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2461                     new CausedFocusEvent(descendant, FocusEvent.FOCUS_GAINED,
2462                                    temporary, currentFocusOwner, cause);
2463                 // Fix 5028014. Rolled out.
2464                 // SunToolkit.postPriorityEvent(newFocusOwnerEvent);
2465                 SunToolkit.postEvent(descendant.appContext, newFocusOwnerEvent);
2467                 if (focusLog.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.FINEST))
2468                     focusLog.finest("2. SNFH_HANDLED for {0}", String.valueOf(descendant));
2469                 return SNFH_SUCCESS_HANDLED;
2470             } else if (hwFocusRequest != null &&
2471                        hwFocusRequest.heavyweight == heavyweight) {
2472                 // 'heavyweight' doesn't have the native focus right now, but
2473                 // if all pending requests were completed, it would. Add
2474                 // descendant to the heavyweight's list of pending
2475                 // lightweight focus transfers.
2476                 if (hwFocusRequest.addLightweightRequest(descendant,
2477                                                          temporary, cause)) {
2478                     manager.enqueueKeyEvents(time, descendant);
2479                 }
2481                 if (focusLog.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.FINEST))
2482                     focusLog.finest("3. SNFH_HANDLED for lightweight" +
2483                                     descendant + " in " + heavyweight);

2484                 return SNFH_SUCCESS_HANDLED;
2485             } else {
2486                 if (!focusedWindowChangeAllowed) {
2487                     // For purposes of computing oldFocusedWindow, we should look at
2488                     // the second to last HeavyweightFocusRequest on the queue iff the
2489                     // last HeavyweightFocusRequest is CLEAR_GLOBAL_FOCUS_OWNER. If
2490                     // there is no second to last HeavyweightFocusRequest, null is an
2491                     // acceptable value.
2492                     if (hwFocusRequest ==
2493                         HeavyweightFocusRequest.CLEAR_GLOBAL_FOCUS_OWNER)
2494                     {
2495                         int size = heavyweightRequests.size();
2496                         hwFocusRequest = (HeavyweightFocusRequest)((size >= 2)
2497                             ? heavyweightRequests.get(size - 2)
2498                             : null);
2499                     }
2500                     if (focusedWindowChanged(heavyweight,
2501                                              (hwFocusRequest != null)
2502                                              ? hwFocusRequest.heavyweight
2503                                              : nativeFocusedWindow)) {
2504                         if (focusLog.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.FINEST))
2505                             focusLog.finest("4. SNFH_FAILURE for " + descendant);

2506                         return SNFH_FAILURE;
2507                     }
2508                 }
2510                 manager.enqueueKeyEvents(time, descendant);
2511                 heavyweightRequests.add
2512                     (new HeavyweightFocusRequest(heavyweight, descendant,
2513                                                  temporary, cause));
2514                 if (focusLog.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.FINEST))
2515                     focusLog.finest("5. SNFH_PROCEED for " + descendant);

2516                 return SNFH_SUCCESS_PROCEED;
2517             }
2518         }
2519     }
2521     /**
2522      * Returns the Window which will be active after processing this request,
2523      * or null if this is a duplicate request. The active Window is useful
2524      * because some native platforms do not support setting the native focus
2525      * owner to null. On these platforms, the obvious choice is to set the
2526      * focus owner to the focus proxy of the active Window.
2527      */
2528     static Window markClearGlobalFocusOwner() {
2529         // need to call this out of synchronized block to avoid possible deadlock
2530         // see 6454631.
2531         final Component nativeFocusedWindow =
2532                 getCurrentKeyboardFocusManager().getNativeFocusedWindow();
2534         synchronized (heavyweightRequests) {
2535             HeavyweightFocusRequest hwFocusRequest = getLastHWRequest();

2461                     new CausedFocusEvent(descendant, FocusEvent.FOCUS_GAINED,
2462                                    temporary, currentFocusOwner, cause);
2463                 // Fix 5028014. Rolled out.
2464                 // SunToolkit.postPriorityEvent(newFocusOwnerEvent);
2465                 SunToolkit.postEvent(descendant.appContext, newFocusOwnerEvent);
2467                 if (focusLog.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.FINEST))
2468                     focusLog.finest("2. SNFH_HANDLED for {0}", String.valueOf(descendant));
2469                 return SNFH_SUCCESS_HANDLED;
2470             } else if (hwFocusRequest != null &&
2471                        hwFocusRequest.heavyweight == heavyweight) {
2472                 // 'heavyweight' doesn't have the native focus right now, but
2473                 // if all pending requests were completed, it would. Add
2474                 // descendant to the heavyweight's list of pending
2475                 // lightweight focus transfers.
2476                 if (hwFocusRequest.addLightweightRequest(descendant,
2477                                                          temporary, cause)) {
2478                     manager.enqueueKeyEvents(time, descendant);
2479                 }
2481                 if (focusLog.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.FINEST)) {
2482                     focusLog.finest("3. SNFH_HANDLED for lightweight" +
2483                                     descendant + " in " + heavyweight);
2484                 }
2485                 return SNFH_SUCCESS_HANDLED;
2486             } else {
2487                 if (!focusedWindowChangeAllowed) {
2488                     // For purposes of computing oldFocusedWindow, we should look at
2489                     // the second to last HeavyweightFocusRequest on the queue iff the
2490                     // last HeavyweightFocusRequest is CLEAR_GLOBAL_FOCUS_OWNER. If
2491                     // there is no second to last HeavyweightFocusRequest, null is an
2492                     // acceptable value.
2493                     if (hwFocusRequest ==
2494                         HeavyweightFocusRequest.CLEAR_GLOBAL_FOCUS_OWNER)
2495                     {
2496                         int size = heavyweightRequests.size();
2497                         hwFocusRequest = (HeavyweightFocusRequest)((size >= 2)
2498                             ? heavyweightRequests.get(size - 2)
2499                             : null);
2500                     }
2501                     if (focusedWindowChanged(heavyweight,
2502                                              (hwFocusRequest != null)
2503                                              ? hwFocusRequest.heavyweight
2504                                              : nativeFocusedWindow)) {
2505                         if (focusLog.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.FINEST)) {
2506                             focusLog.finest("4. SNFH_FAILURE for " + descendant);
2507                         }
2508                         return SNFH_FAILURE;
2509                     }
2510                 }
2512                 manager.enqueueKeyEvents(time, descendant);
2513                 heavyweightRequests.add
2514                     (new HeavyweightFocusRequest(heavyweight, descendant,
2515                                                  temporary, cause));
2516                 if (focusLog.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.FINEST)) {
2517                     focusLog.finest("5. SNFH_PROCEED for " + descendant);
2518                 }
2519                 return SNFH_SUCCESS_PROCEED;
2520             }
2521         }
2522     }
2524     /**
2525      * Returns the Window which will be active after processing this request,
2526      * or null if this is a duplicate request. The active Window is useful
2527      * because some native platforms do not support setting the native focus
2528      * owner to null. On these platforms, the obvious choice is to set the
2529      * focus owner to the focus proxy of the active Window.
2530      */
2531     static Window markClearGlobalFocusOwner() {
2532         // need to call this out of synchronized block to avoid possible deadlock
2533         // see 6454631.
2534         final Component nativeFocusedWindow =
2535                 getCurrentKeyboardFocusManager().getNativeFocusedWindow();
2537         synchronized (heavyweightRequests) {
2538             HeavyweightFocusRequest hwFocusRequest = getLastHWRequest();