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  16  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  17  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  18  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  19  *
  20  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  21  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  22  * questions.
  23  */
  25 /*
  26  * Copyright (c) 2009 by Oracle Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
  27  */
  29 package javax.xml.stream;
  31 import javax.xml.namespace.NamespaceContext;
  33 /**
  34  * The XMLStreamWriter interface specifies how to write XML.  The XMLStreamWriter  does
  35  * not perform well formedness checking on its input.  However
  36  * the writeCharacters method is required to escape &amp; , &lt; and &gt;
  37  * For attribute values the writeAttribute method will escape the
  38  * above characters plus &quot; to ensure that all character content
  39  * and attribute values are well formed.
  40  *
  41  * Each NAMESPACE
  42  * and ATTRIBUTE must be individually written.
  43  *
  44  * <table border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
  45  *     <thead>
  46  *         <tr>
  47  *             <th colspan="5">XML Namespaces, <code>javax.xml.stream.isRepairingNamespaces</code> and write method behaviour</th>
  48  *         </tr>
  49  *         <tr>
  50  *             <th>Method</th> <!-- method -->
  51  *             <th colspan="2"><code>isRepairingNamespaces</code> == true</th>
  52  *             <th colspan="2"><code>isRepairingNamespaces</code> == false</th>
  53  *         </tr>
  54  *         <tr>
  55  *             <th></th> <!-- method -->
  56  *             <th>namespaceURI bound</th>
  57  *             <th>namespaceURI unbound</th>
  58  *             <th>namespaceURI bound</th>
  59  *             <th>namespaceURI unbound</th>
  60  *         </tr>
  61  *     </thead>
  62  *
  63  *     <tbody>
  64  *         <tr>
  65  *             <th><code>writeAttribute(namespaceURI, localName, value)</code></th>
  66  *             <!-- isRepairingNamespaces == true -->
  67  *             <td>
  68  *                 <!-- namespaceURI bound -->
  69  *                 prefix:localName="value"&nbsp;<sup>[1]</sup>
  70  *             </td>
  71  *             <td>
  72  *                 <!-- namespaceURI unbound -->
  73  *                 xmlns:{generated}="namespaceURI" {generated}:localName="value"
  74  *             </td>
  75  *             <!-- isRepairingNamespaces == false -->
  76  *             <td>
  77  *                 <!-- namespaceURI bound -->
  78  *                 prefix:localName="value"&nbsp;<sup>[1]</sup>
  79  *             </td>
  80  *             <td>
  81  *                 <!-- namespaceURI unbound -->
  82  *                 <code>XMLStreamException</code>
  83  *             </td>
  84  *         </tr>
  85  *
  86  *         <tr>
  87  *             <th><code>writeAttribute(prefix, namespaceURI, localName, value)</code></th>
  88  *             <!-- isRepairingNamespaces == true -->
  89  *             <td>
  90  *                 <!-- namespaceURI bound -->
  91  *                 bound to same prefix:<br />
  92  *                 prefix:localName="value"&nbsp;<sup>[1]</sup><br />
  93  *                 <br />
  94  *                 bound to different prefix:<br />
  95  *                 xmlns:{generated}="namespaceURI" {generated}:localName="value"
  96  *             </td>
  97  *             <td>
  98  *                 <!-- namespaceURI unbound -->
  99  *                 xmlns:prefix="namespaceURI" prefix:localName="value"&nbsp;<sup>[3]</sup>
 100  *             </td>
 101  *             <!-- isRepairingNamespaces == false -->
 102  *             <td>
 103  *                 <!-- namespaceURI bound -->
 104  *                 bound to same prefix:<br />
 105  *                 prefix:localName="value"&nbsp;<sup>[1][2]</sup><br />
 106  *                 <br />
 107  *                 bound to different prefix:<br />
 108  *                 <code>XMLStreamException</code><sup>[2]</sup>
 109  *             </td>
 110  *             <td>
 111  *                 <!-- namespaceURI unbound -->
 112  *                 xmlns:prefix="namespaceURI" prefix:localName="value"&nbsp;<sup>[2][5]</sup>
 113  *             </td>
 114  *         </tr>
 115  *
 116  *         <tr>
 117  *             <th><code>writeStartElement(namespaceURI, localName)</code><br />
 118  *                 <br />
 119  *                 <code>writeEmptyElement(namespaceURI, localName)</code></th>
 120  *             <!-- isRepairingNamespaces == true -->
 121  *             <td >
 122  *                 <!-- namespaceURI bound -->
 123  *                 &lt;prefix:localName&gt;&nbsp;<sup>[1]</sup>
 124  *             </td>
 125  *             <td>
 126  *                 <!-- namespaceURI unbound -->
 127  *                 &lt;{generated}:localName xmlns:{generated}="namespaceURI"&gt;
 128  *             </td>
 129  *             <!-- isRepairingNamespaces == false -->
 130  *             <td>
 131  *                 <!-- namespaceURI bound -->
 132  *                 &lt;prefix:localName&gt;&nbsp;<sup>[1]</sup>
 133  *             </td>
 134  *             <td>
 135  *                 <!-- namespaceURI unbound -->
 136  *                 <code>XMLStreamException</code>
 137  *             </td>
 138  *         </tr>
 139  *
 140  *         <tr>
 141  *             <th><code>writeStartElement(prefix, localName, namespaceURI)</code><br />
 142  *                 <br />
 143  *                 <code>writeEmptyElement(prefix, localName, namespaceURI)</code></th>
 144  *             <!-- isRepairingNamespaces == true -->
 145  *             <td>
 146  *                 <!-- namespaceURI bound -->
 147  *                 bound to same prefix:<br />
 148  *                 &lt;prefix:localName&gt;&nbsp;<sup>[1]</sup><br />
 149  *                 <br />
 150  *                 bound to different prefix:<br />
 151  *                 &lt;{generated}:localName xmlns:{generated}="namespaceURI"&gt;
 152  *             </td>
 153  *             <td>
 154  *                 <!-- namespaceURI unbound -->
 155  *                 &lt;prefix:localName xmlns:prefix="namespaceURI"&gt;&nbsp;<sup>[4]</sup>
 156  *             </td>
 157  *             <!-- isRepairingNamespaces == false -->
 158  *             <td>
 159  *                 <!-- namespaceURI bound -->
 160  *                 bound to same prefix:<br />
 161  *                 &lt;prefix:localName&gt;&nbsp;<sup>[1]</sup><br />
 162  *                 <br />
 163  *                 bound to different prefix:<br />
 164  *                 <code>XMLStreamException</code>
 165  *             </td>
 166  *             <td>
 167  *                 <!-- namespaceURI unbound -->
 168  *                 &lt;prefix:localName&gt;&nbsp;
 169  *             </td>
 170  *         </tr>
 171  *     </tbody>
 172  *     <tfoot>
 173  *         <tr>
 174  *             <td colspan="5">
 175  *                 Notes:
 176  *                 <ul>
 177  *                     <li>[1] if namespaceURI == default Namespace URI, then no prefix is written</li>
 178  *                     <li>[2] if prefix == "" || null && namespaceURI == "", then no prefix or Namespace declaration is generated or written</li>

 179  *                     <li>[3] if prefix == "" || null, then a prefix is randomly generated</li>
 180  *                     <li>[4] if prefix == "" || null, then it is treated as the default Namespace and no prefix is generated or written, an xmlns declaration is generated and written if the namespaceURI is unbound</li>
 181  *                     <li>[5] if prefix == "" || null, then it is treated as an invalid attempt to define the default Namespace and an XMLStreamException is thrown</li>

 182  *                 </ul>
 183  *             </td>
 184  *         </tr>
 185  *     </tfoot>
 186  * </table>
 187  *
 188  * @version 1.0
 189  * @author Copyright (c) 2009 by Oracle Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
 190  * @see XMLOutputFactory
 191  * @see XMLStreamReader
 192  * @since 1.6
 193  */
 194 public interface XMLStreamWriter {
 196   /**
 197    * Writes a start tag to the output.  All writeStartElement methods
 198    * open a new scope in the internal namespace context.  Writing the
 199    * corresponding EndElement causes the scope to be closed.
 200    * @param localName local name of the tag, may not be null
 201    * @throws XMLStreamException

  16  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  17  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  18  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  19  *
  20  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  21  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  22  * questions.
  23  */
  25 /*
  26  * Copyright (c) 2009 by Oracle Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
  27  */
  29 package javax.xml.stream;
  31 import javax.xml.namespace.NamespaceContext;
  33 /**
  34  * The XMLStreamWriter interface specifies how to write XML.  The XMLStreamWriter  does
  35  * not perform well formedness checking on its input.  However
  36  * the writeCharacters method is required to escape {@literal &, < and >}
  37  * For attribute values the writeAttribute method will escape the
  38  * above characters plus {@literal "} to ensure that all character content
  39  * and attribute values are well formed.
  40  *
  41  * Each NAMESPACE
  42  * and ATTRIBUTE must be individually written.
  43  *
  44  * <table border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
  45  *     <thead>
  46  *         <tr>
  47  *             <th colspan="5">XML Namespaces, {@code javax.xml.stream.isRepairingNamespaces} and write method behaviour</th>
  48  *         </tr>
  49  *         <tr>
  50  *             <th>Method</th> <!-- method -->
  51  *             <th colspan="2">{@code isRepairingNamespaces} == true</th>
  52  *             <th colspan="2">{@code isRepairingNamespaces} == false</th>
  53  *         </tr>
  54  *         <tr>
  55  *             <th></th> <!-- method -->
  56  *             <th>namespaceURI bound</th>
  57  *             <th>namespaceURI unbound</th>
  58  *             <th>namespaceURI bound</th>
  59  *             <th>namespaceURI unbound</th>
  60  *         </tr>
  61  *     </thead>
  62  *
  63  *     <tbody>
  64  *         <tr>
  65  *             <th>{@code writeAttribute(namespaceURI, localName, value)}</th>
  66  *             <!-- isRepairingNamespaces == true -->
  67  *             <td>
  68  *                 <!-- namespaceURI bound -->
  69  *                 prefix:localName="value"&nbsp;<sup>[1]</sup>
  70  *             </td>
  71  *             <td>
  72  *                 <!-- namespaceURI unbound -->
  73  *                 xmlns:{generated}="namespaceURI" {generated}:localName="value"
  74  *             </td>
  75  *             <!-- isRepairingNamespaces == false -->
  76  *             <td>
  77  *                 <!-- namespaceURI bound -->
  78  *                 prefix:localName="value"&nbsp;<sup>[1]</sup>
  79  *             </td>
  80  *             <td>
  81  *                 <!-- namespaceURI unbound -->
  82  *                 {@code XMLStreamException}
  83  *             </td>
  84  *         </tr>
  85  *
  86  *         <tr>
  87  *             <th>{@code writeAttribute(prefix, namespaceURI, localName, value)}</th>
  88  *             <!-- isRepairingNamespaces == true -->
  89  *             <td>
  90  *                 <!-- namespaceURI bound -->
  91  *                 bound to same prefix:<br>
  92  *                 prefix:localName="value"&nbsp;<sup>[1]</sup><br>
  93  *                 <br>
  94  *                 bound to different prefix:<br>
  95  *                 xmlns:{generated}="namespaceURI" {generated}:localName="value"
  96  *             </td>
  97  *             <td>
  98  *                 <!-- namespaceURI unbound -->
  99  *                 xmlns:prefix="namespaceURI" prefix:localName="value"&nbsp;<sup>[3]</sup>
 100  *             </td>
 101  *             <!-- isRepairingNamespaces == false -->
 102  *             <td>
 103  *                 <!-- namespaceURI bound -->
 104  *                 bound to same prefix:<br>
 105  *                 prefix:localName="value"&nbsp;<sup>[1][2]</sup><br>
 106  *                 <br>
 107  *                 bound to different prefix:<br>
 108  *                 {@code XMLStreamException}<sup>[2]</sup>
 109  *             </td>
 110  *             <td>
 111  *                 <!-- namespaceURI unbound -->
 112  *                 xmlns:prefix="namespaceURI" prefix:localName="value"&nbsp;<sup>[2][5]</sup>
 113  *             </td>
 114  *         </tr>
 115  *
 116  *         <tr>
 117  *             <th>{@code writeStartElement(namespaceURI, localName)}<br>
 118  *                 <br>
 119  *                 {@code writeEmptyElement(namespaceURI, localName)}</th>
 120  *             <!-- isRepairingNamespaces == true -->
 121  *             <td >
 122  *                 <!-- namespaceURI bound -->
 123  *                 {@code <prefix:localName>}&nbsp;<sup>[1]</sup>
 124  *             </td>
 125  *             <td>
 126  *                 <!-- namespaceURI unbound -->
 127  *                 {@code <{generated}:localName xmlns:{generated}="namespaceURI">}
 128  *             </td>
 129  *             <!-- isRepairingNamespaces == false -->
 130  *             <td>
 131  *                 <!-- namespaceURI bound -->
 132  *                 {@code prefix:localName>}&nbsp;<sup>[1]</sup>
 133  *             </td>
 134  *             <td>
 135  *                 <!-- namespaceURI unbound -->
 136  *                 {@code XMLStreamException}
 137  *             </td>
 138  *         </tr>
 139  *
 140  *         <tr>
 141  *             <th>{@code writeStartElement(prefix, localName, namespaceURI)}<br>
 142  *                 <br>
 143  *                 {@code writeEmptyElement(prefix, localName, namespaceURI)}</th>
 144  *             <!-- isRepairingNamespaces == true -->
 145  *             <td>
 146  *                 <!-- namespaceURI bound -->
 147  *                 bound to same prefix:<br>
 148  *                 {@code <prefix:localName>}&nbsp;<sup>[1]</sup><br>
 149  *                 <br>
 150  *                 bound to different prefix:<br>
 151  *                 {@code <{generated}:localName xmlns:{generated}="namespaceURI">}
 152  *             </td>
 153  *             <td>
 154  *                 <!-- namespaceURI unbound -->
 155  *                 {@code <prefix:localName xmlns:prefix="namespaceURI">}&nbsp;<sup>[4]</sup>
 156  *             </td>
 157  *             <!-- isRepairingNamespaces == false -->
 158  *             <td>
 159  *                 <!-- namespaceURI bound -->
 160  *                 bound to same prefix:<br>
 161  *                 {@code <prefix:localName>}&nbsp;<sup>[1]</sup><br>
 162  *                 <br>
 163  *                 bound to different prefix:<br>
 164  *                 {@code XMLStreamException}
 165  *             </td>
 166  *             <td>
 167  *                 <!-- namespaceURI unbound -->
 168  *                 {@code <prefix:localName>}&nbsp;
 169  *             </td>
 170  *         </tr>
 171  *     </tbody>
 172  *     <tfoot>
 173  *         <tr>
 174  *             <td colspan="5">
 175  *                 Notes:
 176  *                 <ul>
 177  *                     <li>[1] if namespaceURI == default Namespace URI, then no prefix is written</li>
 178  *                     <li>[2] if prefix == "" || null {@literal &&} namespaceURI == "", then
 179                          no prefix or Namespace declaration is generated or written</li>
 180  *                     <li>[3] if prefix == "" || null, then a prefix is randomly generated</li>
 181  *                     <li>[4] if prefix == "" || null, then it is treated as the default Namespace and 
 182                          no prefix is generated or written, an xmlns declaration is generated 
 183                          and written if the namespaceURI is unbound</li>
 184  *                     <li>[5] if prefix == "" || null, then it is treated as an invalid attempt to
 185                          define the default Namespace and an XMLStreamException is thrown</li>
 186  *                 </ul>
 187  *             </td>
 188  *         </tr>
 189  *     </tfoot>
 190  * </table>
 191  *
 192  * @version 1.0
 193  * @author Copyright (c) 2009 by Oracle Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
 194  * @see XMLOutputFactory
 195  * @see XMLStreamReader
 196  * @since 1.6
 197  */
 198 public interface XMLStreamWriter {
 200   /**
 201    * Writes a start tag to the output.  All writeStartElement methods
 202    * open a new scope in the internal namespace context.  Writing the
 203    * corresponding EndElement causes the scope to be closed.
 204    * @param localName local name of the tag, may not be null
 205    * @throws XMLStreamException

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