Summary: APPLICATION_SUMMARY Name: APPLICATION_PACKAGE Version: APPLICATION_VERSION Release: APPLICATION_RELEASE License: APPLICATION_LICENSE_TYPE Vendor: APPLICATION_VENDOR Prefix: %{dirname:APPLICATION_DIRECTORY} Provides: APPLICATION_PACKAGE %if "xAPPLICATION_GROUP" != x Group: APPLICATION_GROUP %endif Autoprov: 0 Autoreq: 0 %if "xPACKAGE_DEPENDENCIES" != x Requires: PACKAGE_DEPENDENCIES %endif #avoid ARCH subfolder %define _rpmfilename %%{NAME}-%%{VERSION}-%%{RELEASE}.%%{ARCH}.rpm #comment line below to enable effective jar compression #it could easily get your package size from 40 to 15Mb but #build time will substantially increase and it may require unpack200/system java to install %define __jar_repack %{nil} %description APPLICATION_DESCRIPTION %prep %build %install rm -rf %{buildroot} install -d -m 755 %{buildroot}APPLICATION_DIRECTORY cp -r %{_sourcedir}APPLICATION_DIRECTORY/* %{buildroot}APPLICATION_DIRECTORY %if "xAPPLICATION_LICENSE_FILE" != x %define license_install_file %{_defaultlicensedir}/%{name}-%{version}/%{basename:APPLICATION_LICENSE_FILE} install -d -m 755 %{buildroot}%{dirname:%{license_install_file}} install -m 644 APPLICATION_LICENSE_FILE %{buildroot}%{license_install_file} %endif %files %if "xAPPLICATION_LICENSE_FILE" != x %license %{license_install_file} %{dirname:%{license_install_file}} %endif # If installation directory for the application is /a/b/c, we want only root # component of the path (/a) in the spec file to make sure all subdirectories # are owned by the package. %(echo APPLICATION_DIRECTORY | sed -e "s|\(^/[^/]\{1,\}\).*$|\1|") %post DESKTOP_COMMANDS_INSTALL %preun UTILITY_SCRIPTS DESKTOP_COMMANDS_UNINSTALL %clean