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@@ -28,42 +28,29 @@
 import com.sun.corba.se.spi.orb.ORB;
 import com.sun.corba.se.spi.monitoring.MonitoredObject;
 import java.util.*;
- * <p>
  * Monitoring Manager will have a 1 to 1 association with the ORB. This
  * gives access to the top level Monitored Object, using which more
  * Monitored Objects and Attributes can be added and traversed.
- * </p>
- * <p>
  * @author Hemanth Puttaswamy
- * </p>
 public interface MonitoringManager extends Closeable {
   // operations
- * <p>
  * Gets the Root Monitored Object which contains a Hierarchy Of Monitored
  * Objects exposing various Monitorable Attributes of Various modules.
- * </p>
- * <p>
- *
- * @param MonitoredObject ...
- * </p>
     public MonitoredObject getRootMonitoredObject();
- * <p>
  * Initialize is called whenever there is a start monitoring call to CORBA
  * MBean. This will result in triaging initialize to all the
  * MonitoredObjects and it's Monitored Attributes.
- * </p>
- *
     public void clearState();
 } // end MonitoringManager
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