/* * Copyright (c) 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ import static jdk.dynalink.StandardNamespace.ELEMENT; import static jdk.dynalink.StandardNamespace.METHOD; import static jdk.dynalink.StandardNamespace.PROPERTY; import static jdk.dynalink.StandardOperation.CALL; import static jdk.dynalink.StandardOperation.GET; import static jdk.dynalink.StandardOperation.SET; import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles; import java.lang.invoke.MethodType; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.function.Consumer; import java.util.function.Predicate; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import java.util.stream.Stream; import jdk.dynalink.CallSiteDescriptor; import jdk.dynalink.DynamicLinkerFactory; import jdk.dynalink.Namespace; import jdk.dynalink.NamespaceOperation; import jdk.dynalink.NoSuchDynamicMethodException; import jdk.dynalink.Operation; import jdk.dynalink.beans.StaticClass; import jdk.dynalink.support.SimpleRelinkableCallSite; import org.testng.Assert; import org.testng.annotations.Test; /** * @test * @run testng BeansLinkerTest */ public class BeansLinkerTest { public static class Bean1 { public final int answer = 42; public String getName() { return "bean1"; } public String someMethod(final String x) { return x + "-foo"; } } @Test public static void testPublicFieldPropertyUnnamedGetter() { testGetterPermutations(PROPERTY, (op) -> Assert.assertEquals(42, call(op, new Bean1(), "answer"))); } @Test public static void testPublicFieldPropertyNamedGetter() { testGetterPermutations(PROPERTY, (op) -> Assert.assertEquals(42, call(op.named("answer"), new Bean1()))); } @Test public static void testGetterPropertyUnnamedGetter() { testGetterPermutations(PROPERTY, (op) -> Assert.assertEquals("bean1", call(op, new Bean1(), "name"))); } @Test public static void testGetterPropertyNamedGetter() { testGetterPermutations(PROPERTY, (op) -> Assert.assertEquals("bean1", call(op.named("name"), new Bean1()))); } @Test public static void testMethodUnnamedGetter() { testGetterPermutations(METHOD, (op) -> Assert.assertEquals("bar-foo", call(call(op, new Bean1(), "someMethod"), new Bean1(), "bar"))); } @Test public static void testMethodNamedGetter() { testGetterPermutations(METHOD, (op) -> Assert.assertEquals("bar-foo", call(call(op.named("someMethod"), new Bean1()), new Bean1(), "bar"))); } private static final Map MAP1 = new HashMap<>(); static { MAP1.put("foo", "bar"); } @Test public static void testElementUnnamedGetter() { testGetterPermutations(ELEMENT, (op) -> Assert.assertEquals("bar", call(op, MAP1, "foo"))); } @Test public static void testElementNamedGetter() { testGetterPermutations(ELEMENT, (op) -> Assert.assertEquals("bar", call(op.named("foo"), MAP1))); } public static class Bean2 { public int answer; private String name; public void setName(final String name) { this.name = name; } } @Test public static void testUnnamedFieldSetter() { testSetterPermutations(PROPERTY, (op) -> { final Bean2 bean2 = new Bean2(); call(op, bean2, "answer", 12); Assert.assertEquals(bean2.answer, 12); }); } @Test public static void testNamedFieldSetter() { testSetterPermutations(PROPERTY, (op) -> { final Bean2 bean2 = new Bean2(); call(op.named("answer"), bean2, 14); Assert.assertEquals(bean2.answer, 14); }); } @Test public static void testUnnamedPropertySetter() { testSetterPermutations(PROPERTY, (op) -> { final Bean2 bean2 = new Bean2(); call(op, bean2, "name", "boo"); Assert.assertEquals(bean2.name, "boo"); }); } @Test public static void testNamedPropertySetter() { testSetterPermutations(PROPERTY, (op) -> { final Bean2 bean2 = new Bean2(); call(op.named("name"), bean2, "blah"); Assert.assertEquals(bean2.name, "blah"); }); } private static final Pattern GET_ELEMENT_THEN_PROPERTY_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(".*ELEMENT.*PROPERTY.*"); @Test public static void testUnnamedElementAndPropertyGetter() { final Map map = new HashMap<>(); map.put("empty", true); testGetterPermutations(GET_ELEMENT_THEN_PROPERTY_PATTERN, 4, (op) -> Assert.assertEquals(true, call(op, map, "empty"))); } @Test public static void testNamedElementAndPropertyGetter() { final Map map = new HashMap<>(); map.put("empty", true); testGetterPermutations(GET_ELEMENT_THEN_PROPERTY_PATTERN, 4, (op) -> Assert.assertEquals(true, call(op.named("empty"), map))); } private static final Pattern GET_PROPERTY_THEN_ELEMENT_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(".*PROPERTY.*ELEMENT.*"); @Test public static void testUnnamedPropertyAndElementGetter() { final Map map = new HashMap<>(); map.put("empty", true); testGetterPermutations(GET_PROPERTY_THEN_ELEMENT_PATTERN, 4, (op) -> Assert.assertEquals(false, call(op, map, "empty"))); } @Test public static void testNamedPropertyAndElementGetter() { final Map map = new HashMap<>(); map.put("empty", true); testGetterPermutations(GET_PROPERTY_THEN_ELEMENT_PATTERN, 4, (op) -> Assert.assertEquals(false, call(op.named("empty"), map))); } public static class MapWithProperty extends HashMap { private String name; public void setName(final String name) { this.name = name; } } @Test public static void testUnnamedPropertyAndElementSetter() { final MapWithProperty map = new MapWithProperty(); map.put("name", "element"); call(SET.withNamespaces(PROPERTY, ELEMENT), map, "name", "property"); Assert.assertEquals("property", map.name); Assert.assertEquals("element", map.get("name")); call(SET.withNamespaces(ELEMENT, PROPERTY), map, "name", "element2"); Assert.assertEquals("property", map.name); Assert.assertEquals("element2", map.get("name")); } @Test public static void testMissingMembersAtLinkTime() { testPermutations(GETTER_PERMUTATIONS, (op) -> expectNoSuchDynamicMethodException(()-> call(op.named("foo"), new Object()))); testPermutations(SETTER_PERMUTATIONS, (op) -> expectNoSuchDynamicMethodException(()-> call(op.named("foo"), new Object(), "newValue"))); } @Test public static void testMissingMembersAtRunTime() { call(GET.withNamespace(ELEMENT), new ArrayList<>(), "foo"); Stream.of(new HashMap(), new ArrayList(), new Object[0]).forEach((receiver) -> { testPermutations(GETTER_PERMUTATIONS, (op) -> { System.err.println(op + " " + receiver.getClass().getName()); Assert.assertNull(call(op, receiver, "foo"));}); // No assertion for the setter; we just expect it to silently succeed testPermutations(SETTER_PERMUTATIONS, (op) -> call(op, receiver, "foo", "newValue")); }); } public static class A { public static class Inner {} } public static class B extends A { public static class Inner {} } @Test public static void testInnerClassGetter() { Object inner1 = call(GET.withNamespace(PROPERTY), StaticClass.forClass(A.class), "Inner"); Assert.assertTrue(inner1 instanceof StaticClass); Assert.assertEquals(A.Inner.class, ((StaticClass) inner1).getRepresentedClass()); Object inner2 = call(GET.withNamespace(PROPERTY), StaticClass.forClass(B.class), "Inner"); Assert.assertTrue(inner2 instanceof StaticClass); Assert.assertEquals(B.Inner.class, ((StaticClass) inner2).getRepresentedClass()); } private static void expectNoSuchDynamicMethodException(final Runnable r) { try { r.run(); Assert.fail("Should've thrown NoSuchDynamicMethodException"); } catch(final NoSuchDynamicMethodException e) { } } private static final NamespaceOperation[] GETTER_PERMUTATIONS = new NamespaceOperation[] { GET.withNamespaces(PROPERTY), GET.withNamespaces(METHOD), GET.withNamespaces(ELEMENT), GET.withNamespaces(PROPERTY, ELEMENT), GET.withNamespaces(PROPERTY, METHOD), GET.withNamespaces(ELEMENT, PROPERTY), GET.withNamespaces(ELEMENT, METHOD), GET.withNamespaces(METHOD, PROPERTY), GET.withNamespaces(METHOD, ELEMENT), GET.withNamespaces(PROPERTY, ELEMENT, METHOD), GET.withNamespaces(PROPERTY, METHOD, ELEMENT), GET.withNamespaces(ELEMENT, PROPERTY, METHOD), GET.withNamespaces(ELEMENT, METHOD, PROPERTY), GET.withNamespaces(METHOD, PROPERTY, ELEMENT), GET.withNamespaces(METHOD, ELEMENT, PROPERTY) }; private static final NamespaceOperation[] SETTER_PERMUTATIONS = new NamespaceOperation[] { SET.withNamespaces(PROPERTY), SET.withNamespaces(ELEMENT), SET.withNamespaces(PROPERTY, ELEMENT), SET.withNamespaces(ELEMENT, PROPERTY) }; private static void testPermutations(final NamespaceOperation[] ops, final Operation requiredOp, final Namespace requiredNamespace, final int expectedCount, final Consumer test) { testPermutationsWithFilter(ops, (op)->NamespaceOperation.contains(op, requiredOp, requiredNamespace), expectedCount, test); } private static void testPermutations(final NamespaceOperation[] ops, final Pattern regex, final int expectedCount, final Consumer test) { testPermutationsWithFilter(ops, (op)->regex.matcher(op.toString()).matches(), expectedCount, test); } private static void testPermutations(final NamespaceOperation[] ops, final Consumer test) { testPermutationsWithFilter(ops, (op)->true, ops.length, test); } private static void testPermutationsWithFilter(final NamespaceOperation[] ops, final Predicate filter, final int expectedCount, final Consumer test) { final int[] counter = new int[1]; Stream.of(ops).filter(filter).forEach((op)-> { counter[0]++; test.accept(op); }); Assert.assertEquals(counter[0], expectedCount); } private static void testGetterPermutations(final Namespace requiredNamespace, final Consumer test) { testPermutations(GETTER_PERMUTATIONS, GET, requiredNamespace, 11, test); } private static void testGetterPermutations(final Pattern regex, final int expectedCount, final Consumer test) { testPermutations(GETTER_PERMUTATIONS, regex, expectedCount, test); } private static void testSetterPermutations(final Namespace requiredNamespace, final Consumer test) { testPermutations(SETTER_PERMUTATIONS, SET, requiredNamespace, 3, test); } private static Object call(final Operation op, final Object... args) { try { return new DynamicLinkerFactory().createLinker().link( new SimpleRelinkableCallSite(new CallSiteDescriptor( MethodHandles.publicLookup(), op, t(args.length)))) .dynamicInvoker().invokeWithArguments(args); } catch (final Error|RuntimeException e) { throw e; } catch (final Throwable t) { throw new RuntimeException(t); } } private static Object call(final Object... args) { return call(CALL, args); } private static MethodType t(final int argCount) { return MethodType.methodType(Object.class, Collections.nCopies(argCount, Object.class)); } }