - (contentRect.size.width + left);
+        // Speculative estimation: 80 - enough for window decorations controls
+        minWidth += left + right + 80;
+        minHeight += top + bottom;
+    }
+    minWidth = MAX(1.f, minWidth);
+    minHeight = MAX(1.f, minHeight);
+    size->width = MAX(size->width, minWidth);
+    size->height = MAX(size->height, minHeight);
 @end // AWTWindow
  * Class:     sun_lwawt_macosx_CPlatformWindow

@@ -701,10 +655,12 @@
     AWTWindow *window = OBJC(windowPtr);
     [JNFRunLoop performOnMainThreadWaiting:NO withBlock:^(){
         NSRect rect = ConvertNSScreenRect(NULL, jrect);
+        [window constrainSize:&rect.size];
         [window setFrame:rect display:YES];
         // only start tracking events if pointer is above the toplevel
         // TODO: should post an Entered event if YES.
         NSPoint mLocation = [NSEvent mouseLocation];

@@ -732,17 +688,20 @@
     if (minW < 1) minW = 1;
     if (minH < 1) minH = 1;
     if (maxW < 1) maxW = 1;
     if (maxH < 1) maxH = 1;
-    NSSize min = { minW, minH };
-    NSSize max = { maxW, maxH };
     AWTWindow *window = OBJC(windowPtr);
     [JNFRunLoop performOnMainThreadWaiting:NO withBlock:^(){
+        NSSize min = { minW, minH };
+        NSSize max = { maxW, maxH };
+        [window constrainSize:&min];
+        [window constrainSize:&max];
         window.javaMinSize = min;
         window.javaMaxSize = max;
         [window updateMinMaxSize:IS(window.styleBits, RESIZABLE)];

@@ -828,11 +787,10 @@
     AWTWindow *window = OBJC(windowPtr);
     [JNFRunLoop performOnMainThreadWaiting:NO withBlock:^(){
         [window setAlphaValue:alpha];
-        [window.growBoxWindow setAlphaValue:alpha];