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@@ -271,10 +271,15 @@
     POINT m_minSize;          /* Minimum size of the window for WM_GETMINMAXINFO message */
     BOOL m_grabbed; // Whether the current window is grabbed
     BOOL m_isRetainingHierarchyZOrder; // Is this a window that shouldn't change z-order of any window
                                        // from its hierarchy when shown. Currently applied to instances of
                                        // javax/swing/Popup$HeavyWeightWindow class.
+    BOOL m_isSnapResizing;  // Helps to determine whether system window's 
+                            // snapping occured by tracking the last message 
+                            // before WM_EXITSIZEMOVE among WM_GETMINMAXINFO 
+                            // and WM_SIZE. If WM_SIZE was the last one - the 
+                            // snapping occured.
     // SetTranslucency() is the setter for the following two fields
     BYTE m_opacity;         // The opacity level. == 0xff by default (when opacity mode is disabled)
     BOOL m_opaque;          // Whether the window uses the perpixel translucency (false), or not (true).