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rev 9358 : 8057038: Speculative traps not robust when compilation and class unloading are concurrent
Summary: speculative traps can be removed from MDO while being copied by compiler
Reviewed-by: kvn, iveresov

  70 void DataLayout::clean_weak_klass_links(BoolObjectClosure* cl) {
  71   ResourceMark m;
  72   data_in()->clean_weak_klass_links(cl);
  73 }
  76 // ==================================================================
  77 // ProfileData
  78 //
  79 // A ProfileData object is created to refer to a section of profiling
  80 // data in a structured way.
  82 // Constructor for invalid ProfileData.
  83 ProfileData::ProfileData() {
  84   _data = NULL;
  85 }
  87 char* ProfileData::print_data_on_helper(const MethodData* md) const {
  88   DataLayout* dp  = md->extra_data_base();
  89   DataLayout* end = md->extra_data_limit();
  90   stringStream ss;
  91   for (;; dp = MethodData::next_extra(dp)) {
  92     assert(dp < end, "moved past end of extra data");
  93     switch(dp->tag()) {
  94     case DataLayout::speculative_trap_data_tag:
  95       if (dp->bci() == bci()) {
  96         SpeculativeTrapData* data = new SpeculativeTrapData(dp);
  97         int trap = data->trap_state();
  98         char buf[100];
  99         ss.print("trap/");
 100         data->method()->print_short_name(&ss);
 101         ss.print("(%s) ", Deoptimization::format_trap_state(buf, sizeof(buf), trap));
 102       }
 103       break;
 104     case DataLayout::bit_data_tag:
 105       break;
 106     case DataLayout::no_tag:
 107     case DataLayout::arg_info_data_tag:
 108       return ss.as_string();
 109       break;

1052 }
1054 // Iteration over data.
1055 ProfileData* MethodData::next_data(ProfileData* current) const {
1056   int current_index = dp_to_di(current->dp());
1057   int next_index = current_index + current->size_in_bytes();
1058   ProfileData* next = data_at(next_index);
1059   return next;
1060 }
1062 // Give each of the data entries a chance to perform specific
1063 // data initialization.
1064 void MethodData::post_initialize(BytecodeStream* stream) {
1065   ResourceMark rm;
1066   ProfileData* data;
1067   for (data = first_data(); is_valid(data); data = next_data(data)) {
1068     stream->set_start(data->bci());
1069     stream->next();
1070     data->post_initialize(stream, this);
1071   }
1072   if (_parameters_type_data_di != -1) {
1073     parameters_type_data()->post_initialize(NULL, this);
1074   }
1075 }
1077 // Initialize the MethodData* corresponding to a given method.
1078 MethodData::MethodData(methodHandle method, int size, TRAPS)
1079   : _extra_data_lock(Monitor::leaf, "MDO extra data lock") {

1080   No_Safepoint_Verifier no_safepoint;  // init function atomic wrt GC
1081   ResourceMark rm;
1082   // Set the method back-pointer.
1083   _method = method();
1085   init();
1086   set_creation_mileage(mileage_of(method()));
1088   // Go through the bytecodes and allocate and initialize the
1089   // corresponding data cells.
1090   int data_size = 0;
1091   int empty_bc_count = 0;  // number of bytecodes lacking data
1092   _data[0] = 0;  // apparently not set below.
1093   BytecodeStream stream(method);
1094   Bytecodes::Code c;
1095   bool needs_speculative_traps = false;
1096   while ((c = stream.next()) >= 0) {
1097     int size_in_bytes = initialize_data(&stream, data_size);
1098     data_size += size_in_bytes;
1099     if (size_in_bytes == 0)  empty_bc_count += 1;

1115   DataLayout *dp = data_layout_at(data_size + extra_size);
1117   int arg_size = method->size_of_parameters();
1118   dp->initialize(DataLayout::arg_info_data_tag, 0, arg_size+1);
1120   int arg_data_size = DataLayout::compute_size_in_bytes(arg_size+1);
1121   object_size += extra_size + arg_data_size;
1123   int parms_cell = ParametersTypeData::compute_cell_count(method());
1124   // If we are profiling parameters, we reserver an area near the end
1125   // of the MDO after the slots for bytecodes (because there's no bci
1126   // for method entry so they don't fit with the framework for the
1127   // profiling of bytecodes). We store the offset within the MDO of
1128   // this area (or -1 if no parameter is profiled)
1129   if (parms_cell > 0) {
1130     object_size += DataLayout::compute_size_in_bytes(parms_cell);
1131     _parameters_type_data_di = data_size + extra_size + arg_data_size;
1132     DataLayout *dp = data_layout_at(data_size + extra_size + arg_data_size);
1133     dp->initialize(DataLayout::parameters_type_data_tag, 0, parms_cell);
1134   } else {
1135     _parameters_type_data_di = -1;
1136   }
1138   // Set an initial hint. Don't use set_hint_di() because
1139   // first_di() may be out of bounds if data_size is 0.
1140   // In that situation, _hint_di is never used, but at
1141   // least well-defined.
1142   _hint_di = first_di();
1144   post_initialize(&stream);
1146   set_size(object_size);
1147 }
1149 void MethodData::init() {
1150   _invocation_counter.init();
1151   _backedge_counter.init();
1152   _invocation_counter_start = 0;
1153   _backedge_counter_start = 0;
1154   _num_loops = 0;
1155   _num_blocks = 0;

1237   return bci_to_extra_data(bci, NULL, false);
1238 }
1240 DataLayout* MethodData::next_extra(DataLayout* dp) {
1241   int nb_cells = 0;
1242   switch(dp->tag()) {
1243   case DataLayout::bit_data_tag:
1244   case DataLayout::no_tag:
1245     nb_cells = BitData::static_cell_count();
1246     break;
1247   case DataLayout::speculative_trap_data_tag:
1248     nb_cells = SpeculativeTrapData::static_cell_count();
1249     break;
1250   default:
1251     fatal(err_msg("unexpected tag %d", dp->tag()));
1252   }
1253   return (DataLayout*)((address)dp + DataLayout::compute_size_in_bytes(nb_cells));
1254 }
1256 ProfileData* MethodData::bci_to_extra_data_helper(int bci, Method* m, DataLayout*& dp, bool concurrent) {
1257   DataLayout* end = extra_data_limit();
1259   for (;; dp = next_extra(dp)) {
1260     assert(dp < end, "moved past end of extra data");
1261     // No need for "OrderAccess::load_acquire" ops,
1262     // since the data structure is monotonic.
1263     switch(dp->tag()) {
1264     case DataLayout::no_tag:
1265       return NULL;
1266     case DataLayout::arg_info_data_tag:
1267       dp = end;
1268       return NULL; // ArgInfoData is at the end of extra data section.
1269     case DataLayout::bit_data_tag:
1270       if (m == NULL && dp->bci() == bci) {
1271         return new BitData(dp);
1272       }
1273       break;
1274     case DataLayout::speculative_trap_data_tag:
1275       if (m != NULL) {
1276         SpeculativeTrapData* data = new SpeculativeTrapData(dp);
1277         // data->method() may be null in case of a concurrent

1286           }
1287         }
1288       }
1289       break;
1290     default:
1291       fatal(err_msg("unexpected tag %d", dp->tag()));
1292     }
1293   }
1294   return NULL;
1295 }
1298 // Translate a bci to its corresponding extra data, or NULL.
1299 ProfileData* MethodData::bci_to_extra_data(int bci, Method* m, bool create_if_missing) {
1300   // This code assumes an entry for a SpeculativeTrapData is 2 cells
1301   assert(2*DataLayout::compute_size_in_bytes(BitData::static_cell_count()) ==
1302          DataLayout::compute_size_in_bytes(SpeculativeTrapData::static_cell_count()),
1303          "code needs to be adjusted");
1305   DataLayout* dp  = extra_data_base();
1306   DataLayout* end = extra_data_limit();
1308   // Allocation in the extra data space has to be atomic because not
1309   // all entries have the same size and non atomic concurrent
1310   // allocation would result in a corrupted extra data space.
1311   ProfileData* result = bci_to_extra_data_helper(bci, m, dp, true);
1312   if (result != NULL) {
1313     return result;
1314   }
1316   if (create_if_missing && dp < end) {
1317     MutexLocker ml(&_extra_data_lock);
1318     // Check again now that we have the lock. Another thread may
1319     // have added extra data entries.
1320     ProfileData* result = bci_to_extra_data_helper(bci, m, dp, false);
1321     if (result != NULL || dp >= end) {
1322       return result;
1323     }
1325     assert(dp->tag() == DataLayout::no_tag || (dp->tag() == DataLayout::speculative_trap_data_tag && m != NULL), "should be free");
1326     assert(next_extra(dp)->tag() == DataLayout::no_tag || next_extra(dp)->tag() == DataLayout::arg_info_data_tag, "should be free or arg info");

1331     }
1332     DataLayout temp;
1333     temp.initialize(tag, bci, 0);
1335     dp->set_header(temp.header());
1336     assert(dp->tag() == tag, "sane");
1337     assert(dp->bci() == bci, "no concurrent allocation");
1338     if (tag == DataLayout::bit_data_tag) {
1339       return new BitData(dp);
1340     } else {
1341       SpeculativeTrapData* data = new SpeculativeTrapData(dp);
1342       data->set_method(m);
1343       return data;
1344     }
1345   }
1346   return NULL;
1347 }
1349 ArgInfoData *MethodData::arg_info() {
1350   DataLayout* dp    = extra_data_base();
1351   DataLayout* end   = extra_data_limit();
1352   for (; dp < end; dp = next_extra(dp)) {
1353     if (dp->tag() == DataLayout::arg_info_data_tag)
1354       return new ArgInfoData(dp);
1355   }
1356   return NULL;
1357 }
1359 // Printing
1361 #ifndef PRODUCT
1363 void MethodData::print_on(outputStream* st) const {
1364   assert(is_methodData(), "should be method data");
1365   st->print("method data for ");
1366   method()->print_value_on(st);
1367   st->cr();
1368   print_data_on(st);
1369 }
1371 #endif //PRODUCT
1373 void MethodData::print_value_on(outputStream* st) const {
1374   assert(is_methodData(), "should be method data");
1375   st->print("method data for ");
1376   method()->print_value_on(st);
1377 }
1379 #ifndef PRODUCT
1380 void MethodData::print_data_on(outputStream* st) const {
1381   ResourceMark rm;
1382   ProfileData* data = first_data();
1383   if (_parameters_type_data_di != -1) {
1384     parameters_type_data()->print_data_on(st);
1385   }
1386   for ( ; is_valid(data); data = next_data(data)) {
1387     st->print("%d", dp_to_di(data->dp()));
1388     st->fill_to(6);
1389     data->print_data_on(st, this);
1390   }
1391   st->print_cr("--- Extra data:");
1392   DataLayout* dp    = extra_data_base();
1393   DataLayout* end   = extra_data_limit();
1394   for (;; dp = next_extra(dp)) {
1395     assert(dp < end, "moved past end of extra data");
1396     // No need for "OrderAccess::load_acquire" ops,
1397     // since the data structure is monotonic.
1398     switch(dp->tag()) {
1399     case DataLayout::no_tag:
1400       continue;
1401     case DataLayout::bit_data_tag:
1402       data = new BitData(dp);
1403       break;
1404     case DataLayout::speculative_trap_data_tag:
1405       data = new SpeculativeTrapData(dp);
1406       break;
1407     case DataLayout::arg_info_data_tag:
1408       data = new ArgInfoData(dp);
1409       dp = end; // ArgInfoData is at the end of extra data section.
1410       break;
1411     default:
1412       fatal(err_msg("unexpected tag %d", dp->tag()));
1413     }

1572   CleanExtraDataKlassClosure(BoolObjectClosure* is_alive) : _is_alive(is_alive) {}
1573   bool is_live(Method* m) {
1574     return m->method_holder()->is_loader_alive(_is_alive);
1575   }
1576 };
1578 // Check for entries that reference a redefined method
1579 class CleanExtraDataMethodClosure : public CleanExtraDataClosure {
1580 public:
1581   CleanExtraDataMethodClosure() {}
1582   bool is_live(Method* m) {
1583     return m->on_stack();
1584   }
1585 };
1588 // Remove SpeculativeTrapData entries that reference an unloaded or
1589 // redefined method
1590 void MethodData::clean_extra_data(CleanExtraDataClosure* cl) {
1591   DataLayout* dp  = extra_data_base();
1592   DataLayout* end = extra_data_limit();
1594   int shift = 0;
1595   for (; dp < end; dp = next_extra(dp)) {
1596     switch(dp->tag()) {
1597     case DataLayout::speculative_trap_data_tag: {
1598       SpeculativeTrapData* data = new SpeculativeTrapData(dp);
1599       Method* m = data->method();
1600       assert(m != NULL, "should have a method");
1601       if (!cl->is_live(m)) {
1602         // "shift" accumulates the number of cells for dead
1603         // SpeculativeTrapData entries that have been seen so
1604         // far. Following entries must be shifted left by that many
1605         // cells to remove the dead SpeculativeTrapData entries.
1606         shift += (int)((intptr_t*)next_extra(dp) - (intptr_t*)dp);
1607       } else {
1608         // Shift this entry left if it follows dead
1609         // SpeculativeTrapData entries
1610         clean_extra_data_helper(dp, shift);
1611       }
1612       break;

1617       clean_extra_data_helper(dp, shift);
1618       continue;
1619     case DataLayout::no_tag:
1620     case DataLayout::arg_info_data_tag:
1621       // We are at end of the live trap entries. The previous "shift"
1622       // cells contain entries that are either dead or were shifted
1623       // left. They need to be reset to no_tag
1624       clean_extra_data_helper(dp, shift, true);
1625       return;
1626     default:
1627       fatal(err_msg("unexpected tag %d", dp->tag()));
1628     }
1629   }
1630 }
1632 // Verify there's no unloaded or redefined method referenced by a
1633 // SpeculativeTrapData entry
1634 void MethodData::verify_extra_data_clean(CleanExtraDataClosure* cl) {
1635 #ifdef ASSERT
1636   DataLayout* dp  = extra_data_base();
1637   DataLayout* end = extra_data_limit();
1639   for (; dp < end; dp = next_extra(dp)) {
1640     switch(dp->tag()) {
1641     case DataLayout::speculative_trap_data_tag: {
1642       SpeculativeTrapData* data = new SpeculativeTrapData(dp);
1643       Method* m = data->method();
1644       assert(m != NULL && cl->is_live(m), "Method should exist");
1645       break;
1646     }
1647     case DataLayout::bit_data_tag:
1648       continue;
1649     case DataLayout::no_tag:
1650     case DataLayout::arg_info_data_tag:
1651       return;
1652     default:
1653       fatal(err_msg("unexpected tag %d", dp->tag()));
1654     }
1655   }
1656 #endif
1657 }

  70 void DataLayout::clean_weak_klass_links(BoolObjectClosure* cl) {
  71   ResourceMark m;
  72   data_in()->clean_weak_klass_links(cl);
  73 }
  76 // ==================================================================
  77 // ProfileData
  78 //
  79 // A ProfileData object is created to refer to a section of profiling
  80 // data in a structured way.
  82 // Constructor for invalid ProfileData.
  83 ProfileData::ProfileData() {
  84   _data = NULL;
  85 }
  87 char* ProfileData::print_data_on_helper(const MethodData* md) const {
  88   DataLayout* dp  = md->extra_data_base();
  89   DataLayout* end = md->args_data_limit();
  90   stringStream ss;
  91   for (;; dp = MethodData::next_extra(dp)) {
  92     assert(dp < end, "moved past end of extra data");
  93     switch(dp->tag()) {
  94     case DataLayout::speculative_trap_data_tag:
  95       if (dp->bci() == bci()) {
  96         SpeculativeTrapData* data = new SpeculativeTrapData(dp);
  97         int trap = data->trap_state();
  98         char buf[100];
  99         ss.print("trap/");
 100         data->method()->print_short_name(&ss);
 101         ss.print("(%s) ", Deoptimization::format_trap_state(buf, sizeof(buf), trap));
 102       }
 103       break;
 104     case DataLayout::bit_data_tag:
 105       break;
 106     case DataLayout::no_tag:
 107     case DataLayout::arg_info_data_tag:
 108       return ss.as_string();
 109       break;

1052 }
1054 // Iteration over data.
1055 ProfileData* MethodData::next_data(ProfileData* current) const {
1056   int current_index = dp_to_di(current->dp());
1057   int next_index = current_index + current->size_in_bytes();
1058   ProfileData* next = data_at(next_index);
1059   return next;
1060 }
1062 // Give each of the data entries a chance to perform specific
1063 // data initialization.
1064 void MethodData::post_initialize(BytecodeStream* stream) {
1065   ResourceMark rm;
1066   ProfileData* data;
1067   for (data = first_data(); is_valid(data); data = next_data(data)) {
1068     stream->set_start(data->bci());
1069     stream->next();
1070     data->post_initialize(stream, this);
1071   }
1072   if (_parameters_type_data_di != no_parameters) {
1073     parameters_type_data()->post_initialize(NULL, this);
1074   }
1075 }
1077 // Initialize the MethodData* corresponding to a given method.
1078 MethodData::MethodData(methodHandle method, int size, TRAPS)
1079   : _extra_data_lock(Monitor::leaf, "MDO extra data lock"),
1080     _parameters_type_data_di(parameters_uninitialized) {
1081   No_Safepoint_Verifier no_safepoint;  // init function atomic wrt GC
1082   ResourceMark rm;
1083   // Set the method back-pointer.
1084   _method = method();
1086   init();
1087   set_creation_mileage(mileage_of(method()));
1089   // Go through the bytecodes and allocate and initialize the
1090   // corresponding data cells.
1091   int data_size = 0;
1092   int empty_bc_count = 0;  // number of bytecodes lacking data
1093   _data[0] = 0;  // apparently not set below.
1094   BytecodeStream stream(method);
1095   Bytecodes::Code c;
1096   bool needs_speculative_traps = false;
1097   while ((c = stream.next()) >= 0) {
1098     int size_in_bytes = initialize_data(&stream, data_size);
1099     data_size += size_in_bytes;
1100     if (size_in_bytes == 0)  empty_bc_count += 1;

1116   DataLayout *dp = data_layout_at(data_size + extra_size);
1118   int arg_size = method->size_of_parameters();
1119   dp->initialize(DataLayout::arg_info_data_tag, 0, arg_size+1);
1121   int arg_data_size = DataLayout::compute_size_in_bytes(arg_size+1);
1122   object_size += extra_size + arg_data_size;
1124   int parms_cell = ParametersTypeData::compute_cell_count(method());
1125   // If we are profiling parameters, we reserver an area near the end
1126   // of the MDO after the slots for bytecodes (because there's no bci
1127   // for method entry so they don't fit with the framework for the
1128   // profiling of bytecodes). We store the offset within the MDO of
1129   // this area (or -1 if no parameter is profiled)
1130   if (parms_cell > 0) {
1131     object_size += DataLayout::compute_size_in_bytes(parms_cell);
1132     _parameters_type_data_di = data_size + extra_size + arg_data_size;
1133     DataLayout *dp = data_layout_at(data_size + extra_size + arg_data_size);
1134     dp->initialize(DataLayout::parameters_type_data_tag, 0, parms_cell);
1135   } else {
1136     _parameters_type_data_di = no_parameters;
1137   }
1139   // Set an initial hint. Don't use set_hint_di() because
1140   // first_di() may be out of bounds if data_size is 0.
1141   // In that situation, _hint_di is never used, but at
1142   // least well-defined.
1143   _hint_di = first_di();
1145   post_initialize(&stream);
1147   set_size(object_size);
1148 }
1150 void MethodData::init() {
1151   _invocation_counter.init();
1152   _backedge_counter.init();
1153   _invocation_counter_start = 0;
1154   _backedge_counter_start = 0;
1155   _num_loops = 0;
1156   _num_blocks = 0;

1238   return bci_to_extra_data(bci, NULL, false);
1239 }
1241 DataLayout* MethodData::next_extra(DataLayout* dp) {
1242   int nb_cells = 0;
1243   switch(dp->tag()) {
1244   case DataLayout::bit_data_tag:
1245   case DataLayout::no_tag:
1246     nb_cells = BitData::static_cell_count();
1247     break;
1248   case DataLayout::speculative_trap_data_tag:
1249     nb_cells = SpeculativeTrapData::static_cell_count();
1250     break;
1251   default:
1252     fatal(err_msg("unexpected tag %d", dp->tag()));
1253   }
1254   return (DataLayout*)((address)dp + DataLayout::compute_size_in_bytes(nb_cells));
1255 }
1257 ProfileData* MethodData::bci_to_extra_data_helper(int bci, Method* m, DataLayout*& dp, bool concurrent) {
1258   DataLayout* end = args_data_limit();
1260   for (;; dp = next_extra(dp)) {
1261     assert(dp < end, "moved past end of extra data");
1262     // No need for "OrderAccess::load_acquire" ops,
1263     // since the data structure is monotonic.
1264     switch(dp->tag()) {
1265     case DataLayout::no_tag:
1266       return NULL;
1267     case DataLayout::arg_info_data_tag:
1268       dp = end;
1269       return NULL; // ArgInfoData is at the end of extra data section.
1270     case DataLayout::bit_data_tag:
1271       if (m == NULL && dp->bci() == bci) {
1272         return new BitData(dp);
1273       }
1274       break;
1275     case DataLayout::speculative_trap_data_tag:
1276       if (m != NULL) {
1277         SpeculativeTrapData* data = new SpeculativeTrapData(dp);
1278         // data->method() may be null in case of a concurrent

1287           }
1288         }
1289       }
1290       break;
1291     default:
1292       fatal(err_msg("unexpected tag %d", dp->tag()));
1293     }
1294   }
1295   return NULL;
1296 }
1299 // Translate a bci to its corresponding extra data, or NULL.
1300 ProfileData* MethodData::bci_to_extra_data(int bci, Method* m, bool create_if_missing) {
1301   // This code assumes an entry for a SpeculativeTrapData is 2 cells
1302   assert(2*DataLayout::compute_size_in_bytes(BitData::static_cell_count()) ==
1303          DataLayout::compute_size_in_bytes(SpeculativeTrapData::static_cell_count()),
1304          "code needs to be adjusted");
1306   DataLayout* dp  = extra_data_base();
1307   DataLayout* end = args_data_limit();
1309   // Allocation in the extra data space has to be atomic because not
1310   // all entries have the same size and non atomic concurrent
1311   // allocation would result in a corrupted extra data space.
1312   ProfileData* result = bci_to_extra_data_helper(bci, m, dp, true);
1313   if (result != NULL) {
1314     return result;
1315   }
1317   if (create_if_missing && dp < end) {
1318     MutexLocker ml(&_extra_data_lock);
1319     // Check again now that we have the lock. Another thread may
1320     // have added extra data entries.
1321     ProfileData* result = bci_to_extra_data_helper(bci, m, dp, false);
1322     if (result != NULL || dp >= end) {
1323       return result;
1324     }
1326     assert(dp->tag() == DataLayout::no_tag || (dp->tag() == DataLayout::speculative_trap_data_tag && m != NULL), "should be free");
1327     assert(next_extra(dp)->tag() == DataLayout::no_tag || next_extra(dp)->tag() == DataLayout::arg_info_data_tag, "should be free or arg info");

1332     }
1333     DataLayout temp;
1334     temp.initialize(tag, bci, 0);
1336     dp->set_header(temp.header());
1337     assert(dp->tag() == tag, "sane");
1338     assert(dp->bci() == bci, "no concurrent allocation");
1339     if (tag == DataLayout::bit_data_tag) {
1340       return new BitData(dp);
1341     } else {
1342       SpeculativeTrapData* data = new SpeculativeTrapData(dp);
1343       data->set_method(m);
1344       return data;
1345     }
1346   }
1347   return NULL;
1348 }
1350 ArgInfoData *MethodData::arg_info() {
1351   DataLayout* dp  = extra_data_base();
1352   DataLayout* end = args_data_limit();
1353   for (; dp < end; dp = next_extra(dp)) {
1354     if (dp->tag() == DataLayout::arg_info_data_tag)
1355       return new ArgInfoData(dp);
1356   }
1357   return NULL;
1358 }
1360 // Printing
1362 #ifndef PRODUCT
1364 void MethodData::print_on(outputStream* st) const {
1365   assert(is_methodData(), "should be method data");
1366   st->print("method data for ");
1367   method()->print_value_on(st);
1368   st->cr();
1369   print_data_on(st);
1370 }
1372 #endif //PRODUCT
1374 void MethodData::print_value_on(outputStream* st) const {
1375   assert(is_methodData(), "should be method data");
1376   st->print("method data for ");
1377   method()->print_value_on(st);
1378 }
1380 #ifndef PRODUCT
1381 void MethodData::print_data_on(outputStream* st) const {
1382   ResourceMark rm;
1383   ProfileData* data = first_data();
1384   if (_parameters_type_data_di != no_parameters) {
1385     parameters_type_data()->print_data_on(st);
1386   }
1387   for ( ; is_valid(data); data = next_data(data)) {
1388     st->print("%d", dp_to_di(data->dp()));
1389     st->fill_to(6);
1390     data->print_data_on(st, this);
1391   }
1392   st->print_cr("--- Extra data:");
1393   DataLayout* dp  = extra_data_base();
1394   DataLayout* end = args_data_limit();
1395   for (;; dp = next_extra(dp)) {
1396     assert(dp < end, "moved past end of extra data");
1397     // No need for "OrderAccess::load_acquire" ops,
1398     // since the data structure is monotonic.
1399     switch(dp->tag()) {
1400     case DataLayout::no_tag:
1401       continue;
1402     case DataLayout::bit_data_tag:
1403       data = new BitData(dp);
1404       break;
1405     case DataLayout::speculative_trap_data_tag:
1406       data = new SpeculativeTrapData(dp);
1407       break;
1408     case DataLayout::arg_info_data_tag:
1409       data = new ArgInfoData(dp);
1410       dp = end; // ArgInfoData is at the end of extra data section.
1411       break;
1412     default:
1413       fatal(err_msg("unexpected tag %d", dp->tag()));
1414     }

1573   CleanExtraDataKlassClosure(BoolObjectClosure* is_alive) : _is_alive(is_alive) {}
1574   bool is_live(Method* m) {
1575     return m->method_holder()->is_loader_alive(_is_alive);
1576   }
1577 };
1579 // Check for entries that reference a redefined method
1580 class CleanExtraDataMethodClosure : public CleanExtraDataClosure {
1581 public:
1582   CleanExtraDataMethodClosure() {}
1583   bool is_live(Method* m) {
1584     return m->on_stack();
1585   }
1586 };
1589 // Remove SpeculativeTrapData entries that reference an unloaded or
1590 // redefined method
1591 void MethodData::clean_extra_data(CleanExtraDataClosure* cl) {
1592   DataLayout* dp  = extra_data_base();
1593   DataLayout* end = args_data_limit();
1595   int shift = 0;
1596   for (; dp < end; dp = next_extra(dp)) {
1597     switch(dp->tag()) {
1598     case DataLayout::speculative_trap_data_tag: {
1599       SpeculativeTrapData* data = new SpeculativeTrapData(dp);
1600       Method* m = data->method();
1601       assert(m != NULL, "should have a method");
1602       if (!cl->is_live(m)) {
1603         // "shift" accumulates the number of cells for dead
1604         // SpeculativeTrapData entries that have been seen so
1605         // far. Following entries must be shifted left by that many
1606         // cells to remove the dead SpeculativeTrapData entries.
1607         shift += (int)((intptr_t*)next_extra(dp) - (intptr_t*)dp);
1608       } else {
1609         // Shift this entry left if it follows dead
1610         // SpeculativeTrapData entries
1611         clean_extra_data_helper(dp, shift);
1612       }
1613       break;

1618       clean_extra_data_helper(dp, shift);
1619       continue;
1620     case DataLayout::no_tag:
1621     case DataLayout::arg_info_data_tag:
1622       // We are at end of the live trap entries. The previous "shift"
1623       // cells contain entries that are either dead or were shifted
1624       // left. They need to be reset to no_tag
1625       clean_extra_data_helper(dp, shift, true);
1626       return;
1627     default:
1628       fatal(err_msg("unexpected tag %d", dp->tag()));
1629     }
1630   }
1631 }
1633 // Verify there's no unloaded or redefined method referenced by a
1634 // SpeculativeTrapData entry
1635 void MethodData::verify_extra_data_clean(CleanExtraDataClosure* cl) {
1636 #ifdef ASSERT
1637   DataLayout* dp  = extra_data_base();
1638   DataLayout* end = args_data_limit();
1640   for (; dp < end; dp = next_extra(dp)) {
1641     switch(dp->tag()) {
1642     case DataLayout::speculative_trap_data_tag: {
1643       SpeculativeTrapData* data = new SpeculativeTrapData(dp);
1644       Method* m = data->method();
1645       assert(m != NULL && cl->is_live(m), "Method should exist");
1646       break;
1647     }
1648     case DataLayout::bit_data_tag:
1649       continue;
1650     case DataLayout::no_tag:
1651     case DataLayout::arg_info_data_tag:
1652       return;
1653     default:
1654       fatal(err_msg("unexpected tag %d", dp->tag()));
1655     }
1656   }
1657 #endif
1658 }

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