1 /*
   2  * Copyright (c) 1997, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   4  *
   5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
   8  * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
   9  * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
  10  *
  11  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  12  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  13  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  14  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  15  * accompanied this code).
  16  *
  17  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  18  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  19  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  20  *
  21  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  22  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  23  * questions.
  24  */
  26 package com.sun.xml.internal.ws.api.message;
  28 import java.util.ArrayList;
  29 import java.util.BitSet;
  30 import java.util.HashSet;
  31 import java.util.Iterator;
  32 import java.util.List;
  33 import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
  34 import java.util.Set;
  36 import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
  37 import javax.xml.ws.WebServiceException;
  39 import com.sun.istack.internal.NotNull;
  40 import com.sun.istack.internal.Nullable;
  41 import com.sun.xml.internal.ws.api.SOAPVersion;
  42 import com.sun.xml.internal.ws.api.WSBinding;
  43 import com.sun.xml.internal.ws.api.addressing.AddressingVersion;
  44 import com.sun.xml.internal.ws.api.addressing.WSEndpointReference;
  45 import com.sun.xml.internal.ws.api.model.wsdl.WSDLPort;
  46 import com.sun.xml.internal.ws.api.pipe.Codec;
  47 import com.sun.xml.internal.ws.api.pipe.Pipe;
  48 import com.sun.xml.internal.ws.binding.SOAPBindingImpl;
  49 import com.sun.xml.internal.ws.protocol.soap.ClientMUTube;
  50 import com.sun.xml.internal.ws.protocol.soap.ServerMUTube;
  51 import java.util.Arrays;
  53 /**
  54  * A list of {@link Header}s on a {@link Message}.
  55  *
  56  * <p>
  57  * This list can be modified to add headers
  58  * from outside a {@link Message}, this is necessary
  59  * since intermediate processing layers often need to
  60  * put additional headers.
  61  *
  62  * <p>
  63  * Following the SOAP convention, the order among headers
  64  * are not significant. However, {@link Codec}s are
  65  * expected to preserve the order of headers in the input
  66  * message as much as possible.
  67  *
  68  *
  69  * <a name="MU"></a>
  70  * <h3>MustUnderstand Processing</h3>
  71  * <p>
  72  * To perform SOAP mustUnderstang processing correctly, we need to keep
  73  * track of headers that are understood and headers that are not.
  74  * This is a collaborative process among {@link Pipe}s, thus it's something
  75  * a {@link Pipe} author needs to keep in mind.
  76  *
  77  * <p>
  78  * Specifically, when a {@link Pipe} sees a header and processes it
  79  * (that is, if it did enough computing with the header to claim that
  80  * the header is understood), then it should mark the corresponding
  81  * header as "understood". For example, when a pipe that handles JAX-WSA
  82  * examins the &lt;wsa:To> header, it can claim that it understood the header.
  83  * But for example, if a pipe that does the signature verification checks
  84  * &lt;wsa:To> for a signature, that would not be considered as "understood".
  85  *
  86  * <p>
  87  * There are two ways to mark a header as understood:
  88  *
  89  * <ol>
  90  *  <li>Use one of the {@code getXXX} methods that take a
  91  *      boolean {@code markAsUnderstood} parameter.
  92  *      Most often, a {@link Pipe} knows it's going to understand a header
  93  *      as long as it's present, so this is the easiest and thus the preferred way.
  94  *
  95  *      For example, if JAX-WSA looks for &lt;wsa:To>, then it can set
  96  *      {@code markAsUnderstand} to true, to do the obtaining of a header
  97  *      and marking at the same time.
  98  *
  99  *  <li>Call {@link #understood(int)}.
 100  *      If under a rare circumstance, a pipe cannot determine whether
 101  *      it can understand it or not when you are fetching a header, then
 102  *      you can use this method afterward to mark it as understood.
 103  * </ol>
 104  *
 105  * <p>
 106  * Intuitively speaking, at the end of the day, if a header is not
 107  * understood but {@link Header#isIgnorable(SOAPVersion, java.util.Set)} is false, a bad thing
 108  * will happen. The actual implementation of the checking is more complicated,
 109  * for that see {@link ClientMUTube}/{@link ServerMUTube}.
 110  *
 111  * @see Message#getHeaders()
 112  */
 113 public class HeaderList extends ArrayList<Header> implements MessageHeaders {
 115     private static final long serialVersionUID = -6358045781349627237L;
 116     /**
 117      * Bit set to keep track of which headers are understood.
 118      * <p>
 119      * The first 32 headers use this field, and the rest will use
 120      * {@link #moreUnderstoodBits}. The expectation is that
 121      * most of the time a SOAP message will only have up to 32 headers,
 122      * so we can avoid allocating separate objects for {@link BitSet}.
 123      */
 124     private int understoodBits;
 125     /**
 126      * If there are more than 32 headers, we use this {@link BitSet}
 127      * to keep track of whether those headers are understood.
 128      * Lazily allocated.
 129      */
 130     private BitSet moreUnderstoodBits = null;
 132     private SOAPVersion soapVersion;
 134     /**
 135      * This method is deprecated - instead use this one:
 136      * public HeaderList(SOAPVersion)
 137      * Creates an empty {@link HeaderList}.
 138      */
 139     @Deprecated
 140     public HeaderList() {
 141     }
 143     /**
 144      * Creates an empty {@link HeaderList} with the given soap version
 145      * @param soapVersion
 146      */
 147     public HeaderList(SOAPVersion soapVersion) {
 148         this.soapVersion = soapVersion;
 149     }
 151     /**
 152      * Copy constructor.
 153      */
 154     public HeaderList(HeaderList that) {
 155         super(that);
 156         this.understoodBits = that.understoodBits;
 157         if (that.moreUnderstoodBits != null) {
 158             this.moreUnderstoodBits = (BitSet) that.moreUnderstoodBits.clone();
 159         }
 160     }
 162     public HeaderList(MessageHeaders that) {
 163         super(that.asList());
 164         if (that instanceof HeaderList) {
 165             HeaderList hThat = (HeaderList) that;
 166             this.understoodBits = hThat.understoodBits;
 167             if (hThat.moreUnderstoodBits != null) {
 168                 this.moreUnderstoodBits = (BitSet) hThat.moreUnderstoodBits.clone();
 169             }
 170         } else {
 171             Set<QName> understood = that.getUnderstoodHeaders();
 172             if (understood != null) {
 173                 for (QName qname : understood) {
 174                     understood(qname);
 175                 }
 176             }
 177         }
 178     }
 180     /**
 181      * The total number of headers.
 182      */
 183     @Override
 184     public int size() {
 185         return super.size();
 186     }
 188     @Override
 189     public boolean hasHeaders() {
 190         return !isEmpty();
 191     }
 193     /**
 194      * Adds all the headers.
 195      * @deprecated throws UnsupportedOperationException from some HeaderList implementations - better iterate over items one by one
 196      */
 197     @Deprecated
 198     public void addAll(Header... headers) {
 199         addAll(Arrays.asList(headers));
 200     }
 202     /**
 203      * Gets the {@link Header} at the specified index.
 204      *
 205      * <p>
 206      * This method does not mark the returned {@link Header} as understood.
 207      *
 208      * @see #understood(int)
 209      */
 210     @Override
 211     public Header get(int index) {
 212         return super.get(index);
 213     }
 215     /**
 216      * Marks the {@link Header} at the specified index as
 217      * <a href="#MU">"understood"</a>.
 218      */
 219     public void understood(int index) {
 220         // check that index is in range
 221         if (index >= size()) {
 222             throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(index);
 223         }
 225         if (index < 32) {
 226             understoodBits |= 1 << index;
 227         } else {
 228             if (moreUnderstoodBits == null) {
 229                 moreUnderstoodBits = new BitSet();
 230             }
 231             moreUnderstoodBits.set(index - 32);
 232         }
 233     }
 235     /**
 236      * Returns true if a {@link Header} at the given index
 237      * was <a href="#MU">"understood"</a>.
 238      */
 239     public boolean isUnderstood(int index) {
 240         // check that index is in range
 241         if (index >= size()) {
 242             throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(index);
 243         }
 245         if (index < 32) {
 246             return understoodBits == (understoodBits | (1 << index));
 247         } else {
 248             if (moreUnderstoodBits == null) {
 249                 return false;
 250             }
 251             return moreUnderstoodBits.get(index - 32);
 252         }
 253     }
 255     /**
 256      * Marks the specified {@link Header} as <a href="#MU">"understood"</a>.
 257      *
 258      * @deprecated
 259      * By the definition of {@link ArrayList}, this operation requires
 260      * O(n) search of the array, and thus inherently inefficient.
 261      *
 262      * Because of this, if you are developing a {@link Pipe} for
 263      * a performance sensitive environment, do not use this method.
 264      *
 265      * @throws IllegalArgumentException
 266      *      if the given header is not {@link #contains(Object) contained}
 267      *      in this header.
 268      */
 269     @Override
 270     public void understood(@NotNull Header header) {
 271         int sz = size();
 272         for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++) {
 273             if (get(i) == header) {
 274                 understood(i);
 275                 return;
 276             }
 277         }
 278         throw new IllegalArgumentException();
 279     }
 281     /**
 282      * Gets the first {@link Header} of the specified name.
 283      *
 284      * @param markAsUnderstood
 285      *      If this parameter is true, the returned header will
 286      *      be marked as <a href="#MU">"understood"</a>.
 287      * @return null if not found.
 288      */
 289     @Override
 290     public @Nullable Header get(@NotNull String nsUri, @NotNull String localName, boolean markAsUnderstood) {
 291         int len = size();
 292         for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
 293             Header h = get(i);
 294             if (h.getLocalPart().equals(localName) && h.getNamespaceURI().equals(nsUri)) {
 295                 if (markAsUnderstood) {
 296                     understood(i);
 297                 }
 298                 return h;
 299             }
 300         }
 301         return null;
 302     }
 304     /**
 305      * @deprecated
 306      *      Use {@link #get(String, String, boolean)}
 307      */
 308     public Header get(String nsUri, String localName) {
 309         return get(nsUri, localName, true);
 310     }
 312     /**
 313      * Gets the first {@link Header} of the specified name.
 314      *
 315      * @param markAsUnderstood
 316      *      If this parameter is true, the returned header will
 317      *      be marked as <a href="#MU">"understood"</a>.
 318      * @return null
 319      *      if not found.
 320      */
 321     @Override
 322     public @Nullable Header get(@NotNull QName name, boolean markAsUnderstood) {
 323         return get(name.getNamespaceURI(), name.getLocalPart(), markAsUnderstood);
 324     }
 326     /**
 327      * @deprecated
 328      *      Use {@link #get(QName)}
 329      */
 330     public
 331     @Nullable
 332     Header get(@NotNull QName name) {
 333         return get(name, true);
 334     }
 336     /**
 337      * @deprecated
 338      *      Use {@link #getHeaders(String, String, boolean)}
 339      */
 340     public Iterator<Header> getHeaders(final String nsUri, final String localName) {
 341         return getHeaders(nsUri, localName, true);
 342     }
 344     /**
 345      * Gets all the {@link Header}s of the specified name,
 346      * including duplicates (if any.)
 347      *
 348      * @param markAsUnderstood
 349      *      If this parameter is true, the returned headers will
 350      *      be marked as <a href="#MU">"understood"</a> when they are returned
 351      *      from {@link Iterator#next()}.
 352      * @return empty iterator if not found.
 353      */
 354     public
 355     @NotNull
 356     @Override
 357     Iterator<Header> getHeaders(@NotNull final String nsUri, @NotNull final String localName, final boolean markAsUnderstood) {
 358         return new Iterator<Header>() {
 360             int idx = 0;
 361             Header next;
 363             @Override
 364             public boolean hasNext() {
 365                 if (next == null) {
 366                     fetch();
 367                 }
 368                 return next != null;
 369             }
 371             @Override
 372             public Header next() {
 373                 if (next == null) {
 374                     fetch();
 375                     if (next == null) {
 376                         throw new NoSuchElementException();
 377                     }
 378                 }
 380                 if (markAsUnderstood) {
 381                     assert get(idx - 1) == next;
 382                     understood(idx - 1);
 383                 }
 385                 Header r = next;
 386                 next = null;
 387                 return r;
 388             }
 390             private void fetch() {
 391                 while (idx < size()) {
 392                     Header h = get(idx++);
 393                     if (h.getLocalPart().equals(localName) && h.getNamespaceURI().equals(nsUri)) {
 394                         next = h;
 395                         break;
 396                     }
 397                 }
 398             }
 400             @Override
 401             public void remove() {
 402                 throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
 403             }
 404         };
 405     }
 407     /**
 408      * @see #getHeaders(String, String, boolean)
 409      */
 410     public
 411     @NotNull
 412     @Override
 413     Iterator<Header> getHeaders(@NotNull QName headerName, final boolean markAsUnderstood) {
 414         return getHeaders(headerName.getNamespaceURI(), headerName.getLocalPart(), markAsUnderstood);
 415     }
 417     /**
 418      * @deprecated
 419      *      use {@link #getHeaders(String, boolean)}.
 420      */
 421     public
 422     @NotNull
 423     Iterator<Header> getHeaders(@NotNull final String nsUri) {
 424         return getHeaders(nsUri, true);
 425     }
 427     /**
 428      * Gets an iteration of headers {@link Header} in the specified namespace,
 429      * including duplicates (if any.)
 430      *
 431      * @param markAsUnderstood
 432      *      If this parameter is true, the returned headers will
 433      *      be marked as <a href="#MU">"understood"</a> when they are returned
 434      *      from {@link Iterator#next()}.
 435      * @return
 436      *      empty iterator if not found.
 437      */
 438     public
 439     @NotNull
 440     @Override
 441     Iterator<Header> getHeaders(@NotNull final String nsUri, final boolean markAsUnderstood) {
 442         return new Iterator<Header>() {
 444             int idx = 0;
 445             Header next;
 447             @Override
 448             public boolean hasNext() {
 449                 if (next == null) {
 450                     fetch();
 451                 }
 452                 return next != null;
 453             }
 455             @Override
 456             public Header next() {
 457                 if (next == null) {
 458                     fetch();
 459                     if (next == null) {
 460                         throw new NoSuchElementException();
 461                     }
 462                 }
 464                 if (markAsUnderstood) {
 465                     assert get(idx - 1) == next;
 466                     understood(idx - 1);
 467                 }
 469                 Header r = next;
 470                 next = null;
 471                 return r;
 472             }
 474             private void fetch() {
 475                 while (idx < size()) {
 476                     Header h = get(idx++);
 477                     if (h.getNamespaceURI().equals(nsUri)) {
 478                         next = h;
 479                         break;
 480                     }
 481                 }
 482             }
 484             @Override
 485             public void remove() {
 486                 throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
 487             }
 488         };
 489     }
 491     /**
 492      * Returns the value of WS-Addressing {@code To} header. The {@code version}
 493      * identifies the WS-Addressing version and the header returned is targeted at
 494      * the current implicit role. Caches the value for subsequent invocation.
 495      * Duplicate {@code To} headers are detected earlier.
 496      *
 497      * @param av WS-Addressing version
 498      * @param sv SOAP version
 499      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if either {@code av} or {@code sv} is null.
 500      * @return Value of WS-Addressing To header, anonymous URI if no header is present
 501      */
 502     public String getTo(AddressingVersion av, SOAPVersion sv) {
 503         return AddressingUtils.getTo(this, av, sv);
 504     }
 506     /**
 507      * Returns the value of WS-Addressing {@code Action} header. The {@code version}
 508      * identifies the WS-Addressing version and the header returned is targeted at
 509      * the current implicit role. Caches the value for subsequent invocation.
 510      * Duplicate {@code Action} headers are detected earlier.
 511      *
 512      * @param av WS-Addressing version
 513      * @param sv SOAP version
 514      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if either {@code av} or {@code sv} is null.
 515      * @return Value of WS-Addressing Action header, null if no header is present
 516      */
 517     public String getAction(@NotNull AddressingVersion av, @NotNull SOAPVersion sv) {
 518         return AddressingUtils.getAction(this, av, sv);
 519     }
 521     /**
 522      * Returns the value of WS-Addressing {@code ReplyTo} header. The {@code version}
 523      * identifies the WS-Addressing version and the header returned is targeted at
 524      * the current implicit role. Caches the value for subsequent invocation.
 525      * Duplicate {@code ReplyTo} headers are detected earlier.
 526      *
 527      * @param av WS-Addressing version
 528      * @param sv SOAP version
 529      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if either {@code av} or {@code sv} is null.
 530      * @return Value of WS-Addressing ReplyTo header, null if no header is present
 531      */
 532     public WSEndpointReference getReplyTo(@NotNull AddressingVersion av, @NotNull SOAPVersion sv) {
 533         return AddressingUtils.getReplyTo(this, av, sv);
 534     }
 536     /**
 537      * Returns the value of WS-Addressing {@code FaultTo} header. The {@code version}
 538      * identifies the WS-Addressing version and the header returned is targeted at
 539      * the current implicit role. Caches the value for subsequent invocation.
 540      * Duplicate {@code FaultTo} headers are detected earlier.
 541      *
 542      * @param av WS-Addressing version
 543      * @param sv SOAP version
 544      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if either {@code av} or {@code sv} is null.
 545      * @return Value of WS-Addressing FaultTo header, null if no header is present
 546      */
 547     public WSEndpointReference getFaultTo(@NotNull AddressingVersion av, @NotNull SOAPVersion sv) {
 548         return AddressingUtils.getFaultTo(this, av, sv);
 549     }
 551     /**
 552      * Returns the value of WS-Addressing {@code MessageID} header. The {@code version}
 553      * identifies the WS-Addressing version and the header returned is targeted at
 554      * the current implicit role. Caches the value for subsequent invocation.
 555      * Duplicate {@code MessageID} headers are detected earlier.
 556      *
 557      * @param av WS-Addressing version
 558      * @param sv SOAP version
 559      * @throws WebServiceException if either {@code av} or {@code sv} is null.
 560      * @return Value of WS-Addressing MessageID header, null if no header is present
 561      */
 562     public String getMessageID(@NotNull AddressingVersion av, @NotNull SOAPVersion sv) {
 563         return AddressingUtils.getMessageID(this, av, sv);
 564     }
 566     /**
 567      * Returns the value of WS-Addressing {@code RelatesTo} header. The {@code version}
 568      * identifies the WS-Addressing version and the header returned is targeted at
 569      * the current implicit role. Caches the value for subsequent invocation.
 570      * Duplicate {@code RelatesTo} headers are detected earlier.
 571      *
 572      * @param av WS-Addressing version
 573      * @param sv SOAP version
 574      * @throws WebServiceException if either {@code av} or {@code sv} is null.
 575      * @return Value of WS-Addressing RelatesTo header, null if no header is present
 576      */
 577     public String getRelatesTo(@NotNull AddressingVersion av, @NotNull SOAPVersion sv) {
 578         return AddressingUtils.getRelatesTo(this, av, sv);
 579     }
 581     /**
 582      * Creates a set of outbound WS-Addressing headers on the client with the
 583      * specified Action Message Addressing Property value.
 584      * <p><p>
 585      * This method needs to be invoked right after such a Message is
 586      * created which is error prone but so far only MEX, RM and JAX-WS
 587      * creates a request so this ugliness is acceptable. This method is also used
 588      * to create protocol messages that are not associated with any {@link WSBinding}
 589      * and {@link WSDLPort}.
 590      *
 591      * @param packet request packet
 592      * @param av WS-Addressing version
 593      * @param sv SOAP version
 594      * @param oneway Indicates if the message exchange pattern is oneway
 595      * @param action Action Message Addressing Property value
 596      * @param mustUnderstand to indicate if the addressing headers are set with mustUnderstand attribute
 597      */
 598     public void fillRequestAddressingHeaders(Packet packet, AddressingVersion av, SOAPVersion sv, boolean oneway, String action, boolean mustUnderstand) {
 599         AddressingUtils.fillRequestAddressingHeaders(this, packet, av, sv, oneway, action, mustUnderstand);
 600     }
 602     public void fillRequestAddressingHeaders(Packet packet, AddressingVersion av, SOAPVersion sv, boolean oneway, String action) {
 603         AddressingUtils.fillRequestAddressingHeaders(this, packet, av, sv, oneway, action);
 604     }
 606     /**
 607      * Creates a set of outbound WS-Addressing headers on the client with the
 608      * default Action Message Addressing Property value.
 609      * <p><p>
 610      * This method needs to be invoked right after such a Message is
 611      * created which is error prone but so far only MEX, RM and JAX-WS
 612      * creates a request so this ugliness is acceptable. If more components
 613      * are identified using this, then we may revisit this.
 614      * <p><p>
 615      * This method is used if default Action Message Addressing Property is to
 616      * be used. See
 617      * {@link #fillRequestAddressingHeaders(Packet, com.sun.xml.internal.ws.api.addressing.AddressingVersion, com.sun.xml.internal.ws.api.SOAPVersion, boolean, String)}
 618      * if non-default Action is to be used, for example when creating a protocol message not
 619      * associated with {@link WSBinding} and {@link WSDLPort}.
 620      * This method uses SOAPAction as the Action unless set expplicitly in the wsdl.
 621      * @param wsdlPort request WSDL port
 622      * @param binding request WSBinding
 623      * @param packet request packet
 624      */
 625     public void fillRequestAddressingHeaders(WSDLPort wsdlPort, @NotNull WSBinding binding, Packet packet) {
 626         AddressingUtils.fillRequestAddressingHeaders(this, wsdlPort, binding, packet);
 627     }
 629     /**
 630      * Adds a new {@link Header}.
 631      *
 632      * <p>
 633      * Order doesn't matter in headers, so this method
 634      * does not make any guarantee as to where the new header
 635      * is inserted.
 636      *
 637      * @return
 638      *      always true. Don't use the return value.
 639      */
 640     @Override
 641     public boolean add(Header header) {
 642         return super.add(header);
 643     }
 645     /**
 646      * Removes the first {@link Header} of the specified name.
 647      * @param nsUri namespace URI of the header to remove
 648      * @param localName local part of the FQN of the header to remove
 649      *
 650      * @return null if not found.
 651      */
 652     public
 653     @Nullable
 654     @Override
 655     Header remove(@NotNull String nsUri, @NotNull String localName) {
 656         int len = size();
 657         for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
 658             Header h = get(i);
 659             if (h.getLocalPart().equals(localName) && h.getNamespaceURI().equals(nsUri)) {
 660                 return remove(i);
 661             }
 662         }
 663         return null;
 664     }
 666     /**
 667      * Replaces an existing {@link Header} or adds a new {@link Header}.
 668      *
 669      * <p>
 670      * Order doesn't matter in headers, so this method
 671      * does not make any guarantee as to where the new header
 672      * is inserted.
 673      *
 674      * @return
 675      *      always true. Don't use the return value.
 676      */
 677     @Override
 678     public boolean addOrReplace(Header header) {
 679         for (int i=0; i < size(); i++) {
 680           Header hdr = get(i);
 681           if (hdr.getNamespaceURI().equals(header.getNamespaceURI()) &&
 682               hdr.getLocalPart().equals(header.getLocalPart())) {
 683             // Put the new header in the old position. Call super versions
 684             // internally to avoid UnsupportedOperationException
 685             removeInternal(i);
 686             addInternal(i, header);
 687             return true;
 688           }
 689         }
 690         return add(header);
 691     }
 693     @Override
 694     public void replace(Header old, Header header) {
 695         for (int i=0; i < size(); i++) {
 696             Header hdr = get(i);
 697             if (hdr.getNamespaceURI().equals(header.getNamespaceURI()) &&
 698                 hdr.getLocalPart().equals(header.getLocalPart())) {
 699               // Put the new header in the old position. Call super versions
 700               // internally to avoid UnsupportedOperationException
 701               removeInternal(i);
 702               addInternal(i, header);
 703               return;
 704             }
 705           }
 707           throw new IllegalArgumentException();
 708     }
 710     protected void addInternal(int index, Header header) {
 711         super.add(index, header);
 712     }
 714     protected Header removeInternal(int index) {
 715         return super.remove(index);
 716     }
 718     /**
 719      * Removes the first {@link Header} of the specified name.
 720      *
 721      * @param name fully qualified name of the header to remove
 722      *
 723      * @return null if not found.
 724      */
 725     public
 726     @Nullable
 727     @Override
 728     Header remove(@NotNull QName name) {
 729         return remove(name.getNamespaceURI(), name.getLocalPart());
 730     }
 732     /**
 733      * Removes the first {@link Header} of the specified name.
 734      *
 735      * @param index index of the header to remove
 736      *
 737      * @return removed header
 738      */
 739     @Override
 740     public Header remove(int index) {
 741         removeUnderstoodBit(index);
 742         return super.remove(index);
 743     }
 745     /**
 746      * Removes the "understood" bit for header on the position specified by {@code index} parameter
 747      * from the set of understood header bits.
 748      *
 749      * @param index position of the bit to remove
 750      */
 751     private void removeUnderstoodBit(int index) {
 752         assert index < size();
 754         if (index < 32) {
 755             /**
 756              * Let
 757              *   R be the bit to be removed
 758              *   M be a more significant "upper" bit than bit R
 759              *   L be a less significant "lower" bit than bit R
 760              *
 761              * Then following 3 lines of code produce these results:
 762              *
 763              *   old understoodBits = MMMMMMMMMMMMRLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL
 764              *
 765              *   shiftedUpperBits   = 0MMMMMMMMMMMM0000000000000000000
 766              *
 767              *   lowerBits          = 0000000000000LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL
 768              *
 769              *   new understoodBits = 0MMMMMMMMMMMMLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL
 770              *
 771              * The R bit is removed and all the upper bits are shifted right (unsigned)
 772              */
 773             int shiftedUpperBits = understoodBits >>> -31 + index << index;
 774             int lowerBits = understoodBits << -index >>> 31 - index >>> 1;
 775             understoodBits = shiftedUpperBits | lowerBits;
 777             if (moreUnderstoodBits != null && moreUnderstoodBits.cardinality() > 0) {
 778                 if (moreUnderstoodBits.get(0)) {
 779                     understoodBits |= 0x80000000;
 780                 }
 782                 moreUnderstoodBits.clear(0);
 783                 for (int i = moreUnderstoodBits.nextSetBit(1); i > 0; i = moreUnderstoodBits.nextSetBit(i + 1)) {
 784                     moreUnderstoodBits.set(i - 1);
 785                     moreUnderstoodBits.clear(i);
 786                 }
 787             }
 788         } else if (moreUnderstoodBits != null && moreUnderstoodBits.cardinality() > 0) {
 789             index -= 32;
 790             moreUnderstoodBits.clear(index);
 791             for (int i = moreUnderstoodBits.nextSetBit(index); i >= 1; i = moreUnderstoodBits.nextSetBit(i + 1)) {
 792                 moreUnderstoodBits.set(i - 1);
 793                 moreUnderstoodBits.clear(i);
 794             }
 795         }
 797         // remove bit set if the new size will be < 33 => we fit all bits into int
 798         if (size() - 1 <= 33 && moreUnderstoodBits != null) {
 799             moreUnderstoodBits = null;
 800         }
 801     }
 803     /**
 804      * Removes a single instance of the specified element from this
 805      * header list, if it is present.  More formally,
 806      * removes a header {@code h} such that
 807      * {@code (o==null ? h==null : o.equals(h))},
 808      * if the header list contains one or more such
 809      * headers.  Returns {@code true} if the list contained the
 810      * specified element (or equivalently, if the list changed as a
 811      * result of the call).<p>
 812      *
 813      * @param o element to be removed from this list, if present.
 814      * @return {@code true} if the list contained the specified element.
 815      * @see #remove(javax.xml.namespace.QName)
 816      */
 817     @Override
 818     public boolean remove(Object o) {
 819         if (o != null) {
 820             for (int index = 0; index < this.size(); index++) {
 821                 if (o.equals(this.get(index))) {
 822                     remove(index);
 823                     return true;
 824                 }
 825             }
 826         }
 828         return false;
 829     }
 831     public Header remove(Header h) {
 832         if (remove((Object) h)) {
 833             return h;
 834         } else {
 835             return null;
 836         }
 837     }
 839     /**
 840      * Creates a copy.
 841      *
 842      * This handles null {@link HeaderList} correctly.
 843      *
 844      * @param original
 845      *      Can be null, in which case null will be returned.
 846      */
 847     public static HeaderList copy(MessageHeaders original) {
 848         if (original == null) {
 849             return null;
 850         } else {
 851             return new HeaderList(original);
 852         }
 853     }
 855     /**
 856      * Creates a copy.
 857      *
 858      * This handles null {@link HeaderList} correctly.
 859      *
 860      * @param original
 861      *      Can be null, in which case null will be returned.
 862      */
 863     public static HeaderList copy(HeaderList original) {
 864         return copy((MessageHeaders) original);
 865     }
 867     public void readResponseAddressingHeaders(WSDLPort wsdlPort, WSBinding binding) {
 868         // read Action
 869 //        String wsaAction = getAction(binding.getAddressingVersion(), binding.getSOAPVersion());
 870         // TODO: validate client-inbound Action
 871     }
 873     @Override
 874     public void understood(QName name) {
 875        get(name, true);
 876     }
 878     @Override
 879     public void understood(String nsUri, String localName) {
 880         get(nsUri, localName, true);
 881     }
 883     @Override
 884     public Set<QName> getUnderstoodHeaders() {
 885         Set<QName> understoodHdrs = new HashSet<QName>();
 886         for (int i = 0; i < size(); i++) {
 887             if (isUnderstood(i)) {
 888                 Header header = get(i);
 889                 understoodHdrs.add(new QName(header.getNamespaceURI(), header.getLocalPart()));
 890             }
 891         }
 892         return understoodHdrs;
 893 //        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("getUnderstoodHeaders() is not implemented by HeaderList");
 894     }
 896     @Override
 897     public boolean isUnderstood(Header header) {
 898         return isUnderstood(header.getNamespaceURI(), header.getLocalPart());
 899     }
 901     @Override
 902     public boolean isUnderstood(String nsUri, String localName) {
 903         for (int i = 0; i < size(); i++) {
 904             Header h = get(i);
 905             if (h.getLocalPart().equals(localName) && h.getNamespaceURI().equals(nsUri)) {
 906                 return isUnderstood(i);
 907             }
 908         }
 909         return false;
 910     }
 912     @Override
 913     public boolean isUnderstood(QName name) {
 914         return isUnderstood(name.getNamespaceURI(), name.getLocalPart());
 915     }
 917     @Override
 918     public Set<QName> getNotUnderstoodHeaders(Set<String> roles, Set<QName> knownHeaders, WSBinding binding) {
 919         Set<QName> notUnderstoodHeaders = null;
 920         if (roles == null) {
 921             roles = new HashSet<String>();
 922         }
 923         SOAPVersion effectiveSoapVersion = getEffectiveSOAPVersion(binding);
 924         roles.add(effectiveSoapVersion.implicitRole);
 925         for (int i = 0; i < size(); i++) {
 926             if (!isUnderstood(i)) {
 927                 Header header = get(i);
 928                 if (!header.isIgnorable(effectiveSoapVersion, roles)) {
 929                     QName qName = new QName(header.getNamespaceURI(), header.getLocalPart());
 930                     if (binding == null) {
 931                         //if binding is null, no further checks needed...we already
 932                         //know this header is not understood from the isUnderstood
 933                         //check above
 934                         if (notUnderstoodHeaders == null) {
 935                             notUnderstoodHeaders = new HashSet<QName>();
 936                         }
 937                         notUnderstoodHeaders.add(qName);
 938                     } else {
 939                         // if the binding is not null, see if the binding can understand it
 940                         if (binding instanceof SOAPBindingImpl && !((SOAPBindingImpl) binding).understandsHeader(qName)) {
 941                             if (!knownHeaders.contains(qName)) {
 942                                 //logger.info("Element not understood=" + qName);
 943                                 if (notUnderstoodHeaders == null) {
 944                                     notUnderstoodHeaders = new HashSet<QName>();
 945                                 }
 946                                 notUnderstoodHeaders.add(qName);
 947                             }
 948                         }
 949                     }
 950                 }
 951             }
 952         }
 953         return notUnderstoodHeaders;
 954     }
 956     private SOAPVersion getEffectiveSOAPVersion(WSBinding binding) {
 957         SOAPVersion mySOAPVersion = (soapVersion != null) ? soapVersion : binding.getSOAPVersion();
 958         if (mySOAPVersion == null) {
 959             mySOAPVersion = SOAPVersion.SOAP_11;
 960         }
 961         return mySOAPVersion;
 962     }
 964     public void setSoapVersion(SOAPVersion soapVersion) {
 965        this.soapVersion = soapVersion;
 966     }
 968     @Override
 969     public Iterator<Header> getHeaders() {
 970         return iterator();
 971     }
 973     @Override
 974     public List<Header> asList() {
 975         return this;
 976     }
 977 }