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 306                                                                             \
 307   lp64_product(bool, UseCompressedOops, false,                              \
 308             "Use 32-bit object references in 64-bit VM. "                   \
 309             "lp64_product means flag is always constant in 32 bit VM")      \
 310                                                                             \
 311   notproduct(bool, CheckCompressedOops, true,                               \
 312             "generate checks in encoding/decoding code in debug VM")        \
 313                                                                             \
 314   product_pd(uintx, HeapBaseMinAddress,                                     \
 315             "OS specific low limit for heap base address")                  \
 316                                                                             \
 317   diagnostic(bool, PrintCompressedOopsMode, false,                          \
 318             "Print compressed oops base address and encoding mode")         \
 319                                                                             \
 320   lp64_product(intx, ObjectAlignmentInBytes, 8,                             \
 321           "Default object alignment in bytes, 8 is minimum")                \
 322                                                                             \
 323   /* UseMembar is theoretically a temp flag used for memory barrier         \
 324    * removal testing.  It was supposed to be removed before FCS but has     \
 325    * been re-added (see 6401008) */                                         \
 326   product(bool, UseMembar, false,                                           \
 327           "(Unstable) Issues membars on thread state transitions")          \
 328                                                                             \
 329   /* Temporary: See 6948537 */                                             \
 330   experimental(bool, UseMemSetInBOT, true,                                  \
 331           "(Unstable) uses memset in BOT updates in GC code")               \
 332                                                                             \
 333   diagnostic(bool, UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions, trueInDebug,                  \
 334           "Enable normal processing of flags relating to field diagnostics")\
 335                                                                             \
 336   experimental(bool, UnlockExperimentalVMOptions, false,                    \
 337           "Enable normal processing of flags relating to experimental features")\
 338                                                                             \
 339   product(bool, JavaMonitorsInStackTrace, true,                             \
 340           "Print info. about Java monitor locks when the stacks are dumped")\
 341                                                                             \
 342   product_pd(bool, UseLargePages,                                           \
 343           "Use large page memory")                                          \
 344                                                                             \
 345   product_pd(bool, UseLargePagesIndividualAllocation,                       \
 346           "Allocate large pages individually for better affinity")          \

 306                                                                             \
 307   lp64_product(bool, UseCompressedOops, false,                              \
 308             "Use 32-bit object references in 64-bit VM. "                   \
 309             "lp64_product means flag is always constant in 32 bit VM")      \
 310                                                                             \
 311   notproduct(bool, CheckCompressedOops, true,                               \
 312             "generate checks in encoding/decoding code in debug VM")        \
 313                                                                             \
 314   product_pd(uintx, HeapBaseMinAddress,                                     \
 315             "OS specific low limit for heap base address")                  \
 316                                                                             \
 317   diagnostic(bool, PrintCompressedOopsMode, false,                          \
 318             "Print compressed oops base address and encoding mode")         \
 319                                                                             \
 320   lp64_product(intx, ObjectAlignmentInBytes, 8,                             \
 321           "Default object alignment in bytes, 8 is minimum")                \
 322                                                                             \
 323   /* UseMembar is theoretically a temp flag used for memory barrier         \
 324    * removal testing.  It was supposed to be removed before FCS but has     \
 325    * been re-added (see 6401008) */                                         \
 326   product_pd(bool, UseMembar,                                               \
 327           "(Unstable) Issues membars on thread state transitions")          \
 328                                                                             \
 329   /* Temporary: See 6948537 */                                              \
 330   experimental(bool, UseMemSetInBOT, true,                                  \
 331           "(Unstable) uses memset in BOT updates in GC code")               \
 332                                                                             \
 333   diagnostic(bool, UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions, trueInDebug,                  \
 334           "Enable normal processing of flags relating to field diagnostics")\
 335                                                                             \
 336   experimental(bool, UnlockExperimentalVMOptions, false,                    \
 337           "Enable normal processing of flags relating to experimental features")\
 338                                                                             \
 339   product(bool, JavaMonitorsInStackTrace, true,                             \
 340           "Print info. about Java monitor locks when the stacks are dumped")\
 341                                                                             \
 342   product_pd(bool, UseLargePages,                                           \
 343           "Use large page memory")                                          \
 344                                                                             \
 345   product_pd(bool, UseLargePagesIndividualAllocation,                       \
 346           "Allocate large pages individually for better affinity")          \

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