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  78  *
  79  * @since 1.6, JAXB 2.0
  80  */
  81 public abstract class Binder<XmlNode> {
  82     /**
  83      * Unmarshal XML infoset view to a JAXB object tree.
  84      *
  85      * <p>
  86      * This method is similar to {@link Unmarshaller#unmarshal(Node)}
  87      * with the addition of maintaining the association between XML nodes
  88      * and the produced JAXB objects, enabling future update operations,
  89      * {@link #updateXML(Object, Object)} or {@link #updateJAXB(Object)}.
  90      *
  91      * <p>
  92      * When {@link #getSchema()} is non-null, <code>xmlNode</code>
  93      * and its descendants is validated during this operation.
  94      *
  95      * <p>
  96      * This method throws {@link UnmarshalException} when the Binder's
  97      * {@link JAXBContext} does not have a mapping for the XML element name
  98      * or the type, specifiable via <tt>@xsi:type</tt>, of <tt>xmlNode</tt>
  99      * to a JAXB mapped class. The method {@link #unmarshal(Object, Class)}
 100      * enables an application to specify the JAXB mapped class that
 101      * the <tt>xmlNode</tt> should be mapped to.
 102      *
 103      * @param xmlNode
 104      *      the document/element to unmarshal XML data from.
 105      *
 106      * @return
 107      *      the newly created root object of the JAXB object tree.
 108      *
 109      * @throws JAXBException
 110      *      If any unexpected errors occur while unmarshalling
 111      * @throws UnmarshalException
 112      *     If the {@link ValidationEventHandler ValidationEventHandler}
 113      *     returns false from its <tt>handleEvent</tt> method or the
 114      *     <tt>Binder</tt> is unable to perform the XML to Java
 115      *     binding.
 116      * @throws IllegalArgumentException
 117      *      If the node parameter is null
 118      */
 119     public abstract Object unmarshal( XmlNode xmlNode ) throws JAXBException;
 121     /**
 122      * Unmarshal XML root element by provided <tt>declaredType</tt>
 123      * to a JAXB object tree.
 124      *
 125      * <p>
 126      * Implements <a href="Unmarshaller.html#unmarshalByDeclaredType">Unmarshal by Declared Type</a>
 127      *
 128      * <p>
 129      * This method is similar to {@link Unmarshaller#unmarshal(Node, Class)}
 130      * with the addition of maintaining the association between XML nodes
 131      * and the produced JAXB objects, enabling future update operations,
 132      * {@link #updateXML(Object, Object)} or {@link #updateJAXB(Object)}.
 133      *
 134      * <p>
 135      * When {@link #getSchema()} is non-null, <code>xmlNode</code>
 136      * and its descendants is validated during this operation.
 137      *
 138      * @param xmlNode
 139      *      the document/element to unmarshal XML data from.
 140      * @param declaredType
 141      *      appropriate JAXB mapped class to hold <tt>node</tt>'s XML data.
 142      *
 143      * @return
 144      * <a href="JAXBElement.html">JAXB Element</a> representation
 145      * of <tt>node</tt>
 146      *
 147      * @throws JAXBException
 148      *      If any unexpected errors occur while unmarshalling
 149      * @throws UnmarshalException
 150      *     If the {@link ValidationEventHandler ValidationEventHandler}
 151      *     returns false from its <tt>handleEvent</tt> method or the
 152      *     <tt>Binder</tt> is unable to perform the XML to Java
 153      *     binding.
 154      * @throws IllegalArgumentException
 155      *      If any of the input parameters are null
 156      * @since 1.6, JAXB 2.0
 157      */
 158     public abstract <T> JAXBElement<T>
 159         unmarshal( XmlNode xmlNode, Class<T> declaredType )
 160         throws JAXBException;
 162     /**
 163      * Marshal a JAXB object tree to a new XML document.
 164      *
 165      * <p>
 166      * This method is similar to {@link Marshaller#marshal(Object, Node)}
 167      * with the addition of maintaining the association between JAXB objects
 168      * and the produced XML nodes,
 169      * enabling future update operations such as
 170      * {@link #updateXML(Object, Object)} or {@link #updateJAXB(Object)}.
 171      *
 172      * <p>
 173      * When {@link #getSchema()} is non-null, the marshalled
 174      * xml content is validated during this operation.
 175      *
 176      * @param jaxbObject
 177      *      The content tree to be marshalled.
 178      * @param xmlNode
 179      *      The parameter must be a Node that accepts children.
 180      *
 181      * @throws JAXBException
 182      *      If any unexpected problem occurs during the marshalling.
 183      * @throws MarshalException
 184      *      If the {@link ValidationEventHandler ValidationEventHandler}
 185      *      returns false from its <tt>handleEvent</tt> method or the
 186      *      <tt>Binder</tt> is unable to marshal <tt>jaxbObject</tt> (or any
 187      *      object reachable from <tt>jaxbObject</tt>).
 188      *
 189      * @throws IllegalArgumentException
 190      *      If any of the method parameters are null
 191      */
 192     public abstract void marshal( Object jaxbObject, XmlNode xmlNode ) throws JAXBException;
 194     /**
 195      * Gets the XML element associated with the given JAXB object.
 196      *
 197      * <p>
 198      * Once a JAXB object tree is associated with an XML fragment,
 199      * this method enables navigation between the two trees.
 200      *
 201      * <p>
 202      * An association between an XML element and a JAXB object is
 203      * established by the bind methods and the update methods.
 204      * Note that this association is partial; not all XML elements
 205      * have associated JAXB objects, and not all JAXB objects have
 206      * associated XML elements.
 207      *

 327     /**
 328      * Specifies whether marshal, unmarshal and update methods
 329      * performs validation on their XML content.
 330      *
 331      * @param schema set to null to disable validation.
 332      *
 333      * @see Unmarshaller#setSchema(Schema)
 334      */
 335     public abstract void setSchema( Schema schema );
 337     /**
 338      * Gets the last {@link Schema} object (including null) set by the
 339      * {@link #setSchema(Schema)} method.
 340      *
 341      * @return the Schema object for validation or null if not present
 342      */
 343     public abstract Schema getSchema();
 345     /**
 346      * Allow an application to register a <tt>ValidationEventHandler</tt>.
 347      * <p>
 348      * The <tt>ValidationEventHandler</tt> will be called by the JAXB Provider
 349      * if any validation errors are encountered during calls to any of the
 350      * Binder unmarshal, marshal and update methods.
 351      *
 352      * <p>
 353      * Calling this method with a null parameter will cause the Binder
 354      * to revert back to the default default event handler.
 355      *
 356      * @param handler the validation event handler
 357      * @throws JAXBException if an error was encountered while setting the
 358      *         event handler
 359      */
 360     public abstract void setEventHandler( ValidationEventHandler handler ) throws JAXBException;
 362     /**
 363      * Return the current event handler or the default event handler if one
 364      * hasn't been set.
 365      *
 366      * @return the current ValidationEventHandler or the default event handler
 367      *         if it hasn't been set
 368      * @throws JAXBException if an error was encountered while getting the
 369      *         current event handler
 370      */
 371     public abstract ValidationEventHandler getEventHandler() throws JAXBException;
 373     /**
 374      *
 375      * Set the particular property in the underlying implementation of
 376      * <tt>Binder</tt>.  This method can only be used to set one of
 377      * the standard JAXB defined unmarshal/marshal properties
 378      * or a provider specific property for binder, unmarshal or marshal.
 379      * Attempting to set an undefined property will result in
 380      * a PropertyException being thrown.  See
 381      * <a href="Unmarshaller.html#supportedProps">Supported Unmarshal Properties</a>
 382      * and
 383      * <a href="Marshaller.html#supportedProps">Supported Marshal Properties</a>.
 384      *
 385      * @param name the name of the property to be set. This value can either
 386      *              be specified using one of the constant fields or a user
 387      *              supplied string.
 388      * @param value the value of the property to be set
 389      *
 390      * @throws PropertyException when there is an error processing the given
 391      *                            property or value
 392      * @throws IllegalArgumentException
 393      *      If the name parameter is null
 394      */
 395     abstract public void setProperty( String name, Object value ) throws PropertyException;
 398     /**
 399      * Get the particular property in the underlying implementation of
 400      * <tt>Binder</tt>.  This method can only
 401      * be used to get one of
 402      * the standard JAXB defined unmarshal/marshal properties
 403      * or a provider specific property for binder, unmarshal or marshal.
 404      * Attempting to get an undefined property will result in
 405      * a PropertyException being thrown.  See
 406      * <a href="Unmarshaller.html#supportedProps">Supported Unmarshal Properties</a>
 407      * and
 408      * <a href="Marshaller.html#supportedProps">Supported Marshal Properties</a>.
 409      *
 410      * @param name the name of the property to retrieve
 411      * @return the value of the requested property
 412      *
 413      * @throws PropertyException
 414      *      when there is an error retrieving the given property or value
 415      *      property name
 416      * @throws IllegalArgumentException
 417      *      If the name parameter is null
 418      */
 419     abstract public Object getProperty( String name ) throws PropertyException;

  78  *
  79  * @since 1.6, JAXB 2.0
  80  */
  81 public abstract class Binder<XmlNode> {
  82     /**
  83      * Unmarshal XML infoset view to a JAXB object tree.
  84      *
  85      * <p>
  86      * This method is similar to {@link Unmarshaller#unmarshal(Node)}
  87      * with the addition of maintaining the association between XML nodes
  88      * and the produced JAXB objects, enabling future update operations,
  89      * {@link #updateXML(Object, Object)} or {@link #updateJAXB(Object)}.
  90      *
  91      * <p>
  92      * When {@link #getSchema()} is non-null, <code>xmlNode</code>
  93      * and its descendants is validated during this operation.
  94      *
  95      * <p>
  96      * This method throws {@link UnmarshalException} when the Binder's
  97      * {@link JAXBContext} does not have a mapping for the XML element name
  98      * or the type, specifiable via {@code @xsi:type}, of {@code xmlNode}
  99      * to a JAXB mapped class. The method {@link #unmarshal(Object, Class)}
 100      * enables an application to specify the JAXB mapped class that
 101      * the {@code xmlNode} should be mapped to.
 102      *
 103      * @param xmlNode
 104      *      the document/element to unmarshal XML data from.
 105      *
 106      * @return
 107      *      the newly created root object of the JAXB object tree.
 108      *
 109      * @throws JAXBException
 110      *      If any unexpected errors occur while unmarshalling
 111      * @throws UnmarshalException
 112      *     If the {@link ValidationEventHandler ValidationEventHandler}
 113      *     returns false from its {@code handleEvent} method or the
 114      *     {@code Binder} is unable to perform the XML to Java
 115      *     binding.
 116      * @throws IllegalArgumentException
 117      *      If the node parameter is null
 118      */
 119     public abstract Object unmarshal( XmlNode xmlNode ) throws JAXBException;
 121     /**
 122      * Unmarshal XML root element by provided {@code declaredType}
 123      * to a JAXB object tree.
 124      *
 125      * <p>
 126      * Implements <a href="Unmarshaller.html#unmarshalByDeclaredType">Unmarshal by Declared Type</a>
 127      *
 128      * <p>
 129      * This method is similar to {@link Unmarshaller#unmarshal(Node, Class)}
 130      * with the addition of maintaining the association between XML nodes
 131      * and the produced JAXB objects, enabling future update operations,
 132      * {@link #updateXML(Object, Object)} or {@link #updateJAXB(Object)}.
 133      *
 134      * <p>
 135      * When {@link #getSchema()} is non-null, <code>xmlNode</code>
 136      * and its descendants is validated during this operation.
 137      *
 138      * @param xmlNode
 139      *      the document/element to unmarshal XML data from.
 140      * @param declaredType
 141      *      appropriate JAXB mapped class to hold {@code node}'s XML data.
 142      *
 143      * @return
 144      * <a href="JAXBElement.html">JAXB Element</a> representation
 145      * of {@code node}
 146      *
 147      * @throws JAXBException
 148      *      If any unexpected errors occur while unmarshalling
 149      * @throws UnmarshalException
 150      *     If the {@link ValidationEventHandler ValidationEventHandler}
 151      *     returns false from its {@code handleEvent} method or the
 152      *     {@code Binder} is unable to perform the XML to Java
 153      *     binding.
 154      * @throws IllegalArgumentException
 155      *      If any of the input parameters are null
 156      * @since 1.6, JAXB 2.0
 157      */
 158     public abstract <T> JAXBElement<T>
 159         unmarshal( XmlNode xmlNode, Class<T> declaredType )
 160         throws JAXBException;
 162     /**
 163      * Marshal a JAXB object tree to a new XML document.
 164      *
 165      * <p>
 166      * This method is similar to {@link Marshaller#marshal(Object, Node)}
 167      * with the addition of maintaining the association between JAXB objects
 168      * and the produced XML nodes,
 169      * enabling future update operations such as
 170      * {@link #updateXML(Object, Object)} or {@link #updateJAXB(Object)}.
 171      *
 172      * <p>
 173      * When {@link #getSchema()} is non-null, the marshalled
 174      * xml content is validated during this operation.
 175      *
 176      * @param jaxbObject
 177      *      The content tree to be marshalled.
 178      * @param xmlNode
 179      *      The parameter must be a Node that accepts children.
 180      *
 181      * @throws JAXBException
 182      *      If any unexpected problem occurs during the marshalling.
 183      * @throws MarshalException
 184      *      If the {@link ValidationEventHandler ValidationEventHandler}
 185      *      returns false from its {@code handleEvent} method or the
 186      *      {@code Binder} is unable to marshal {@code jaxbObject} (or any
 187      *      object reachable from {@code jaxbObject}).
 188      *
 189      * @throws IllegalArgumentException
 190      *      If any of the method parameters are null
 191      */
 192     public abstract void marshal( Object jaxbObject, XmlNode xmlNode ) throws JAXBException;
 194     /**
 195      * Gets the XML element associated with the given JAXB object.
 196      *
 197      * <p>
 198      * Once a JAXB object tree is associated with an XML fragment,
 199      * this method enables navigation between the two trees.
 200      *
 201      * <p>
 202      * An association between an XML element and a JAXB object is
 203      * established by the bind methods and the update methods.
 204      * Note that this association is partial; not all XML elements
 205      * have associated JAXB objects, and not all JAXB objects have
 206      * associated XML elements.
 207      *

 327     /**
 328      * Specifies whether marshal, unmarshal and update methods
 329      * performs validation on their XML content.
 330      *
 331      * @param schema set to null to disable validation.
 332      *
 333      * @see Unmarshaller#setSchema(Schema)
 334      */
 335     public abstract void setSchema( Schema schema );
 337     /**
 338      * Gets the last {@link Schema} object (including null) set by the
 339      * {@link #setSchema(Schema)} method.
 340      *
 341      * @return the Schema object for validation or null if not present
 342      */
 343     public abstract Schema getSchema();
 345     /**
 346      * Allow an application to register a {@code ValidationEventHandler}.
 347      * <p>
 348      * The {@code ValidationEventHandler} will be called by the JAXB Provider
 349      * if any validation errors are encountered during calls to any of the
 350      * Binder unmarshal, marshal and update methods.
 351      *
 352      * <p>
 353      * Calling this method with a null parameter will cause the Binder
 354      * to revert back to the default default event handler.
 355      *
 356      * @param handler the validation event handler
 357      * @throws JAXBException if an error was encountered while setting the
 358      *         event handler
 359      */
 360     public abstract void setEventHandler( ValidationEventHandler handler ) throws JAXBException;
 362     /**
 363      * Return the current event handler or the default event handler if one
 364      * hasn't been set.
 365      *
 366      * @return the current ValidationEventHandler or the default event handler
 367      *         if it hasn't been set
 368      * @throws JAXBException if an error was encountered while getting the
 369      *         current event handler
 370      */
 371     public abstract ValidationEventHandler getEventHandler() throws JAXBException;
 373     /**
 374      *
 375      * Set the particular property in the underlying implementation of
 376      * {@code Binder}.  This method can only be used to set one of
 377      * the standard JAXB defined unmarshal/marshal properties
 378      * or a provider specific property for binder, unmarshal or marshal.
 379      * Attempting to set an undefined property will result in
 380      * a PropertyException being thrown.  See
 381      * <a href="Unmarshaller.html#supportedProps">Supported Unmarshal Properties</a>
 382      * and
 383      * <a href="Marshaller.html#supportedProps">Supported Marshal Properties</a>.
 384      *
 385      * @param name the name of the property to be set. This value can either
 386      *              be specified using one of the constant fields or a user
 387      *              supplied string.
 388      * @param value the value of the property to be set
 389      *
 390      * @throws PropertyException when there is an error processing the given
 391      *                            property or value
 392      * @throws IllegalArgumentException
 393      *      If the name parameter is null
 394      */
 395     abstract public void setProperty( String name, Object value ) throws PropertyException;
 398     /**
 399      * Get the particular property in the underlying implementation of
 400      * {@code Binder}.  This method can only
 401      * be used to get one of
 402      * the standard JAXB defined unmarshal/marshal properties
 403      * or a provider specific property for binder, unmarshal or marshal.
 404      * Attempting to get an undefined property will result in
 405      * a PropertyException being thrown.  See
 406      * <a href="Unmarshaller.html#supportedProps">Supported Unmarshal Properties</a>
 407      * and
 408      * <a href="Marshaller.html#supportedProps">Supported Marshal Properties</a>.
 409      *
 410      * @param name the name of the property to retrieve
 411      * @return the value of the requested property
 412      *
 413      * @throws PropertyException
 414      *      when there is an error retrieving the given property or value
 415      *      property name
 416      * @throws IllegalArgumentException
 417      *      If the name parameter is null
 418      */
 419     abstract public Object getProperty( String name ) throws PropertyException;
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