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  85  * {@code toString}, defined by {@code Object} and
  86  * inherited by all classes in Java. For additional information on
  87  * string concatenation and conversion, see Gosling, Joy, and Steele,
  88  * <i>The Java Language Specification</i>.
  89  *
  90  * <p> Unless otherwise noted, passing a {@code null} argument to a constructor
  91  * or method in this class will cause a {@link NullPointerException} to be
  92  * thrown.
  93  *
  94  * <p>A {@code String} represents a string in the UTF-16 format
  95  * in which <em>supplementary characters</em> are represented by <em>surrogate
  96  * pairs</em> (see the section <a href="Character.html#unicode">Unicode
  97  * Character Representations</a> in the {@code Character} class for
  98  * more information).
  99  * Index values refer to {@code char} code units, so a supplementary
 100  * character uses two positions in a {@code String}.
 101  * <p>The {@code String} class provides methods for dealing with
 102  * Unicode code points (i.e., characters), in addition to those for
 103  * dealing with Unicode code units (i.e., {@code char} values).
 104  *

 105  * @author  Lee Boynton
 106  * @author  Arthur van Hoff
 107  * @author  Martin Buchholz
 108  * @author  Ulf Zibis
 109  * @see     java.lang.Object#toString()
 110  * @see     java.lang.StringBuffer
 111  * @see     java.lang.StringBuilder
 112  * @see     java.nio.charset.Charset
 113  * @since   1.0
 114  */
 116 public final class String
 117     implements java.io.Serializable, Comparable<String>, CharSequence {
 118     /** The value is used for character storage. */
 119     private final char value[];
 121     /** Cache the hash code for the string */
 122     private int hash; // Default to 0
 124     /** use serialVersionUID from JDK 1.0.2 for interoperability */

 954      *
 955      * <p> The behavior of this method when this string cannot be encoded in
 956      * the default charset is unspecified.  The {@link
 957      * java.nio.charset.CharsetEncoder} class should be used when more control
 958      * over the encoding process is required.
 959      *
 960      * @return  The resultant byte array
 961      *
 962      * @since      1.1
 963      */
 964     public byte[] getBytes() {
 965         return StringCoding.encode(value, 0, value.length);
 966     }
 968     /**
 969      * Compares this string to the specified object.  The result is {@code
 970      * true} if and only if the argument is not {@code null} and is a {@code
 971      * String} object that represents the same sequence of characters as this
 972      * object.
 973      *

 974      * @param  anObject
 975      *         The object to compare this {@code String} against
 976      *
 977      * @return  {@code true} if the given object represents a {@code String}
 978      *          equivalent to this string, {@code false} otherwise
 979      *
 980      * @see  #compareTo(String)
 981      * @see  #equalsIgnoreCase(String)
 982      */
 983     @HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate
 984     public boolean equals(Object anObject) {
 985         if (this == anObject) {
 986             return true;
 987         }
 988         if (anObject instanceof String) {
 989             char[] v1 = value;
 990             char[] v2 = ((String)anObject).value;
 991             int n = v1.length;
 992             if (n == v2.length) {
 993                 int i = 0;
 994                 while (n-- != 0) {
 995                     if (v1[i] != v2[i])
 996                         return false;
 997                     i++;
 998                 }
 999                 return true;
1000             }
1001         }
1002         return false;
1003     }
1005     /**
1006      * Compares this string to the specified {@code StringBuffer}.  The result
1007      * is {@code true} if and only if this {@code String} represents the same
1008      * sequence of characters as the specified {@code StringBuffer}. This method
1009      * synchronizes on the {@code StringBuffer}.
1010      *

1011      * @param  sb
1012      *         The {@code StringBuffer} to compare this {@code String} against
1013      *
1014      * @return  {@code true} if this {@code String} represents the same
1015      *          sequence of characters as the specified {@code StringBuffer},
1016      *          {@code false} otherwise
1017      *
1018      * @since  1.4
1019      */
1020     public boolean contentEquals(StringBuffer sb) {
1021         return contentEquals((CharSequence)sb);
1022     }
1024     private boolean nonSyncContentEquals(AbstractStringBuilder sb) {
1025         char[] v1 = value;
1026         char[] v2 = sb.getValue();
1027         int n = v1.length;
1028         if (n != sb.length()) {
1029             return false;
1030         }
1031         for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
1032             if (v1[i] != v2[i]) {
1033                 return false;
1034             }
1035         }
1036         return true;
1037     }
1039     /**
1040      * Compares this string to the specified {@code CharSequence}.  The
1041      * result is {@code true} if and only if this {@code String} represents the
1042      * same sequence of char values as the specified sequence. Note that if the
1043      * {@code CharSequence} is a {@code StringBuffer} then the method
1044      * synchronizes on it.
1045      *

1046      * @param  cs
1047      *         The sequence to compare this {@code String} against
1048      *
1049      * @return  {@code true} if this {@code String} represents the same
1050      *          sequence of char values as the specified sequence, {@code
1051      *          false} otherwise
1052      *
1053      * @since  1.5
1054      */
1055     public boolean contentEquals(CharSequence cs) {
1056         // Argument is a StringBuffer, StringBuilder
1057         if (cs instanceof AbstractStringBuilder) {
1058             if (cs instanceof StringBuffer) {
1059                 synchronized(cs) {
1060                    return nonSyncContentEquals((AbstractStringBuilder)cs);
1061                 }
1062             } else {
1063                 return nonSyncContentEquals((AbstractStringBuilder)cs);
1064             }
1065         }

1075         }
1076         for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
1077             if (v1[i] != cs.charAt(i)) {
1078                 return false;
1079             }
1080         }
1081         return true;
1082     }
1084     /**
1085      * Compares this {@code String} to another {@code String}, ignoring case
1086      * considerations.  Two strings are considered equal ignoring case if they
1087      * are of the same length and corresponding characters in the two strings
1088      * are equal ignoring case.
1089      *
1090      * <p> Two characters {@code c1} and {@code c2} are considered the same
1091      * ignoring case if at least one of the following is true:
1092      * <ul>
1093      *   <li> The two characters are the same (as compared by the
1094      *        {@code ==} operator)
1095      *   <li> Applying the method {@link
1096      *        java.lang.Character#toUpperCase(char)} to each character
1097      *        produces the same result
1098      *   <li> Applying the method {@link
1099      *        java.lang.Character#toLowerCase(char)} to each character
1100      *        produces the same result
1101      * </ul>
1102      *

1103      * @param  anotherString
1104      *         The {@code String} to compare this {@code String} against
1105      *
1106      * @return  {@code true} if the argument is not {@code null} and it
1107      *          represents an equivalent {@code String} ignoring case; {@code
1108      *          false} otherwise
1109      *
1110      * @see  #equals(Object)
1111      */
1112     public boolean equalsIgnoreCase(String anotherString) {
1113         return (this == anotherString) ? true
1114                 : (anotherString != null)
1115                 && (anotherString.value.length == value.length)
1116                 && regionMatches(true, 0, anotherString, 0, value.length);
1117     }
1119     /**
1120      * Compares two strings lexicographically.
1121      * The comparison is based on the Unicode value of each character in
1122      * the strings. The character sequence represented by this

1133      * different, then either they have different characters at some index
1134      * that is a valid index for both strings, or their lengths are different,
1135      * or both. If they have different characters at one or more index
1136      * positions, let <i>k</i> be the smallest such index; then the string
1137      * whose character at position <i>k</i> has the smaller value, as
1138      * determined by using the {@code <} operator, lexicographically precedes the
1139      * other string. In this case, {@code compareTo} returns the
1140      * difference of the two character values at position {@code k} in
1141      * the two string -- that is, the value:
1142      * <blockquote><pre>
1143      * this.charAt(k)-anotherString.charAt(k)
1144      * </pre></blockquote>
1145      * If there is no index position at which they differ, then the shorter
1146      * string lexicographically precedes the longer string. In this case,
1147      * {@code compareTo} returns the difference of the lengths of the
1148      * strings -- that is, the value:
1149      * <blockquote><pre>
1150      * this.length()-anotherString.length()
1151      * </pre></blockquote>
1152      *

1153      * @param   anotherString   the {@code String} to be compared.
1154      * @return  the value {@code 0} if the argument string is equal to
1155      *          this string; a value less than {@code 0} if this string
1156      *          is lexicographically less than the string argument; and a
1157      *          value greater than {@code 0} if this string is
1158      *          lexicographically greater than the string argument.
1159      */
1160     @HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate
1161     public int compareTo(String anotherString) {
1162         char[] v1 = value;
1163         char[] v2 = anotherString.value;
1164         int len1 = v1.length;
1165         int len2 = v2.length;
1166         int lim = Math.min(len1, len2);
1168         for (int k = 0; k < lim; k++) {
1169             char c1 = v1[k];
1170             char c2 = v2[k];
1171             if (c1 != c2) {
1172                 return c1 - c2;
1173             }
1174         }
1175         return len1 - len2;
1176     }
1178     /**
1179      * A Comparator that orders {@code String} objects as by
1180      * {@code compareToIgnoreCase}. This comparator is serializable.
1181      * <p>
1182      * Note that this Comparator does <em>not</em> take locale into account,
1183      * and will result in an unsatisfactory ordering for certain locales.
1184      * The java.text package provides <em>Collators</em> to allow
1185      * locale-sensitive ordering.
1186      *
1187      * @see     java.text.Collator#compare(String, String)
1188      * @since   1.2
1189      */
1190     public static final Comparator<String> CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER
1191                                          = new CaseInsensitiveComparator();
1192     private static class CaseInsensitiveComparator
1193             implements Comparator<String>, java.io.Serializable {
1194         // use serialVersionUID from JDK 1.2.2 for interoperability
1195         private static final long serialVersionUID = 8575799808933029326L;
1197         public int compare(String s1, String s2) {
1198             int n1 = s1.length();
1199             int n2 = s2.length();
1200             int min = Math.min(n1, n2);
1201             for (int i = 0; i < min; i++) {
1202                 char c1 = s1.charAt(i);
1203                 char c2 = s2.charAt(i);
1204                 if (c1 != c2) {
1205                     c1 = Character.toUpperCase(c1);
1206                     c2 = Character.toUpperCase(c2);
1207                     if (c1 != c2) {

1214                     }
1215                 }
1216             }
1217             return n1 - n2;
1218         }
1220         /** Replaces the de-serialized object. */
1221         private Object readResolve() { return CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER; }
1222     }
1224     /**
1225      * Compares two strings lexicographically, ignoring case
1226      * differences. This method returns an integer whose sign is that of
1227      * calling {@code compareTo} with normalized versions of the strings
1228      * where case differences have been eliminated by calling
1229      * {@code Character.toLowerCase(Character.toUpperCase(character))} on
1230      * each character.
1231      * <p>
1232      * Note that this method does <em>not</em> take locale into account,
1233      * and will result in an unsatisfactory ordering for certain locales.
1234      * The java.text package provides <em>collators</em> to allow
1235      * locale-sensitive ordering.
1236      *
1237      * @param   str   the {@code String} to be compared.
1238      * @return  a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer as the
1239      *          specified String is greater than, equal to, or less
1240      *          than this String, ignoring case considerations.
1241      * @see     java.text.Collator#compare(String, String)
1242      * @since   1.2
1243      */
1244     public int compareToIgnoreCase(String str) {
1245         return CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER.compare(this, str);
1246     }
1248     /**
1249      * Tests if two string regions are equal.
1250      * <p>
1251      * A substring of this {@code String} object is compared to a substring
1252      * of the argument other. The result is true if these substrings
1253      * represent identical character sequences. The substring of this
1254      * {@code String} object to be compared begins at index {@code toffset}
1255      * and has length {@code len}. The substring of other to be compared
1256      * begins at index {@code ooffset} and has length {@code len}. The
1257      * result is {@code false} if and only if at least one of the following
1258      * is true:
1259      * <ul><li>{@code toffset} is negative.
1260      * <li>{@code ooffset} is negative.
1261      * <li>{@code toffset+len} is greater than the length of this
1262      * {@code String} object.
1263      * <li>{@code ooffset+len} is greater than the length of the other
1264      * argument.
1265      * <li>There is some nonnegative integer <i>k</i> less than {@code len}
1266      * such that:
1267      * {@code this.charAt(toffset + }<i>k</i>{@code ) != other.charAt(ooffset + }
1268      * <i>k</i>{@code )}
1269      * </ul>
1270      *

1271      * @param   toffset   the starting offset of the subregion in this string.
1272      * @param   other     the string argument.
1273      * @param   ooffset   the starting offset of the subregion in the string
1274      *                    argument.
1275      * @param   len       the number of characters to compare.
1276      * @return  {@code true} if the specified subregion of this string
1277      *          exactly matches the specified subregion of the string argument;
1278      *          {@code false} otherwise.
1279      */
1280     public boolean regionMatches(int toffset, String other, int ooffset,
1281             int len) {
1282         char[] ta = value;
1283         int to = toffset;
1284         char[] pa = other.value;
1285         int po = ooffset;
1286         // Note: toffset, ooffset, or len might be near -1>>>1.
1287         if ((ooffset < 0) || (toffset < 0)
1288                 || (toffset > (long)ta.length - len)
1289                 || (ooffset > (long)pa.length - len)) {
1290             return false;

1306      * case if and only if {@code ignoreCase} is true. The substring of
1307      * this {@code String} object to be compared begins at index
1308      * {@code toffset} and has length {@code len}. The substring of
1309      * {@code other} to be compared begins at index {@code ooffset} and
1310      * has length {@code len}. The result is {@code false} if and only if
1311      * at least one of the following is true:
1312      * <ul><li>{@code toffset} is negative.
1313      * <li>{@code ooffset} is negative.
1314      * <li>{@code toffset+len} is greater than the length of this
1315      * {@code String} object.
1316      * <li>{@code ooffset+len} is greater than the length of the other
1317      * argument.
1318      * <li>{@code ignoreCase} is {@code false} and there is some nonnegative
1319      * integer <i>k</i> less than {@code len} such that:
1320      * <blockquote><pre>
1321      * this.charAt(toffset+k) != other.charAt(ooffset+k)
1322      * </pre></blockquote>
1323      * <li>{@code ignoreCase} is {@code true} and there is some nonnegative
1324      * integer <i>k</i> less than {@code len} such that:
1325      * <blockquote><pre>
1326      * Character.toLowerCase(this.charAt(toffset+k)) !=
1327      Character.toLowerCase(other.charAt(ooffset+k))
1328      * </pre></blockquote>
1329      * and:
1330      * <blockquote><pre>
1331      * Character.toUpperCase(this.charAt(toffset+k)) !=
1332      *         Character.toUpperCase(other.charAt(ooffset+k))
1333      * </pre></blockquote>
1334      * </ul>
1335      *

1336      * @param   ignoreCase   if {@code true}, ignore case when comparing
1337      *                       characters.
1338      * @param   toffset      the starting offset of the subregion in this
1339      *                       string.
1340      * @param   other        the string argument.
1341      * @param   ooffset      the starting offset of the subregion in the string
1342      *                       argument.
1343      * @param   len          the number of characters to compare.
1344      * @return  {@code true} if the specified subregion of this string
1345      *          matches the specified subregion of the string argument;
1346      *          {@code false} otherwise. Whether the matching is exact
1347      *          or case insensitive depends on the {@code ignoreCase}
1348      *          argument.
1349      */
1350     public boolean regionMatches(boolean ignoreCase, int toffset,
1351             String other, int ooffset, int len) {
1352         char[] ta = value;
1353         int to = toffset;
1354         char[] pa = other.value;
1355         int po = ooffset;

  85  * {@code toString}, defined by {@code Object} and
  86  * inherited by all classes in Java. For additional information on
  87  * string concatenation and conversion, see Gosling, Joy, and Steele,
  88  * <i>The Java Language Specification</i>.
  89  *
  90  * <p> Unless otherwise noted, passing a {@code null} argument to a constructor
  91  * or method in this class will cause a {@link NullPointerException} to be
  92  * thrown.
  93  *
  94  * <p>A {@code String} represents a string in the UTF-16 format
  95  * in which <em>supplementary characters</em> are represented by <em>surrogate
  96  * pairs</em> (see the section <a href="Character.html#unicode">Unicode
  97  * Character Representations</a> in the {@code Character} class for
  98  * more information).
  99  * Index values refer to {@code char} code units, so a supplementary
 100  * character uses two positions in a {@code String}.
 101  * <p>The {@code String} class provides methods for dealing with
 102  * Unicode code points (i.e., characters), in addition to those for
 103  * dealing with Unicode code units (i.e., {@code char} values).
 104  *
 105  * <p>Unless otherwise noted, methods for comparing Strings do not take locale
 106  * into account.  The {@link java.text.Collator} class provides methods for
 107  * finer-grain, locale-sensitive String comparison.
 108  * 
 109  * @author  Lee Boynton
 110  * @author  Arthur van Hoff
 111  * @author  Martin Buchholz
 112  * @author  Ulf Zibis
 113  * @see     java.lang.Object#toString()
 114  * @see     java.lang.StringBuffer
 115  * @see     java.lang.StringBuilder
 116  * @see     java.nio.charset.Charset
 117  * @since   1.0
 118  */
 120 public final class String
 121     implements java.io.Serializable, Comparable<String>, CharSequence {
 122     /** The value is used for character storage. */
 123     private final char value[];
 125     /** Cache the hash code for the string */
 126     private int hash; // Default to 0
 128     /** use serialVersionUID from JDK 1.0.2 for interoperability */

 958      *
 959      * <p> The behavior of this method when this string cannot be encoded in
 960      * the default charset is unspecified.  The {@link
 961      * java.nio.charset.CharsetEncoder} class should be used when more control
 962      * over the encoding process is required.
 963      *
 964      * @return  The resultant byte array
 965      *
 966      * @since      1.1
 967      */
 968     public byte[] getBytes() {
 969         return StringCoding.encode(value, 0, value.length);
 970     }
 972     /**
 973      * Compares this string to the specified object.  The result is {@code
 974      * true} if and only if the argument is not {@code null} and is a {@code
 975      * String} object that represents the same sequence of characters as this
 976      * object.
 977      *
 978      * <p>For finer-grained String comparison, refer to
 979      * {@link java.text.Collator}.
 980      * 
 981      * @param  anObject
 982      *         The object to compare this {@code String} against
 983      *
 984      * @return  {@code true} if the given object represents a {@code String}
 985      *          equivalent to this string, {@code false} otherwise
 986      *
 987      * @see  #compareTo(String)
 988      * @see  #equalsIgnoreCase(String)
 989      */
 990     @HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate
 991     public boolean equals(Object anObject) {
 992         if (this == anObject) {
 993             return true;
 994         }
 995         if (anObject instanceof String) {
 996             char[] v1 = value;
 997             char[] v2 = ((String)anObject).value;
 998             int n = v1.length;
 999             if (n == v2.length) {
1000                 int i = 0;
1001                 while (n-- != 0) {
1002                     if (v1[i] != v2[i])
1003                         return false;
1004                     i++;
1005                 }
1006                 return true;
1007             }
1008         }
1009         return false;
1010     }
1012     /**
1013      * Compares this string to the specified {@code StringBuffer}.  The result
1014      * is {@code true} if and only if this {@code String} represents the same
1015      * sequence of characters as the specified {@code StringBuffer}. This method
1016      * synchronizes on the {@code StringBuffer}.
1017      *
1018      * <p>For finer-grained String comparison, refer to
1019      * {@link java.text.Collator}.
1020      *
1021      * @param  sb
1022      *         The {@code StringBuffer} to compare this {@code String} against
1023      *
1024      * @return  {@code true} if this {@code String} represents the same
1025      *          sequence of characters as the specified {@code StringBuffer},
1026      *          {@code false} otherwise
1027      *
1028      * @since  1.4
1029      */
1030     public boolean contentEquals(StringBuffer sb) {
1031         return contentEquals((CharSequence)sb);
1032     }
1034     private boolean nonSyncContentEquals(AbstractStringBuilder sb) {
1035         char[] v1 = value;
1036         char[] v2 = sb.getValue();
1037         int n = v1.length;
1038         if (n != sb.length()) {
1039             return false;
1040         }
1041         for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
1042             if (v1[i] != v2[i]) {
1043                 return false;
1044             }
1045         }
1046         return true;
1047     }
1049     /**
1050      * Compares this string to the specified {@code CharSequence}.  The
1051      * result is {@code true} if and only if this {@code String} represents the
1052      * same sequence of char values as the specified sequence. Note that if the
1053      * {@code CharSequence} is a {@code StringBuffer} then the method
1054      * synchronizes on it.
1055      *
1056      * <p>For finer-grained String comparison, refer to
1057      * {@link java.text.Collator}.
1058      *
1059      * @param  cs
1060      *         The sequence to compare this {@code String} against
1061      *
1062      * @return  {@code true} if this {@code String} represents the same
1063      *          sequence of char values as the specified sequence, {@code
1064      *          false} otherwise
1065      *
1066      * @since  1.5
1067      */
1068     public boolean contentEquals(CharSequence cs) {
1069         // Argument is a StringBuffer, StringBuilder
1070         if (cs instanceof AbstractStringBuilder) {
1071             if (cs instanceof StringBuffer) {
1072                 synchronized(cs) {
1073                    return nonSyncContentEquals((AbstractStringBuilder)cs);
1074                 }
1075             } else {
1076                 return nonSyncContentEquals((AbstractStringBuilder)cs);
1077             }
1078         }

1088         }
1089         for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
1090             if (v1[i] != cs.charAt(i)) {
1091                 return false;
1092             }
1093         }
1094         return true;
1095     }
1097     /**
1098      * Compares this {@code String} to another {@code String}, ignoring case
1099      * considerations.  Two strings are considered equal ignoring case if they
1100      * are of the same length and corresponding characters in the two strings
1101      * are equal ignoring case.
1102      *
1103      * <p> Two characters {@code c1} and {@code c2} are considered the same
1104      * ignoring case if at least one of the following is true:
1105      * <ul>
1106      *   <li> The two characters are the same (as compared by the
1107      *        {@code ==} operator)
1108      *   <li> Calling {@code Character.toLowerCase(Character.toUpperCase(char))}
1109      *        on each character produces the same result

1110      * </ul>
1111      * 
1112      * <p>Note that this method does <em>not</em> take locale into account, and
1113      * will result in unsatisfactory results for certain locales.  The
1114      * {@link java.text.Collator} class provides locale-sensitive comparison.
1115      * 
1116      * @param  anotherString
1117      *         The {@code String} to compare this {@code String} against
1118      *
1119      * @return  {@code true} if the argument is not {@code null} and it
1120      *          represents an equivalent {@code String} ignoring case; {@code
1121      *          false} otherwise
1122      *
1123      * @see  #equals(Object)
1124      */
1125     public boolean equalsIgnoreCase(String anotherString) {
1126         return (this == anotherString) ? true
1127                 : (anotherString != null)
1128                 && (anotherString.value.length == value.length)
1129                 && regionMatches(true, 0, anotherString, 0, value.length);
1130     }
1132     /**
1133      * Compares two strings lexicographically.
1134      * The comparison is based on the Unicode value of each character in
1135      * the strings. The character sequence represented by this

1146      * different, then either they have different characters at some index
1147      * that is a valid index for both strings, or their lengths are different,
1148      * or both. If they have different characters at one or more index
1149      * positions, let <i>k</i> be the smallest such index; then the string
1150      * whose character at position <i>k</i> has the smaller value, as
1151      * determined by using the {@code <} operator, lexicographically precedes the
1152      * other string. In this case, {@code compareTo} returns the
1153      * difference of the two character values at position {@code k} in
1154      * the two string -- that is, the value:
1155      * <blockquote><pre>
1156      * this.charAt(k)-anotherString.charAt(k)
1157      * </pre></blockquote>
1158      * If there is no index position at which they differ, then the shorter
1159      * string lexicographically precedes the longer string. In this case,
1160      * {@code compareTo} returns the difference of the lengths of the
1161      * strings -- that is, the value:
1162      * <blockquote><pre>
1163      * this.length()-anotherString.length()
1164      * </pre></blockquote>
1165      *
1166      * <p>For finer-grained String comparison, refer to
1167      * {@link java.text.Collator}.
1168      * 
1169      * @param   anotherString   the {@code String} to be compared.
1170      * @return  the value {@code 0} if the argument string is equal to
1171      *          this string; a value less than {@code 0} if this string
1172      *          is lexicographically less than the string argument; and a
1173      *          value greater than {@code 0} if this string is
1174      *          lexicographically greater than the string argument.
1175      */
1176     @HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate
1177     public int compareTo(String anotherString) {
1178         char[] v1 = value;
1179         char[] v2 = anotherString.value;
1180         int len1 = v1.length;
1181         int len2 = v2.length;
1182         int lim = Math.min(len1, len2);
1184         for (int k = 0; k < lim; k++) {
1185             char c1 = v1[k];
1186             char c2 = v2[k];
1187             if (c1 != c2) {
1188                 return c1 - c2;
1189             }
1190         }
1191         return len1 - len2;
1192     }
1194     /**
1195      * A Comparator that orders {@code String} objects as by
1196      * {@code compareToIgnoreCase}. This comparator is serializable.
1197      * <p>
1198      * Note that this Comparator does <em>not</em> take locale into account,
1199      * and will result in an unsatisfactory ordering for certain locales.
1200      * The {@link java.text.Collator} class provides locale-sensitive comparison.

1201      *
1202      * @see     java.text.Collator
1203      * @since   1.2
1204      */
1205     public static final Comparator<String> CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER
1206                                          = new CaseInsensitiveComparator();
1207     private static class CaseInsensitiveComparator
1208             implements Comparator<String>, java.io.Serializable {
1209         // use serialVersionUID from JDK 1.2.2 for interoperability
1210         private static final long serialVersionUID = 8575799808933029326L;
1212         public int compare(String s1, String s2) {
1213             int n1 = s1.length();
1214             int n2 = s2.length();
1215             int min = Math.min(n1, n2);
1216             for (int i = 0; i < min; i++) {
1217                 char c1 = s1.charAt(i);
1218                 char c2 = s2.charAt(i);
1219                 if (c1 != c2) {
1220                     c1 = Character.toUpperCase(c1);
1221                     c2 = Character.toUpperCase(c2);
1222                     if (c1 != c2) {

1229                     }
1230                 }
1231             }
1232             return n1 - n2;
1233         }
1235         /** Replaces the de-serialized object. */
1236         private Object readResolve() { return CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER; }
1237     }
1239     /**
1240      * Compares two strings lexicographically, ignoring case
1241      * differences. This method returns an integer whose sign is that of
1242      * calling {@code compareTo} with normalized versions of the strings
1243      * where case differences have been eliminated by calling
1244      * {@code Character.toLowerCase(Character.toUpperCase(character))} on
1245      * each character.
1246      * <p>
1247      * Note that this method does <em>not</em> take locale into account,
1248      * and will result in an unsatisfactory ordering for certain locales.
1249      * The {@link java.text.Collator} class provides locale-sensitive comparison.

1250      *
1251      * @param   str   the {@code String} to be compared.
1252      * @return  a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer as the
1253      *          specified String is greater than, equal to, or less
1254      *          than this String, ignoring case considerations.
1255      * @see     java.text.Collator
1256      * @since   1.2
1257      */
1258     public int compareToIgnoreCase(String str) {
1259         return CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER.compare(this, str);
1260     }
1262     /**
1263      * Tests if two string regions are equal.
1264      * <p>
1265      * A substring of this {@code String} object is compared to a substring
1266      * of the argument other. The result is true if these substrings
1267      * represent identical character sequences. The substring of this
1268      * {@code String} object to be compared begins at index {@code toffset}
1269      * and has length {@code len}. The substring of other to be compared
1270      * begins at index {@code ooffset} and has length {@code len}. The
1271      * result is {@code false} if and only if at least one of the following
1272      * is true:
1273      * <ul><li>{@code toffset} is negative.
1274      * <li>{@code ooffset} is negative.
1275      * <li>{@code toffset+len} is greater than the length of this
1276      * {@code String} object.
1277      * <li>{@code ooffset+len} is greater than the length of the other
1278      * argument.
1279      * <li>There is some nonnegative integer <i>k</i> less than {@code len}
1280      * such that:
1281      * {@code this.charAt(toffset + }<i>k</i>{@code ) != other.charAt(ooffset + }
1282      * <i>k</i>{@code )}
1283      * </ul>
1284      *
1285      * <p>Note that this method does <em>not</em> take locale into account.  The
1286      * {@link java.text.Collator} class provides locale-sensitive comparison.
1287      * 
1288      * @param   toffset   the starting offset of the subregion in this string.
1289      * @param   other     the string argument.
1290      * @param   ooffset   the starting offset of the subregion in the string
1291      *                    argument.
1292      * @param   len       the number of characters to compare.
1293      * @return  {@code true} if the specified subregion of this string
1294      *          exactly matches the specified subregion of the string argument;
1295      *          {@code false} otherwise.
1296      */
1297     public boolean regionMatches(int toffset, String other, int ooffset,
1298             int len) {
1299         char[] ta = value;
1300         int to = toffset;
1301         char[] pa = other.value;
1302         int po = ooffset;
1303         // Note: toffset, ooffset, or len might be near -1>>>1.
1304         if ((ooffset < 0) || (toffset < 0)
1305                 || (toffset > (long)ta.length - len)
1306                 || (ooffset > (long)pa.length - len)) {
1307             return false;

1323      * case if and only if {@code ignoreCase} is true. The substring of
1324      * this {@code String} object to be compared begins at index
1325      * {@code toffset} and has length {@code len}. The substring of
1326      * {@code other} to be compared begins at index {@code ooffset} and
1327      * has length {@code len}. The result is {@code false} if and only if
1328      * at least one of the following is true:
1329      * <ul><li>{@code toffset} is negative.
1330      * <li>{@code ooffset} is negative.
1331      * <li>{@code toffset+len} is greater than the length of this
1332      * {@code String} object.
1333      * <li>{@code ooffset+len} is greater than the length of the other
1334      * argument.
1335      * <li>{@code ignoreCase} is {@code false} and there is some nonnegative
1336      * integer <i>k</i> less than {@code len} such that:
1337      * <blockquote><pre>
1338      * this.charAt(toffset+k) != other.charAt(ooffset+k)
1339      * </pre></blockquote>
1340      * <li>{@code ignoreCase} is {@code true} and there is some nonnegative
1341      * integer <i>k</i> less than {@code len} such that:
1342      * <blockquote><pre>
1343      * Character.toLowerCase(Character.toUpperCase(this.charAt(toffset+k))) !=
1344      Character.toLowerCase(Character.toUpperCase(other.charAt(ooffset+k)))

1345      * </pre></blockquote>
1346      * </ul>
1347      * 
1348      * <p>Note that this method does <em>not</em> take locale into account,
1349      * and will result in unsatisfactory results for certain locales when
1350      * {@code ignoreCase} is {@code true}.  The {@link java.text.Collator} class
1351      * provides locale-sensitive comparison.
1352      * 
1353      * @param   ignoreCase   if {@code true}, ignore case when comparing
1354      *                       characters.
1355      * @param   toffset      the starting offset of the subregion in this
1356      *                       string.
1357      * @param   other        the string argument.
1358      * @param   ooffset      the starting offset of the subregion in the string
1359      *                       argument.
1360      * @param   len          the number of characters to compare.
1361      * @return  {@code true} if the specified subregion of this string
1362      *          matches the specified subregion of the string argument;
1363      *          {@code false} otherwise. Whether the matching is exact
1364      *          or case insensitive depends on the {@code ignoreCase}
1365      *          argument.
1366      */
1367     public boolean regionMatches(boolean ignoreCase, int toffset,
1368             String other, int ooffset, int len) {
1369         char[] ta = value;
1370         int to = toffset;
1371         char[] pa = other.value;
1372         int po = ooffset;

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