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  21  * questions.
  22  */
  24 package jdk.testlibrary;
  26 import java.util.ArrayList;
  27 import java.util.Arrays;
  28 import java.util.List;
  30 /**
  31  * A utility for constructing command lines for starting JDK tool processes.
  32  *
  33  * The JDKToolLauncher can in particular be combined with a
  34  * java.lang.ProcessBuilder to easily run a JDK tool. For example, the following
  35  * code run {@code jmap -heap} against a process with GC logging turned on for
  36  * the {@code jmap} process:
  37  *
  38  * <pre>
  39  * {@code
  40  * JDKToolLauncher jmap = JDKToolLauncher.create("jmap")
  41  *                                       .addVMArg("-XX:+PrintGC");
  42  *                                       .addVMArg("-XX:+PrintGCDetails")
  43  *                                       .addToolArg("-heap")
  44  *                                       .addToolArg(pid);
  45  * ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder(jmap.getCommand());
  46  * Process p = pb.start();
  47  * }
  48  * </pre>
  49  * @deprecated This class is deprecated. Use the one from
  50  *             {@code <root>/test/lib/share/classes/jdk/test/lib}
  51  */
  52 @Deprecated
  53 public class JDKToolLauncher {
  54     private final String executable;
  55     private final List<String> vmArgs = new ArrayList<String>();
  56     private final List<String> toolArgs = new ArrayList<String>();
  58     private JDKToolLauncher(String tool, boolean useCompilerJDK) {
  59         if (useCompilerJDK) {
  60             executable = JDKToolFinder.getJDKTool(tool);
  61         } else {
  62             executable = JDKToolFinder.getTestJDKTool(tool);

  21  * questions.
  22  */
  24 package jdk.testlibrary;
  26 import java.util.ArrayList;
  27 import java.util.Arrays;
  28 import java.util.List;
  30 /**
  31  * A utility for constructing command lines for starting JDK tool processes.
  32  *
  33  * The JDKToolLauncher can in particular be combined with a
  34  * java.lang.ProcessBuilder to easily run a JDK tool. For example, the following
  35  * code run {@code jmap -heap} against a process with GC logging turned on for
  36  * the {@code jmap} process:
  37  *
  38  * <pre>
  39  * {@code
  40  * JDKToolLauncher jmap = JDKToolLauncher.create("jmap")
  41  *                                       .addVMArg("-Xlog:gc*=debug")

  42  *                                       .addToolArg("-heap")
  43  *                                       .addToolArg(pid);
  44  * ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder(jmap.getCommand());
  45  * Process p = pb.start();
  46  * }
  47  * </pre>
  48  * @deprecated This class is deprecated. Use the one from
  49  *             {@code <root>/test/lib/share/classes/jdk/test/lib}
  50  */
  51 @Deprecated
  52 public class JDKToolLauncher {
  53     private final String executable;
  54     private final List<String> vmArgs = new ArrayList<String>();
  55     private final List<String> toolArgs = new ArrayList<String>();
  57     private JDKToolLauncher(String tool, boolean useCompilerJDK) {
  58         if (useCompilerJDK) {
  59             executable = JDKToolFinder.getJDKTool(tool);
  60         } else {
  61             executable = JDKToolFinder.getTestJDKTool(tool);

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